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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/22 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=112, 324, 973 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:112|Steve Rogers (...")
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Latest revision as of 17:19, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 22 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Green Ranger, Robin (Wayne)

Captain America has posed:
The mid-day sun is high in the sky across the East Park Side. Late at night this place crawls with criminals and activity that would make the average citizen's skin crawl. Early in the morning the inevitable shift between night and day activity honed down much of the criminal activity--which is to say it went underground rather than above.

Much happens in the dark corners of the block rather than the open face of the street.

While the area isn't what anyone would call reputable, even at this time of time, it's certainly quieter than in pitch black. Unquestionably, no one would recommend taking a way through East Park Side, and locals recommend circumventing the area altogether.

It's a wonder that Steve Rogers finds himself here. Of course, getting lost is a wonder in itself. He could negotiate most maps. But the very nature of the one he'd been drawn at a diner several blocks out hadn't even put this particular street on it. He's not convinced that he hasn't been pushed into circles.

Fortunately, he's not dressed for Captain America today--that would only warrant unwanted attention he certainly doesn't seek. Instead, in the black flack jacket and khakis, with a bag slung over his shoulder, he looks pretty average. Mind, the contents of the bag could be immediately deceiving.

The art supplies on top only serve to cover the shield buried at the bottom. Nearly awkwardly, he nods at a fellow sitting curbside along the street. "Hi," his smile and tone takes on a nearly self-deprecating edge. "...I think I'm lost..."

Green Ranger has posed:
The Homeless man looks up at the man who has been lost rather dirty compaired to the clean shaving blonde haired blue eyed man. And smiles as he says, "Well some one as clean as you, out to be, Where ya trying to get stranger?" he says as a a young man is walking the streets of this area, since 4 am, dressed in what looks like dark colors. Black, grey, and white. Wearing a White hoodie over his dirty face, Tommy Oliver is walking through the streets of Gotham looking around watching Kids when they are out and about some not in school for what every reasons.

His body language shows he is hunting, searching.

Mainly those who are in the thirteen to fourteen age range. Doing his best to look like he belongs, even asking some of the homeless if they have seen three runaways.

Showing pictures and asking if they have been seen.

His clothes while they appear dirty, are not thread bare and look fairly dispite being dirty. Tommy's adopted this dirty scraggled appearance incase something happens forcing him to Morph.

When the Homeless direct him in a direction that he thinks he saw three children matching then general description of Tommy hand shim a Five Dollar bill thanking him as he moves down the street.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian Wayne had decided with the goading of some members of his family, that he should visit the infamous Crime Alley. The scene that changed his father's fate forever.

  The young teenager was dressed very differently than most of the other inhabitants of this area. A green button-down shirt and a suit vest, paired with slacks and sneakers. The young Wayne boy had been staring at the alley his father had shown him a couple times before. But he never had been there without his uniform on. He wasn't in school, and did indeed stick out like a sore thumb here.

Captain America has posed:
That self-deprecating smile extends when the homelessness man discusses the notion of being clean, and Steve's head tucks towards his chin. It's acceptance in a way, and apology in another. His hands tuck deeply into the pockets of his jacket. "Cleanliness has its merits," he can agree with that. His blue eyes, complete with their keen scrutiny scan the block once over. "I'm looking for the arts store--" his eyes actually roll and his cheeks warm as he says it's name "--Knotty Knitters." With a one shouldered shrug, he manages to adjust the bag on his shoulder.

And then to clarify he adds, "It's not just knitting supplies. At least that's what I've been told. A friend suggested looking at it to expand my," he waves his hand. It's not important, and the details fade into the background.

But as his eyes turn up the block again, they linger on two occupants who, like himself, don't blend with the scenery. The first merits Steve's consideration, but not comment. The second causes his eyebrows to draw together slightly. He leans slightly to try to catch Damian's eye. "Hey," he's gentle in the greeting. But his next words might not be so easily received, "Isn't it a school day?" Not that Rogers knows anything about school systems anymore.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian manages to turn his head towards Steve, his green eyes piercingly look at the all-American. He withdraws two roses he'd been encouraged to bring with him for this occasion. "Family history 101, Thomas and Martha Wayne." He offers back to Steve, a bit smartassed. It's not usual that he meets folks who don't recognize him right off the bat.

  The Black-haired boy lays down the two roses at the precipice of the infamous alley. Giving a little nod before he turns his attention to Steve. "What's it to you?" He asks, fairly benignly, slipping his hands in his pockets before he approaches.

Green Ranger has posed:
The Homeless man laughs and says, "Art supplies, Son it's down and dirty strip club." he laughs and smirks. "Somein tells me it' not your place of fancy." And the Man keeps laughing "Body art son, erotic body art. Is one of their things and shows." he says.

