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Latest revision as of 00:49, 30 October 2017

Its Open
Date of Scene: 27 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Jessica Jones

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    There's a knocking at the Alias Investigations door. Outside, the bangee is a youngish woman dressed in purposefully faded designer jeans and a blue t-shirt that reads 'I am not Daredevil' across the front. She has a plastic bag with what are likely styrofoam containers in one hand and another bag in the other - it may well have six-packs of some sort of cans in the other. It's a little awkwars to knock with this load, but she manages it.

Jessica Jones has posed:
When the knock came to the door the door itself just kind of drifted open, because it wasn't latched or fully closed. Which might seem odd at first... except that it was only a matter of seconds before the familar voice of the residence's owner chimed up.

"Who the hell is it?" She asked in that dry and disinterested way that was entirely her style.

Jessica is seated behind her desk at her laptop and she's got a bottle of whiskey at her side and her eyes on her laptop, but they rise up toward the door when it drifts open.

"Arrowhead?" She says, eyeballing Kate. "Whats going on? Come on in. Don't mind the mess."
The office/apartment was filthy, there were clothes and empty food containers everywhere. And a pile of empty beer bottles by the sofa on the floor near the left front leg.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate enters, then, pushing the door closed with a foot. "Brought you something. Thought you could use it." and she shows off the bags. "Do you like shwarma? That's what I brought anyway. Some beers too, though it wasn't too easy for me. Guess they liked my fake ID."

    She moves towards the desk to set the things down. "What do you think?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica glanced down at her laptop for a second and then put it into Sleep Mode and closed the lid. She then leaned back in her chair and watched Kate step inside. Jess was wearing a black tanktop and had a bandage around her right arm. "Sharwma?" She repeated. "Thats... isn't that just like, a lot of charred meat drenched in spices and shit?" She then stood up. "That sounds amazing actually." She'd walk around the desk to peak at the bags. Then glance over at Kate. "What do you need?" She asked. "Random acts of kindness aren't something I'm used to."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I don't need anything." Kate says with a grin. "I owe you for letting you get sliced up, sorry." and she unpacks the containers. "Yeah, meat and vegetables and stuff. There's a couple of pounds of... I think it's beef and lamb... and I think this one is the sort-of pita bread they serve. So, we can make our own. The other bag does have cans. "I didn't know what you drank, so I brought some Guinness in cans. Hope that's okay?" she asks, looking up at Jessica.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jess' eyes went over the food with a glazed-over look, she hadn't eaten in at least 24 hours and it was like lambs to starving wolves, seeing those bags and smelling their contents. She also looked to the supposed booze. "Kate..." She said. "I think we're going to be good friends, you and me." And with that out of the way, Jess dove in and started to prepare herself some stuff and even grabbed herself a can of beer, two actually, holding them in one hand like a pro. "You didn't get me cut up. I did. I'm a idiot and I was goofing around up there, it was my own damn fault, so don't think twice about it." Jess would turn then and walk to her sofa and the pyramid of bottles beside it. She'd turn and drop herself into it with some food and her drinks.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Well, alright." and she makes herself a wrap then sits on the edge of the desk. "What've you been up to? Have any jobs?" she wonders, motioning to the frosted glass and the writing (in reverse on this side) on the door. She watches the other woman as she slowly eats. "You're doing alright? You look a little pale. Not feeling well?" she asks, trying to be cheerful.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was about four or so feet away from the desk that Kate sat on and she was fumbling with her food and some napkin, but she was managing. She heard the question and shook her head. After a second she replied. "Tracking a missing person who was last seen a week ago at a bar down on thirty-seventh." One of the beers was popped open. "Run away kid. Her parents caught her stripping after school and they tried to pull her out of it, but she's eighteen, so there's not much they can do about it. Now she's run away again, and they came sobbing to me about it. 'You raised a shit kid, you're probably shit parents, boo whoo, get over it' is what I want to tell'em, but... I'd rather have their money."

Jess took a drink from one of the cans and looked up at Kate. "Wounds are already healed up, too, friend'a mine... pretty god damn remarkable healer, she is." And after that, Jessica glanced down at her food and muttered. "Yoda talk..."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"You can be their PI and their family counseler." Kate says with a grin. She reaches over to collect her own beer. "Do they pay well, then?" she shrugs, cracking open the beer top. "Do you need any help? I won't even ask for a cut."

