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Latest revision as of 22:01, 29 October 2017

A Poorly-Planned Invasion.
Date of Scene: 23 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Today's lesson is: when invading an alien planet, don't rely on google translate.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raven, Starfire, Red Robin, Wonder Girl

Stardust has posed:
The tiny spacecraft had not exactly crashed, thought at first glance it would be hard to tell the difference. The descent hadn't been entirely uncontrolled, but trees had suffered, and the vehicle was not entirely upright. Call it poor driving. It had certainly been a noisy enough landing to have attracted considerable attention, and within minutes of the 'landing', more than one secretive government agency was in attendance. And now they are arguing.

The forces surrounding the vehicle have set up a defense perimeter, but little progress has been made to get any further. Two rival drone teams argue over who gets to send their drone in first. This may take some time. When they finally get themselves sorted out, they'll find they're too late. The passengers have already fled.

Barely mile away from the heavy forces surrounding the empty scout ship, four short, stocky, red-skinned aliens have stumbled across an open-air concert being held in the grounds of the Metropolis State University. Exchanging growls and grunts, the aliens spread through the panicking crowd, threatening people with hand-held trumpet-shaped objects that are, presumably, some kind of weapon. Hostages are taken, and a larger trumpet-shaped object on a tripod is set up just in time to blow the rear-half off of a police car arriving on the scene.

Within minutes, a small circle of police and campus security are in place, keeping their distance from the obviously dangerous weapon, and negotiations start. "Let the hostages go!" calls out a nervous policeman.

One of the aliens, presumably the leader, steps forwards, and makes a loud pronouncement in guttural growls. A small metal box slung around his neck crackles to life. <<Do not perform inadequate service! We are diminished of treasure. Amend! Do not destroy the clock.>>

It's obviously a translation device, but also unfortunately obviously a very bad one.

Witnessing the first moments of this tense stand-off from atop a roof is novice super-hero Stardust. She breathes out slowly, and makes a phone call. "Uh. Hello? Is this... the Titans? Um... Vorpal gave me this number. There are aliens at Metropolis State University, and I think I may be a little out of my depth here..."

Raven has posed:
Rachel Roth has very few things that give her genuine fun. Today was not a genuinely fun day. Most training sessions see Raven at least getting her hands duty, but this particular workout, she's mostly here to use her ability to heal on anyone who goes to hard... Or, well, gets in a little too over their head. Such isn't even the case today, as the training turnout has been Raven, Star, Cassie, and Red Robin. The latter three are having a go at one another- friendly, of course, but the raucous sound of various gadgets being slung and green bolts of energy essentially-deleting portions of their training room is hardly entertainment, especially as the most visually impressive of the three is hardly the loudest, as Cassie's more... Straightforward, punch-centric style of combat makes her less aurally aggressive than the other two.

The phone rings, too, which only breaks up the monotony of not-entirely-violent training in which Raven is not taking part, by adding in more monotony. Like a 50s receptionist that is decidedly tired of her job, Raven answers in a single tone of voice, and responds with none of the presence and genuine concern that would be present on an invested human being. "Titans. Okay. We're on our way."

By this point, the two in the training room are finished throwing things at one another and are wrapping up. This is when Raven enters, and with all of the ceremony in the world, she speaks: "Guys?" she comments, to the recovering trio in the room. "Aliens." she responds, to her own question, before abruptly and directly teleporting all three of them to where they'd been instructed to go. None of them are -injured- necessarily, and at worst the two that had been fighting could be described as 'tuckered out.' Of course, Raven's form of teleportation is a little bit terrifying, to be frank, as it most accurately resembles being... Devoured. By shadow. That seems to come out of nowhere. As well, she does this essentially without consent, and doesn't wait for a response from anyone involved. In fact, there's barely a window for one, as the moment Raven utters the word "Aliens," she makes a gesture with her hands flat, fingers out, and then her soul-self strikes, practically dragging the other Titans with her. Kicking and screaming, if need be (Though considering the superheroic nature of her comrades, it's more likely to be Stomping and Bickering instead.)

Yes, Raven does it out of spite. Yes, she also does something -else- out of spite, because instead of getting to be part of everything, Red-Rob instead gets teleported to the monitor room. To watch. And answer the phone.

Starfire has posed:
What a wonderous piece of technology! That an alien device can access Google Translate without having previous access to the Earth internet...!

O...oh. They are using their own devices? With their own databanks?

