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Latest revision as of 21:35, 29 October 2017

Reporting for Duty
Date of Scene: 23 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Green Lantern (Rayner)

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    It was just another day on duty above Earth in Sector 2814 and Hal Jordan was finishing up Monitor Duty at the Watchtower JL Satellite when a curious thing happens. His ring starts to talk, and says, "Green Lantern of Sector 2814. Detecting Green Lantern ring bearer outside Watchtower."

    Looking down at his ring, Hal frowns. "A Green Lantern. Outside." Moving towards the computer and the sensors, Hal brings up the monitor and detects a new arrival. "Who is that?"

    Taping a few commands, Hal authorizes the visitor to enter on his authorization. "This should be interesting..." With the command acknowledged, the nearest airlock opens, beckoning Kyle inside...

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    The ring is hailed. "Deputy Green Lantern of sector #2814 Rayner, Kyle, reporting to senior Green Lantern. May I.. oh!" He sees the airlock. There is a flash of green light. The kid is fast and deft in space as he darts to the airlock. His uniform forming up around him as he approaches. The figure is fit. Cameras show he has already customized his uniform. His mask hides more of his face. as he waits, the young man actually turns the mask off as the airlocks work to seal and reseal. He steps through the airlock and moves to a quiet, confident, easy 'at ease' position on the other side of the airlock.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Floating above the floor ever so slightly, Hal Jordan moves towards the air lock where Kyle was entering. Ensuring this wasn't a trap or something unexpected, Hal Jordan scans the area, and then nods. As the inner door opens, Hal is there to greet the young man.

    "Welcome aboard the Watchtower Green Lantern." Hal smiles. "Um. I wasn't expecting a new arrival." Hal looks the young man over. "How have you been? Long time no see." Hal smiles, and offers his hand.

    "Deputy Green Lantern of 2814 huh? Not bad?" Hal shakes his head. "Good to see you. Nice outfit."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    The handshake is hard. Firm. Fast. "Well. Umm, yeah?" His eyes drift over the lighthouse. "Terrans built this?" he asks it warmly. Hal's seen so much more, but there is a hint of pride in Kyle's voice. As if there is hope. His eyes meet the older man's and his grin is warm. "I will forward reports to you. I stopped a few pirates on my way home. Minor stuff. I should have reported in sooner, but I had to put my life back together, and start getting some money in." His voice is quiet. "I figured you would understand. They don't really pat us." A hand pushes through his hair. "Kilowog wanted me to punch you hard and say it was from him." He adds quietly. "I am your assistant. I'll do whatever scut work you want handled. With the sector getting busy... and them wanting to keep an eye on me."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Finishing the handshake, Hal nods, looks around, and says, "Yeah. Some of us have some skills, that's for sure. With a smattering of alien technology tossed in for good measure, here and there." Hal motions for Kyle to follow, and Hal takes him on a tour while they continue their conversation.

    "I am sure your reports will be outstanding." Hal nods, still smiling. "I promise to read them." Hal chuckles. "Pirates huh? Well, good work then. As for your personal life, you don't have to tell me. It's tough keeping it all together, especially with this ring. I understand. I really do." Hal holds up his ring hand whole affirming Kyle's comments.

    "Ha! Kilowog, that old poozer. Of course he'd say that!" Hal laughs, and says, "Assistant huh? Well, that's fine. I think we can trust you to do the right thing. You are a good kid, I can see it." Hal looks at the young man once more, nodding. "Oh, and they will always want to keep "an eye on you". They still keep me under close surveillance as well I bet." Hal's smile turns into a grin.

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Actually. Ganthet mucked about with my ring." Kyle says it quietly. "Before he started his... new agency." Kyle's words are guarded. "How it escaped scrutiny, or why they did not pull it." Kyle frowns. "If you catch heat over me, I am sorry. And my personal life... is complicated." Kyle says softly. "I am looking for Major Force. I need to... apprehend him." he sounds like he wants to do more. He really wants to stuff the thing's corpse in a refrigerator.
    His footfalls are quite. Kyle has a light footfall. He's pensive.
    "I'll do what you need me to do. I know you have responsibilities here." he points at the station. "So I will handle patrols you need handled. Just whatever I can do to handle the workload and make everything better. Please let the League know I exist though? So I am not hassled too much? I live in New York. So, that is where I can be found."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "No worries kid. I'm okay with a little heat. After all, its part of the job being a veteran of the Corps." Hal looks at Kyle's ring with a curious expression for a moment, but doesn't ask. Looking back at Kyle, Hal nods. "All personal lives are complicated. Especially for those of us who wear masks. All good."

    Hal turns the corner, towards the trophey centre, and stops. "Major Force? Now there is a bad character. What are you looking for him for?" Hal frowns. His eyes are a bit troubled, but it was hard to tell through the mask.

