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Latest revision as of 14:20, 30 October 2017

Reformed Souls and 80 Proof Spirits
Date of Scene: 05 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1333, 1256, Crusader

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     Early evening in Metropolis, and with the change in lighting comes the nightlife of the area. The bar known as "Seven Circles" has been opened up since 5 PM tonight, it's bartender opening the doors to let in his patrons.

  A flamed-haired man formerly known as Hotstreak had been given his second chance here. Dressed in a dapper button down shirt and vest, Francis Stone walks up to the front, lighting up a cigarette while he waits for customers to start pouring in, so to speak.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "What do you mean Sharon's cooking?! Dad, are you sure you're gonna' be alright? Want me to order you a pizza? Or stomach transplant?"

    That would be the one and the only Virgil Hawkins, strolling up the street and chatting on his phone with his Pops, apparently. He's paying attention to where he's going but not the people that are in his way. Not when there's a Big Belly Burger around the corner.

    "I'm surprised she can even work the stove! What with her being all paws!" There's a huge grin on Virgil's face during his roasting of his sister's cooking.

Crusader has posed:
Among the crowd was what can only be described as an albino like orc, crossed with a viking. STanding heads well above the crowd the muscle bound Vorn wore black cargo pants, armored boots and even leather bracers - but of note not a shirt.
    He rubs his beard as he lets the smaller folks mostly go by...and most avoid him. But none the less he had a tusky smile on as he finally approached the door "By Juthuum, Vorn can use a drink" he rumbles out in a beastial and deep voice.
    He looks to Hotstreak as he knew that would be the person he needed to get by if he wanted in. Chances vary as it stands, but none the less he offer him a wave.
    His ears twitch as he catches a transmission of bad cooking. He looks back up the street towards Virgil and chuckles. That must be some baaaad cooking to offer a stomach transplat

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     Hotstreak blows a healthy amount of smoke from his lungs, not towards the would-be patron though. "Yo, big man. What's your pleasure?" He asks, taking another drag, obviously he wouldn't need to ask for ID with this guy.

  And then there was Virgil Hawkins. The pyrokinetic sticks out his tongue and extinguishes the cigarette, no wince of pain, and no burn afterward. "Hawkins!" He says, not in an angered tone, but not in a friendly one. Hotstreak opens the door to allow Vorn inside.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:

    Virgil Ovid Hawkins (SHUT UP!) stops dead in his tracks and the smile fades from his face. He knows that voice. Angry. Friendly. Anythingy. He knows that voice far too well. And that's why it takes him the longest moment to turn around. "Hey, Pop? Can I call you back? Thanks. Love you too. Bye." The phone gets twirled in his hand and pocketed before he finally takes the time to turn around and look.

    And there he is. There's F-Stop. Standing right there, in all of his bully-ish glory. "Uh... hey, uh... Francis." Virgil's eyes go wide for a second as his entire high school life flashbacks before his eyes. "... F-Stop! I mean, F-Stop!"

    Virgil doesn't move any closer, though, as he knows a few things about F-Stop that maybe these other people don't. And he doesn't want to set him off. By, y'know, being himself.

Crusader has posed:
"WHat else but Snake Venome?" he asks in response "Or ever clear. By the abyys give me straight swill and Vorn will probably drink it!" the orc like being exclaims. And he definintly seems the kind of beast that could and would.
    He is about to go in, but than gives pause as Francis, followed by F-Stop is sounded out "....F-Stop?" he looks to Virgil and than to Francis "....dumbest nick name Vorn ever heard" and yup just a blunt as he looks too.
    He registered the whole fire being put out bit, but didn't seem to think much of it. Instead he continues to lumber towards the close by bar...becasue dang it he came here for a drink first and foremost!

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     Francis Stone (SHUT UP!) only gave a scowl as his real name was said. "Come on in." He offers the two, obviously not paying mind breaking a rule letting in a minor.

  "If you don't like that one, how about Hotstreak?" He offers to Vorn, allowing his hand to catch fire, along with his hair.