Perhaps translation software galaxy wide had such issues? But as it was - Starfire never really worried about that. The Tamaranean tongue was most adept at learning new languages after all. Starfire herself - /forced/ to not use her powers (on Tim - Cassie got no breaks) in the little war with the others - twists around, a wicked look of victory on her face when. The /phone/ rings. Tim no doubt gets a free hit or two in as Starfire turns to look at the direction of the phone call, the young Tamaranean nearly vibrating with anticipation as she waits for Raven to saunter back.

"What is the news, friend Raven!" she just about exclaims, lifting up off of the ground, and tucking her boots up against her behind. She was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, and a purple blousy top. It had a kitten on it. With big blue eyes in the center of the chest. And it was obviously her workout clothes.

Clasping her hands in front of herself, and tilting herself forward until she was nearly horizontal with the ground, Starfire lets her smile spring across her lips, wide as Raven says... 'Aliens'.

In a moment, Starfire's smile drops, and she brings up a hand to point at her own nose, looking guiltily from Raven to Robin. "But I am allowed he---"

Starfire was beginning to speak, you see, before Raven teleports them all to the scene of combat. "...re?"

Blink blink.

"But I am not in my clothes especially for the superheroing!" she calls. Without delaying, though, Starfire starts to lift into the air, her hands and eyes glowing with green. "Titans!" she calls, her eyes surveying the situation. Her eyes swivel around, and find Stardust, and the suddenly fierce look on her features fades. But not before she can call... ! "Go!"

Lifting up a hand, she waves towards Stardust, suddenly torn between war and greeting an obviously superheroic friend. "Hello!" she calls out. "Would you like to help? Unless you are the alien that is causing the mayhem."

Red Robin has posed:
Behold. The Mightest of Bo Staff Twirling... by Red Robin.

The graduated bird of Gotham is in mid-jump kick when things are no longer in the world of the space where things were actually training and useful. In fact, he had already landed a sweet two-hit combo upon Starfire before taking to the air with a somersaulting jump-kick in Cassie's direction. However, these things were not about to be allowed to come to full on fruition. No. Not while there were people with the ability to displace him through time and space.

... and up the freaking stairs.

Red Robin comes out of the teleportation special effects with an outstretched leg and compensates the moment he realizes what has happened. he hits the floor and rolls, popping up and putting the staff on his belt. All this happens in the span of the time it takes him to head over to the chair and drop down into it, fingers immediately dancing over the keys to pull up the location of his Titans signals. Monitors all around him flicker to life with various angles and visuals of the situation at hand.

"Raven." Red Robin's voice is as neutral toned as Batman's would be in this moment. There's just a hint of 'annoyed' lingering on it as well. "I hate it when you do that."

Red Robin's peace has been said and the tech monger is working his fingers over the keys and swiping through screens way too fast for somebody who just got into the room. "I've got eyes. But somebody give me a SitRep." Red Robin checks a few more screens. "There's a couple blindspots..." Even as he says that, though, he's already typing some code to try and work around them.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie does like her punching!

For her, the practice bouts are usually something enjoyable, and her and Starfire have been training in a broad variety of ways. From their trips to the Amazonian gymnasium to more typical sessions at the Tower, sometimes with weapons, sometimes without, they've had quite a bit of opportunity to practice. Cassie, of course, has a rather impressive losing streak against the alien woman with her lifelong warrior training, at least where it's come to their weapon bouts, generally more focused on technique than on power. So this session, with the power selection opened up a bit more.. well, she savors having a chance to actually punch her friend like she means it a time or two! Lovingly! But also kinda hard. Sadly, Tim never gets to see any attempts at rope bondage. Maybe next time?

Either way, she looks up and gives a wide-eyed blink at Rachel's rather matter-of-fact declaration of aliens... on the phone? Do aliens have their phone number? It's not totally impossible. Though she doesn't have a whole lot of time to ponder the question as Raven's shadow-soul reaches out to engulf and carry them away, depositing them... well, uh, in some park? "Wait what- er, huh? Where'd we?" Insert a bit of comical confusion and looking around as she gets her bearings, of course probably looking a bit like Starfire does, sweaty wearing a sports bra and athletic shorts rather than a more super-heroine-y ensemble. Not that her heroing ensemble is all that flashy, with the pants and 'W' t-shirt and all. At least she has her bracers on, for the hardcore training!

