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Latest revision as of 16:58, 30 October 2017

Matt Murdock is a Jerk!
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Karen Page, Iron Fist

Daredevil has posed:
    The last three days have been a steady downpour, the storm clouds that had swept in off of the river had given no surcease to the beleaguered city as the sky seemed to just grow dark and stayed that way for the last seventy two hours and some change. Not a heavy downpour, more just a steady drizzle that casts the outlook of the days in a gray haze, just enough rainfall to give the streets and sidewalk a sheen and in certain localized area some small bits of flooding.
    Unfortunately, one of the places that did flood was the storage basement for the building that housed the Law Office of Nelson and Murdock. It was enough that it triggered an early morning urgent telephone call from Foggy who proclaimed to each of them that they had to come down /right now/ and do their part to save the paper records from their cases that had been stored downstairs...
    So now, at seven in the morning even as the sun was barely rising over the horizon, the people of the young law firm are still trying to salvage what they can from the soaked cardboard boxes that housed hundreds upon hundreds of manila folders all with labels both in Braille and Foggy's crude handwriting.
    "Do you have the Gonzalez case over there? It should be in this box." Matt Murdock is looking frazzled, his already mussed hair even more disheveled than it tends to be. Wearing just jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt, he pulled on what he could and rushed down to the office. His dark crimson lensed glasses are turned slightly in Karen's direction even as he digs around in the half-soaked box in front of him, fingertips lightly touching the labels as he searches, "I swear it was in this box but I can't find it."

Karen Page has posed:
    There are folders everywhere. And bankers boxes. And more damp papers than you can shake a stick at. "I'm not paid well enough for this, you know," Karen complains, blowing stray hairs from her forehead as she hefts yet another stack of files onto her desk to sort through. "Francen. Gomez. Wilson." Each name is intoned as she flips through the thick legal files. "Who the hell filed these anyway?"
    With an irritated sigh she stops sorting and makes her way over to him, taking time to redo the ponytail she's got her blonde hair tucked back into. She's wearing faded jeans and a worn t-shirt - that's what you get when you have floods in the wee hours and are expected to get up before the asscrack of dawn to deal with them.
    "I swear to god, how did you folks manage without me?"

Daredevil has posed:
    A small ghost of a smile flickers over his face even as he turns his head slightly to the side and down as he murmurs, "I don't think we really did, we just sorta held off the creditors with a stick until you came into our lives." Matt reaches out and to the side, his hand curling around the side grip of another mail room box and slides it over to himself. His brow furrows a touch as he brings up his hand and begins to lightly touch the labels with small caresses of his thumb, "Garibaldi, Gary, Gagliano, Geyer, Gonzalez... there we go."
    He holds up the manila folder almost exultantly as he then leeeeans forwards to set it on the edge of her desk, since they're doing the organizing out there in the main room. A turn of his head and she'll see her reflection cast back to her in those lenses of his glasses. "Ok that's the only one I needed for next week. I think rest of this..." He takes a deep breath and frowns, "Is triage duty I think."
    He pushes himself to his feet, one hand reaching out to steady himself by holding onto the lip of her desk as he starts to move around it, his cane uncurling with a snap as he lightly tap-tap-taps against the sides of boxes. "If you wouldn't mind, Karen... just slide over the most damaged boxes and I'll go through them."
    A smile touches his lips, "Alright? And if we get done soon maybe we'll get some breakfast."

Karen Page has posed:
    The noise she makes sounds distinctly like a sob. "You held off?" Her head tilts to one side as she regards him and shakes her head. "It's a damned good thing you're cute, because businessman you aren't. This place is a mess."
    Her lips light upon a smile as he finds the missing file. "Lucky find." The smile growing further at the mention of breakfast. "Tell you what. I'll start triage. You get us coffee. And I think this calls for more than breakfast."
    She pauses in her path to check out the box where the Gonzalez file was found and tucks her hands on her hips, looking about. "Plastic boxes. I don't trust this place any further than I can throw it. And anything else you know you're going to need in the next week? I may as well save those while I'm at it and the rest we can take as we get to them. Or, because we both know it's true, when I get to them."

Daredevil has posed:
    "No," He says as he smirks a little but as she says he'll turn away from his duty and move towards the break room and the coffee machine, the cane tapping faintly as he goes. "That's the only one I believe, I have the other files we need on my desk, those didn't get into storage yet." Which, to be fair, they're fairly recent cases.
    She'll hear the refrigerator door whumpf open and the faint clinking of glass against glass as he acquires the half and half before turning back to the coffee maker. It's from that other room she'll hear his voice as he calls out across the way, "But what's more than breakfast?" He asks absently as he starts to deal with the dreaded process of making coffee. Sure his brews tend to be better than Foggy's for whatever reason, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
    "Donuts?" He asks as he flips the switch and she'll hear the gurgle of the Mr. Coffee keying to life even as he reappears in that doorway. "Pancakes?"