    "Thanks kid! I appreciate the help. Yeah, responsibilities here. Deputy Chairman. Keeping things together, trying not to let them fall apart. Then, the sector...it's great having the extra ring in the Sector, with John and Guy not active." Hal nods. "I'll let the League know you are around and active. You could always take my place if I'm not around and they need a GL. New York it is."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "I'm not Justice League material." Kyle demurs quietly. "Though if you run into Alan Scott... butter him up for me? I met his daughter. She is... outrageously hot." Kyle actually caught the look. He's perceptive. he casually removes to ring, and holds it out to Hal. His uniform doesn't waver. he can already remotely control and access it. "Go ahead." His voice is low. "All I know is it was tampered with, and now there are blue lanterns. I think he tinkered with it to figure out how it worked. But I think that is why I am with you. I'm not like the other Lanterns. I'm an artist. I'm... creative. I'm an odd duck." Kyle owns it. "I think that is why they want me working under you. You are a living legend."
    Rather than gush about Hal, Kyle meets the older man's gaze. "Major force killed my live in girlfriend and stuffed her in my refrigerator back when I was in LA, when I first got this thing." Kyle pulls in a breath. "After all the training I have been through... well I intent to make him eat a refrigerator." There is steel in his voice.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal takes a moment and puts his right hand on Kyle's shoulder. "You'll gain the experience and get better. I was like you when starting out. Inexperienced and prone to screw ups. We all start somewhere. That doesn't mean you aren't JL material." Hal smiles, and drops his hand back at his side. Hal then shakes his head.

    "Ah. Jade. Yes, well, just don't let Alan catch you looking at her funny." Hal chuckles. That was when Kyle holds the ring out to him. Hal takes it, and examines it with a perceptive eye. "Interesting..." Hal takes a moment, and wills his ring to scan it and mentally concentrates, telling his ring to do an analysis.

    Holding it out for Kyle to take back, Hal says, "Well, we could use an artist or two. Pilots, cops, architects...why not someone extremely creative?" Hal chuckles.

    A living legend...Hal frowns and holds up his other hand, palm out. "Well kid, I do my best, but I'm not a "living legend". I'm just like you...a Green Lantern. Plus, I've been lucky. Very lucky." Hal winks.

    A refrigerator. "Ah. I heard about that..." Hal shakes his head, and grimaces, ever so slightly. "That was...unforgivable what he did. Your girlfriend..." Hal sighs, and says, "Look, I understand. You need to find him. Bring him to justice. If you need my help, call me and I'm there. Do what you got to do."

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    "Hal?" Kyle lets the name come out. It's quiet, but it is is intimate. "The only reason I am going after him is because I will not be afraid of him."There is that steel again. "What worries me is it won't be justice. I might bring you in, just to see to it that it is justice. We hsve to be better than that. I do, anyways." He clears his throat. 'Actually I have a date with her later on. She just doesn't know it yet. She's sharp. She picked me out in a crowd and came after me for what i was." He grins just a little, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "So if he comes howling for blood. Yeah. That is me with is daughter." His hand nervously goes through his hair, and after picking his ring up he looks at it for a moment. "Uhm. Hey what is up with the star cruiser out by the moon?" he means the Legionnaire ship. 'And the privateer in sister?" He means Coco's ship. "Mind if I check those out? They feel like a good way to let folks know you've got back up and maybe keep things, uhm, chill?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hearing his name, Hal takes a moment, and looks at Kyle. "Yes Kyle?" Hal uses his name as well. "AH. Look, I can appreciate that." Hal takes a breath, and lets it out slowly. "You have been through something that truly changes you. It is how you respond to that which will determine what type of man...and Green Lantern...you want to become. I know you have it in you to make that right choice, which is why will always have your back." Hal smiles, in a comraderie-type way, treating the young man before him as an equal.

    "Justice is a broad term. Interpretation is important. We are kind of "space cops" although I hate that term. If you feel that Earth justice is not enough, than perhaps the Sciencells on Oa would be better suited to him. He has committed a crime against one of us. Our justice may be fit better." Hal nods. "However, it is up to you. I leave his judgement in your very capable hands, Kyle. I know you can handle it!"

    A quick change of the subject, and a real laugh from Hal as he looks at the young man with amusement. "Well, good luck with her. She's a handful, to say the least." Shaking his head again, Hal adds, "Our heart knows what it wants." Hal gets a bit pensive, thinking about Carol, and then his smile returns almost as fast as it was gone.

    "The Legion Cruiser and the Privateer...sure, feel free to check them out. They are both interesting, and a great way to break you in." Hal nods. "Good idea!"

Green Lantern (Rayner) has posed:
    The grin reaches his eyes when he's called Kyle. "I can't be you. Part of me wishes you could. I read everything I could on you." Kyle pauses. "But you are right. I can't be you. I am me. I am not a badass ringlinger, but one day... I will be." Kyle says that with confidence. "I approach stuff differently than the others. you are smart enough to use me as an asset." It's that simple to him. "But you also understand things I do not. I... did not consider Oa as a good place for that monster."
    Nodding his head, and filing 'Legion Cruiser' mentally to look up, Kyle agrees. "I will get to them, then I will forward you a report. Getting some weirdness out towards the core side. I might zip out there over the weekend. We're a quiet sector, but I am... self employed, so you can send me places for a few weeks and it will not lose me a job." Kyle moves his shoulders. "So whatever you need done, don't hesitate." he offers his hand. "I have eaten up your time. Use the ring. Call me when you are in New york. Jade will buy you lunch." He's confident about that one.