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Latest revision as of 13:12, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 01 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Black Canary

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The island is, well a catacomb. There are rooms seemingly everywhere filled with, well there was one full of spam and Canned Water found just the other day. It makes it easy to wander away, to find some measure of solitude. It also means that solitude is sort've a biproduct of going pretty much anywhere, and take Zinda for instance. The Girl has a dissapearing act you wouldn't believe, usually revealed that she'd gone to someplace like "Machine Room H" because she left a bottle there in 1943. That kind of stuff, right?

    Well Zinda has been gone all day, only her plane is still in the hangar. Which means she's -somewhere-, which is kind of an ordeal in it's own right. She's down in "Auxilary Aircraft Storage", which is burried pretty deep in the heart of the complex. A room who's name, belies the gravity of what it holds inside.
    An MB.150 painted in the French Tricolor, a BF-110 with the shark teeth, Zinda's own stolen BF-109 complete with it's coiled snake painted on the tail. The aircraft the Blackhawks used before they joined, or picked up along the way. From YAK-3s to a P-51H still in it's factory primer, waiting for Zinda since the end of the war.
    Set amidst this assemblage of aircraft is something, unlike the others. Everyone knows what a "Gee Bee Model Z" looks like, but this particular example is a set apart from the herd. A contra-rotating triblade propeller arrangement, clipped wings, clipped vertical and horizontal stabilizers. It's undercarriage seems likewise comically small for how big the jug of an airplane is. Its stressed aluminum skin drawn tight over wooden spars, devoid of any lick of paint or other ornamentation beyond a single matte black running down the fuselage infront of that tiny canopy.

    Zinda has parked herself on an ancient peach crate just off the port wing, working over a six pack at a decidedly leasiurely pace. Which is a good sign really, as Z's drinking habits can be used to accurately predict her mood. Beer then, is a good omen.

Black Canary has posed:
    She's been looking for her for a bit now...not that it's an emergency, but just she's always slightly concerned when Zinda disappears on the island with a respectable chunk of the booze in the pantry. Especially after recent discoveries. She's been giving her space to deal with it...but there comes a time when you need to ask some things.

    Which is why she's slipping into the hangar, then staring to walk over to where Zinda is perched, before she sits down next to her, tilting her head. "Hi." she says with a faint smile.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Hey Sugar."She responds casually, offering over a beer. "I just wanted to keep the old feller company, think about simpler times and stuff you know."And a pause as she cracks her own fresh one open, casually tossing the empty a solid twenty feet into an ancient trash barrel. "Always was happier when I was just a pilot, before all this madness. The command, the shark, everything you know?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah hmmms, then nods slightly, taking the beer, then knocking it back in a long swallow or two, before she lowers it again. "Lot less weighing you down, when you're just one more pilot...a great pilot, but still...." She smiles faintly. "I kinda miss being in Team 7 sometimes too. When I just was the infiltration specialist. Before I ended up as team leader for anything."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I just wanted to race, and then I just wanted to fight. Now, I don't know it's like I'm just grasping at sand. Like I go down, the Blackhawks are done. I'm Snakebite Actual now, not Snakebite 2 anymore. I just got in, strapped in and scrapped. I had the old man, Always had Hendy around to square this stuff away."And a huff, rising to slowly lift an arm above her head in a stretch. As she drains her beer, of course because this is Zinda Blake. "Nowadays I need a lawyer just to handle the paperwork, it's a nightmare Dinah."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah watches the stretch with a faintly affectionate smile. "Mm, sounds more like you need people to delegate then. You're a good leader, I think..." She tilts her head. "...long as you feel you can handle it, with everything that's happened." She mms, looking more quiet, her eyes sympathetic. "...none of us would blame you if you wanted to take a break after everything."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I would love to, but we got bills honey. I got a madman out there, doin shit."She deflates somewhat at that, kicking an errant bolt across the concrete. "I appreciate the comments, I really do. I am trying, I think it's probably best we find ourselves a proper CO. I'm better off just flying, and shooting critters that have it coming. Problem of course, is where do you find guys like that? Who are financial wizards, who wont take advantage right?"

Black Canary has posed:
    The other blonde wrinkles her nose. "I don't think we need to find ourselves a man to help us out." she says wryly. "I think you do good, Zinda. It's just a lot for you to take on by yourself. There's nothing wrong with asking the rest of us to help." She hesistates, then says. "....I've done team lead stuff. If you need a hand. I just...." She looks down at the bottle in her lap, then takes a long drink. "...mmm, I fucked up pretty badly last time I was in charge of anything. Trusted people I shouldn't have. Nearly got my team killed when someone I'd been warned about turned on us."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "You can lead if you wanna lead Dinah, we ain't military here. Hell even when we had the old man, we were pretty casual. I mean like, people wrote all those books about us and stuff. Said I wasn't Flightlead on Snakebite because Hendy outranked me?"Theres a Frown at that and a wave of the hand. "He was better with the map and the radios, people went where they needed to be."And a beat, as she tosses that freshly emptied can into the same barrel. "I never said a "man", per se. I mean we got a real girl thing going on, we just need somone clever to run the shop so we can do our thing you know?"

