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Latest revision as of 22:16, 29 October 2017

Invasion of the Googlers: Aftermath
Date of Scene: 24 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Stardust, Robin (Wayne), Wonder Girl, Raven

Starfire has posed:
So. If one recalls the situation of just a few moments prior...

Aliens - hell bent on world domination and grabbing precious materials - crash land on Earth in a drunken intergalactic smash and grab mission. However. After being harrassed and beaten by the TITANS - the aliens were turned over to the shadowy alphabet agencies, and Starfire herself - with a new, strange alien language under her belt, seemed very much into the person that helped them out.

Even as Raven teleported the rest of the Titans back to the Tower. Damian might have heard of this whole thing happening by now - and Raven dumping Tim's butt in the monitor room as the rest went to do their little skirmish.

But Raven did not teleport Starfire back to the tower. Either Starfire had to wave her off, or...

She saw that Star was in total friend mode.

"Oh my goodness, I love your hair and eyes, they are like Cassie's? What's your name? Where are you from?! What are your powers?! Do you want to be my friiiiiiiiiiiiiend~?" the last part, especially, was said with a syrupy sweetness and a certain doe-eyed nature slipping into her green eyes as she clutches her hands in front of herself, totally invading Colette's personal space.

She smelled like oranges left too long in the oven.

Regardless, it would be a short flight back to the tower, too - because after Starfire's interrogation, she asks Colette. "Are you hungry? We have many of the pizzas back at our place! Please, join us, and eat!" Star would have a hard time taking no for an answer.

But she would take a no.

Stardust has posed:
After fighting an alien invasion, even a really pretty lame one, you can expect an adrenaline come-down. Some people find themselves totally wired, edgy, all nerves. Some are shaken and exhausted, their whole body stiffened. Some come out buzzing, on a natural high. Colette apparently reacts by being chatty.

I lie, she's always like that.

"Uh... thanks! Yeah well it's not that uncommon on Earth, I mean... hair and eye color. Though... well it's kinda funny, I met Cassie and this other friend and the three of us... I'm called Col... uh... Stardust. Colette. I mean I go by 'Stardust' but I seem to be terrible at the secret identity thing, so Colette. That's my actually name. I'm from France originally, but I lived here most of my life. Is that your natural hair color? I've never seen anything like it, that's pretty awesome!Pizza? No need to say please, you said pizza. Count me in!"

  Apparently she's completely unconcerned by Starfire's space-invading, and answers the Tamaranean with a flood of words to match her own.

  As they arrive at the tower, Colette gives a slightly relieved laugh. "You know... I thought for a moment there I'd dialled the wrong number. When you guys turned up. Like... none of you are Titans I've met previously. Except Cassie. Who I didn't know was one of you guys! She never told me. So I thought for a moment I'd called her by mistake. But she's a Titan! That's..." she looks thoughtful for a few moments then breaks into a broad grin. "Pretty funny, I guess!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Inside of Titans Tower, the younger Robin had been brooding.

  Well, not just brooding, mostly tinkering with his bat skull whistle. He'd been holding a soldering iron and one finger adjusting the zoom function on his mask.

  Damian like his father before him is very protective of his identity, only Tim really knew who he was and he always used hero names when talking to the other Titans.

  Robin worked taking apart the technology he had made when he was ten years old, but he would remake it, better than before.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Was it weird, that Cassie ended up looking kind of dissapointed her heroic 'fly away with the bomb to save the people' amounted to nothing more than a bit of a light-show? Her expression was priceless, even if no one was out there to see it - she flew halfway across the long island sound just to be sure people were safe! Sigh. Still, better than actually getting blown up. Rejoining her friends, it was ascertained that all was well and her would-be heroics fortunately unecessary, the aliens now properly in custody. And so, back to Titans Tower! Colette might get a discrete warning about the pizza on the way back: watch out for the mustard-chocolate ones.

Still, mostly, Cassie is in a good mood. "Colette's helped me once or twice with some criminals and stuff, though I guess we never really got to... show of quite like that before," she'll explain, somewhere along the way. "But I did want her to meet you, Kori." And then a pause and she picks at her top a little. "Ugh. I just wish we'd gotten to change before Raven hauled us over. Probably all kinds of pictures of me now, fighting aliens in my sweaty work-out clothes."

Starfire has posed:
So. If Colette was a chattermonster, and Starfire was a chattermonster - it might be difficult for Cassie to get too many words in edgewise! Or... anyone else for that matter. There was a lot of smalltalk going on in that little flight back towards the Tower from the battlezone. But here are the highlights!

