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Latest revision as of 16:53, 30 October 2017

Red wine
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Huntress, Question

Huntress has posed:
Helena is propped up against the couch by the time he returns with the wine, looking pale but better now that the bleeding has stopped. She is picking at her equipment, setting it methodically aside into neat piles. "Yes, my standards are pretty basic if you want a chance: bring a bottle of wine and have an actual face."

The gear on the utility belt is suitably suspicious, and there are an awful lot of sharp objects for throwing. She raises a booted foot. "A little help with the boots, please?"

Question has posed:
"Picky, picky." says Vic with a grin, passing over one of the glasses of wine he returned with, setting the other on the side table next to the couch. "Wine AND a face? Such high standards indeed. It's a wonder that you find any subtable men at all."

He moves down towards her feet, undoing some of the buckles to help the boot slide off easier before he takes the heel and sole, and pulls off one. He repeats the actions once the other is raised as well. "Your coloring looks better."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress raises her legs one at a time to let him do the boots, pointing her toes as they're extracted. Taking the wine, she swirls it and sniffs. Then she quaffs the whole thing and reaches for the bottle to refill. "That's because my coloring isn't bleeding out all over the rug." she quips back. Yeah, she's definitely feeling better.

"All the same, I think my diet is going to require plenty of red meat for the next week." Fingers start with the buttons on the long coat, but she can't really ease it off while sitting on it. Setting the wine down, she holds both arms up expectantly.

Question has posed:
"Red meat and OJ." says Vic with a nod. "Also, plenty of rest. You do not want to tear open that wound."

He grins and moves from her feet up to help her off with the coat, checking to make sure there are no other holes in the fabric that might indicated another wound to look out for. "I did my best closing it up, but it's likely to leave a scar."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress rocks her hips gently to help with the swallowtail coat's removal, wriggling carefully as he pulls it up and off. She sighs as she relaxes again, looking down to examine the short-sleeve bodysuit. "Yeah, I think it's time to send this suit out for reconditioning. Someone was using high-caliber rounds."

And indeed, there are places on the coat where the fabric is clearly strained even without full penetration. She pulls the top off casually, showing the purple sports bra beneath. The crease along her ribs doesn't look so bad, now, and there are a few other areas that are starting to bruise up nicely.

Question has posed:
The Question sighs, shaking his head as he looks at the coat, sticking his finger in the almost worn through areas. "Reconditioning? I think this thing has may need more of a replacement than a recondition."

He drops the coat into the pile of bloodied and discarded garb on the rug. Standing, he makes his way over to the fireplace, and starts to make a fire. "We'll need to burn whatever can't be salvaged."

Vic looks over his shoulder, and wrinkles his nose at the bruises that are forming. "When I am done getting this started, I'll go draw you a bath."

Huntress has posed:
Huntress chuckles softly at that, nodding. "Right. Kevlar is almost as expensive to recondition as it is to replace. I've just had it for a long time." She leaves the close-fitting pants on for the moment, catching his nose-wrinkling. "And you don't burn kevlar in the fireplace, silly. Not that I'll refuse the warmth."

Raising one knee, she slowly pushes herself up and rises with the help of the sofa against her back. Grunting softly, she quaffs the second glass of wine. "Draw me a bath? I don't suppose I could persuade you to scrub my back and give me a pedicure while you're at it?"

Question has posed:
"You do if you want to remove trace evidence and DNA from it." says Vic with a wink as he stokes up the fire. "I mean, unless you have an incinerator hiding in here that will do the job better?"

He stands from the fireplace, moving over to pick up his own wine glass, taking a sip from it. "Well, the back I can do easy enough. Not sure I have pedicure in my skill set, though." he smirks, setting the wine glass back down.

He picks up the bundle of bloodied clothing he deems unsalvageable and tosses it into the fireplace. "Give that some time to cook off any evidence, then we can bag it up and dispose of it." he says as he rises, brushing off his hands on his own pants. "Take it easy on the wine, Helena. If that wound opens up again the last thing you want is for it to be harder to clot."

Huntress has posed:
Helena still favors her left side, but the superglue is doing its job so far. She sets down the wineglass, leaning heavily against the sofa while Vic disposes of the evidence. It's her way of admitting that he's right, without actually *admitting* that he's right.

