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Latest revision as of 00:38, 30 October 2017

Vindicators 3!
Date of Scene: 26 August 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: She-Hulk goes to the movies with John and Alexander Aaron
Cast of Characters: Ares, She-Hulk

Ares has posed:
    The movie had been a sweeping CGI epic rife with untold spectacle, the twenty six foot tall speakers in the IMAX theater had thumped bass into the very souls of the audience as its pompous soundtrack led the military march to victory as the heroes defeated evil. The great Captain Freedom had gone through a mild character arc for an individual such as him, meaning he primarly lost his trademark freedom sword and had to forge a new one. But beyond that it had mainly been a series of fights leading up to the big boss scene. Which, while indeed epic, was fairly obviously going to end with the good guys winning.
    At the end the lights came up and Alexander's smile had been as wide as his eyes were large, he looked between the two adults who came with him and he said, "That... was... /amazing!/" He offered to them even as he hopped up out of his seat. "Let's stay here and watch it again"
    "Hah, no, Alexander. I do not think my ears would endure another showing." Yet he rose from his seat, offering a hand politely to Jen as they all made ready to leave, the popcorn bag was grabbed by the Olympian even as he looked sidelong towards Jen while they started to weave their way out of the seats.
    Of course, now that the lights are up, people in the audience are starting to realize they have a bonafide hero in their midst. Some are pulling out phones to take a few shots while others are whispering to themselves, a few teenage girls giggling.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Almost a shame the lights can't stay off longer," Shulkie murmurs as she takes John's hand when he offers it. She picks up her empty cup with nothing but melted ice in it, intending to drop it in the trash on the way out. Him picking up the popcorn bag gets another mark in the 'good' column for him. She hates when people leave their trash all over the theater as though it's their house. No, they wouldn't even do that in their house. Unless they were slobs at home. Possible.
    As people start to notice her, she gives a brief wave with her cup, refusing to release her hold on his hand. She doesn't waste time posing or chatting. In fact, John will likely notice she puts herself between the gawkers and Alexander, keeping him safe from being photographed. Poor kid doesn't deserve to be plastered all over the internet by those people. he should be protected from all that side of her life.
    Which made Shulkie realize something. She'd have to think about it more though. It would help out Alexander and John but it would have her doing something she hated.
    As they exited the theater, she threw her cup in the trash bin by the exit doors. Then through the lobby, heading for the outdoors.
    "I do think it was better than the second one," she finally admits.

Ares has posed:
    "What was your guys' favorite parts?" Alexander says as he walks along the hallway heading towards the door. "For me it was when Ultramechatron showed his true form. Soooo many guns." The 10-year old shakes his head as he continues to saunter down the way, his costume mostly forgotten as his mask is hanging from the back of his neck, bound to him by the rubber band across his neck.
    "I umm." John scrunches one eye up as he tosses his own rubbish in the bin, then looks over at Jen as if she might give him some help on what he could possibly have found good about the movie. "I liked when the jets shot down the Iron Knight."
    "Daaad, Iron Knight's a good guy."
    "Ohh. I thought he wasn't."
    But then they're outside stepping through the door out of the theater into the night, the roundabout valet service in full swing as people from their showing who paid for the group deluxe ticket got to have their vehicles parked for them... and have them at the ready here and now too. So it's just a few moments of them stepping forward in line, even as a few more people gawk after Jen.
    "What about you, Jen? What part did you like?" Alexander looks up-up-up at her, eyes wide as he looks to her to answer.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie considers a moment, looking down at Alxander. "Well, I have to admit I enjoyed when Captain Freedom took out Ultramechatron with his newly made sword." She makes a motion like she is stabbing someone then shifts and grabs her own chest theatrically while spinning in a circle. She rights herself, grinning down at the lad. "It was just slightly better than when the bad guys blew up the heroes base of operations. Have to wonder what they had stored in that place for it to go up like that."
    The pyrotechnics were rather heavy-handed to say the least. But it was lovely for the big screen and it scratched that itch for the viewers. It can't be a big action scene without extra explosions.
    While the reality of such things is usually more rubble and less explosions, she isn't going to spoil things for the munchkin by pointing that out. Just cause she's lost a few bases from time to time. It's part of the job.
    As the valet arrives with the car, she gives John's hand a squeeze then releases her hold. She slips into the passenger seat then glances back to make sure Alexander is all buckled in.