"Oh, you have met Cassie before!" GASP. "YOU were the one who called us!!"

"This /is/ my natural hair color. I am told it is most strange for Earth people to have this hair color, but on Tamaran, it is very very common. You have many Tamaraneans with this hair color, or black." The way Starfire says black suggests that there was a little bit of trouble in her past with black-haired Tamaraneans. Starfire had a hard time hiding things.

"Oh, yes - pizza - but I must tell you. They will warn you of terrible flavors, but I promise you, please try mustard and chocolate pizza at least once. It is the most glorious..." Complete with a handclasp to her chest, and a little twirl while flying, "...Flavor ever!"

"I have not heard of the planet France. Are you a warrior from there?" she asks. And here they were, landing again, the doors of the impressive tower sliding open for them.

"And /this/ is the Titans Tower - it was built for us by these most generous Earth people, who wanted us to have a safe place here where we can help and protect the community. By kicking out very rude and egragious alien raiders, yes," she says.

"How did you two meet each other?" she asks, before glancing down at her own clothes. Black sweat pants. And a purple shirt that had a silvery cartoon kitten on it, with big blue doe eyes. It was most adorable.

"Well - I think that most people will not care about our clothes as much as they will care about us being heroes!" she says, flexing her noodle arms.

Stardust has posed:
"Mustard and chocolate?" Colette looks partly queasy, partly curious. "Actually mustard was involved when I first met Cassie. There was a hot dog. And some muggers. I got mustard on my nose when I was trying to stop them and Cassie helped." She stops, thinks over what she just said, and clarifies. "With the muggers, not the mustard. And no, France is a country not a planet."

"So I guess that whole 'You show me yours' thing happened quicker than we expected huh?" Colette tells Cassie with a grin. "After that library thing, I figured you were... you know. But not... this. I mean. Damn, you're fast, girl! Should I expect to find Courtney hiding somewhere?" Colette peers around the lobby of the tower, as if expecting to see the third blonde hanging around there right now.

Colette looks down at her dirt-spattered uniform. "Hey at least you don't look like you had a mud-bath, Cass. Uh, talking of which..." she closes her eyes, and concentrates, and with a brief shimmer of light her costume is clean again. And different. It's got the same white and pale blue-gray coloration, and the same slighty hint of sparkliness. However instead of being full body, it's now sleeveless and calf-length.

  "So," Colette continues. "Yeah. Actually I've been here before," she mentions when Starfire presents the tower. "Funnily, the day before Cassie and I got into that thing at the library... I was helping out Vorpal and a couple of others, came here afterwards for pizza. So this is my second Titans Tower Pizza Experience. There was no chocolate and mustard last time though. And none of you guys. It was Vorpal, and Beast Boy, and uh... whassisname. Um. Cave man. Ninja Kid." Colette spoods the Brooding One, taking devices apart in a brooding fashion. "HIM!"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie doesn't make much effort to fight in for conversational space as Colette and Kori seem to be getting along: she knows how friendly their resident alien is, and there's no sense fighting it! Colette may as well get the full Titans introduction. So she'll add the occasional bit of confirmation as Colette tells their story, just a detail here and there. "Mmm yeah, well, there were SO many people there. It's not even so much about secrecy - Diana is open with her identity so I don't think I might end up following her example - but sometimes throwing around too much power can make a situation worse. Action and reaction, and all that. Hah, I just learned that in my Physics 101." She's very proud!

Looking over at Stafire, she grumbles, "I know you Tamaraneans are way more... uh, liberal fashion wise, but it's kind of a big deal here. I like looking my best when I go out, whether it's to hero or otherwise!" Not that she's some hyper fashoin conscious sort, with her tomboyish t-shirts and jeans and other similar styles. But still! And this leads to her gawking a bit at Colette's 'insta-clean' routine. "Oh my GOD. That's... so handy."

Then all this chatter aside, she looks ahead when Colette points. "Oh, HIM. One of our newbies." She grins. "Well, if this is your second visit... that has to be close to official, right Kori? Like, are we gonna ask her?"

Raven has posed:
Rachel Roth had returned everyone to the tower, but she never really said that everyone was going to the same place. However, despite basically subsisting on spite and snark, Raven doesn't put everyone in a different place. Instead, everyone else is transported to the main room, while Raven herself was placed in her own room, in which she stayed for a rather long time.