  The reformed villain however doesn't make any malicious advances towards either being. He simply steps behind the bar, his hair and hand returning to normal, pouring a shot of grain alcohol for the big man, sliding it his way.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    Anybody that take a second to look in Virgil's direction are going to get the chance to see him drop to the ground and cover his head up. Because, y'know, F-Stop tends to punch people that don't get his name right. Or something. It takes Virgil a few moments to realize he's not getting punched into the street and he peeks out of his arms to see fire hair and it's just all... too... weird.
    "Uhhh... in?" Virgil hasn't even realized that F-Stop has walked into a bar but the fact that there's not immediate animosity headed in his direction has him curious. And has his alter ego even more curious.

    Virgil follows the others inside and immediately looks around for the signs of people in distress, this being a trap or even just a general sense of this not being a safe place to hang out.

    It's realy weird when /Virgil Hawkins/doesn't even have some kind of pun or something to say. He's so confused right now.

Crusader has posed:
"Thats better" Vorn says in clear approval, and he is immediatly interested in the fire. His head even waving to the flame. "Vorn just hopes you do not burn out" he quips "Because Vorn likes his drinks" he downs the whole shot...holding the rather tiny glass between his sausage sized finger "...alright hot-shot let get to the point. Vorn wants a case - an entire case of drink. Do not worry, Vorn hold it well, and Vorn good ta pay"
    His eyes wander over to Virgil, he had seem him duck and notes his dazed look "....did someone put a shock to yer system?" he totally stole that. He grins and looks around at the various patrons. He cracks his knuckles as if ready to fight anyone but none the less looks back to Hotstreak

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     Obviously if Hotstreak wanted to go after Virgil, he had plenty of time to do such. "A whole case? Damn...let me see what I've got."

  A quick glance below, and nine bottles of hooch make their appearance on the bar. A display glass also brought up, a large flagon that's labeled 'The Devil's Cut' clean and ready while Francis cracks open the bottles. "Don't make me cut you off, big man." He offers, moving over to Virgil. "What about you? Or are you shaking too much to talk? Hotstreak not going on a rampage have you speechless?" The reformed villain doesn't hide who he is, or rather who he was.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "Uh, /duh/!"

    Virgil approaches quietly and carefully, although he does take the time to look at Vorn and raise more than an eyebrow. He's not sure if that was just luck or if he showed up on a camera somewhere. It's an awkward moment but Virgil approaches the bar nonetheless.

    He rubs a hand across his face to try and make it clearer that he's not as freaked out as he looks to be. Or he's trying to unfreak out. Whichever one works best, "Uh, I don't drink. So unless you can make a mean chocolate milkshake back there..." Virgil's not exactly sure how this is all supposed to be work but he does cop himself a seat on a stool.

Crusader has posed:
"Do not wor....Chocolate!?!?!" The orcs' eyes light up at Virgil suggestion - as if a wild beast is starving for food. ".....oh ho ho! Vorn pay good money for chocolate!" but of course first and foremost he waves his hand over a spot of the bar - the space is empty but when his hand passes over again there a simple hundred bill sitting there. Pay and tip quite likely
    "So, what the story between you two anyways?" he looks to Virgil and than Hotstreak, not being afraid to dive right into the heart of things. He opens a bottle and glugs it down...a second, a third...and he finally decides to slow down on the fourth. "Oi, that is some good stuff"

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Yeah I can swing that, I guess." He offers, a small freezer having some chocolate ice cream as he scoops it into a blender, along with some cream. "One virgin third circle shake" He harks, pouring the thick mixture into a pint glass. "No whiskey." He offers, sliding the concoction to Virgil.

  "Hawkins and I go way back." He offers, letting him finish the story should he so choose. He grabs the empties and the c-note, putting the change in the tip jar.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "All the way back. Like, he beat me up and beat me down for, oh I dunno, the better part of my entire childhood? That about right? All my concussions from his Fist impacting my skull kind of make the math fuzzy." Virgil's kind of joking but kind of telling the truth at the same time. Thus why he's just kind of saying it with no malice in his voice.

    He glances at the milkshake for a few moments before actually taking a sip. Y'know, just in case there were some things like poison or something that got added to it. "This is so weird." He'll get over it. Eventually. Maybe.

Crusader has posed:
"Ahhh, so you were the childhood asshole" Vorn says with a chuckle. "Somehow Vorn is not surprised" he nudges Virgils "But hey at least you made it out live, right?" he asks with another boisterous laugh.
    "Never finished proper schooling. Frankly Vorn find it over-rated." he states bluntly "But guess it can be helpful." he downs more of the bottle...but his eyes never leave the chocolate milkshake. "....Hotstreak...can you make me one of those?" another swig of the bottle. The man looks far from drunk as if he wasn't affected by the stuff.