Ares has posed:
    Luckily, Alexander is past the years of needing a kid's seat, but he does at least buckle himself in nicely with a resonant 'click' as they all board the black SUV. John takes a moment longer to tip the valet, then slips into the driver's side, closing the door beside him.
    "At least Jen knows who the good guys and bad guys are, Dad." Alexander folds his arms over his chest as he chides his father.
    "I know, I know. I need to pay more attention. But she has the added benefit that she's a good guy herself."
    "I know, but that's no excuse."
    "Bah." John smirks sidelong at Jen, but then they pull out into traffic. "Alexander, Jen told me that she didn't believe you knew the entire history of the vindicators. I told her you totally did." He seems to put some extra emphasis on the 'totally'.
    "Whaaaa? Jen I totally do. Here, I'll tell you."
    "First there was that alien spaceship that was carrying the invinco ray..."
    And then they get on the highway that heads East out of the city.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Her brain has to be leaking out of her ear by now. It turned into mush about halfway through the trip. Alexander is an expert on the history of the Vindicators. He has been telling her every single itty bitty detail ever since that moment John put her on the tracks in front of that runaway train. She reached up to rub her ear, as though there was a itch. Nope, no goo. Shocking.
    About three blocks before they reach the house, he finally winds up the saga as Jen is giving John a look that promises retribution.
    "That was amazing, Alexander," she says, glancing over her shoulder with a bright smile. "I had no idea their history was so detailed. And long." The last is punctuated with another peek at John who better not be finding this as amusing as she thinks he is.
    As they pull into the driveway, she waits until the SUV is in park before clicking the release on her seatbelt.

Ares has posed:
    The other seatbelts click with a cla-click from each one as they release, letting them free of that automobile. Once free of the constraints Alexander /runs/ towards the door, grabbing the front of it and then hopping up and down. "It's locked!"
    "You're right, it is." John says as he walks around the car to slip his hand into Jen's before they make the small climb up the sidewalk and the steps towards the doorway, even as Alexander is bounding in place.
    "I gotta peeeeee!" The young man says emphatically even as John works the keys and twists them, causing the lock to disengage.
    The door opens and there in the doorway is a /large/ black Rottweiler with glowing red eyes that seems to glower at the trio of them. For a moment it might even cause concern as the hellish looking hound seems to glare at each in turn then emits a low /chuff/ of sound.
    Only for Alexander to run up to it, "Hey, Pluto. Gotta pee!" And runs right on by the large dog heading up the stairs.
    Pluto chuffs again, another dog-like sneeze and then turns to plant its paws on the stairs, clamboring up after the child.
    John calls up after, "It's late, get ready for bed."
    "Alright!" Is the answer back.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie is having to hide a smile as Alexander annouces his predicament. She waits patiently as the door is opened then finds herself face to face with a Hellhound.
    There's nothing else she can call it. That beast looks like it came out of the depths of Hades itself. Maybe it did. It's supposed to be a guardian spirit but no telling where it originated. While she is thinking a step backwards is in order, Alexander is rushing by the beast and it is turning to follow the lad.
    She turns her gaze to John, brows arched up high. "That's the babysitter? Gadzooks and golly gee, I think it just ate a part of my soul just looking at me."

