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A Short Break
Date of Scene: 23 September 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: During the Apokolips invasion on New York, Detective Beth Greene takes a break at a station set up for first responders. Karen Page is volunteering there.
Cast of Characters: Elizabeth Greene, Karen Page

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Things in New York City have been bad ever since the invasion started. Some neighboorhoods are getting the worst of it while others are only aware of what is going on from the social media and the news. Law enforcement and National Guard have all been mobilized, setting up lines of defense and trying to hold though it isn't working as well as they'd like. They have lost several blocks and there seems to be no end to the invaders. NYPD contacted nearby agencies asking for help. Bludhaven responded by sending their SWAT members to help bolster the numbers for New York's finest.
    This neighborhood is about two miles from the 'front', so to speak. It has been set up as an area for the soldiers and officers to take a few minutes of rest, grab food and something to drink. This is where Beth is currently, on the curb with her riot gear laid out beside her on the ground. She is actually laying on her back, not seeming to care that it's just concrete beneath her body. Her eyes are closed and her clothes are stained with grime and some blood. There is a cut on her forehead which is the explanation for it. Already closed and scabbed but such wounds bleed horribly when they happen. She's not even aware she's still in the same clothes as everything is running together.

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen's neighbourhood lies in the middle ground.. more to the edge of safe zone, if anywhere can currently really be called safe. Still, she considers herself rather blessed in many respects. She's got a job. A home that's still standing. She's been out and about and socializing without much trouble. In short, the invasion hasn't impacted her as much as it has others, and the weight of that began to sit heavy upon the woman.

Which is how she ended up signing herself up for one of the goodwill teams in her free time. Just ordinary citizens handing out coffee and water and sandwiches to those doing the dirtier work. It left them free to clear unsafe buildings, or direct refugees as needed, and gave do-gooders like herself something to do to make themselves feel like they were making a difference.

That.. and it put her closer to the front lines. She was hoping that maybe she might be able to pick up a lead or two for a story. Sure, everyone and their brother was writing about it, but nothing she'd seen so far was digging into the meat of the matter. The more human stories behind the hype. All she needed was one good break in the journalism world. Just one.. And maybe she might find that here today.

The tray she carried held hot beverages and thick sandwiches made by the Sisters of Mercy down in Harlem. Some chain store had provided the base materials. Their mission was cranking out the sandwiches for first responders and evacuees alike. More than halfway through her appointed shift, Karen had filled her tray several times now, and was nearing needing to do it again when she came across Beth.

"Sandwich? Think it's corned beef. I have two hot black coffees and some lukewarm water." The woman gave an apologetic shrug.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    The people providing them with sustenance are truly appreciated by all the first responders. They give the citizens smiles and words of thanks as they make their rounds. They could be at home, safe, or even leaving the city as many have chosen to do. Instead, they are volunteering to put themselves in danger. To help others. Heroes in their own rights.
    Hearing the question, Beth opens her eyes and shades them against the sunlight streaming down. Seeing the tray, she sits up. "I'll take one of the coffees and a sandwich, please," she says politely, focusing bright blue eyes on the woman before her. Beth's blonde hair is pulled up in a pontytail. Her uniform is all black, including BDUs covering her lower legs. Her upper body is adorned with a Bludhaven Police Department t-shirt. The outer jacket and her kevlar vest are laying next to her with the riot gear helmet she had been wearing earlier at the lines. "I think I could eat just about anything at this point. Even bugs like they do on those survival shows or the ones where they make people eat exotic foods." She tilts her head as she considers then giggles faintly. "Maybe not that hungry. But a sandwich will be good. Thanks a lot."

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen hunkers down to offer up the contents of her tray. "Bugs, huh? You know that's all catered for the camera, right? There are whole exposes on how fake it all is." Her blue eyes are amused as she makes small talk. That, too, was a part of what they were doing here. Most of the first responders were people just like herself. They needed that human touch. Too much tragedy and bad things happened to the psyche. You needed to see something like Karen's smile. Or hear how phony reality tv was.

The sandwiches are dug around. "Looks like corned beef, and something that might have been tuna salad in a past life. Good choice on the bugs. Mind if I sit and join you for a bit while you eat? Could use a coffee before I go back and refill my tray."