Karen Page has posed:
    He can't see it, being in the next room (and blind as a bat to boot), but the face she makes is one of perfect female disgust. "Who raised you, anyway? Wolves? Donuts is not more than breakfast. I'm talking 'I'm sorry I got you up before dawn and left you up to your neck in soggy - misfiled - paperwork, please don't quit on us' dinner." She cranes her neck towards the other room. "And somewhere nice. I'm not talking Gino's pizza, either."
     There is a lot of unkind muttering as she begins moving boxes of files into staging areas that better suit triage than the 'just get them out of the flooded basement' mess they're in currently.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny woke before sunrise for morning meditation. It's a ritual he developed from years of study in K'un Lun, and once he had cleared and settled his mind, he began to make a list of to-dos for the day. The first on it: visit Matt Murdock. It's been on his list this whole week, but something has always gotten in the way. Not this morning, though. He dresses, grabs his umbrella, and heads out.

Soon, there's a knock at the door to Nelson and Murdock. A gentle rap of knuckles on wood that's almost washed out by the sound of falling rain outside. Enough for the blind lawyer to hear, though. But, just in case, he calls out, "It's me, Danny. I've brought treats." Sure enough, gripped in his left hand, is a paper bag from a neighborhood bagel shop.

Daredevil has posed:
    "There's nothing wrong with Gino's Pizza, best pizza in New York." Of course that's what all the local pizza places say throughout the entire city, it's on their pizza boxes so it has to be true. But he stays there in the doorway for now, leaning against it as he rests his cane under the crook of one arm, his head turning to the side slightly as if looking just past Karen's shoulder. "But will see if Foggy wants to have some input."
    As he says this the coffee continues to gurgle behind him, reaching the crescendo of the coffee-making process. He scratches his chin for a moment in thought, then holds up a hand, "Though, now that I think about it..."
    He seems as if he's about to offer some other possible option or insight when he tilts his head to the side and frowns a touch, "Did you hear that?" Of course she most likely didn't, but Matt... he tends to hear things.
    Turning away from the coffee pot responsibility, he starts towards the door that opens out onto the hallway, the rainfall still pattering against the windows with the steady staccato rhythm. It just takes a few moments as he calls out, "One second." Before he reaches the door and pulls it open and indeed, there is the Daniel Rand.
    "Hey." A small smile lights upon the lawyer's lips as he steps back, "Thought I heard you out there. We... are dealing with a mess." He steps back, sweeping his arm wide to indicate the mass of cardboard and plastic boxes scattered about the room.

Karen Page has posed:
    There's a heavy sigh from the woman as Matt mentions inviting Foggy, as she doesn't even bother to try to hide her disappointed face. Why bother? He can't see it anyway. Ball lobbed. Annnnnd... a strike. "No," she murmurs, "I suppose there's nothing wrong with Gino's. Pizza and beer sounds wonderful."
    Two of the boxes in particular are in sad, sad shape. Bad enough she's not certain the files in them can be saved, even if she spends the rest of her day, and quite possibly the evening, trying to copy them out. Those she sets beside her desk. Priority one.
     She's hefting a less damaged box when the question of 'did you hear that?' comes to her and Karen looks up. "Huh? Hear what?" Of course she's getting used to him giving advanced notice of everything, long before she's even clued. She never bought into that blind people have extra-sensory abilities, but her time in this office is slowly pecking away at that disbelief.
    The voice she knows, though. Danny. Frequent visitor to the office. Well known client. Nice enough. And today he earns his smile from the woman with the offer of bagels. "Schwartz's? Please tell me you stopped there?" There's a bright, rich laugh from Karen. "Hi Danny. Welcome to, well, a pipe broke. Stay long enough we'll have you moving boxes."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny glances past Matt, eyeballs the mess of boxes and files, and winces. "Ouch," he offers, making a face that tries to be sympathetic, but falls just short of believability. "I really wish I could help out, but I have morning meetings. Just wanted to run something past you over breakfast." Again, he raises the bag. Surely this means he's helped.

Over the lawyer's shoulder again, Danny raises his voice to address Karen. "Morning, Karen. Ess-a-Bagel sandwiches. My assistant says they're trending, so - " his voice trails off with a shrug and he attempts his way into the office.

Daredevil has posed:
    Of course Matt Murdock can already tell where those bagels are from and even how many are in the bag in Danny's hand. But he steps back and waves for the other martial artist to step into the room, closing the door behind him as he asks, "That's very kind of you, Danny. Appreciate it." He touches two fignertips to the face of his watch, lightly gauging the time and then says, "You're up early."
    He leans over and reaches to push some of the boxes out of the way to create a suitable path for Mr. Rand, motioning him towards one of the few chairs that are free of boxes and folders. He then starts to make his way back towards the break room, "I just put a pot on, do you want some coffee? And if so, how do you take it?"
    That said he'll disappear into the other room, the gurgling from the coffee maker having stopped. "What was it you wanted to go over?"

