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Hyjinks in Bludhaven!
Date of Scene: 02 September 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Deadwatch, Stardust, Martian Manhunter, Ghost Rider (Ketch), 1354

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
It's a clear night out in Sunnyvale, Bludhaven, whatever you wish to call it. It's the witching hour and while most stores are closed, it's plane to see one is probably open. There's lights on inside and up stares, even the basement lights are visible though seeing through those frosted windows is quite impossible. There are two shop-keepers inside, entertaining various guests and folk who get the novelty of visiting an occult store at midnight, and then there's the back of the shop where there's well more people. For those magically in tune, the place is crawling with enchantments, wards, you name it, and really about 90% of the people inside are in some way or another part of the magical community as a whole. Whether they're just people who've picked up a little ability through study or use of herbs, all the way to the occasional mage... Heck, there's 4 of them that even reside at this shop, One master, one apprentice, and 2 journeymen. That would be Kaelyn, Wendy, Tanya and Tina. The shop its self is layed out quite nicely really. The front 3rd is kind of a book lounge, coffe shop and cafe with a couple checkout counters, the back of that part that is the normal sales floor is stacked with shelf after shelf after shelf of occult and new age odds and end, including reprints of very ancient and rare texts, these being completely verbatum coppied even to the smallest detail. NOw of course, what's different than normal is the door to the back sales area is open, Kae and Wendy can be seen in the back. Kae is flipping through an old text, while Wendy is putting up old books and setting others out to a couple people wanting to see original ancient texts...

The runed 3d printer, computer, and even mill and laser cutter in the back might seem out of place till one notices a number of exceedingly intricate clockworks and constructs nearby... Then there's the door to the basement, and that's even open as well. Not odd when Wendy can be seen going down there and returning with a jar or basket of reagents to put in front of people for possible sale... Or even use as there's 4 circles throughout the building for doing the occasional harmless rite... And then lastly, well there's a dragon of sorts. It's actually out back, the whole 'yard' is set off and protected by various runes that won't allow the 'average' person to even see what's going on. Howeverl the special, meta, or magical, and all, they might see it or feel it should they get curious enough about it. The Dragon is actually a rather large, horse-sized construct done in stupid detail, though what makes it quite different is the gems at the shoulder joints, and at the points of the wings as well as along the spine of the 'creature' Kae is currently moving back to the non-moving construct, walking around the thing which is currently sitting with its chest opened up, 'arms' straight down to its side and neck arched while wings are back in a kind of 'dragon rampant' pose as the redhead walks around the thing. At her feet is another circle, one painstakingly set up in the back area, this circle probably at first glance posing 5 layers of protection at least.

Deadwatch has posed:
Sunnydale.. Oh god, Does Nolan /hate/ Sunnydale with it's white picket fences and cutsey little shops. It is the most DISHONOEST part of Bludhaven, in his opinion, looking so ice and serene and.. so 90s.

"I fucking /hate/ Sunnydale.." he grimaces as he limps down the street on his cane-crutch and legbrace, weaving through the very few people out at this time. "I hated Sunnydale when I was a kid.. And I hate it now. It was hipster paradise before hipsters were even a thing. It was trendy and hip. It still /is/ too trendy.."

"Coffee shops and boutiques and shit like that." he gripes out loud, a running narrative to no one at all it seems that make a few passerbyes stare at him like he is nuts.. He looks to the empty spot beside him as he walks on, ignoring people. "And you know what I hate the /most/?" he asks... and there is a pause, as if he is listening to someone. "Well, yeah.. I /do/ hate the fact it is the only place close to Gotham with a legitimate, if cutesie, magick shop.. But No.." he sniffs once and looks ahead. "What I /really/ hate the most is there are too many fucking vampires.." he says and then a few seconds later laughs at something. "Too true, man.. Too true... Fucking feeders."

Okay, so maybe he is a wee bit crazy. Anyways, He seems to be heading towards the Magic Box, the said 'cutsie' shop that sort of makes him hurl a little in his mouth every time he enters it but which he endures because it has a kick ass selection of books. He peers around with his mismatched eyes and they fall on a new shop that wasn't there before. "Hey.. Was that place there the last time?" he asks, then looks at the empty space beside him. "What do you mean, which one? The one that is fucking GLOWING in The Dark! How can you MISS IT? You're /dead/ dead, not /brain/ dead... wait.. You know what? Never mind. You stay out here and visit your friends. I'll pop in and take a look. Looks interesting.. Maybe even useful. And I smell coffee.." he says as he walks to the door then stops and sighs, looking back over his shoulder. "Yes.. fine... I guess /technically/ you /are/ brain dead, too.." he then grumbles and pushes into the shop. "Dumb ass..."

Entering the shop he winces a bit, like someone stepping into the light from the dark outside, which he /is/ doing (and in more ways than just one) "Jesus Christ.. Not the most subtle place.." he gripes, unable NOT to see the ebbs and flow of magick through that half-there world overlayed on our own that he calls The Dark. "I swear if anyone here is Order of the Golden Dawn I am SOO fucking leaving, buncha pansy assed skyclad Crowely-lickers..." he whispers to himself as he limps around the shop, proper, slowly.. Not going much further..

