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Latest revision as of 17:06, 30 October 2017

Calling Granddad
Date of Scene: 20 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Indigo, Brainiac 5

Indigo has posed:
    It's the first time Indigo has ever contacted Brainiac 5 using the communication system he installed in her current body. She'd never dream of saying so to his face, lest she sound ungrateful for everything he did for her, but that addition has always upset her a bit, made her a bit anxious; her self-mapping algorithms were built for a body without those tiny transmitters, and she just feels a bit wrong with them.
    But if there's one thing her new body and the experience that led to her needing a new body have taught her, it's that she's going to have to learn to integrate into her understanding of herself things she'd have refused but were thrust upon her. Oh, well.
    None of that is in Indigo's voice as she contacts Brainiac 5. She's shy and diffident, but at least without most of the dull horror of her last meeting with him as she projects, <<Brainiac, hi, it's Indigo. Do you have a quick minute? I just wanted to ask you something.>>

Brainiac 5 has posed:
There is a pause, and then a hologram of Brainy appears. It seems he was asleep. He squints, and then there is a motion -- he's rolling over. "Move over." There is a sleepy mumble from someone else, and then Brainy opens his eyes, fully. "I was just sleeping and working on a few calculations, Indigo. You have my undivided attention." He moves again -- pushing himself up onto a pillow.

Indigo has posed:
    <<Oh, I'm sorry to wake you,>> Indigo projects, sounding distressed (which she is). Her hands are clasped in front of her skirt. <<I just had a suspicion about myself recently. When you rebuilt my body, you must have noticed the sedative dart system installed in me. Did you notice if the chemical composition would work on Coluans? Do you know that much about Coluan physiology?>>

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Indigo, I'm a Legionnaire... I'm used to being woken up in the middle of the night." Brainy says. "It's what happens when you're always on call. So please, don't fret. If I look annoyed that's simply because I've been told it's my default state." Then he rests his cheek in his hand, and he says, "I did notice, yes. It should work across a plurality of species, including Coluans, and I didn't do anything to alter it. Why?"

Indigo has posed:
    <<Nothing specific, at least not right now,>> Indigo transmits, accepting the assurances without comment that would deny Vril his sleep any longer than he must. <<It's just a thread to follow. I started to think if my sedatives work on Coluans, then that suggests Brainiac 8's creator had an interest in my being fully combat effective against other Coluans. It might even imply he saw them as a threat to his goals.>>

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl stretches, and then sits up. "You have to understand, Brainiacs are *often* at odds with Colu, and Colu is often at odds with us. We're an unpredictable element, an aberration, and a disruption to harmonious society, even when we're not an out and out threat to it. Vril Dox -- the first Brainiac -- was a maniac. Vril Dox II and Lyrl Dox, two of your ancestors, had a relationship with the homeworld best described as 'fraught'. They lived in terror of my mother, till she simply... left -- and as for me? Well, I was raised as a ward of the Coluan state. The last thing I would ever want to do is go back there. And the last thing they would ever want is for me to go back there. So the odds are... good, that yes, that's exactly what he had in mind."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo nods along, listening intently. <<Hm,>> she says, then looks surprised at how that word sounds with the characteristic electronic hum of her voice beneath it. She snorts at herself but carries on. <<Then it might be useful for me to contact Colu and try to feel my way around their goals and methods. I could probably learn a lot from the opposition. Thank you, Brainiac. This means a lot to me.>>

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Be very careful about contacting the homeworld," Brainy says, "They can be difficult, and will act as 'logic' dictates... even though when viewed from outside their actions seem heavy-handed and ridiculous. Have an escape plan in place." Brainy leans back. "It's... quite all right, Indigo. We are family, of a sort."

Indigo has posed:
    <<Oh, I'll be careful,>> Indigo agrees, almost absently, as if that goes without saying. <<Just for one thing, I don't want to out myself as the most advanced iteration of their most hated criminal. Doesn't sound healthy.>> She pauses, and a gaze abstracted with thoughts focuses briefly, shyly on Brainiac. <<It seems all I do is receive from you. If you needed my help, would you ask for it? I'd like to give it.>>

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy seems to mull over that for a time, his expression drawing inward and going thoughtful, and then he says, "If I needed it, absolutely. But really... you don't need my permission to step in and help. If you see a crisis, by all means, step in. You shouldn't wait for permission to do the right thing, Indigo."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo nods. <<I know. I just wondered if you'd ask or if I need to keep tabs on you to know when you need it.>> The statement is offered without a shred of judgment, just a factual acknowledgement that sometimes people can't or won't ask. <<I don't just owe you, Querl. I like you too. You're important to me,>> she concludes with a smile shyly aimed at about Brainiac's navel.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy gives a little smile, at that. "I am discovering, despite earnest attempts to be anti-social for most of my life, that I apparently do have my charms." He runs his hand through his hair. "I have *no idea* what those people are talking about. Anyway," Brainy says, "If I don't get the full extent of my rest cycle, *someone* will heckle me. If you need anything, though, anything at all... please call me."

Indigo has posed:
    <<Of course. Sleep well, Querl. I'll send you a recipe for a nice coffee you should be able to replicate with Earth ingredients.>>