When she actually comes out into the living room, Raven seems entirely unsurprised that pizza plans, and new people, had been introduced to the tower. While not a vegetarian, a human being can only tolerate so much pizza in their life, and as such, Raven somewhat declines to participate in the consuming portion. It's just as well, because if Kori does the ordering, it's something of a race to get your slice before there's mustard on it, and Raven has lost that race before. Instead, she goes about preparing for herself a small salad. "This is Robin." she introduces, as if it was her job, gesturing to Damian. "He's kind of like our small dog, in that he makes a great amount of noise and vibrates at the same time. You'll have to watch him for the moment, because someone left the muzzle off. He bites."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
With a resounding 'HIM!' Damian is startled from his minute work startled. "Dammit, what the hell!" He swears, looking up and seeing what exactly was going on.

  Once he sees Colette, the boy shakes his head. "Soldering irons and loud noises don't mix." He offers, finishing the soldering point he was working on before setting the iron down. "She knows who I am, Raven." He says, giving a frown. "Colette." Where Red Robin was nice at times, Robin was almost all business and grumpy.

Starfire has posed:
"What makes France different from all the other countries? If you do not wish to say, I can ask the Google, and they will tell me everything too," says Starfire, lazily doing a barrel roll as she floats there in midair. The princess of Tamaran was not much for walking in a variety of situations.

Eyes flicker between Colette and Cassie then, kinda pursing her lips. Although, her green eyes spark brighter, and an 'ooooo' comes from her as the dirt-spattered uniform is shiny once more. "Is that your super power? Can you clean my clothes as well?" she asks, her voice sounding honestly more stunned than if she had lifted the Titans Tower with her mind, or something.

Blinking over at Cassie, Starfire cants her head to one side, ignoring the hair falling into her eyes as her lazy barrel roll completes. "I have heard that some people are getting tired of the pizza, though, and wish for more variety of Earth foods to enjoy. Perhaps... we could..." Starfire was sounding reluctant. She was /really/ looking forward to mustard and chocolate, oozing together on that floppy bread crust. "... get something else. If people wish for other foods. So..."

A beat, and Starfire brings up a hand, pointing at Raven. "You choose what we will consume tonight, friend Raven!" she enthuses, giving the woman a brilliant smile. It was easy for her to do.

Righting herself, Starfire floats almost vertically. "We are liberal fashion wise?" she asks. A beat. "What do you mean, Cassie? I did not know that you knew Tamaranean fashion!" she enthuses. "Is there a Tamaranean tailor nearby? I would love to begin wearing things from home again, very much!"

As for asking her, Starfire pauses, turning her eyes back towards Colette, her eyes widening. "You wish to join with us, even! Oh, joy of joys! I think this would be a most glorious occasion if you would! Come! We must feast and eat, and tell of our history!"

A beat. Starfire pauses. They needed food before feasting.

Her eyes turn expectantly towards Raven.

Stardust has posed:
"Robin! That's it! I'm so bad with names." Colette snaps her fingers and nods thanks to Raven for the name. "Small dog, huh? Well that would explain why he and Vorpal were eyeing each other up like that." Totally oblivious to soldering irons, she gives a bright smile, a wave, and calls out "HEYA ROBIN! Did you ever figure out why you copy drives instead of just taking them?"

"It's a little less handy than it looks," Colette confides in Cassie. "I mean yeah, it's super-handy really. And great if I need to get in costume in a hurry? But..." she pauses for a few moments, shrugs her shoulders, and continues. "But it's not exactly me doing it. Which can cause arguments. I have also yet to hear a rational explanation as to why it only works for crime-fighting costumes. Otherwise it would be /really/ handy. And no, Starfire. I can't do other people's. It's... it's not really a super power, it's... uh. I don't know how... wait." Her eyes defocus slighting, and after a few moments, she says "Okay, apparently there isn't a good term for it in English. But something like... >>techno-sorcerous quantal interface device<<" This last part she says in appallingly accented Tamaranean. "Please tell me if I just said something embarrassing. If so, I need to kill someone. " She pauses again. "Who's already dead," she adds with a sigh.

"France is like other countries except with better pastry," Colette concludes, deciding that's far easier to explain.

Raven has posed:
Rachel Roth really only has the one thing to say. She can only respond in one fashion, and that fashion somewhat ignores Damian, who responded very sensibly to her description of him, which partially makes it less fun.