Stardust has posed:
"Kaelyn?" a familiar voice calls out from beyond the shop door. Stardust, Colette in her civilian identity, one of Kaelyn's allies in the recent quest to rescue Damian Wayne. "You in..." whatever she was about to say is interrupted by a series of loud wooden clattering noises, and she can be heard hissing "Goddammit!". There are a series of thumping crashes, and the clattering stops.

The door opens with a clunk, and Stardust staggers in, dragging something behind her. "Kaelyn, are you... oh sh... your door wasn't locked was it? I think I head something... uh... if I broke it I'll pay!" Stardust's outfit is regulation superhero. A figure-hugging two-piece costume with leggings and a midriff-baring top, full-face mask with eye covering lenses. It's subtly patterned in pale grays and off whites, and glimmering slightly, like faint starlight. If Kaelyn is observant, she'll notice it's slightly different from the previous day. The item she's dragging in is apparently a somewhat battered antique cigar-shop Indian.

Stardust examines the possibly damaged door, looking worried. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean... I was kind of distracted by... oh! Yeah. Kaelyn? Something weird is happening and I thought... Hey, I know someone who might know about this. It's probably... well." She yanks the wooden Indian forwards and pushes it into the middle of the floor, then pokes it. "Go on," she says to the wooden Indian. "Do something."

The wooden Indian does nothing.

Stardust pokes it again, and unsurprisingly it still does nothing. "I'm not crazy here. It was moving. Uh... and a few other things were too. I mean things that aren't supposed to move." She pokes the Indian a third time, then sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "Okay. I haven't been drinking, and I SWEAR it moved. I mean like proper moved, not just creaked and tilted or whatever. It was walking down the street. I figured there must be some kind of magic thing going on, or excess life-force, or one of those things. Or voodoo. It could be voodoo. Is voodoo a thing?" She goes back to examining the door. "Anyway. Stuff is moving around. I saw a car attempting to dance. At least I think it was dancing. The door is fine! The door is fine! No damage. So, I thought you might like..."

Stardust tails off, slowly realizing there are other people around, and she bites her lip. "Uh. There's stuff happening. Probably magical stuff. Outside. Um. Hello?" She looks at the assembled people, giving a cheery wave in the hopes that that will explain everything though when she notices one of those gathered is Nolan, her eyes narrow a little in recognition.

Meanwhile, the wooden Indian starts to rotate slowly.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Heading along the street here is a rather large, and well dressed man. His eyes take in the area with a calmness rarely seen even in the most confident. His stride is unhurried, but it is obvious that he walks towards the shop with intent.

J'onn continues to follow the mental signature of the person that assisted in fighting Starro not but a few days ago. His interest peaked, not just in how the individual showed up, but the reasons behind her assistance. Now, in one of his human forms, he comes to see who and what she is...

His various senses and sensitivites flare to life as he closes in on the shop, with a couple others it appears, and a quick raise of a single eyebrow is followed by a comment to himself, "Most Interesting." He glances to the back, he does indeed notice the same mystical creature he encountered in space, and nods that he is in the right place.

He slowly closes the rest of the distance to the shop, and takes in (with all of his senses) the various people that are moving around at this point in time. At this point he doesn't feel any tell-tale signs of danger, and calmly moves further into the shop... right in time to see Stardust... with a wooden Indian... that slowly starts to move...

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Word has reached a certain biker about the possibility of a legitimate magic shoppe. A real one. So Danny saddled up and rode into Bludhaven seeking the little shop. A few recent encounter has necessitated that he brush up on more of the dark side of the world. Tips, tricks and tactics to taking down the bad things that go bump in the night rather than brute force alone. His chopper rolls down the street, barely more than at an idle.

Stopping across the street from the shoppe, he sits and watches for a few minutes, seeing people coming and going, seeing the shadows against the windows in the basement. "Busy place.. Hopefully its not a waste of time like the last place. Fucking hippies." He mutters to himself, cutting the engine, standing and swinging a leg over the bike and kicking its stand down. His keys get tossed in a jacket pocket and he slowly makes his ways inside the shoppe. Currently pushing aside his.. other.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
    There's face at the window again. It might seem like deja vu for Kaelyn had she been in the front of the show, but she's not. It's a dark-haired lady, and the face belongs to a body dressed in tight-fitting black bicycling shorts whth fire graphics down the sides, a bair of strangely heavy boots, and a powder-blue babydoll top that reads "Dangerous When Bored".

    "there _are_ people here this late. Interesting." Valerie tells herself. the door is open and so through it goes the woman. There's a rush of air inside, and suddenly the woman is standing next to the well-dressed man. She's just *there*.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
At the sudden influx of persons, Tanya looks up from behind the counter before smiling. She's dressed like the quintisential witch, complete with hat, So's Tina the girl behind the coffee bar... Wendy, who can be seen walking up from the back can also be seen dressed that way. Still Kaelyn isn't really to be seen as she's currently fiddling with the 'creature' in back. As Wendy gets past the rows of shelves she pauses noticing Stardust, Nolan, then J'onn and finally Danny..

Tanya then calls out "Hallo, and welcome to Enchanted Grounds... Since you guys got through the wards and all, I assume you know how to keep a secret. If there's anything we can do to help, do not hesitate to ask." She says, smiling brightly.. Wendy blinks and looks to Colette and the statue and then back to Colette... "Sweety you've been pranked by someone... Some cald that a Wooden statue curse... It's annoying, but passes in a couple hours.. Or I can remove it for you right now..." She says and smiles before motioning to the back "Kae is back there ummm, working on something crazy.."