"I appreciate the help all the same, Vic. I could've probably managed, but I'd just now be crawling in through the skylight if you weren't here." Hooking thumbs into the tight pants, she rolls the fabric down to reveal a couple more big bruises on her thighs. As well as practical-cut purple undies. "I can talk you through the pedi, if you want..." she offers hopefully.

Question has posed:
Walking over to take the now discarded pants to add them to the pile in the fireplace, Vic chuckles. "A matching set of bra and panties to go with your costume? I knew you were stylish, but I would have never guessed just how much."

He winks, tossing the pants into the fire on his way into the master bedroom, "If you want to risk your cuticles to my hands, I'll see what I can do. At least I can't do any permanent damage. Just rest here while I get a bath drawn up. I'll be back in a minute."

Huntress has posed:
Helena wrinkles her nose at that, and she begins to move towards the bathroom. Slowly and carefully. "It'll take me more than a minute to get there." she replies. "Would you believe that when I started, I used to wear expensive lingerie under the suit? And why am I telling you about my underwear?"

Snorting softly, she tousles out the long, black locks and takes a breather. Calling in a louder voice she adds. "I was kidding about the pedicure, by the way. There's no WAY I'm letting you near my toes with sharp objects." And then she resumes the long walk.

Question has posed:
In the master bathroom, Vic sits on the edge of the tub letting the hot water fill the basin, as he pours a couple of cap-fulls of the bubble bath that he found in the 'luxury basket' by the tub's edge. He glances back in her direction, "I said wait there, I would have come and helped you."

He shakes his head, letting the water flow as he grabs a towel from the rack, moving to wrap it lightly over Helena's frame. "Expensive lingerie? Really? And here I feel lucky if I manage to find a pair of boxers that aren't all threadworm." he says with a smirk. "Ok, I'll hold the towel for your modesty, you get undressed and I promise I won't peek." He even goes so far as to turn his head.

"Probably a wise choice about the pedicure. I don't think that would have worked out well for either of us." he says with a chuckle.

Huntress has posed:
Helena moves slowly but surely into the bathroom, wincing only occasionally now as she keeps one hand on the wall for balance. "I said I'm fine." she quips back with a hand-wave of mock annoyance. "Threadworn boxers? Really? Well there's an image I can do without."

She snorts softly at the offer to hold the towel for modesty, but she doesn't refuse it all the same. "You and your Victorian morality..." she teases. Fabric rustles, and then she sighs softly as she eases into the warm bubbles. Sinking up to her chin, she offers. "Okay, you can look now."

Question has posed:
Folding the towel and tossing it back onto the rack, Vic laughs. "Victorian morality? Maybe. I do tend to have a low tolerance of crime." He says with a grin as he kneels down next to the tub, rolling up his sleeves.

"Hey, it could have been worse. I could have mentioned back when I first started out and wore those tight white briefs. Talk about constricting." He smirks, "I'm just glad I don't wear something skintight like you or the Bat. I don't think that would be a flattering look for me, you know? That, and I don't have to spend tons of money I don't have on special outfits. I can get away with just jeans and a shirt."

Huntress has posed:
Helena leans forward a bit, drawing the long, wet hair forward to bare her back for him. "Hey, being rich is a -burden-, I'll have you know. Especially being rich and having a secret identity. You know how difficult it is NOT to drive the Lamborghini to faculty functions? Yeah, it wouldn't do for the principal to know that the -interest- on my trust fund is more than his salary."

She glances over at him, then. "I wear the tight outfits only partially because they're distracting. I'm also a big fan of kevlar, and you've seen the reasons why. If I would've been wearing jeans and a shirt, tomorrow's headlines would've read 'Vigilante Found Slain'..."

Question has posed:
Vic lifts a shoulder in a shrug, letting out a little chuckle as he starts to wash Helena's back lightly. "I'm never going to be rich, so I don't think that is a burden I am ever going to have to worry about. I'll take your word for it. Hell, as it is I'm surprised I still even have a job with GCNN. Sure, I do the off special here now and then, but it isn't like I am a headlining anchor anymore. Television doesn't pay nearly as much as people think it does."

"I'll give you the distracting part. Any heterosexual red blooded male is going to be distracted." he concedes with a nod. "But kevlar costs money, which we just concluded that I don't have. No bulletproof clothing for me. I'll just have to make due with not getting shot."