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen chuckles. "Trending, huh? Probably not worth what you paid for them. but I'm sure they'll do fine." As Matt moves into the other room she raises her voice just enough that he doesn't miss the disparagment she's casting upon him, "Someone didn't think far enough ahead to provide breakfast after getting me out of my nice warm bed before the crack of dawn."
    She pauses to take a look at the room. It's piles of boxes. "Why couldn't it have been a fire," she mutters. But there are dry boxes - ones that probably sat on the top of the piles, and those won't need much more than a cursory going over to put things into alphabetical order. Really, some of this was a project she should have tackled long ago. Small mercies? She wasn't sure. "Find a spot and park yourself, Danny. Unless you've business, in which case, I'll leave you boys to it."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny did think the bagels were a bit overpriced, but that's what happens when pictures of food goes viral. As he steps in, he suggests, "You guys should think about going digital." The boxes are given a wary look as he wanders over to a spot that isn't consumed by files. "Coffee? Sure, just black, please." He drops into a shair and opens the bag of bagel sandwiches, reaching in to take one. Three others remain. "Just want to let you know that I'll be out of town for a week or so, so I won't be around to meet about that business we discussed recently."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Digital?" The voice calls out from inside the break room, "You mean like the watches?" Matt's features are hidden what with the whole being in another room, but his smile is curled just the same. He opens the cupboard above the coffee machine and pulls down three coffee cups, lightly touching a finger to the inside of each as he fills them.
    After sugar and cream are added for the other mugs of coffee, he sets them on one of the small plastic trays someone must've stolen from one of the nearby fast food places and he starts to carry them out into the receptionist area. "Going to be gone next week, alright."
    The tray is set down with a faint ceramic click from the mugs then he straightens up, brow furrowed. "Should be alright with the coverage we have, but if something comes to the fore I'll get word to you." That having been said he takes up his mug of coffee and takes a sip as his brow furrows...
    Then he turns his head slightly in Karen's direction, "Did I ask you for the Linklater file?" He, of course, did no such thing. "I'll be right back..."
    As he says this he starts towards the door, reaching out a hand for his jacket, "Karen, you mind keeping an eye on Mr. Rand while I check?" The door opens with a creak and he steps backwards towards it as he snaps his cane open. In a feigned stage whisper he tells her, "Make sure he doesn't steal anything."
    That said he turns around and starts to click down the hallway.

Karen Page has posed:
    The pained look on Karen's face is palpable as Matt puts digital and watches into the same sentence with regards to the files. Danny gets a 'see what I have to work with here' kind of look and she shakes her head. "No, no you did not ask for that file. It would be on my desk if you had."
    She watches Matt go as he excuses himself. "No worries, boss. I'll make sure he's happy." It's not like Danny isn't one of their best clients or anything. Maybe not the most paying, but certainly in the most consistent.

Iron Fist has posed:
As Matt gets ready to hunt for another file, Danny stands and reaches for his bag, from which he quickly pulls out a new file for the lawyer. "Before you go, I also want you to have these. Just a few things to look over while I'm away." Karen might be the better choice to hand a file off to, but in this case, it appears he wants it to go straight to Matt.

Once that's over with, he sits back down and motions to the bag. "Since Matt won't feed you, grab one of these." He smiles and unwraps the veggie and egg bagel sandwich he ordered for himself.

Daredevil has posed:
    It's enough for Matt to pause for a moment as Danny snares his attention. The auburn haired lawyer turns and tilts his head to the side, the quizzical look on his features giving a semblance of puzzlement to his face even as he extends a hand and waits for the other martial artist to put the folder into his grip. He'll just take a moment to touch the first of the papers, quirking his eyebrows at the other man and nodding once.
    "Alright, I'll hold onto this." Then he lifts a hand to offer a wave, "Be safe, Danny." He moves back down the hall and calls over his shoulder, "Don't eat mine or there will be heck to pay!" He says even as he reaches the door that leads to the stairwell and begins his descent down to the basement.

Karen Page has posed:
    Bypassing her with the file. Not unheard of. Still, it gets a raise of brow, and then a shrug as she takes the bag from Danny, digging into it for a bagel sandwich. "No worries, there are two left. But if you stay down there long enough, they'll be cold." Not that bagel sandwiches are bad cold. They're just not warm.
    Karen carefully rolls the lip to the bag up snug to keep the contents fresh and puts it on the corner of her desk, noting the perfectly doctored mug of coffee sitting there and grinning. "I need a raise," she murmurs before parking her butt on the only leftover clear space of desk - just enough to perch upon. Then, to Danny, "So, other than the mysterious file, what brought you by this morning?"