Tanya smiles at Nolan "Is there anything I can help you find? Or direct you to?" She asks, putting on a pleasant smile. Meanwhile Wendy then turns to J'onn and tilts her head "She's in back." She says motioning for Colette and J'onn to head through the back door, while she moves to the spinning statue, waves a hand and suddenly the thing thunks to the floor... She peers at it and suddenly is all smiles before she wiggles a finger upward and the statue floats over to the undecorated corner nearest the entrance "Perfect!" she calls out happily.

Two of the girls now look to Danny curiously as they enter, one blue and one violet set of eyes study him for a moment curiously... "Books you're probably looking for are in back. If you need to speak to the boss go ahead, but she's a bit busy trying to fix her battle construct...." they say simply. Wendy then gets a pot of arabic coffee out and pours up a glass of it for everyone, except Valerie... She gets some green tea, caffein free... But it should at least be quite good..

For those who do go into the back, Kae is standing directly in front of the draconic construct, her hands moving around what looks to be a metal-clad spherical crystal. It's a rich cerulian blue, and well it gloes. Kae's hands move around it as she stares into the thing while her mouth moves, though it appears no sound comes out.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight stares...

He mainly stares at Stardust. No, thats not true. He mainly stares at the Cigar Indian that Stardust has dragged in. /THEN/ he stares at Stardust and it takes a moment for him to recognize her. "Wow.. if it isn't Miss David Bowie Fan Girl and her little friend... You really couldn't have come in here dressed, oh I dunno, a bit more casual?" he asks, then motions towards the indian. "Did you raid a warehouse for props from defunct televison shows? Because I think there is an abandoned Cheers set somewhere missing it's door greeter." he says sarcastically... Then squints at the statue. "Hey, did you know your Cigar Indian, which by the way is TOTALLY fucking UN-PC, is possessed?" he asks... And blinks as more people come in in not QUITE rapid succession.

"Damn, this place fills up fast..." he murmurs and frowns a bit as his Sight, always on, shows him things about them. The guy who looks like a gumshoe? Totally not human. Not that there is anything WRONG with that. "You're far from home, aren't ya.." he whispers, though only to himself.. The girl in the Baby Tee? Yeah, her aura is way outta whack though not in a mystical way.. fast and blurry.. it hurts his eyes a bit. "That one needs to cut down on the coffee.." he murmurs...

The Young man in the leathers? Now /that/ makes Nolan blink. "Holy shit..." he whispers even lower... In The Dark his aura is BURNING! Especially his head. Nolan wants to take a step back because.. "This is not going to be my night, is it?" he asks himself as he watches the demon possessed youth...

His stareing is interupted by the.. barrista? he quickly turns on the sturrup of his legbrace and leans on the counter. "Since we... wait.. WHAT? You think walking through WARDS guaruntees that anyone will keep a SECRET? Anyone even HALF as sensitive as a GNAT can see the magick BLOCKS away! Your security /sucks/." he says, looking exhasperated then blances as she makes the turning statue NOT turn anymore. "Oh my god? What are you? A rank AMATEUR? You don't just DISSIPATE life force! That might have BELONGED to someone who wanted it BACK!" Gah!" he facepalms... "I need a drink..."

Stardust has posed:
"Pranked? With magic?" Stardust sighs in annoyance. "Wooden statue curse. Really? I have better things to do. Oh well." She smiles brightly at Wendy, then shrugs her shoulders. "Magic!" she declares. Then realizing where she is, adds "...uh is kind of cool, when it's not used for pranking."

Still, magic shop. This is not the kind of place that Stardust visits on a daily basis, so she can't help peering around curiously. It actually /is/ kind of cool. As she looks around, her eyes seem to take in everything apart from Nolan, who she is pointedly not looking at. However she can't help rising to the bait. "No Bowie jokes. I'm pretty sure I told you no Bowie jokes already. Did you forget? And it's not MY un-pc wooden Indian. And it's not possessed. Perfectly regular Wooden Statue Curse, don't you know anything?" Stardust sniffs dismissively, and takes the proffered Arabic coffee with a thanks.

Stardust looks into the back room, leaning in the doorway and sipping her coffee. "Hey there Kaelyn," she says. "What are you... holy sh... what is that dragon thing? Are you building it, or performing surgery? And where can I get one? Wait..."

Stardust turns back to look into the main room, craning to look at the wooden Indian. "Wooden statue curse?" she asks Wendy. "Are you sure? 'cos there was a car, and a street lamp, and a couple of trash cans, too. And they aren't wooden statues."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"It seems this City is full of interesting people..." J'onn comments to himself, pausing only slightly before avoiding the backyard with the dragon. Even though he can sense the energies in the area, doesn't mean he has learned how to further identify them, and decides it is best left alone for now.

His eyes scan the area, taking in each person, their aura, scent, and mental signature that seems to beacon to him like most people recognize faces. His eyes do not linger on any one person for too long, and his gait continues to take him towards the back of the shop. For those extremely sensitive to magical auras, J'onn would be only the most minor of interests, but magically inclined it would appear.