    She takes another look around as she eats. "You know, if you're feeling sick, I'd be willing to help... you know..." and she motions to the clutter, towards the kitchen and the dishes there. "Not like I really have much else to do."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was just ravenously devouring her food like a wildebeast while Kate spoke and then after dabbing at her mouth with the napkins she'd reply. "This two should pay pretty well. They showed up in a god damn town car with a driver letting them out of the back... But... those kinds of people are hard to read sometimes. They look down on you like you're dirt, so they'll often try to treat you like that... expect you to drool over a hundred dollars. Hopping around like a dog waiting for a bacon treat."

Jess shook her head dismissively and then glanced around the officepartment with her brown eyes... before sending them to Kate. "Why the hell are you so bored?" She asked her then. "Mad Archery skills don't lead to a lot of job opportunities?" She teased before taking another drink of her beer.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate has a sip of beer. "Well, I'm interning at Stark, but that's not always eight hours, and I get too bored wandering in my colors for more than a few hours at a time, especially if the night is slow. So, what else am I going to do? I..." and she tries to think how to say the rest. "... I don't really have to work."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just would eat the food and stare at the woman as she spoke, glancing away here and there so as to not make a mess of herself... one thing Jones didn't like was getting food stains on herself, she wasn't that much of a slob.

"Well that must be nice." She said to the not having to work part... "Wish I knew what that felt like." She showed a faint smirk then and wadded up a napkin and tosed it at the waste basket next to her desk. A second later and Jess's shoulders shrugged. "I won't stop you if you wanna go all Maid on my place. I mean shit, I'd be an idiot to say no, right?" She huffed softly. "You can tag along on the job too, I know you're stealthy enough when its necessary and punchy enough... when its necessary."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Really? Thanks." she says, having another bite of her wrap. "What's it like, being a PI? Seems like fun, or at least interesting." she says around chewing. "Might be boring sometimes, I guess, but it still might be cool." She nods. "I think I might try to get a license sometime."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Just what I need." Jessica said with a sarcastic tone. "More competition." She smirked at the woman as she finished her food and stood up to take the napkins to the waste basket and drop them in. She then popped open the second beer and took a nice swig from it before regarding Kate. "Don't let me sound like I'm swaying you off of it, but its boring ninety nine percent of the time. Arguably one hundred percent, really. But... math was never my strong suit."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Well, if nothing else, it gives me an excuse to wander around in alleys and stuff if the police hassle me." Kate says, waving a hand dismissively. "Not like I want the jobs much anyway. I don't need anything else to bore me." She finished eating too and has a long pull on the beer. She winces... even though it's just a beer she's clearly not a drinker. She wanders towards the kitchen, then. "Do you have a dishwasher or..." she wonders.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Thats what the criminals love." Jessica said then as she started toward the open doorway into her kitchen. "Hotties like us wandering into alleyways." She smirked at Kate on the way past and then proceeded into the kitchen. "Dishwasher? I don't think I even have any dishes..." She flipped the light on and moved toward the sink, picking up an old crusty spatula. "I really need to get a new one of these." She used it then to scrape some stuff at the bottom of the sink near the drain. "This is my roach killer." She glanced back over her shoulder with a sly grin.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"There's a place over in Salem Center called Spatula City." Kate advises. "They'll take care of all your roach killing needs." Still, she makes a face at the gunk-scraping. "You have to have clean glasses though, right? I mean, even booze doesn't kill everything."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I generally drink out of the bottle, Kate." Jess replied then, dropping the utensil into the sink and then turning around to face the other as she took another drink from her second can. A light head shake then. "Don't think I want to go all the way to Westchester to buy... wait, did you say 'Spatula City'?" She asked, a confused look on her face. "What the fuck is a store named that for?" A completely confused look, a light headshake and Jess turned to her caginets and opned them up. "Oh hey, I do have dishes! Huh!" She reached a hand up and lifted up a plate on a stack of four, then moved a glass in a set of six... "Wow, they look clean!" She pulled a glass out. "Uh... clean'ish..."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "_I_ don't know." she replies with a laugh. "I think it was some guy's bright idea back in the day." she leans a shoulder against the fridge, crossing her arms before her idlt. "Now, I think it's a front for something. Maybe just money laundering? Who knows? But yeah, that's all they have there - spatulas. Oh, and oven mitts." She grins as the dishes are brought out. "Oh, fancy. The 'good china'. Nice. Do you bring those out for Thanksgiving?" she teases gently.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica glanced back at Kate at the fridge and she gave her a flat look. "I'll be entirely honest with you, Kate." She says. "I've never seen these before in my entire life. I'm not sure I've ever even opened this cabinet before, to be completely forthright with you." The glass was set back up into the cabinet and then she reached for a coffee mug. "Snoopy Mug though... so... that I can get behind." The snoopy mug was taken then to the sink where she ran some water over it to clear the dust off. "This'll be perfect for those late night smooth liquor sessions." She glanced at Kate again and gave another faint smirk.