"Her mother was a saint." Raven responds, to Colette's Tamaranean. Of course, she didn't actually speak the language, but snark is universal, specifically, she doesn't need to speak the language to make jokes.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Yeah! France is where a lot of good food comes from. Wine, bread, and cheese. Fancy deserts - crepes, croissants!" This is how Cassie explains the difference between France and... the other places to Kori. Food will explain everything! "Oh, also they eat snails. Or you always hear that." She makes a face at this, less into those than pastries. And since the talk turns to food in general, she points out: "I actually got some fresh groceries and a few pre-made greek dishes. I was at this uh, food festival thing the other day and picked a few things up. It should all be in the fridge." Should. Who knows if someone has gone and eaten it all. They do have a guy who turns into giant animals living there!

"But we can definitely order something different. You should learn other cuisines than just pizza."

Fashion wise, she holds up her hands. "Oh I don't really. Just like, a lot of your outifts, you said they're pretty... normal I guess? But they'd be a bit more eye-raising here." And she won't even begin to try and follow what Colette is talking about, clotheswise. "Well... that's cool?" Smile and nod.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian nods to Colette. Having found out the reason why they copy the drives. "Security and virus protection are the main reasons."

  Robin had only delayed his response to Raven. "It's that kind of underestimation that proves to be the enemy's downfall. I'm -not- a dog, but I -will- bite.

  Damian's stomach does eventually betray him with a growl of its own. "I hunger as well."

Starfire has posed:
Blink. Blink blink. Blink blink blink blink... blink.

An appalling accent was part of the fun of Tamaranean. It was a guttural, very forward language - very rich in terms of musical ups and downs and tones. Emotions were easy to tell in the language, and so it was obvious that Starfire was very, very happy that Colette spoke Tamaranean. <<"You speak Tamaranean so well! Forsooth, I did not know that you knew such scientific terms, my greatest of newfound friends that I met just moments ago, but no less great than all my wonderful new friends that I have know for a while, Colette!">> says Starfire with gusto. A lot of that was just one word.

Starfire's eyes return to Raven. But since she IGNORED her on the foodings - one of the most important things to a Tamaranean after all, Raven was on Starfire's own 'terrible' list. She would remain there for the lifetime of about two minutes, for her horrible rudeness with something so important.

"Pastries. Like... doughnuts and cannolis and angel biscuits," says Starfire.

Oh? There was food upstairs?

"I will go prepare this food of the greek and the groceries for consumption! Friend Cassie, please explain the Titans to our new friend Colette - if she is to join, after all!" says Starfire - heading for the elevator - finally landing with her boots on the ground. "And the rest can please come up whenever you are ready - but please give me a few moments first."

Stardust has posed:
"Who's mother was a saint?" Colette stares wide-eyed at Raven. "Did I say something about saints?" Her head turns rapidly, looking from Raven to Starfire and back again. She attempts to process what Starfire replies to her in Tamaranean, and fails miserably due to not speaking Tamaranean. "I totally don't know what you said there. I totally don't know what I said there either. Someone told me to... It was sup... it wasn't meant to be about people with maternal saints..." Rapidly changing the subject, Colette shoots a finger at Robin. "Security. Viruses. Gotcha."

  Cassie is in good company, as Colette doesn't have much idea what she's talking about either. She does however understand French food. Leaning back and stretching, she continues Cassie's explanation. "Yeah, snails. Once you get over the whole thing of eating something that looks like a huge lump of dried snot, they're actually not bad. Kind of tastes of garlic, mostly. Probably because they're usually drowned in garlic. Which may be because they taste disgusting otherwise. Anyway, it's not as common as people say, but it's a thing. A good crepe now, that's a different matter. It's uh... " she looks sideways at Starfire. "Well, you like chocolate pizzas, right? You can have chocolate crepes too, and nobody thinks you're crazy. Not sure about mustard, though."

"Wait. Robin." Colette turns back to him, eyes narrowed. "That doesn't make sense. I mean how do you get fewer viruses copying a drive in one place rather than in another? Surely if you take the drive back and copy it at your leisure, you can take more precautions?"

Wonder Girl has posed:

This is Cassie's reaction both to the Tamaranean conversation and Starfire's subsequent escape to rush ahead of the group to go and... cook? Prepare? The young woman probably looks mildly terrified at what their resident alien might be doing to the stuff she bought. But... sometimes there's really no fighting it, when it comes to Kori. So the Princess is given her head start, while Cassie hangs back with the others to talk Titan-business.