When Wendy directs him to the back, he offers a polite nod, "Thank you." and continues on. He takes a moment to watch the statue, then interaction that Wendy has with it, and the change to the statue. A few more steps towards the back door precedes Nolan's comment, to which J'onn nods his head in Nolan's direction saying "Farther than most, but closer than others." He then finishes his walk back towards Kaelyn.

"I see you are working on your magical construct." J'onn's deep, but recognizable voice (despite his new form) says to Kaelyn. "Pardon me..." J'onn says politey to Stardust as he stands behind her in the doorway. "We appreciate your assistance in dealing with the Entity a few days ago. I decided to come, visit, and ask what drew you to the conflict?"

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny Ketch isn't quite sure what to expect here. The last shop was dissapointing. The two girls watching him creeping him out a bit, but the whole place has his 'Other' squirming. Like a itch inside his brain he can't scratch. But Nolan staring at him is irritating. "See something you like chief?" He snaps at him before brushing past. "Fucking hippies.."

The man moves to the back after the advice of the two girls. His gaze turns back to J'onn.. watching him for a long moment. Thought he sensed something. But no.. just this shop messing with him.

He continues towards the back, calling out. "Hey.. your girls told me the library is back here? Hello?" He calls as he walks into the back room.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
    There's a small traffic jam near the back door, then. Valerie is there too. "What's happening out there?" comes her voice from behind J'onn and Stardust. "Anything interesting?" Her form blurs a bit but comes back into focus asnd she taps her foot. "Hello? Anyone?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Wendy rubs the nape of her neck and sighs... "Ok it's a poltergeist, and no I didn't dissapate it or harm the life force at all. I'm gonna have to go out and round them up, figure out where they belong and move them there, or give em new homes rather than animating objects..." She says and sighs "Was just trying to be nice to the girl is all.." Wendy says in defense and then yes, she sticks her tongue out at Nolan now... "I know what to do!" she says. Tanya and Tina both say, at the same time, yay twins, "Rookie..." Calmly, now taking a dig at Wendy

Meanwhile, Kae glances to Colette after pushing the metal wrapped core back into the dragon's chest. The dragon then begins closing up, small components closing around the core, then soething resembling ribs close in and lock together, followed by more small compents or arranged in such a way that they litterally look like muscle fibre or tissue, then finally the armor plates close, these resembling of course scutes and scales one expects to see on a dragon. The very feint blue light emanating from between every third scute just barely visible.
% Kae blinks and turns to Colette then J'onn and smiles "Uhh yah, this is a construct I was making after doing research on well various heros... I figured I could make an armored combat construct that would offer better protection than a regular suit... Basically the 'pilot' kind of fuses with the construct, thus becoming well in this case an artificed dragon." she says and motions to the creature, no it doesn't move at this point, just stands dead still.. "It's still got a loooot of work to do... like those energy blasts the other day weren't anywhere near the output this thing should be able to do, also I wasn't able to switch the type of energy output, it was stuck on plasma..." Kae says..

Green eyes now swivel to Danny, her head turning, then oddly the dragon's head turns just like Kae's does... Wendy peeks in and giggles "It's doing it again Kae!" Kae crosses her arms under her chest and the dragon does the same, just a tiny bit delayed from Kae... Kae then turns, back to the dragon which then turns as well promptly sweeeping Kae's feet out from under her with its tail, before the thing stops moving as Kae lands with an oof... "Yaaaah, basically this thing once you've been in it is hard to get out of.. took me 12 hours to be able to disentangle my self from it..." Kae says to J'onn, then now looks to Danny... "Ummm All the way to the back! Don't black the door, y'all may as well come on back here!" she calls out then waves a hand and forms a willow-wisp type illusiion which tries to lead those who are hanging around in the library back to come on all the way to the back yard.

Kae then begins trying to get to her feet.. "Anyhow ummm yah, welcome to my home and shop?" she says and rubs the nape of her neck "If you've not guessed, I'm umm, a mage, well an Artificer to be precise..." she says and smiles sheepishly. The dragon smiles too...

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight slides his hand down his face and looks at Stardust. "I'm pretty sure i remember you saying no Bowie jokes. I just don't really /care/. It's /funny/. Oh, and when you embue someting with magic to make it move, it /is/ a form of possession. That energy came from SOMEWHERE. To emulate life you USE life.. It's sympathetic magick! Don't /you/ know anything?" he asks.

He steps aside, POLITELY (because Nolan is ALWAYS polite, right) to let J'onn pass.. and rolls his eyes (and smirks) at the non-human's comment. "Nice.. you should write fortune cookies.." he says, with a chuckle, then leans on his cane-crutch and looks at Danny as /he/ brushes past him. "Hey, keep your infernal stank to yourself, KID McDemonHead." he growls then watches the back of his (in his eyes) burning head as Danny moves into the back. "Demonic pacts are all the rage these fucking days, I guess, if ya ain't got your own mojo he mutters. Then sighs and looks at Wendy.