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Yeah...I was an asshole." Hotstreak grabs a couple of mixing glasses, tossing them around and grabbing each as they return to his hand level. A quick scoop of chocolate ice cream, a healthy glug of the hooch that Vorn already paid for, a dash of cream, blended and served. "One authentic Third Circle shake."

  "I used to go around burning shit to the ground." a floater of booze on top, and a quick snap of his fingers and the top is lit on fire before sliding over to Vorn. "Now I just light drinks on fire."

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "Barely! He hits /hard/." is the response to Vorn.

    "I'd say I don't believe it but I'm still alive so I think you're probably telling the truth." Virgil takes another moment to drink some more of that milkshake before he offers an honest grin in F-Stop's direction. "I want to say I'm proud of you, Francis. Y'know, without getting punched through the window. It's always good to see someone grow out of being a total jerk." Back to his milkshake

Crusader has posed:
Vorn takes the firery shake happily "Haha!" he picks it up and start lapping up the chocolate milkshake mixture - fire, cream and all! The way he chows down is as if he hasn't had food in days. As he comes back up - well his now cream covered mustache is now on fire "Oh that was good" his eyes are half lidded as if it did more to make him drunk than an actual drink!
    "Well Hotstreak, perhaps you can put that fire to use! Bet you can make a hell of a blacksmith...or stop forest fire with fire" he wiggles his brow not noticing said stache is starting to glow orange like embers from the fire. A few of the patrons in the back who can see this in a mirror are getting a kick out of it though
    He looks to Virgil "Vorn hopes you do not turn a 360 like Hotstreak here" he says with a wink "Else it be a reverse of highschool. That sounds even worse! But always good to see folks turning lives around"

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Uhhh...you got a..." Francis reaches out two fingers directing the flame into his palm and out the top of his head. "Still don't like my name, Virgil. But thanks." He offers, kicking back at the bar. "At least the guy that owns this place let me work here on parole. Something about him and firey things. Got this whole Dante's Inferno fixation I guess." Another shrug before he grabs a glass of water, drinking that down.

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "... my bad." See, even the Virgil of Hawkins can admit when he has made a mistake. Which is also probably helping to make sure he doesn' end up burned alive or something. Because that much would be very bad. He doesn't want to get burned let alone burned alive. He's just a normal, college student!

    "Hey, no way. I don't have the cajones to be a badass villain type. Or the time. I can barely keep up with my homework as it is. I've got too much on my plate to be eviling it up."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn blinks and winkles his nose. He looks behind him at the folks still laughing "Awww shuddup before Vorn knocks yer lights out" he growls out at them before turning back around
    "Perhaps is is secretly a pyromaniac. What can be better for one than having a pyrokinetic workin fer them" he winks "Just be careful he does not send you to burn houses down you hear?" he gently pats his stache and winkles his nose evidently now taking note
    He looks to Virgil ".....Vorn never got the point of homework. Your already there for like what....8 hours? Why do you need to take any more work home. By Juthuum that is is dumb" he shakes his head "But at least you got your head in the right place. The most evil thing Vorn does is visit underground fighting arenas."

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     F-Stop just waves it off for now. "Forget about it." He offers, before wiping down the bar. "I did a bunch of bad shit in Dakota. Once I served my time, I got the opportunity to come here, and I took it."

  "I'm not burning down any houses anytime soon though."

Virgil Hawkins (1256) has posed:
    "Dang! I'm late!" Virgil downs the rest of his milkshake and tosses a couple dollars on the bar, before turning and stumble-running towards the door. "Thanks, F-Stop! Stay good!" And with that, Virgil makes out of the exit with the speed of a guy that's late for work, a date or... superheroing! But nah, college kids aren't superheroes!

Crusader has posed:
Vorn waves "Good luck at whatever your late for!" he calls back to Virgil as he runs off. He looks back to Hotstreak "But seriously F-Stop? What was the logic behind THAT name?" he seems to genuinly wonder

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Later." He offers, at least he made peace with Static now. Back to the customer! "I heard it from one of the photography geeks in school. Thought it sounded cool, better than Biz Money-B or Francis." Hotstreak sticks out his tongue at that. the 2010s were a weird time.