Of course, explaining what they do... well, it's kind of obvious, right? "I figure you probably have an idea anyway, right? I mean we're like most of the teams of people like us. We work together to protect, well, people, the city, sometimes the planet if things are really going screwy." She holds up her arms in a sort of helpless gesture. "I guess, the way Kori has explained it, since we're not quite so, you know, OOMPH-y as like the JLA, we do kind of focus on being a bit more accessible to people who need help but might not be able to count on them or the Avengers." However, she puffs her chest out a bit and adds, "Not that we're little-league, or anything. We got some pretty heavy hitters of our own, y'know?"

She looks up at the elevator. "She has weird tastes. We'll uh... give her a second and then we should go up. Or like, maybe we should just go up. Yeah... maybe that would be best."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian shrugs. "From what I understood, our equipment does a scan while it copies." The teenage hero looks back to his equipment.

  Robin once again began to tinker, thinking of another way he could fix up the device. "Nothing says big target like a building shaped like a giant 'T'." That was one of several issues he had with the tower, but all was good. If he didn't want to be here in some way, he wouldn't be.

Stardust has posed:
"Looked to me like you've got quite a bit of oomph, Cassie," Colette remarks. "You moved FAST. I mean when I saw you flying outside the library, I knew you were the real deal, but I didn't know... and Kori seems to be strong. You've got two people who can /teleport/, which is way cool. A guy who can't decide if he's a mouse or a mammoth so gets to be both." She cranes her neck up, as if she could see through the floors to where Starfire had gone, though she can't. Probably just nervous about the thought of dolmades smothered in chocolate and mustard. "Then there's Robin over there, who's half ninja, half hacker nerd and half Ultimate Fighter. Which is three halves, and that's pretty impressive."

Colette glances over to Robin, then looks back at Cassie. "So yeah. Heavy hitters. Honestly?" She gives a shrug. "I'm pretty much little league. I mean basically I'm the sidekick to a superhero who died a hundred years before I was born." Her eyes do the defocusing thing again, and she corrects herself. "Okay. Forty. What-ever."

"'T' for 'target'?", Colette asks, glancing up again. "I dunno, I mean does the shape make that much of a difference? I mean if the bad guys have to rely on guessing based on what shape the building is in, they probably aren't a serious threat. What keeps that part of the building up, anyway?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie really lets all the tech-talk pass her by. While not a genuine anachronistic ancient-person like her role model, the Amazon approach - swords and shields over gizmos and ray guns - means she leaves those kind of things purely to the people who seem to be good at it. Her max tech level is right around adding new apps to her phone. "Why don't you quite tinkering and come eat," she suggests, grinning. "The gadgets will keep, I figure." While every moment lost is another in which Starfire can defile the contents of the fridge.

Colette's compliments earn an 'aw-shucks'-y sort of half-embarassed smile. "Well, I guess I ought to explain the whole deal now. I forget exactly how I much I told you about how I know Diana, but I used to be her sidekick. Or I guess maybe I still am sometimes, but the Titans gives me my own thing to do now. Which makes me Wonder Girl." She grins. "So yeah, I move fast and I hit WAY harder." And then, more thoughtfully, "Kori, yeah, I'm not totally sure what the upper limit on her starbolts are, but they're serious business, and she's pretty tough even outside of 'em."

Attention turned back to Robin, she can't help herself: "I dunno, he's still kinda a squirt. But he's got some handy skills, for sure. The other one, too." Robins are a collectible item. She starts toward the elevator. "Coming, short-stuff?" Then she turns back to the other young woman. "Well you'll have to show us all of what you can do, too. And I *like* the building. Sends a message. Titans are here! Anyone looking for us, well, bring it on, I say." Subtle, the demigoddess-girl does not do.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I work with Batman, it comes with the territory." He offers, looking back to his project, soldering another point.

  "Others call it hiding in plain sight." He offers, keeping his eyes pointed at the whistle. "It's like a bridge, added support underneath and above the arms."

  Damian growls a bit as he unplugs the soldering iron. "I grew four inches this summer, and everyone still calls me short." He was short that's for sure, but at least he was over five feet tall now.

Stardust has posed:
Colette raises an eyebrow. "Wonder Girl, huh? You mentioned you'd trained with her, but I didn't..." She trails off thoughtfully, then breaks into a broad grin. "That's incredibly cool. And I still want to take you up on that offer of a visit to the consulate. What's she like? I mean she's incredible... she must be an amazing person to have as a mentor. I bet she's really /positive/ and /encouraging/." There's something a little pointed about the way she says that, as if she's addressing the comment in part to someone else. Which she is. Her mentor is neither. And is hard to get away from, as her mentor hangs around inside her head. It's an open question who that's worse for.