"You just /unbound/ a poltergiest without any qualifiers. And there are MORE outside? What are you doing, BREEDING the damned things? Don't stick your toungue out at me! I wasn't haphazardly disposessing indian tobacco advertisements for fun without thinking of the consequences. This little burg already has ENOUGH crap floating around. It's like magical STD's floating around after Woodstock!". He groans and makes a few hand gestures. "Ike! Ember! Jimmy The Fish! Go round up those poltergeists.... I don't care how, just don't HURT them... Yeah yeah, I know it's a bitch of a job but thats what I pay you guys for... Well I DO!"

Sighing, he turn again and decides to limp after all of the others because, well, why the hell not. "THey probably got a dragon or something in the backya..."

He stops as he enters the open area, staring at the armor everyone else is looking at, and then hangs his head. "Oh for crying out...."

Stardust has posed:
"No," Stardust responds to Nolan. "It's not funny. You don't get to decide if your own jokes are funny. Do you have a dial for your personality? Because it seems to be stuck on 'grumpy.'"

  Stardust bumps away from the door-frame and steps inside, un-jamming the traffic jam with a "Come look," in response to Valerie's question. She returns J'onn's politeness with a polite nod back to him. She gives the man a curious but brief glance, presumably because he's rather imposing -- she doesn't have the senses to see through his disguise. She on the other hand, has one of the more confusing mental signatures he's come across.

Coming in closer to look at the dragon construct, Stardust circles it, responding to Nolan's dragon comment with an addendum. "Make that 'grumpy smart-ass'. Hmm. Construct, huh? I knew that," Stardust replies to Kaelyn, her eyes glazing over slightly at the explanation. "You sound a bit like Robin when he's talking tech. Only magic instead of tech."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Making his way to the back, J'onn slowly lifts Kaelyn to her feet with a thought, "I see..." he dusts her off, "...careful now. Looks like you have some more practice ahead of you." He looks back to the Dragon, as he asks "This is a mix of technology and magic?" His various senses taking in the sight, "Very interesting. I believe Zatanna would be most interested in all of this..." Looking back to Kaelyn, he adds, "...if you have not already spoken to her?"

He adjusts his gaze to look at Nolan, "Fortune cookies... Curious concept, but not really fitting their name, wouldn't you say?" He spares a glance between Nolan and Danny, especially after the demon comments. He doesn't linger on it long, though, turning back to the group building in around the Dragon.

"If you decide you would like to test out more of it and your capabilities I can help. It is the least I can do given your willingness to help against an Entity of such immense threat..."

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny Ketch hears Kaelyns call, and starts moving with a purpose now,.. at least he does for a moment before Nolan's words strike him. He turns, waiting for Nolan to get to him, and he steps in his way.

"I'm not a fucking demon you half wit mystic asshole." He tells him, loudly. He doesn't care who hears him. Letting his 'Other' loose just a little. His eyes simmer into flames, azure flames the hue of a cloudless sky at midday. Hints of white every now and then. One cheek goes hollow, giving him a more pronounced bone structure. "I'm the farthest thing you can be from a demon. So either get your facts straight.. or keep your trap shut."

He snarls this at Nolan, and in Nolans eyes, the burning aura would only get brighter. Like staring into a blast furnace. He turns away, and forces his 'Other' down again, the human rising to the surface. "Wicked Dragon.. Uhm.. Ms. Kaelyn was it?" I need books of lore on dark dwellers.. would that be too much to hope for?" He asks her. He's hoping for the best after hearing the talk of poltergeists and magi and such.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
There's another rush of air and Valerie is right nect to J'onn and Kaelyn. Did she even cross the intervening space? She's crouching when she appears. "Are you alright?" she asks. "Do you need anything? I can go get you that iced matcha latte you like."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins back to the group "It's been a long time in coming!" she says cheerfully, then glancing to Nolan "Umm, question? I'm an Artificer, you might call us the crazy artizans of the magic world and all considering just -how- we use magic and form it and what we do with it and stuff... Soo, that being said, can you think of a much better battle armor than a dragon construct?" NOt to mention the sheer number of enchantments laced together making this thing run, it might as well be a -real- dragon, specially once it has someone inside it.... Kae then umms "Biggest issue I'm having with it is disengagement time... Was thinking about inhabiting it tonight and starting it up, waiting and then disengaging..." She says to Nolan.

She's helped up by J'onn, and the redhead offers a smile "Many thanks." Kae then notes Wendy and waves her over... "Need Artilacs entreities on Dark Entities from my personal collection, My coppy of Merlin's tome on otherworldly entities, Also my coppy of Fallen and Risen, Archangles and demonic entities..." She says and then glances to Danny "You are welcome to read my personal books here, Wendy can help you transcribe them, but I ask you not to try and leave the shop with my books... " She taps her chin "Meh you won't be able to leave anyway so no point in trying, they'll just teleport back to their slots on the bookshelves... However, I have a press that can make you copies of those three books, Wendy can help you find more in my collection, but I warn, while I'm a rounded mage, and have dealt with dimensional and other planar beings that is not my specialty..." She says and smiles slightly. Wendy's eyes get a bit big, and makes her way up stares now, after having viewed Danny in the Eitheric.

Kae now glances at Colette "I got chairs out here and a table if you guys would like to sit and relax some... No use standing next to the door..." She says and then motions to the ground "There's a circle of power and protective wards out here as well, so you guys should be just fine and protected from any weather... I can also have food brought to everyone if you like..." She then glances to Nolan and ummms... "Anyhow, since I've opened, I've noticed a large number of young magi without a safe place to practice of late, specially here... I figured I could make my facilities available, and they can practice and the wards would limit the amount of magic leeking out, but evidently there's a lot considering the sheer number of folks visiting tonight.." She then grins and rubs the nape of her neck again "Didn't expect this many people." she mutters, then looks at the construct some more...