Ares has posed:
    "His bark is..." John starts to say as he looks sidelong at her and catches her eye, but then he just says, "You know." But into the room he steps, turning the lights on at the switch and then closing the door behind her. The tall man rests a hand on the small of her back and leans in to brush a brief kiss to her cheek before walking past and towards the kitchen. "Would you like a beer?" He asks over his shoulder.
    As he moves into the other room, she'll hear upstairs the sink going on and the studious brushing of teeth that is required before bedtime. But then the fridge door opens and there's a jangle of glass as he withdraws a beer or two, offering her one if she had wished.
    "He is a guardian, and he can speak perfectly well, he just prefers not to. He also can change shape but he likes that one." A glance is given upstairs, "I am very fortunate to have him with me."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Yeah, I'll take a beer," she agrees as he moves toward the kitchen. She doesn't follow immediately, looking up the stairs as she hears the bedtime ritual in action. He must've left the door open. She can imagine him up there still in his costume and it makes her smile.
    Turning to the kitchen, she arrives just as the beers are pulled out. She takes hers with a murmured, "Thanks." Then she pops the top and takes a drag right from the bottle. She leans against the edge of the counter. "He's pretty as a dog. Other than the eyes. I think I'm going to have nightmares now. Might need someone to hold me when I wake up scared," she adds with a playful wink.

Ares has posed:
    The beer is tossed her way as he pulls the cap off his own. He tilts it back and takes a few swallows, smirking at her sidelong as he murmurs, "You should adore him, it's because of him I can ever get away in the evenings." He leans against the island there in the kitchen, extending a hand towards her as if gesturing for her to come closer, and should she do so he'll pull her close enough so he can smile into her eyes while he murmurs, "And you're welcome to stay the night if you want. But I understand if you need to get back."
    But before she can say anything she'll hear from upstairs, "I'm dooooone!" In that shrill high-pitched voice of the munchkin who promptly leans down the stairwell enough to peer through the slats and look into the kitchen, "Ok?"
    "Ok." John looks up at him and smirks, but then to her. "I'll be right back. Alright? Just gotta tuck him in." With that said he slips away towards the stairs.

She-Hulk has posed:
    She wasn't going to turn down that offer and moved closer, smiling up at him. Only to hear the announcement from above. "I'll be here when you get back," she says, leaning in to give a soft kiss on his cheek before moving out of the way.
    As John heads up the stairs, she takes one of the stools at the bar. For a moment, Shulkie had the urge to go up with him to help tuck in Alexander. Which is right up there with checking to be sure the kid had on his seatbelt. She really needs to figure out these thoughts and where they are coming from. While she likes kids, gets along with them, she's never been particularly maternal. So it's odd to be reacting as she is. Something to analyze later. Or just try to pretend didn't happen. Either works.
    Taking another sip of her beer, she leans her elbows on the surface as her mind goes back to the cameras and the need to protect Alexander. Maybe even John, since by dragging him into her life too much it will make him and his son targets. Unless...

Ares has posed:
    She's left to her own thoughts for ten minutes, perhaps a little longer. Just enough time for her to perhaps start getting bored and for her eyes to wander around the room. To see the A spelling quiz on the refrigerator, or to notice the picture drawn in marker underneath it. Sure it's not exactly artistically gifted, but there's an image of a short stick figure with his arms thrust into the air and a big smile on his face. Then above that stick figure is a big green stick figure girl identifiable as her mainly from the HUGE afro of green hair that's drawn in there and her big smile, though she has a black mask on? And then there's a second stick figure with big muscles and a black mask on. Underneath is the caption, 'Jen and Dad, sekrit mission!'
    Of course, under that child's written caption is a comment in pen by the teacher, 'Mr. Aaron, we should have a conference soon.'
    But once those ten minutes pass, the sound of footfalls on the stairs are heard as he comes down the steps, the light in the hall going off with a click behind him even as he walks back into the room, smiling to her and reclaiming his beer from the island. A kiss is given to her cheek as he walks past, stepping to the door that leads out to the deck in the back. He pulls it open and gestures for her to come outside into the night with him.