  "What about you, big man? I bet you get loads of eerie glances walking down the street."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs "Aye, Vorn does. At least around here, not so much Mutant Town in New York City" he says. "Course even than...when your as big and beastly as me, folks tend ta mind themselves. Nit that Vorn is ever violent mind you..." grins "At least nit ootside the arenas." he rubs one of his tusks
    "Only name Vorn got was Real Steel Orc...stupid name if you ask me, but long as Vorn kin fight he does not really care" he tells Francis. He glances around having polished off the chocolate...and the drink and says more quietly "Of course, one does have a few other tricks up his sleeve"

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Real Steel? Sounds like a name from my neck of the woods." The pyrokinetic offers. "But then again, I know almost all the Bang Babies, I don't think you're one of them."

  Hotstreak tugs down his vest a bit before sliding a patron a beer. "On your tab, Frank." He says, giving a thumbs up.

Crusader has posed:
"Bang Babies?" Vorn asks tilting his head. He gets a slacked jaw expression as he tries to recall what that is. But nothing seems to come to mind "No clue what that is, care to explian Hotshot?" he asks the tender
    "But no, Vorn is...actually Vorn is not to sure. Vorn can tell you he sure as hell did not look like this 40 years ago" he laughs.

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "The Big Bang, an industrial accident where lots of teens were exposed to gas that gave us powers." He doesn't quite mention that he had caused it himself, in an attempt to murder Virgil. "It was a gang thing, Dakota was not a nice place back then."

Crusader has posed:
"Ahhh, Vorn sees. Think Vorn saw something about that on the tele." he says rubbing his beard "That is why way to aquire powers. Sort of makes you wonder why all these powers are comming up and all that. Do not know much about dakota either" he says "Only been in the country...mabey 10 years? Not quite sure, but eh"
    He hmmms "So did all Bang Babies become pryokinitecs or is it different for each of you?" he now wonders "And well now that you turned your life around...what are your plans?"

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     Hotstreak loads up the dishwasher with old glassware, starting it back up. "They all got different powers." He looks to all patrons, making sure things are alright.

  "Just ride out my parole...keep on going I guess. I got this job, and a shitty apartment. But it's better than being locked up, I guess."

Crusader has posed:
"....that just asking to fall back into a pit you know. Sounds like a buried grave" Vorn says. He ponders "Why not try and get your own bar someday?" he asks "Give you something more than 'keep going'" Vorn offers. "That or become a firefighter. After all what better way to put it out than with someone who can take them out" he claims and chuckles a bit as well

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     The young man just shrugs. "That was my first thought, but with my record, they wouldn't let me into the academy." Not many opportunities for ex-criminals trying to go legit.

  "That would be cool, if I could get a liquor license. I'll see what I can do though."

Crusader has posed:
"Could always do it anyways." Vorn says with a small grin "Or not" he shrugs "Choices are funny like that.. Anyways... perhaps Vorn can give you a hand if you ever need it. Vorn may be brute, but Vorn is helpful brute." he tells Hotstreak

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     "Thanks big man, I'll have to think about it." He offers, sliding over another glass of lager to a patron. "For now, this is pretty good for me." Hotstreak gives a smile, looking to the big brute.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn smiles back "Well that much is good to hear" he says in approval. "But just incase you do need help..." he closes his hand in a fist and than raise two fingers where a buissness card seems to appear for 'Bjorn's Electronic Services' and he holds it out to Hotstreak "This is card to very good friend of Vorn...he is even more ecentric than me. But realiable."

Hotstreak (1333) has posed:
     A hand reaches over to the card, looking to the listed info. "Well, if you say so." He offers, slipping the card into his vest. "Thanks, Vorn." He offers, giving a flaming thumbs up. He was definitely a showman. Might as well use what he can to his advantage.

Crusader has posed:
The info point to new york city no surprise. But with the metrosystem in place, the trip wasn't that bad. "No problem. Just be warned" he leans in very close to the showman "He likes hugs" and he leans back. Was he joking? Hard to say. But seeing the flaming thumb he can't help but laugh "Or firedancer, you would be good at that! Give you all the flashy shows!"