"Soo!!! I made some adjustments to the habitation spells and all, Since y'all are here, wanna see if my construct will work correctly?" She asks, hands now resting on hips, then what J'onn says sinks in... "Umm where is it would you like me to try this beasty out?" She asks him curiously.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is NOT listening to Collete.. Or J'onn.. or anyone else in particular except for Kaelyn. He is massaging the bridge of his nose like he has a migraine.. a dragon sized migraine.

"This... This is what happens when no one teaches kids /limits/..." he murmurs... "This is what happens when someone has too much time on their hands and binge watches old television shows and has a smidgeon of talent and thinks they are the magical world's equivilant of Tony Fucking Stark...Oh hey, lets build DRAGON ARMOUR because we /CAN/... Not SHOULD. CAN! Next thing you know you'll e thing "Oh, I'll Build GRYPHON ARMOUR next! And then MANTICORE ARMOUR! Then Maybe some UNDEAD UNICORN ARMOUR!" He takes a deep breath.

"Because nothing ever bad could happen when people build powerful armours, right?" he asks, with a heavey dose of MORE sarcasm. "Because they NEVER get stolen.. or become sentient.. or both.."

He 'feels' a flare of heat in The Dark and squints at Danny a moment. "Don't get hung up on semantics with me, matchstick. If you wanna walk around LOOKING like a demon on the astral, then you're not far from being one. I don't care if you're from hell itself or some divine spirit doing demonic cosplay. Choosing a look, a THEME, /does/ have a consequencial effect. And demons and angels and a whole slew of otehr supernaturl entities aren't much different. Just that one side grooms their wings a bit differently than the others. Hell, no pun intended, there are a few dozen lower demons in this town alone who look less 'Gonna Burn your soul' and probably are more upstanding citizens then then your 'passenger' is. So blow me." he says. "And don't think your little glowy eye games scare me.." Well they might.. a wee bit anyays, just because, you know, he's still more or less human. "I may not be Doctor Fuckin Strange by a long shot, Hot Stuff, but I've seen scarier shit than your ride-along. So go get your library card and check out a few books and read up a bit. Get yourself some edu-ma-cation.."

He glares at the Armor's creator a scond longer, more out of exhasperation than anything else, then limps back OUT to the main part of the shop (passing the speedster)

"You have coffee here, right? Great? Do you got bagels too? I need to eat /something/ before the super magick happy friends back there burn the town down.. Oh, do you got t-shirts too? With Something ironic written on it?" he asks.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust sticks her tongue out at Nolan. Because apparently he doesn't like it. She's filed that one away for future reference.

"Dark dwellers?" Stardust picks up on Danny's words. She doesn't turn to him and thus missed the cool flaming eyes trick, which is probably for the best, as it means she doesn't ask him how he does it and try to get him to do it again. "I can tell you about dark dwellers. Do /not/ go into the sewers. Not worth the effort. Giant albino alligators aren't the half of it. There's ninjas, too. And giant turt... uh, never mind."

Circling the dragon-construct again, Stardust examines it from every angle. Even from above, with a little flying. Show-off. "Hmm. It looks really cool and whatever. You could be like Iron Man, only a dragon. Call yourself Iron Dragon. I bet he'd be jealous. If he tries to sue you for breach of trademark, it wasn't my idea. I'm not sure though. Wouldn't something more uh... bipedal... be better? You wouldn't want to get your arms and legs confused in the middle of a fight. Or call it 'supersuit magically augmented.' S. M. AUG. for short."

Arching an eyebrow in Nolan's direction as he storms limpingly out, she adds in a slightly raised voice so that he can hear "He makes a good point, Kaelyn." She gives Kaelyn a broad smirk. "Undead unicorn armor would be pretty cool. Do that one next! You heard him, nothing bad could ever happen."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Now that outburst from Danny will definitely draw J'onn's attention away from the Dragon and Kaelyn. His gaze becoming fairly intense for the few moments that Danny's eyes glow with fire. However, as quickly as Danny's demeanor changes so does J'onn's interest.

"You are quite welcome." J'onn replies, his voice and face remaining impassive throughout, "If you plan on using this construct for battle, then I would recommend we test it in Atmosphere as well as in Space." His mind moving through multiple scenarios as he continues, "As you've seen, movement, projectiles, timing, all change when you've left the Atmosphere, impact of gravitational pulls, and similar phenomenon to which your science explains as Newtonian Laws in enertial frames of reference."

After Nolan's rant, J'onn continues, "He makes valid points, and provides logical arguments for reasons why you should build in multiple safeguards. Not only to the accessibility of this construct, but it's ability to harness and use magic without your explicit direction." He offers Kaelyn and the others a chance to sit in the chairs before he sits himself. "Likely a mechanism such that not just any magic practitioner is capable of accessing it either. You would not want an unskilled or malicious individual with the ability to use a creation of this caliber."

After a moment, he realizes that he has not followed standard human customs, and turns back to Kaelyn "My name is J'onn J'onzz."