The Young man turn to look when someone calls out that they should be in School or something. And Tommy looks eyes locking on the oddly dressed young man and soon dismisses it. Of course

Behind him a group of people have started to form a semi circle. And one says, "Sir you seem to be a generious person, and we are all so down on out luck. So what say you give us a hand?"

With five burly types against this one person this could be a slaughter.

And of course the young man says Alright. And then comes the sound of Clapping?

Yes Clapping. the Young man in the outfit is clapping at them.

They are actually surprised, and one draws a Knife "Let's see you clap when I ARGH!" And the man swung at the young man and instantly the young man reacted, grabbing hold of that wrist and twisting his arm, the knife is drpped and grabbed, and with a flick of his wrist it is tossed across the street skitting the pavement and ends up in a storm drain lost.

It's at this point that the young man in the hood starts to actually kick their asses.

Someone takes a Swing at him with the young man effortlesly dodging, the blow and delivers a professional palm strike to his solar plexis, knocking the wing out of him. Spining around to his back he drops down and with a sweeping kick knocks the man down on the ground completing his fall... It's still four against one. But the guy in the dirty white hoodie has the moves of a highly trained professional martial artist.

Captain America has posed:
/It's a strip club/. "...of course it is," Steve can feel his cheeks warming when the homeless man gives him the information. Where his smile had been masochistic, it now edges towards downright sheepish. Weary eyes train on the ground and he offers a small nod in return, a silent acknowledgment of thanks at being so alerted before arriving. The twinkle in his eyes doesn't fade though, even as he notes, "My coworkers think they're funny."

A turn of Steve's head catches Damian looking and moving towards him. "Just general concern," he's so used to being the symbol that being out and about as 'Steve' is an oddity in itself. "School is important, it--" but what was bound to be a lecture about lifelong learning gets cut off by a group of thugs surrounding one guy. "Aw. Come on," he murmurs softly. An apologetic glance towards the homeless man has Steve stepping towards the crowd. "Hey! Pick on someone--" but the hoodie-clad young man holds his own. That helps at least.

Eloquently, he hums, "...huh." But the four on one won't stand. "Look. Just walk away." Steve lifts his hands in pseudo surrender, an act of peace instead of aggression. "Your friend didn't do well. It'd be smart to take a stroll." He even smiles to punctuate the point.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The younger teen looks from the man out of the Norman Rockwell paintings, to the hooded one. His normal reaction would be to jump in and assist. But he does remember his cover. The boy walks up to the fray as well, establishing a ready stance next to Steve, having rolled up his sleeves, and getting to his toes.

     Although he is a master himself, he has had to 'lower' his outward appearing skills to that of a fifteen year old, in order to keep up appearances, and although his stature does not lend itself to appearing as menacing as someone taller, he's got the fire in him. "Do what the big guy says, it will be much better for you in the long run."

Green Ranger has posed:
To his credit Tommy doesn't push the Fight as he moves beside the Large blonde man as the group begin to to recover they now have less odds and they have on on the ground trying, to recover his breath. They look like they are about to press their attack, But when Tommy keeps his fighting stance up ready to unleash hell. His eyes look at there and they point to him and say "This isn't over!"

And they begin to retreat. And Tommy smiles as he turns to the larger man and says. "Thanks for the help." He pulls his hood back some. If only to allow his face to be slightly more framed.

Pulling out a set of pictures he shows three teens asking the older man, "Any chance you seen these three kids, They ran away from their foster parents. I'm trying to find them to convince them to return to Angel Groves with me." he says with a smile. Dispite the appearance of it Tommy's eyes show a level of genuine concern.

Captain America has posed:
A good-humoured but tired smile draws across Steve's features when Damian follows. And when the group retreats, a nod of acknowledgment follows Tommy's thanks. "I don't like bullies," he offers in return with a twinkle in his eyes. But he does manage, "You're welcome. Glad I could help at all. Even if you didn't really need it."

He glances towards Damian, "And good on you for following suit." Because in this area, Steve suspects most bystanders don't do much when they witness trouble. His teeth toy at his bottom lip. "Bystanders should make criminals nervous. Even, at least, a little." But Gotham seems to be a special case.

Steve reaches out to grasp the picture a moment, studying it carefully. Slowly, his head shakes, "I'm not from around here. Spend most of my time in New York, but I'm happy to help search for them if you need it. How long they been missing?" He glances towards Damian and offers them down the line. Kids maybe recognize and see kids easier.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Now that the teen had been able to see just who was in the hoodie, he acknowledges the older martial artist. "Your form is strong." He offers, returning back to a casual stance. Damian hadn't been in any tournaments himself, but he did enjoy watching what had passed for competitions here in America.