  Colette looks over to the 'squirt', and nods her head. "Batman, huh? You two really do have some heavy hitting mentors". She ponders whether Batman would be positive and encouraging, but suspects not. "Robin there did seem pretty capable. Skills, yeah. That's my weakness to be honest. Oh well, at least I'll be taller than him for another summer or two. Honestly I'm very new at this whole thing. So far I've basically learned how to throw a punch, and that's about it. Luckily I can throw them pretty hard. Being all..." she does karate gestures "All kung fu, that would be useful. Mostly I get by on being very hard to hurt." She pauses a minute, rolls her eyes and sighs. "And apparently my most useful skill is that..." she throws quote fingers "'I'm too dumb to know when to back down.' Gee, thanks Ash. I'd introduce you guys to him, but basically he's a massive jerk, so it's better I don't. Let's go eat before the halloumi becomes chocolate-coated."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Oh, she's super nice," is the answer that comes almost instantly from Cassie. There's really no dennying her tremendous affection for her mentor, and this continues in nods of agreement about her supportive qualities, though the young woman may miss the implication in Colette's tone. "She really is. I mean, these days she has a lot on her shoulders, having to represent Themyscira to the rest of the world on top of all the hero stuff. It can make her come off a little serious sometimes? But I feel like... she's kind like the ultimate big sister, aunt, or probably mother for some? And that's true for women everywhere, not just people closer to her. We'll definitely have to go say hi."

"He's Batman's *kid*," Cassie then tosses in. What, did Damian not think this was full sharing time? "As opposed to other-Robin, who, y'know, well, actually I dunno where Batman gets all his sidekicks, but that's one he got the normal way. This one he's stuck with." A bright grin, and then a nod at Colette's suggestion to get upstairs before Kori does more damage. She heads into the elevator, and looks back at Damian. "You coming?" Then, it's more idle chatter with her newest girlfriend. "We can definitely work on the fighting stuff. Kori, for all her weirdo space princess bit, is about as scary a fighter as the senior Amazons. I can't keep up at all, if I'm not using my strength."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin rises up from his project, placing the whistle and chain around his neck for now. His voice is still growling. "I'm right -here- not dead, not in the other room. -Here.-" He says, while he often does mention he is Robin, son of Batman, the way Cassie mentions it has Damian clenching his fist. "I'm the one with all the combat training. Red Robin is the biggest nerd of all of us."

Stardust has posed:
"If I wasn't using my strength, I'd have trouble keeping up with a puppy," Colette confesses, perhaps exaggerating slightly. "Six months ago, my best move was pulling hair." She follows Cassie into the elevator with a bounce in her step. It was great knowing Cassie before, finally having someone she knew she could talk to about this stuff, but this whole Titans business just stepped it up another level. She's a happy woman.

"Batman's... son?" Colette looks back at Robin, looking him over speculatively. "Batman has a son. Woah. That's... I dunno. Hard to imagine. I guess that means he's not actually welded into the suit, then? And what is it with the Robin thing, anyway? He can invent all kinds of cool gadgets, but can't think of more than one name? Huh. Well, son of Batman, are you coming for food or not? This elevator won't wait forever. "

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Right?" is Cassie's echo of Collete's reaction to the inconceivable concept of Batman breeding. "It's weird." Though on the topic of the names, she does point out: "There was another Wonder Girl before me, too. I think with the sidekick stuff, it's kind of, I don't know. It's kinda a ceremonial title or something. No one's saying you can't change it, some do, but it kinda shows some pride in your teacher, too." Which she obviously has in spades.

Holding the door so Damian can join them, she does relent when he points out his own talents. "Shortstuff is pretty good himself, too. I mean, I wouldn't say *Amazon* good. Like sure he's trained his whole life, but that's... not much to thousands of years on Themyscira? But he's definitely better with a sword than I am. So you've got lots of sparring partners on hand!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     As soon as the girls start talking about his own father 'breeding' Damian just stops. "Bat. Man. He's a man, he had a son, son is me. There end of story!" Damian says, getting into the elevator begrudgingly. "And he'd -still- kick Superman's ass."

  As the subject changes to more combat things, Damian smirks. "I'm an assassin, we fight as a last resort. If we do our job right, they'll be dead by the time they realize we are there." Not so much these days as Damian isn't killing anymore. But he's still quite the formidable fighter. Then the quips again about his size. "I hate you all." Is all the says, obviously not meaning it too much as he allows the doors to close and the group heads up to eat.