Ghost Rider (Ketch) has posed:
Danny Ketch grits his teeth. He really wants to deck Nolan in the teeth, but nobody likes the guy that hits a cripple. Even if he really has it coming. This time it's the 'Other' reminding his human side that bigger things are afoot. It's weird sharing your soul.. and your mind... with your ancestor from the 1700's riding shotgun all the time.

"The Fallen and Risen, if you please. I dont need a copy, I just need to read it. See if it has anything on these Dark Dwellers. Man sized things that love the dark places of the world, skitter like roaches when you turn on the lights.. and they're damned hard to kill." But then he has a thought.. "Hey.. asshole." He says turning and calling Nolan. "If you know so much then point me in the right direction. I need a hand killing a nest of Dark Dwellers.."

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
valerie blurs a bit more as she stands, tapping her foot and listening. "This is terribly exciting." she says sarcastically. She looks to the dragon. "Hmm. It seems like it would be roo big of a target. Everyone will attack it first because it looks like the biggest threat." a look back to Kaelyn. "Is that what you were hoping for?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae stares briefly at the ranter and ummms.... She then shrugs "Do me a favor, look really closely at the dragon, use your astral sight, tell me just how many security measures are in place?" she asks curiously... "Not the least of which is this construct -has- to be attuned to the person who uses it... That person essentially becomes its mind, direction, life force, core while inhabiting it... It won't accept another person, not unless that person dies, then it takes time for the construct to reset its attunements... It won't while I'm alive.." Kae says and grins slightly... "But if you like, you're welcome to try and take it for a drive, I doubt it will let you." she adds. She then umms "And while kind of armor, it's more of an ummm... Battle Form... you inhabit it, you don't put it on like a suit." she comments, pretty sure this latter bit is going to make Nolan really loose it...

She then taps her chin, and has food and stuff brought out, and yes there are bagels... Next Kae glances from person to person... "Umm anyhow let me show ya how it works I guess, maybe that will answer some questions..." she says and the woman. She then puts on a couple bracelets "Anyhow, I honestly made this thing in an experiment. Inhabiting the suit is sooo much like transfiguring your self though, it's quite unsettling however, I've just adjusted the enchantments and such, so I'd best get on this before too long... I get stuck in it again like last time folks will wonder why I'm not showing up to work till noon again." she says and winks to those nearby, then well she focusses briefly, the new bracelets glow and Kae's simply gone.

It doesn't take long to figure out where as the construct actually takes on an even more lifelike appearance, those little details that marked it as a construct seem to fade, the hide takes on a more life-like luster, then well, the horse-sized creature's lungs seem to fill, the sound of a large breath coming in, then exhailing and taking on a normal pattern of breathing. If one were close they'd even hear possibly a strong heart starting up before the construct's eyes open, these being simply blue glowing orbs. Then they blink then the creature's head shakes "God this is still sooo wierd.... " And yes it's Kae's voice coming from the construct's mouth, even if sounding slightly hollow. Next the tail twitches and moves, then the wings, as if the limbs 'activating' are systems coming on line as the 'suit' boots up...

'Kae' then looks to Colette and grins a bit "I'm thinking Gryphon, you wanna take it for a drive?" She says, and winks, long pointy ear-fins perking now and then slicking back to their normal position as a crest rises and falls.. "Yup really really durned wierd..." She now looks to Nolan and still grinning "Also as to why I did this, the counter question is why not? I'm an artificer, not much of an evocer, I can cast spells I can defend my self, but I've seen some pretty crazy stuff, so thought this would be a good idea if someone really needs the help... " Kae adds and now looks to Valerie... "Umm honestly? I picked dragon cause that's what first came to mind, so I built it... Dragons are very very naturally gifted in combat, physical weapons, strength, resilience... And if I do the spells and enchantments I can get that same performance, perhapse more in a more compact frame..." Kae then sits back on haunches, the tail now holding her upright as she flexes her hands, yes they're not paws but fully articulate, if clawwed hands... "Anyhow, I'm gonna have to stay in this thing for about an hour, then have to extricate my self to make sure the enchantments are functioning properly."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight is openly perusing other NON dragony wares (some of it hopefully edible) and then cranes his head a bit. "I can /heeeeear/ you." he tells Stardust. "And Yes, Undead Unicorn Armour would be fucking /awesome/.. But so are Nuclear weapons and you see the problem with THAT." he calls back. "Ooooh, is that an Eclair? With Runic Script iced on it? I'll take that and.. uhm.. Those awesome looking set of orachalchum dice... I cana lways use those.." he murmurs, then stands up as he gets his coffee (and a glare) from Wendy. "Thanks, Doll." he says and, despite being a jerk, drops much more than his order is worth on the counter. "Keep the change and bag up the rest.. I'll get it on the way out.."