"I'll give you a call when I head out for some surveilance again, let you see just how boring it really is, up close and personal-like."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate pulls off the ancient fridge and starts to putter around, leaning down to pick up things here and there. "Great. Thanks!" she gets to the bottles. "You know, you could make a fortune redeeming these things. Five cents per." She looks around again. "I'll come back with some stuff sometime, see what I can do to like... I'll bring a mop and things."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica smirked at this from the other and she pulled out a chair from her small kitchen table and sat down on it. The kitchen table had some folders on it and photos taken from an old job, photos of some teenage kids beating up a homeless man. Jessica turned one around and showed it to Kate. "Charlie Willis. Fifty years old." She said, taking a second to sip her beer before continuing. "He went around picking up recycleables for the better part of the past two decades... never got him off the streets." She nodded toward Kate then. "I'll take over in his absence. He was beat to death last summer, by drunk teenagers."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Inspiring story." Kate says, being smart. "But you're not on the street." she shrugs, though. "I'll take 'em. Do you want the money or do you want me to donate it somewhere for you?" Stll she collects clutter and tosses it, or puts it in a proper place. "Hey, do you know much about Rand? I mean... he's not gay, is he?" she asks. "Not that I'm judging." she adds quickly. "It doesn't matter to me, but there's this pretty girl I keep hoping to hook him up with and he doesn't seem to care. I mean, she's blonde and maybe a little young for him, but not too much."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica sorted the folders out again (in that she shoved them across the table and then kicked her feet up on the chair beside her while sipping from her drink again) then she looked back over at her new maid. "Danny?" She asked. "He's -not- gay?" She asked, her dark eyebrows furrowing down in a look of pure confusion. A second later and she eased-up and then just smirked. "I think he's seeing someone... Ninja girl. I think they're pretty hot'n heavy, so you might be shootin' for a bullseye on a target that isn't there, Robin Hood." Jess planted her elbow on the table and then took another drink. "That food was amazing, by the way. I really do appreciate the effort of bringing it all out here." She was as cold hearted as some people said she was.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Least I could do." Kate says, waving towards the desk. "There's plenty left. Keep it and have it for breakfast or something?" Something tells her that this is her cue to make herself scarce. "And the beer too." she turns back to smile at Jess. "Hey, and if you need anything, give me a call. I'll leave my number." and back to the desk to find something not very important to jot a number down on. "Even if it's like a little loan if you get behind on rent or something. It's cool." She tosses the pen down when she's done. "We should do this some other time, or get your boys together too, if you can round them up. I'll treat."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica stood up from the kitchen table and came out to lean against the doorframe, with one hand holding her drink adn the other stuffing her fingertips into the side pocket of her blue jeans. She watched Kate scribble some stuff down on a slip of paper and the nodded her head. "They're pretty hard to round up, but I can certainly try to do it. You were a big help on our last run, really. I'll give you a shout about that next job I got going on too. You can sit in a dumpster with me." She smirked at that last part.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I'll bring the bug spray, then." Kate says, heading for the door. "You take it easy, huh? I mean it, too. If you need something, call. Think of it as keeping me out of trouble and less bored, huh? It's a community service."