She-Hulk has posed:
    She ended up smiling at the picture, shaking her head a bit. Masks probably so they could hide who they were during the mission. Because being almost seven feet tall and green would never stand out. She finished her beer and was just getting a second one out of the fridge when John came back down. She pops the top, leaving the cap on the counter by the fridge for now. She'll throw it away when they come back inside.
    As he opens the door, she slips out onto the deck and immediately looks up at the sky. The good thing about the 'burbs, she can see more stars. In the city it's useless to try. She walks further out on the deck, keeping her face tilted upwards for several moments. Finally, she lets her chin drop and turns to look at him, smiling.
    "Alexander is wonderful," are the first words out of her mouth. Like he needs her to tell him that? He's the kid's father. He already knows.

Ares has posed:
    "Ehn," John says around a grin as he gets out onto the deck, leaning back against the railing with his arms folded, the beer bottle held lightly in the crook of one arm with his hand around its neck. "He's alright." He says as his smile grows, but then he adds. "I'm glad you and he get along. He..."
    There's a moment where John is looking up a bit as if conjuring the memory to the fore, then looks to her with a smile. "Back when he was six he did not get along with a young woman who was pursuing me at the time. He was in a ninja phase at the time and kept hitting her in the back of the head with these..." He seems to search for the word, "Styrofoam? Styrofoam shuriken."
    A small shrug is given but he looks across the way to her, "Of course you do have an edge over her, being a superhero and all."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie takes up a spot next to him, leaning back comfortably. At the image of a smaller Alexander attacking someone he didn't like, she can't help laughing. She makes sure to keep it down though, knowing that sound can carry and there are windows above them. Maybe not Alexander's. But still. "You're kidding, right? He didn't actually..." She sees by the look on his face he isn't kidding. She has to cover her mouth to keep from laughing loudly.
    As she gets her humor under control, she lowers her hand as she smiles brightly. "So were you ticked at him or busy trying not to laugh each time she did it?"
    She caught the phrasing. The woman was pursing John. Not vice versa. That seems to be his way from the little she's gathered. The fact he called her is not lost on Jen. Kinda gives her a happy feeling to know in fact.
    "Yeah, being She-Hulk probably gets me some extra points. But...how do you think he would feel about Jen?" she asks, tilting her head to look at him and trying to gauge his own thoughts on her alter ego.

Ares has posed:
    "Oh he did." John takes a sip of his beer, looking upwards towards the stars. They're a little easier to see out here in suburbia, the shine from the nearby city not quite enough to obliterate them entirely. But he holds up his bottle and gestures with it as he speaks, as if he's carving out the image from the air as he tells her. "She told him once that young men should be seen and not heard. And after that..."
    He shakes his head and takes a breath, "Every time she would be around he'd make it his mission to be neither seen nor heard. Just she would be talking and after a time there'd be this..." He lifts his eyebrows, "Thwack, into the back of her head and she wore her hair long so it inevitably got stuck."
    That having been said he spreads his arms and smiles, "It was amusing, but I did chastise him because it wasn't polite. But I think he could tell it sort of made me laugh."

She-Hulk has posed:
    That makes Jen double take. "Seen but not heard? What the f--fudge was wrong with her?" She's even editing her language now. When Alexander isn't around. Weird. She shakes her head and takes a long draw off her beer. "I think the kid had it right. She deserved to be twacked in the head with shuriken. Maybe the pointy kind instead of foam," she mutters as she looks up at the house, thinking of the boy within who is probably sound asleep by now. Or trying to peek out the window at them while Pluto works on herding him back under the covers. The idea makes her smile again.
    Glancing back to John, "How long did that one last?" she asks with a smirk. Her guess, less than six months.

Ares has posed:
    "Not long, really." John smiles a bit, as he looks to the side, "I felt..." He furrows his brow, gaze distancing as his thoughts drift. "I felt like there was nothing wrong with her, that I should not take exception to the way she was. But she..." He lifts a hand and waves it to the side slightly, "It did not 'click'," He says as he looks to her, meeting her gaze. "But at that point, to be fair, I had no idea what I wanted with things. So it must have been a horrible time for her."
    He offers a small shrug and then takes another sip of his beer. A moment passes and then he smiles, "C'mon. Will show you around the place before you have to head off."