He limps back out into the courtyard or whatever it is, sipping his coffee and raising a brow at Danny. "You rang?" he asks, at least not DENYING he is an asshole. "Dark Dwellers? Thats /vague/. Everyone throws the word Dark into things without knowing what it means. Are we talking DEMONIC? Asbtract Spirits of Darkness born of baser human suboncious given manifestation? Corrupt Fae? Mutants living in sewers? There is more then one thing thats been called Dark Dwellers?" he sips his coffee again. "I can ask around, anyways. I have a lot of contacts out and about who know a LOT about The Dark." the way he says it, it is clear that The Dark has more more meaning then just absence of light. "From your description it is probably oen of the first three, and I am leaning towards the dark Fae but don't quote me on that. Magic is always good against them, of course. Most supernatural creatures, witha few exceptions, hate fire. Iron is another. Cold Iron, that is, which is just a poetic term for weapons MADE from iron. Uhm.. lessee... Most things that repel evil /spirits/ work on evil fae.. what else.. A lot of /dar/ fae don't like water, running or otherwise, or bells.. And if they aren't fae lords may of them can't stand to be looked in the eye..."

as he speaks he makes a hand gesture with his heavily scarred left hand, a hand that looks like it should barely be able to move.. He wincies in pain but 'magically' makes a few business cards appear, fanned out like a hand of poker cards.

T"Take one.. If you need help gimme a call. I will give you my being an asshole discount." he says cheerily, then looks over at Kae as she INHABITS the suit and windces even more.

"la la laaaa.. Not seeing ANYTHING!" he says, looking away again. "Have you seen the amount of trouble NON magical artificers get into, toots? And Dragons are only gifted in combat because they are /big/. And breath fire! Thats really about it." he calls back, not looking at her or the dragon'form'.. he does look at J'onn, though. "Hey, thanks for saying i was being logical." he says with a head nod.

Then he frowns and sets the cards down, and limps quickly for the door as if someone called for him. "Sorry! Gotta Run!" he yells as he limps by (painfully) on his crutch, leaving the now empty cup and grabbing his bag of goodies and out the front door.. "Hey you guuuuuuys! Wait for me! Herd them **puff** toward the **wheeze** cul de sac down the street!"

It must have something to do with the poltergeists.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust glares back through the doorway at Nolan. "Yeah, nuclear weapons bad. But so is putting butter on a mouse. What's the relevance here? Nobody's talking about wearing nuclear weapons. That would be pretty dumb." She shakes her head, turning back to the dragon-construct-antics.

"Take it for a drive?" Stardust holds her hands up. "Nope. Not me. I'm only insured for things with wheels. And a gryphon with wheel? That's not a good look for gryphons. 'sides, my mom always told me, never ride a gryphon. I never figured out why. Strange lady."

Stardust turns to eye up J'onn. She might have not paid a whole lot of attention earlier when he appeared to be an imposing-but-random visitor to the shop, but when he starts talking about the practicality of battles in space, her curiosity is piqued. "Are you a space-soldier or something? Astro-marine? Jedi knight?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
A small quirk of eyebrow and lips at Valerie's comment can be seen on J'onn's face. He glances in Kaelyn's direciton, and nods "Yes. Biggest threats do draw attention. Be sure you are ready for that." He watches with keen interest as she merges forms with the construct. Once she's incorporated into the magical artifice, he confirms that it's the same mental presence as before.

"You made reasonable points on the dangers of powerful pieces of magical equipment." J'onn nods to Nolan in agreement. He floats one of the cards over to his hand, looks it over quickly, and then places it in his jacket pocket. "Perhaps a bit of work on the delivery will help in others realizing the value of the comments."

Looking back to Kaelyn, he adds "Unfortunately it seems I am being called back to the Watchtower. When you feel you have time to work on further refinement of your capabilities in this construct I will assist you. All you need to do is visit the Hall of Justice, or mentally reach out to me..." Glancing over to Stardust, he adds "...Space Soldier, yes.." a pause, then adding "...a Jedi Knight without the Lightsaber..." then he turns into his more widely known form of the Martian Manhunter, "Thank you all for your time. I look forward to seeing you all again." He slowly lifts off the ground, and starts to disappear as he does to avoid unwanted attention for Kaelyn's shop.

Valerie Kameya (1354) has posed:
"This is all terribly boring." Valeries says finally, a touch of irritation in her voice. "I will go as well." and she offers a wave to everyone. "Have a good evening." She stops, though, and looks at Colette. "If you put butter on a mouse, and then toss a cat after it, which side up does the cat land on?" She shrugs, though. "Goodnight."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances around watching people leave left and right then umms and looks at the time. She even gives a rueful smile, somehow... "Girls are gonna giggle at this one... " she mutters and sighs "Still a lower time limit on disengaging from the construct.." Kae mutters and glances to Colette "Soo how is umm, Cassie?" she asks trying to remember the name. "I put as much healing as I could on short notice on her and all, but everyone was real keen on getting her to the tower really quickly. Is Cassie healing allright?" Kae asks curiously.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust puts her coffee cup down, and stretches. "Better than you'd expect," she replies. "Apparently magic can be a very handy thing when it comes to being stabbed. Or rather being un-stabbed." She watches slightly bemused as people all seem to be leaving together. "Was it something we said? Uh. Yeah, so I haven't had a chance to see since but I hear she's good as new.

  Stardust circles the dragon one more time. "Yeaaah. So I think I should probably leave you to finish up your experiments without interruption. 'Cos being stuck like that doesn't sound like it would be a good week. Do you... do you uh... actually, I just realized that's something I don't wanna know." With a grin and a wave, she starts for the door, but stops on her way out to say one last thing. "Uh... keep the wooden statue, yeah?"