The staging area was two blocks back. Karen really wasn't kidding about needing the break.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "I'll stick with the corned beef," Beth decides, feeling a moment of terror over the idea of a mystery tuna sandwich. She takes the offered sandwich and cup. The cup is set down to her left. She pats the curb on her right side. "Sit down, take a load off." As thought it's a comfortable couch instead of concrete. After unwrapping the sandwich, she takes a bite without examining it. At this point, it's food. It doesn't matter if it tastes good or not.
    Surprisingly, it is actually quite yummy. She washes down the bite with some coffee. "Thanks. I really needed that. Not sure when I last ate." Her brow furrows as she tries to remember. Then she simply shrugs and pushes it out of her mind.
    "How are you doing in this mess? Hopefully your family and home are alright?" she asks as she continues to eat.

Karen Page has posed:
    Karen sits, setting her tray beside herself and giving a groan as she literally takes a load off of her feet. "How am I? Wishing I'd worn more sensible shoes." She gives her feet a wry glance. "At least they're not heels. One woman showed up wearing two-inch pumps. I didn't have the heart to tell her."
    The tuna sandwich is regarded and taken with a shrug. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, huh?" Her fingers make fast work of undoing the wrapping. "I'm doing fine. Not in the danger zone. And it must have been some time if you can't remember. Though I bet the hours all blur into one another out here. Any idea of how long you'll be out this go?"

Karen doesn't usually take her coffee black, but she ran out of cream and sugar several offers of coffee ago. Still, it's hot, and it's there. It doesn't stop her from grimacing as she sips, though. "Ugh. Kinda like the liquid version of bugs."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
That earns a laugh. "Actually, this is better than the stuff they have at the station so I'm not complaining." Beth takes another bite then washes it down with more coffee before answering the query.
    "I think we've been here two days? Yeah, that seems about right. I'm only going to be a couple of hours. Try to get a little bit of a nap. Some food." She holds up her sandwich, a silent thanks for taking care of that need for her. "Then head back up there. We've lost a lot of good officers." There have beens soldiers too but she identifies more with her fellow cops. Even those that are from another agency are still brothers and sisters. Law enforcement is its own family. "Thankfully so far none of them from Bludhaven but a couple got hurt enough they won't be back up there."
    She doesn't seem bothered by the danger, not outwardly. It's what she has chosen to do with her life, protecting others. Sure, she figured it would be criminals of the human kind but this world isn't always what one expects. Battling an alien invasion was never in her wildest imagination. Here she is, doing just that.

Karen Page has posed:
Nothing but sympathy from Karen as she listens to Beth speak. "Those are some pretty long shifts." It's not really a question, more an observation, as she nods. "I can't imagine. Do you think the worst of it is over now, though?" That was the question on everyone's minds: how much longer were they going to be under attack.

The woman nods and sips her coffee, slow, careful swallows. "Mm, I was talking with someone who was part of the actual fights. Got pretty banged up, too." She doesn't speak like she's in awe of the matter, which might put her head and shoulders above some. Most definitely not a tragedy groupie. The kind of folk who followed bad news around, trying to hang off of the heroes. "They really pulled out all the stops with collaberating services. I only just signed up for this the other day. Stumbled on the callouts for it totally by accident. Wish I'd known sooner. Mind you, my feet are saying can we go home now?"

She laughs and wriggles her toes in her sensible flats - but she'd have been better to have worn sneakers. Lesson learned. Next shift, right?

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth glances down at her combat boots. She wiggles her own toes but it doesn't show thanks to the steel toes. "Yeah, maybe something with a bit more padding would be better if you're going to be doing a lot of walking," she says in a light tone. She takes another bite of sandwich and chews thoughtfully. Should she answer the first question? The woman probably wouldn't like the answer. Beth prides herself on being honest though and she's not going to mislead her guardian angel.
    "Honestly, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. We're dealing with a lot of troops, that never seem to end. A lot of forays. I feel like something big is coming. I have no idea what and I hope I'm wrong but I've learned to trust my gut."

Karen Page has posed:
"Really?" Karen's tones had been hopeful, and now settle into something less chipper. "That's really shitty news." But it fits. If she thinks on it, and what she's heard, and read, and perhaps more importantly - not read - it all fits. Something bigger. Like whatever this was, was just a test of the waters. A dabble of toes in to see if the temperature were right.

