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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/08/30 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=179, 1342 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:179|April O'Neil (179)...")
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Latest revision as of 03:44, 30 October 2017

Mystic Pizza
Date of Scene: 30 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Vincent Black

April O'Neil has posed:
April O'Neil is in the pizza place not too far from her home in Brooklyn, she's up near the counter with her yellow/black bicycle leaned up against her thighs and her hands are resting on it.

"Why you bringin' that filthy bike into my store, April!" The middle aged man behind the counter is giving her a ribbing.

"I forgot my lock! Its in my office back in the city, come on... I just gotta pick up the food and I'll wheel it out of here, Angelo."

"Now I gotta get down on my hands and knees and srub the tire tracks offa the floor!" The man threw his hands up, he was clearly mostly just messing with the girl and not really being serious.

April just shook her head and huffed at him with a big eyeroll. "I didn't ride it into your shop, Angelo... peel out o nthe floor or nothing." April looked down at the distance from the counter to the doorway. "You can hardly even SEE the bike tracks... oh wait, no, its pretty bad... you're right."

Angelo gave April a big stink-eye and rose his balled-up fist at her, giving it an animated warning shake at her.

The redheaded reporter in the yellow leather jacket just smiled all big at the older man and threw her hands up in either direction in a 'sorry' gesture.

Vincent Black has posed:
Vincent is seated in one of those incredibly uncomfortable but perfectly serviceable chair. He has a half eaten calzone on a paper plate in front of him, with a plastic fork and knife in one hand each.

"Angelo, stop bustin' the girl's balls. I mean she already has to ride a bike through this traffic." The detective says with a soft smile on his lips towards the shop owner with a soft wink towards April afterwards. A small piece of his calzone lifts up towards his mouth and chews on it slowly as he waits Angelo's reply.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Ey!" Angelo replies to Vincent. "Don't you start on me too! I already give you half price on your food!" And Vincent got a fist shake too.

April looked between the two of them and put her hands back down onto her bike with a big grin at the exchange. "Yay. I've won over the people. I am now the popular one!" She said with a big smile.

Angelo just went back to preparing the order for April of three extra large pizzas. "As many of these Mega Pies as I make for you, and your scrawny butt seems to put them away, you clearly are more popular than you need to be, April O'Neil of Action News." He muttered from behind the counter.

April smiled at Angelo and then at Vincent too and shrugged her shoulders inside of her yellow jacket. "I got a powerful hunger, what can I say."

Vincent Black has posed:
"I keep telling you to not do that." Vincent says with a shrug and a napkin lifting to wipe away some marinara sauce from the corner of his mouth.

The detective then turns his attention to April and her bike, adding in some more comments. "How do you get three of those super pizza's into that tiny belly? That does seem like quite the mystery." Vincent compliments in his weird, almost old man-ish kind of way.

April O'Neil has posed:
Angelo, with his back to the front of the store would just wave his hand at Vincent's words and go back to his preparation of April's order.

April, would look over to the detective with her baby blues and she'd just smile. "The secret is a whole army of stray cats that claw at my windows until I give them some of the food." She lifted up a hand and did a little silly clawing motion, while adding a squeaky little "Meow, muuuurr!" and then a silly and nerdy little laugh to puncuate.

"'Ey!" Angelo piped up. "No giving my artistry away to filthy alley cats!"

Vincent Black has posed:
"I'm almost certain she's not." Vincent says in passing to Angelo as he turns back to his plate and saws at the crust of his lunch with the plastic fork before taking another bite and savoring it. He shakes his head at April's play motions and then takes another bite as he starts to decide to let the girl be, she's gonna be busy soon enough carrying three enormous pizzas on a bike.

April O'Neil has posed:
April was a nosey girl though so when she saw Vincent and heard he got a half price deal on his pies she started to put two and two together while eyeballing him eatting his dinner.

"You're a cop?" She asked him then. "I haven't seen you around Brooklyn before. Are you just passing through on business of some kind?" She could come up with a thousand questions but learned a long time ago to try to take it easy, at least at first.

Vincent Black has posed:
Vincent turns his head, pulling the food off of his fork with the motion and his doe eyed look up at April. He chews on his food for a few beats before he can respond. "I'm a cop, yes, Detective Black. Westchester PD." Vince says, giving her more information than she initially asked but he doesn't have anything to hide from a kindly upbeat reporter like her so far.

"Nope, I came out here for lunch because this is the best calzone in the state."

April O'Neil has posed:
April did the slow nod of her head motion upon hearing his response. "Ah..." She quietly and softly said. "Right."

A grin was flashed at him then as she said just loud enough for Angelo to hear. "They're okay."

"'Ey!" The store owner shouted from behind the counter. "Watch it, Red!" He said while stuffing the last pizza into the oven for her order.

April grinned from Angelo back toward Vincent. "Well its always nice to meet another law professional. Keeping us safe from all the horrible monsters out there!" She wobbled her bike on its wheels a little and then leaned it against her thighs while she pulled her phone out after getting a text, from the Turtles of course... they were 'so hungry their stomachs were about to explode'.

To which April tapped her thumbs on the screen to reply with (That doesn't even make any sense.)

April looked back up at Vince then, didn't waaaant to bother him, but... questions! "Had any big cases around here? I suppose Westchester is kind of quiet though, huh? Thats mostly where all the rich people are, right?"

Vincent Black has posed:
"That's the whole point of being out there." Vincent said finishing off his calzone and standing up from the slightly padded chair and pushing it in, before moving over to throw his plate and utensils. The cop then walks back to the counter past April and her bike. "I'd love to talk about it, but the captain has a nondisclosure thing with him not wanting us to talk to the press at the moment." Vincent says with a soft smile as he reaches back and pulls out his wallet.

