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Latest revision as of 16:52, 30 October 2017

Chance Meetings
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Castiel

Supergirl has posed:
Sitting outside of the Hall of Justice is a teenager. She wears a knee length skirt, a collared shirt and cardigan. Her hair is up in a pony tail with thick glasses on her nose as she reads from her phone. To the casual observer she looks like any other teen girl.

Supergirl has posed:
Sitting outside of the Hall of Justice is a teenager. She wears a knee length skirt, a collared shirt and cardigan. Her hair is up in a pony tail with thick glasses on her nose as she reads from her phone. To the casual observer she looks like any other teen girl.

Castiel has posed:
    Castiel spent the day wandering. It's really what he's spent most of his time doing of late. His lastest jaunt had led him here, to New Troy. No particular reason. Not even a rumour. Just a need to wander and think. Thus it is that he finds himself outside the Hall of Justice. A place he finds himself standing, regarding, and wonderinng if there is irony to the name. He's not been long in this body he wears, but it is a thing he is learning: Humanity's idea of justice is a very different thing than that of the angelic.
    The girl. She sits there, looking - not out of place - but like she should be somewhere else. Where all the other youths are. Wherever that might be. The phone is ubiquitous. A pat of his pockets reveals a lack of one of his own. He knows of them now, but it isn't a thing he's acquired. She intrigues, though. Enough that he moves closer, his gait an awkward shuffled of hip and shoulder on each side moving in tandem. Bear walking. Shoulders hunched forward. His already dishevelled trenchcoat looking even more dishevelled. Rudely - perhaps unaware that in some quarters an older man staring at a young teenaged girl is reason enough to call out the cops - he stares at the young one. Waiting.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking up, Kara glances over her glasses not yet used to the weight. There is something inhumanly blue about her eyes and she slides her frames up her nose. "They do tours inside." She offers, assuming that must be the reason he'd linger so long in front of the Hall and her.

Castiel has posed:
    He doesn't move. Well, that's not entirely true. Castiel shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his trenchcoat, and continues to regard the girl, his ragged eyebrows a tangle with one another as his brow furrows. "I do not think I wish a tour." There's a pause, then. A very long pause where his gaze remains it's intent blue upon her. "Is there something that I should see?"

Supergirl has posed:
Leaning back, Kara considers as she puts her phone in her cardigan pocket. "Hmmm. I mean, it's neat if you've never seen it." She tells Castiel and adjusts her glasses and studies him in return. The Kryptonian presses her lips together.

Castiel has posed:
    Another might have nodded, but Castiel merely stands there, almost completely motionless. "I do not understand neat? It is clean inside?" If there are other nuances to the word, he is woefully ignorant.. that, or the man is mocking her. It's hard to tell. He seems sincere enough, but there is enough odd about him that in days gone past, one might have started looking about for the hidden camera, and expecting Alan Funt to jump out and scream his trademark phrase: "Smile! You're on Candid Camera!"
    But there is no hidden camera, and Alan Funt doesn't jump out. Odds are the man is long ago dead and gone. But this could very well be a scene from that.

Supergirl has posed:
"Interesting, rather. Is English not your first language either? The accent is the hardest to nail I think." Kara says, politely making small talk. A normal teenaged girl might, and should likely be unnerved by the intense focus. Most normal girls can't shoot lasers from their eyes. "It is also very clean. I suppose."

Castiel has posed:
    He appears to take a longer look at the girl, as if trying to place things about her. But there is nothing of her that triggers his usual senses. She may not be human, but she is not magical or demonic. Nor does she hear the Choir. English isn't her first language, though. That he files away, without any current purpose.
    Another would notice the girl isn't discomfitted by his gaze. That she meets his blue eyes with her own - and rather boldly at that. But Castiel isn't like most, and to him it is only a thing noticed in that she does meet his gaze. "I do not think I need to see a place that is clean. It does not sound like fun."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, I guess it's a bit...masturbatory of the League to have a museum but it's for the public, not themselves." Kara acknowledges and clasps her hands in front of herself comfortably. "Where are you from?" She asks after a moment, trying some small talk on the strange man. "Are you an alien? You don't seem familiar with colloquialisms here."

Castiel has posed:
    "Masturbatory?" It's clear the man knows the word, and even more clear that he does not understand the reference in relation to the museum. Once again, his brows furrow, leaving his features looking gruffer. Craggier. "I do not understand how a building functions as an act of sexual release."
    For the moment, he does not answer the other. Peroccupied, it would seem, with trying to understand how the two relate, and coming up with nothing.

Supergirl has posed:
Letting out a breath, Kara looks to the building. She might be waiting for someone. "There's a museum of all the great deeds and giant statues of the heroes who formed the Justice League in the building where they gather...it could be perceived as stroking their own ego if it weren't meant for the public as an area they have access to." She explains and asks "Why don't you answer anything about yourself?"

Castiel has posed:
    Castiel pauses, another of those long moments where the silence between the two grows to the point she many wonder if he will answer at all. "I answer. You wish to know if I am alien. It is not a name that suits. No."
    He swivels his whole body to take a look at the museum, regarding it in the light of what she has said. "It is hard to believe that the size of one's manhood can so be linked to one's ego. It is an unpleasant little organ."
    Ah. Clearly he's familiar with bits of the matter.
    Castiel turns back, and returns the favour, "Do you answer questions about yourself?"

Supergirl has posed:
"When it suits me to." Kara answers in return and considers his statement. "I think you'll find the two are inexorably mixed, ego and a man's...unpleasant organ. At least in American culture." She adds dryly.

Castiel has posed:
    It's always the pause with him, though it's shorter this time. "I wonder why. I do not recall any mythos that would support such a thing. Except perhaps, if you consider the practice of circumcision. It is entirely possible that the removal of one's foreskin, and subsequent later admission into the Tribes of Isreal could be something of an expression of being a man. And thus the greater the orgen, the more male one is perceived to be. Curious."
    He stops there, and grows silent, a distant look in his eyes. Motionless. What might be lost in thought in another, but for that eerie stillness to him.

Supergirl has posed:
Watching Castiel, Kara tilts her head a little and lets him consider as she slides her phone back out of her pocket. "I'm not familiar with that practice really."

Castiel has posed:
    Her answer is taken in stride. "It is an ancient custom, meant to seal a Covenant with the lord Yaweh by his people. The males of the Tribe are circumized that they might be known to be believers. Some say it was a cleanliness ritual. In truth, it's roots are lost to obscurity.."
    And that is about where he realizes that her comment was not meant to elicit an explanation. "I see." He almost nods. One can see his body teeter on the edge of the gesture. "You did not wish to know. And you are not from here."

Supergirl has posed:
"Hmm? Oh. Right, I'm adopted. I'm told we hail from Kansas?" Kara says with a shrug and looks back up at Castiel. "I am glad people were clothes, it would be very jarring to see so many naked men."

Castiel has posed:
    "Adopted," he intones. "To be raised by another as though one were one's own. I do believe that there are laws here that require clothing."
    His words are ever so serious.