Appearing near Colette, someone she does at least recognize, she continues her confused search for understanding: "What's going on? Aliens?" Though looking ahead, well, it's hard to MISS some of what's going on. Stafire's command, of course, she is happy to obey, and the girl launches skywards, soaring out over the chaotic crowd to try and get a better view of the whole mess.

Stardust has posed:
Thanks to Raven's handy rapid teleportation, the scene at the campus has only gone a little down-hill by the time they arrive. Stardust stands on her own half way between the police perimeter and the cluster of aliens. The police are at least doing a good job of keeping civilians out of danger's way, though a cluster of three small craters in the ground around Stardust, and the dirt sprayed up one side of her no far-from spotlessly white costume, indicate she's had a bit of dodging to do.

  <<Do not fzz...k promote, human! Alternatively we shall *szgbdle* this one!>> The lead alien shakes a nervous hostage by the arm, threatening him with his weapon.

"No szgbdling anyone!" Stardust yells back, pointing an accusing finger. "If you szgbdle that hostage, I'll szgbdle you!"

<<We kzk..frk.. require insurance!>>

"Insurance? What? Do I look like an insurance broker where you come from?"

The arrival of the Titans is noticed by one of the aliens, who responds with a loud <<Observe, captain! More of krk... the runting *grflzaks*! This metamorphoses into a runting mess.>>

<<Shut your hole!>> the captain bellows at his crew-being. <<Retain maximum civilization! No swearing!>>

Following the alien's cue, Stardust turns to see the arrival of... well she hopes that's the Titans. "/Me/ an alien?" she replies to Starfire, disbelievingly. "Do I /LOOK/..." she fades out, taking the details of Starfire's appearance in, and satisfies herself with blinking. Which redoubles when she notices... "Cassie? Uh. Aliens! Hostages!" Just in case this isn't a sufficient explanation, she points to the confusing invaders. "Them."

Back at the tower, Robin's quickly able to tap into the campus security cameras, and pulls up a view from the rear of the group. There he can see one of the aliens, crouched behind the captain, appears to be assembling some kind of apparatus. It's impossible to tell what, but it's surely not something good.

Raven has posed:
Rachel Roth looks basically like someone rebelling against her parents. Whereas Star has a valid reason for wearing something that looks like workout clothes, Raven's outfit looks like someone wanted to work out in something specifically unique. She has to be wearing tights, but everything below the waist downright looks like she's trying to start superheroing in yoga pants and combat boots- low heeled, and strapped up all the way to the knee, Raven's hands linger within her rather incredibly ornate sweater.

Hood up, Raven starts striding forward. "I'll see what I can do about the tone of this whole thing." she offers, before reaching up to press her fingers to her ear. "Red Robin, you should not hate things. It is bad for you." she responds to the communication, which will likely turn their monitor room into the Den of Angry Bird Noises for a short moment following. Raven is going to slip forward, and take to the ground. It'll probably take some doing, but Raven can teleport a short distance into the crowd of hostages itself in order to get close enough to start reaching out empathically. They might be too panicked to do a whole lot- but all the same, she may be able to calm this situation down while, she reckons, Star readies some form of Sunny Diplomacy. Whether that happens to be starbolts or just conversing with the aliens, Raven doesn't know yet.

Sadly though, Raven has a little more information to go on than the others, as she can -feel- the fear and terror from the hostages and crowd, and also the panic and confusion from the alien criminals- so she doesn't really need to be filled in or directed, as it were. This places her into a place of direct action, whereas Star and Cassie probably have questions.

Starfire has posed:
Does she look like an alien? Starfire's eyes widen, and she tilts her head a bit to one side, biting her lower lip as she considers Stardust. "Ummmm...."

But she knew Cassie, apparently! Which most likely meant that she was (probably) not the problem in this scenario. "Right!" Flying straight up, and spinning as she goes, Starfire levels off, aiming straight down at the alien line, her eyes flickering across the gathered group - levelling off to kinda hover in front of them, her eyes drifting from the hostage, to the aliens, and then back again. No doubt Raven was doing her Raveny things.

Lifting up a hand, Starfire intones, calling out to the aliens themselves. "Hello, friends! Please cease doing harm to the people here - if you are lost, we can certainly help you become unlost."

Twisting around, she looks towards Stardust as she takes a more aggressive tactic, Starfire trying to hold a more regal sort of poise, keeping her arms away from her sides, palms facing towards the others.