"I'm coverin' the girl's tab, Angelo."

April O'Neil has posed:
April watched Vincent as he moved and then said that he was covering her tab.

Angelo looked back over his shoulder. "'Ey! That does not mean she gets half price! She's a tv talking head, that does not warrant huge discounts!"

"Thanks, Angelo." April said to the store owner in a dry and sarcastic way. She glanced at him and then back to Vincent to whom got a big smile. "Thank you too, thats sweet of you. But yeah... I understand. I get the run around from cops all the time when I ask them stuff. They figure I'll blab about it and throw their name around, 'ruining' them in the boys club that is the Police Departments of America." She grinned mischeviously then.

"No offense, of course!"

Vincent Black has posed:
"That's fair." Vincent says with a shrug towards April. "I'll answer any questions you might have as long as they're not related to current investigations." The detective says with a smirk as he passes Angelo sixty bucks in twenties.

"Go feed your kittens." Vince says with a small hint of a smile as he takes the three pizza's in hand and starts to walk towards the door with April's food, fully expecting her to follow him.

April O'Neil has posed:
April would say her goodbyes to Angelo after Vincent picked up her order and she'd indeed start to follow him while wheeling her bike toward the exit of the shoppe.

"Okay, well... that sounds like a pretty sweet arrangement." She grinned nice and big. "Uh, well, so... Have you heard anything about secret clans of martial arts experts calling themselves the Foot and the Hand?" She asked him firstly. "The Foot has been operating here in the Brooklyn area while the Hand have been centrally located up in Hell's Kitchen and Harlem."

Vincent Black has posed:
"Uh... no?" Vincent says, he honestly hasn't but he's about to. The man will do some research on these two groups when he gets back to the precinct. "Should I?" Vince asks with a shrug of his shoulders at the girl as he steps up to an unmarked squad car parked out front that just happens to have a bike rack mounted on the rear trunk.

"I'll give you a lift where you're going." The cop offers.

April O'Neil has posed:
April nodded her head, she wasn't too surprised that a cop from way up north wouldn't knomw about these events. He must be out of the loop. "I should probably just move to Westchester, huh?" She asked with a grin. "Save myself the troubles of these big city nightmares."

April then took note of the bike rack and the offer to drive her home and she glanced to the west. "Its literally just two blocks down, so it'll barely even be worth it." She told him. "But if you want to, I won't argue."

She'd move to slip the bike onto the rack. "I need to get a car, but hey... this helps me burn all the pizza off, right?" She grinned at him then.

Vincent Black has posed:
"Sure, move up north with all us 'rich folk'." Vince says, giving her the air quotes with a smirk as he climbs into the driver seat and waits for April to make her hold her pizzas. "But if you do that, who's going to feed all your cats?" He asks, now using Cats as a codeword but for what exactly he isn't too sure yet."

April O'Neil has posed:
"The cats aren't my fault, I swear it." The young woman says around the cop car as she moves to get inside also. Once inside, riding that weird high of being in a Police car without being in trouble, April reaches for her seatbelt and then stops and looks over at him to her left. "Its only two blocks over, do I need to do the whole seatbelt thing or will you ticket me if I don't?" She asked with a big grin then.

Vincent Black has posed:
Vincent has his hand on the keys but hasn't turned it over yet and just looks over at April as his answer to her question. He has to keep up appearances and everything. Doesn't want anyone to know he's a mutant.

Either way he stays silent, his eyes locked onto April.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Right..." The reporter said then as she pulled the seatbelt down and latched it and then happily put her hands onto her pizza boxes that were now ontop of her lap. "Hey. Doesn't hurt to ask, right?" She asked with a sidelong grin before glancing down at the boxes again.

"But yeah, its the woman who runs the hardware store next door that feeds all the cats, they just use my balcony as a place to hang out all birds-eye-like and wait for her to come out and start tossing food around for them. It turns into this kind of... cacophony of kitty chaos."

April grinned then and pointed ahead. "Its the Antique store two streets down. My apartment is over that." She drew in a breath and sighed softly. "Was living in Manhattan, but my room mate bailed on me, so I couldn't make rent and had to come back here." She glanced over at him. "She thought I was crazy, can you imagine that? Me?!" A soft headshake then.

Vincent Black has posed:
"That's a heck of a story." Vincent says with a smirk as he puts the car in drive and pulls out into the street and towards the Antique store.

"So, are you going to tell me who the pizzas are really for?" Vincent asks with a small frown indicating that he knows that she's not using the pizzas to feed cats. "That's just a poor cover story that you should work on a bit more."

April O'Neil has posed:
April smirked at the older man and she shook her head side to side. "Its for me for the whole week and some of it goes to the neighborkids that want to come over and play my XBox. Its like six kids. They go through this stuff like its water." She said, lifting up one of the pizza box lids to peak inside of it.

"Angelo makes a mad good pizza pie." She said, reaching inside to pluck out a pepperoni and lift it up to bite it in half before smiling to the cop that was giving her a ride home. "So cheesey, soo spicey." She said at him all smiles.

Vincent Black has posed:
Vincent pulls up to the place and turns the car off after putting it in park. "Need help getting everything inside miss O'Neil?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April shakes her head and moves to get out of the car. "Nah. I do this every week. I'll be fine." She smiled then and opened the door. "Thanks for the lift, Detective." She'd tell him before moving to get out.

Vincent Black has posed:
"Have a good day and be safe, Reporter." Vincent says as she leaves and he then turns the car back on after she's got her pizza and bike and once she's clear and inside the building, the cop drives off.