Black Canary has posed:
    The other woman shakes her head firmly. "Hell no. You do a great job. You dont' need me fuckin' it up." she says bluntly, gesturing with her beer. "And I don't know..." she says after a moment. "I mean, I do know a girl who's a good....operator type. But I don't know if she's be up for the sort of things we do, y'know?" She reaches over then pats Zinda's thigh lightly. "Besides, I'm not saying we should replace you, definitely."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well ask her anyway, if you're talking about some cape? I mean we fight soldiers, we don't normally fight criminals."And a pause as Zinda snags another beer, before well Dinah is a fine leaning post. So she takes advantage with a huff. "I haven't shot anything down since the second world war, and to be honest Dinah? I feel like what I need, is a whole lot of flight time. I'm not made for this stuff, even racing is just stupid now."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah smiles as she's leaned against, then slides an arm around her friend to support her around her waist. "So maybe we should be looking for a mission or two where they need an ace pilot, and we need a little cover from the air? Or just supporting you. Plenty of countries that wouldn't mind if their more tyrannical neighbors suddenly lost a bunch of their air power."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I know right, but we have -one- F-15 and we can barely afford parts. What we need, though it pains me to say it? We need an engineer, because all these mass produced jalopies aren't real fighter aircraft. Unfortunately, whatever rep I used to have with Jacky Northrup does not transfer over. Well, not that much anyway. In the meantime, I'm already building something."Zinda snags another beer, before motioning towards the aircraft across the way. "Came down here to think about it some, that's the last thing I built all for myself. I think it's still classified as impossible to fly, if you're not Zinda Blake anyway."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah hmms. "Well...I'm not exactly great at a more than handing you the right wrench...." she admits ruefully. "I don't really know anyone who's rated for fighter jets, anyway, though I can probably maintain the civvie stuff. Fly military, sure, but it kind of requires specialty knowledge." She smiles a bit. "Maybe we should see if we could find an airfield somewhere that works on merc planes? Cheaper than us having to maintain the parts and such."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well sure, poke around. In the mean time, I'm going to keep building. I mean a PT-6 is on every civilian bird ever, and those things make way more juice than our merlins and Packards did in the big war. Just need somone to put it into the right airframe. I just need to remember not to get too aggressive, with the building I mean. The Clipped Wing Killer There, I mean sure it won but it was not my finest hour."She inhales softly, letting her gaze wander somewhat. "Seems to me a small prop fighter would be exceedingly difficult to intercept down on the deck anyway, and I can afford to actually strangle the thing's neck."

Black Canary has posed:
    "Better for ground support, definitely. Reason the A-10 is still around...after a chopper, it still excels at it, because it can fly low and slow." She tilts her head. "I'll help you then?" She mmms. "....with this and...the other thing." She's more hesistant now, unsure if you even want to discuss it. "...if...you need to talk about it...I haven't said anything about it to anyone."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I know."Zinda responds, to both offers incidentally. She lets that hover for a moment, with a soft wince, before clearing her throat. "He was in my head, for a real long time. I ain't sure, right now just how uhh..Resistant I might be. You know maybe he has some secret word, and he takes control again. Part of it, is sure endangering you and Elliot and Grace. Thats part, but the bigger part is I know how happy he'll be just to get the chance. If it is him, if. I think I'm going to just, hang on until I'm ready to..."And a swollow, as she considers her words. "Hendy would call it a, Murder of Quality. I figured a ten gauge to the noodle bucket was enough, reckon it's right I take it to the next level."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah nods softly, then hesistates. "...I....do know a lady who does deprogramming. If you wanted..I could take you there. She could try and put you under, see if she can help you remember, or check for something like that." she says quietly. "I'd be there with you. No one else will know." Because she knows what comes out might be something Zinda really doesn't want anyone else to see, or hear...especially of the shock of what was done to her is pulled up to where she can remember it more clearly.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And a slow shake of the head "Not right now. This kept for years, it'll keep for awhile yet longer. Until I'm, comfortable in my own skin again. I gotta do this my way though, if I'm ever going to get around this. Just, give me a little time alright Dinah?"Zinda straightens, with a groan. One hand lifting to comb those curly locks off to one side. "Now C'mon, Lemmie show ya what I figured out so far alright?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah watches her friend, then nods quietly. "Alright." she says simply, not arguing with her over it. This isn't her trauma...it's Zinda's. She might poke occasionally...but she's not going to push. Not unless she truly believes it's going to destroy her friend if she doesn't face it first. "So, show me what you have, then?" she offers, leaning over to give the other woman a squeeze with the arm around her before sliding her arm off her, and tossing back more of her now almost empy beer.