"Are you Ravagers?" she asks, her tone lifting up in a sort of commanding tone. The Tamaranean version of regal and the... kitten shirt probably wasn't helping matters any.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Yeah, you better not szgbdle any hostages or you're gonna regret it, pal!" shouts Cassie from the air, an imperious and angry echo of Stardust's own words. That said, beyond the aggressive bravado that comes rather easily to the otherwise far from intimidating looking young woman, she's still totally stumped by what is even going on, other than the, er, obvious aliens pointing weird trumpets at people. She can see that! But that's about it.

"Who are these guys?" she calls down at Colette, who she only assumes must have some clue of what is going on. "Do you know where they came from? Why are they at a... concert?" Then, still hovering, holding back from outwardly aggressive moves that might set the aliens off, she looks sidelong at her fellow flying female. "You know what these things are, Kori?" Because all aliens must know each other, right? So racist! But in all seriousness, she figures their resident space Princess is far more likely to be in the know when it comes to odd visitors from other worlds.

Starfire taking the diplomatic approach (which is definitely not angry punch-happy god-girl's forte) is no surprise, and Cassie largely leaves her to it. Instead, while the aliens talk, she studies the situation on the ground, the position of the aliens (and creeping Raven), the hostages they're holding, and their weapons. She's fast enough that she could probably swoop in and disable one or two before they had a chance to shoot, depending on how close they are to one another. But maybe, probably, not ALL of them. So that's not quite good enough! Still, if any dare to try, she's primed to move.

Stardust has posed:
Raven's efforts to calm the hostages have immediate effect. The mixture of fear, bafflement and generalized disbelief leaves them particularly susceptible, and there's a noticeable relaxation. The minds of the aliens are less penetrable though. Nervousness, confusion, a streak of bloodthirstiness and an ocean of greed. Their minds are on the prize, even if it's not very clear what prize they are actually after.

One hostage is so relaxed about the whole situation that he starts to wander off, but is grabbed by the arm by the shortest the aliens. <<Hoy, odiferous rot-grub! No departures! Return to krrk... location, *snurgfut*>>

<<INEPT CREW!>> the captain roars, cuffing his companion around the head. <<I indicated, remain civilized!>>

  Stardust follows Cassie's lead, lifting up into the air to float beside her. "No idea who they are and where they're from," she replies. "They seem to be pretty clueless though. But watch that gun-thing they've got, it's pretty powerful. They seemed more interested in shooting at me than at hostages so far though, maybe we should just like pick one each and charge them?"

<<We ravage all things!>> the captain replies to Starfire. <<Directions are irrelevant. Yes! Help, but not directions. Provide treasure, or ravaging shall occur. All shall be ravaged! >> He shakes his fist mightily.

The alien's attention seems to be focused on Starfire and the two other fliers. Perhaps unaware of earth fashions, Raven for the moment seems to be just one of the crowd, as far as the aliens are concerned, and she's able to get close enough to see the hidden assembly going on behind the captain. There's definitely some kind of machinery being put together.

Starfire has posed:
Whether or not Raven could spy the machinery at work, Starfire pauses a few moments, drawing her tongue over her lips. Her eyes glance over her shoulder - towards Cassie and Stardust both. "What sort of treasure do you wish?" asks Starfire - keeping her hands to the side, Starfire floats to a more normal angle, her eyes watchful.

It was the captain that she was floating towards, although any kind of sudden warning moves made by the aliens would stop her right into her tracks. And Starfire... had absolutely no idea just what might be going on behind them, in the crowd.

A beat.

"We do you wish for you to hurt anyone here - let us find that treasure together?" she asks.

And maybe, just maybe - she gets within arms reach of the captain, sharing only the briefest of glances over her shoulder towards Stardust and Cassie. Was Cassie going to do something? Starfire had a plan of her own, but... perhaps the warrior Amazon had one as well!

Wonder Girl has posed:
For all her bluster, Cassie is perfectly willing to be reasonable. If the aliens were really just lost, or looking for something important, or... you know, any one of probably a lot of perfectly valid reasons for aliens to be on earth not trying to murder anyone, she'd be fine with that. But all that shouting about treasure and ravaging seems a wee bit less innocent. And she's not really authorized to hand over earth's treasure, either!