     Damian looks up at Steve and he nods, if only a slight blush appearing on his cheeks from the praise. The young Wayne looks at the photos, taking out his customized WayneTech smartphone, and taking a picture of each. "Gotham City is a rough place Mr. Oliver, but kids usually don't go missing here as much as people think. Have you contacted GCPD?" In the back of his mind, he does remember a case of metahuman child trafficking.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy is surprised when he is called as Mr. Oliver. And he realizes his cover is blown. He can't morph period if needed, it would draw too much attention. "Thank you, Very good form your self. If you ever find your self in Angel Groves I wouldn't mind having you join my class to help me." He says when his form is mentioned as being strong Tommy is friendly and offers. "Yes it was the first place I went and of course sadly I got the impression they were not high priotity but as my students. One of my responsibilities as their Sensei is their well being." he explains. And allows the Pictures to be taken.

Tommy finally pulls his hoodie back entirely and uses a hankerchif to be used to clean his face of dirt and some grim.

Young handsome, and clean shaven. "I am hoping to find them before some lunatic in the city does." And offering to Shake Steve's hand he says, "Tommy Oliver." and then offers to Shake Damian's hand. "I didn't catch your name."

Captain America has posed:
Damian's mention of the GCPD has Steve nodding. Seems like an easy place to start. But as far as Tommy's students are concerned, his cheeks puff out. "I'll definitely my eyes open, and I'll talk among my networks. This," Gotham, "isn't one of my regular haunts, but I might be able to peg a friend or two to help look if you'd like."

He reaches out his own hand, "Steve Rogers. Good to meet you." He pulls the strap of his shoulder bag. "And, from the looks of this place, lunatics might be more common than your average community." Mind they are in Crime Alley.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The teen hands over the pictures again,having stored them in his phone for now. "I'll see what I can do." He offers to Tommy. The younger teen just pockets his phone again, before shaking hands with the other two. His grip quite firm for his size. "Damian Wayne."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy's not entirely out of the look on the area. He knows's it's Crime Alley, and on his way here took a chance to read up on the area they said they would be and he seems to be sympathetic as to why the boy could be here. "I see. EXplains why you are here." And Tommy's hand shake is firm and strong himself but doesn't try to dominate it.

Addressing Steve Rogers he says, "I would appreciate it. They told me that one of them had a grandmother in Gotham in the area but it seems she passed on a few weeks before they left Angel Groves. They left maybe forty eight ours or so ago. I only got the message last night." he says.

Captain America has posed:
"Then I'll see what I can do," Steve returns with a faint smile. "I'm betting your started there, but you already checked out the grandmother's home?" Because tactically that makes sense. "Even if she's gone, seems like a place worth checking." His head turns towards the end of the street and he frowns slightly.

The buzz in his pocket warrants attention and he tugs at the phone. With a faint frown, his head shakes. "Duty calls. Sorry guys. I will be back though." And when Steve says it, he means it. With a faint wave towards the others, Steve disappears to go meet with the transport to whatever mission calls him away.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Yes, well, this was a visit I was told I should make. Seems like it was a chance meeting." His tone even keeled, but he does manage a small smile. "These three are your students? How come they have left?" The young Wayne had a bit of a rebellious bent, but a student doesn't dishonor his sensei like that, at least in his eyes.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy lifts his hand up to rub the back of their heads, "Well it's a bit of a tragic story. When Rita Repulsa Sent the Green Ranger under her control to attack Angel Grove with the Dragonzord. Their parents were killed. They kinda took it pretty bad, I took it upon myself to try and help them. But let's just say there are issues with their faoster parents. Not the greatest of people, and they were being sent to another family." he says.

Tommy does his best to keep his anger under control but it's clear he has strong emotions concerning what happened.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     If Damian himself knew any emotions, it was anger that he was most familiar with. He sighs just a bit before he nods sharply. "Interesting." He offers, making a note to send those pictures through the computer. If anything he may be able to help by giving Tommy a general area of what he is looking for.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver with a sigh he looks around the area. "I was hoping that if I hung out in the area I might be able to find them. But so far no luck." he says and then "Thanks for the Help if you do find them, Contact me at this number." and he will give Damian his number, so that he can be reached. "I hope that you can return home safely Young Mr. Wayne." Tommy says respectful. He knows that such a boy would be used to being treated with respect and since he has been willing to attempt to help him, he has earned it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a nod, if only to show respect back to the martial artist. The young Wayne takes a moment to call a car for himself. Not having to wait long, he waves to Tommy before he gets in, sending a confirmation text to him. Should he need a contact with whom to converse.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver Bows his heat to the young man when he departs and heads off. With a sad smile as he lifts his hood up once more and begins to head back on to his search. looking down the streets, to the left right heart open, wanting so much to find those kids before something bad happens. Still partially blaming himself, both for their parents death, and of course not being strong enough to resist Rita's control.