So, with increasing belligerency from the aliens, the flying girl very much prepares for the less friendly solution. As Stardust comes up next to her, she bobs her head in a quick agreement. "Yeah, I think just blitz em. All of us go at once, and we knock 'em flat before they know what's what." Of course this isn't shouted, as her prior threats. And when Starfire looks back from the stage, Cassie cocks her head sideways, nodding toward one of the aliens below her, while making a fist. That's about as clear as she thinks she can make her plans without yelling them! Raven below, well- she's a smart girl! She'll figure out what's happening.

So, beside Colette, Cassie will give a murmured, "One, two..."

And then she bursts into action: "Go!"

On Cassie's part, action equals swooping down on one of the alien hostage-takers as soon as, in their apparently less-than-disciplined fashion, it doesn't have its trumpet actually pointed at the hostage. While their training room bouts are rarely so all-out, she's not going to risk any of the civilians here, and moves far faster than the human (and hopefully, alien) eye can follow, crashing into the pair to intervene herself between alien and human while also punching said alien in the face. We did say she likes punching!

Stardust has posed:
<<Treasure of krr..z.. fiscally rewarding import!>> the captain replies to Starfire. <<Wealthy minerals! Artistic zzt... endeavours! Obscure machineries!>>

One of the other aliens taps him on the shoulder and whispers something in his ear. He nods, and adds <<Butlers!>>. Another whisper, and he adds <<Flattened discs employed as tokens of trade!>> Another whisper. The captain glares back at his companion and cuffs him again. <<WHAT? Smelly eater of insects! Repulsive! Remain civilized!>>

The bickering leaves Starfire plenty of opportunity to make her gradual approach, and while the captain finishes beating his henchman, she has easily got herself into arm's reach.

Cassie's countdown elicits a grin and a nod from Stardust, who prepares herself to charge... and is left floating when Cassie swoops. "Wait! What happened to three? Oh never mind..." she says, shrugging as she zooms down after Cassie. Cassie's speed is too great for the aliens to react, and before anyone else is aware of what's happening, the alien is on the floor, weapon dropped clutching his face. <<Rotting indication of pain!>>

  The fourth alien, manning (aliening?) the tripod-mounted gun, has been quiet so far. As it turns out, not due to intense concentration on his job, but because he'd spent the last four cycles drinking himself into oblivion, the reason why their ship crashed. His head droops as he starts to fall asleep, but the sudden attack spurs him to instinctive action. There's a blast of purple energy, and dirt fountains into the air, fortunately not too close to anyone. In a panic, he starts blasting away in the direction of the line of security vehicles, and in the blink of an eye two of them are in flames.

Deciding that the large tripod-mounted weapon is the biggest danger, Stardust changes course, veering towards it. The gunner elevates to try to target her and she dodges once, twice... and is hit from point-blank range. She's momentarily enveloped in purple energy, which quickly fades to leave her apparently unharmed, but frozen absolutely still in mid-air, just inches from the gunner. He stares at her in confusion, then reaches a finger out to poke at her. She doesn't react, so he struggles to re-aim on another target, a complicated task as Stardust is too close to the barrel to allow it to move very far.

The third alien, head still ringing from the cuffing the captain gave him, is no immediate threat, but the fourth, who had been assembling that device, leaps to his feet, waving it above his head. It's cylindrical, and looks badly-made, but that's about all that can be discerned about it. <<Stop war! Alternatively I shall erupt!>>

Starfire has posed:
Okay, so this whole communication thing was getting way out of hand.

Narrowing her green eyes tightly as she approaches the captain proper, and well...

It seems the rest of her team was going for it! That was fine! Reaching out her hands, she hopes to grab the alien captain by the shoulder, lift him up off of his feet, and give him a shake. "This planet is under our protection! It is most rude to come here and attempt to..." What were they attempting to do?

Well - 'floating' back with a little tug to pull the captain off of his feet, Starfire tilts her head to one side, and leans forward - hoping to capture the captain's lips - or the nearest thing he had to them, in a kiss, her eyes - still narrowed - flickering along the others in the field.

She was trusting no one was going to shoot her while this happened!

All in all - it probably made things all the more confusing.

But Starfire had a purpose to this. Promise.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Once Cassie is doing her thing, she doesn't really seem inclined to stop, though she does shoo the former-hostage back from the scene. Otherwise, though, she is in motion, first pausing just to boot the fallen alien's weapon some distance from the fight, before diverting to dart toward the remainder. It's all fast enough that she probably even sees Stardust get shot by the weapon, which provkes a gasp - though perhaps a confused one, given how it freezes her there.

Leaving Starfire to her special brand of interspecies negotitation (how is it that everyone gets kisses but her?!) she focuses in on the armed group. There is a split decision between the one manning the gun and the other with the device, and ultimately, she moves on the latter. The tripod thing moves slowly enough that she thinks, at least, she can dodge it - and that hopefully he won't fire on Starfire while she 'embraces' the captain. Which leaves the abused alien with its device. She's there almost instantly, moving to try and wrench it from the alien's hand. Whether the creature has time to trigger it or not her plan is basically the same - grab it and keep flying. If it explodes, hopefully she can carry it beyond the range of the crowd, at least, and bear the brunt herself.

Stardust has posed:
<<Expression of alarm! End, unpleasantly-flavored foreign female of dubious nature! Release!>> That's the reaction from the captain to being hauled easily from his feet and being kissed by Starfire. Or, as Starfire now understands it, "Argh! Desist, vile alien harlot! Unhand me!"

  MEANWHILE, a short distance away... "Uh... sir? Sir?" Two agency commanders are eyeballing each other, nose to nose. Both want their men in the alien ship first. Neither is giving ground. They snarl at each other. A nervous soldier tugs at the shoulder of his commanding officer, trying to drag his attention from the stand off. "Sir? Please? I think it's empty... there are reports of an alien hostage situation nearby..."

Cassie is too fast, and too strong, for the not very formidable alien. The device is out of his hand and in hers before he can react, and he watches her depart with it, shaking a fist. <<Rotting stink-bag! Reverse!>> (Starfire hears: "Rotting stink-bag! Come back!").

The device in Cassie's hand has some kind of display on it, glowing characters in an unreadable script. The digits are changing... surely a count-down.

As she flies away, the gunner finally manages to get his gun untangled, and starts elevating it to target Cassie as she retreats with the device. Before he's able to, Stardust unfreezes. As if nothing had happened, she swings her fist at the gunner, knocking him silly.

Starfire has posed:

Starfire GASPS at her new understanding.

And that green glow that was once in her eyes? It was burning brighter and hotter. And now, she barks, in something approaching what it may sound like if a gorilla was trying to swallow a toad who was putting up a very good fight for its life; <<"You must /not/ call me a harlot! I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran - and I am here to help protect my new home from people who come and... who come and...">> Tamaraneans were people of action.

The captain may realize this as Starfire attempts a headbutt on the man's nose. She was most displeased, and that was evident with the way that she starts to fly up. <<"I think that you should all get back in your ship and GO HOME.">> Starfire assists this matter by throwing the captain in the direction of the ship.

And, well, the human commanders around it.

<<"RIGHT NOW!">> she says, clenching her fists and glaring at the other aliens, swiveling in a little circle.

Of course, her command of the language wasn't perfect, but she would speak it rather well.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Casie keeps flying, as fast as she can, which is pretty fast, taking the device well out over the sound. She has no idea what to make of the countdown though, only guesswork as the symbols get a little smaller, or have a few less pieces to them, each tick. She just doesn't know what zero looks like. So, after she's far out over the water, she hauls her arm back to throw - and then the thing goes off in her hand with presumably a rather dramatic flash.

Stardust has posed:
There is a dramatic flash.

Oddly enough, that's about all there is. It's bright, but it doesn't seem to do very much. Cassie feels like someone fired a flashgun in her face, but beyond that? It may be the assembly of the device was a little rushed.

The captain scrambles to his feet from where Starfire has thrown him, and runs back towards his ship, short legs pumping furiously. <<Sanctuary, male fellows! Restore to the container!>> (Starfire hears: "Retreat, lads! Return to the vessel!")

  The other aliens don't need telling twice, and are soon running along behind him. <<Rot-bag planet! It's replete with mentally challenged females!>> ("Rot-bag planet! It's full of crazy women!") one calls out.

<<Absence of noise! Be civilized! Did you not hear, she is female ruler of herbs! Utilize decency!>> the captain yells back. ("Silence! Be polite! Didn't you hear, she's princess Koriand'r! Have respect.")

Stardust shakes a fist after them, calling out "Yeah, go on, get off our planet! Or we'll szgbdle you some more!"

  Alas for the rather inept alien brigands, they arrive at their ship just in time to meet the forces of two shady government agencies, just about to go looking for them. Furious arguments immediately erupt as to who gets custody.

<<Oh, Grot-bugs. This was not a beneficial solar rotation.>>