"Wonder what we're going to do," the woman murmurs, taking an absent bite of her tune sandwich. "We're not faring so well as it is." And that with the combined forces of more than one faction of disparate superheroes, soldiers, agencies.. all of them combined. And they were still barely treading water. "You have to wonder what they're after. Besides the obvious, I mean."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "The ones I've been dealing with aren't much for conversation. Most of them don't even seem capable of it. Just noises, more like animals. But they fight like well trained soldiers so they have intelligence," Beth says before another sip of coffee. She considers a moment. "I don't know what they want. It seems to be domination of the world. I've heard rumors that the Avengers, Justice Leangue and Fantastic Four have all been involved in trying to fight them back. I don't know how true it is. Have you heard?"
    Just as those on the front lines need that companionship and the sustenance, they are also in a position where they don't get to hear the news reports or really check much social media. If she does take out her phone, it's been to text her family, boyfriend, and friends as to her status, so they won't wonder if she's dead. Until the next eight, ten, twelve hours before she sends them a text again.
    She finishes off her sandwich, wadding up the wrapper and setting it by her gear to throw away after she finishes the coffee. No reason to get up twice. "Guess I should've tried to sugar coat it but I tend to be a realist and I'm not going to blow smoke up someone's ass."

Karen Page has posed:
There's an arch of strawberry blonde brow from Karen at that last. "You don't see me crying a river, do you?" She shrugs, though, making it clear no harm was meant by the words. "I lost most of the stars in my eyes a while ago. Something about nearly getting killed kind of does that to a person."

More coffee is downed. "Far as I know, yeah. Everyone is involved. Was talking with an Agent from SHIELD - he's the one I was saying got banged up." The woman chuckles. "Nobody important my ass. Why do men do that, anyway? Do they think we're all stupid or something?" Karen shakes her head. "I don't get it, though. If they aren't even making attempts at communication, they're just soldiers. Sound an awful lot like hive mind mentality by what you say. No words. Precision strikes." Another shrug is given.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "Not all men think we're stupid. Or helpless. There are enough of them in the world though to make it seem that way," Beth says. She smirks a bit. "My Dad has his own dojo, teaches a variety of martial arts. My Mom was a career cop. So he knew right off that she wasn't some damsel in distress. She still is a cop, in fact. In Bludhaven. They are preparing in case things spread further out." She finishes off her coffee, setting the cup back on the ground next to her before continuing.
    "I don't know if it's a hive or if they communicate in a way I can't discern. Telepathy, high frequencies out of my hearing, whatever." She thinks a moment. "Good to know SHIELD and everyone is involved. I just hope we can turn them back soon."

Karen Page has posed:
"Well," Karen admits, "I'm not sure he thought I was dumb so much as he was trying to downplay things. Make himself seem a little less .. I don't know. Important? Someone who should be fangirled over? Incorrigable flirt." She laughs. "I gave him my number.. only it really wasn't my number. Maybe dumb on my part, but I figure, if he's as good as I think he is, and he's interested, he'll find me."

Of course, as she says that, her position goes from light to something more serious. "I just need to figure out what I want to do about him. I wish these things were easier.."

For a moment, her attention drifts away, before coming back to focus. "Huh? Dojo. You mean like fists of steel, hai-ya!?" Of course she's making the total noob blunder of falling for the Hollywood mythos there. "Your parents sound kind of cool. Farm girl here. Grew up in small town Vermont. Should have lived and died there. Surprise?"

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth laughs softly and shakes her head. "No, if it was a small town then you were destined to leave it. Maybe you will want to go back someday but that isn't usually the case. Usually it is run away as fast as possible." She did it herself when she went to university. Ran away to Metropolis, the draw of the big city tempting her out of her hometown. Yet, she ended up back in Bludhaven, joining the police department like so many family members before her.
    "And if he is that good, then yeah, he better be able to track you down. If he doesn't bother, he wasn't worth the trouble in the first place." The smile turns into a smirk as she shifts back to a topic close to her heart.
    "Yeah, Dojo as in martial arts. Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Capoeira. I trained from the day I could walk. Have mutiple black belts of varying degrees."

Karen Page has posed:
There's a sound of considered assent from Karen. "Sounds neat. So far my skills are being in the wrong place at the wrong time and yelling. Not really marketable in the face of danger." Which is putting it lightly.

"I got in some trouble. I mean, it wasn't me who did it, but the only reason I left was a set of really bad circumstances." Which is quite the understatement, unless being framed for murder and nearly being murdered aren't in your top ten ideas of things you wouldn't want to do in the near future.

"I think he's that good. I suppose nothing is stopping me from looking him up." There's a lighthearted grin. "I have his number. haven't tried it yet. Been busy. Plus, not really sure what I'd say. 'Want to go out for pizza?' Sounds so blase. And anything else sounds like I'm fishing for something that I'm not sure I'm fishing for. Probably easier to see if he bothers." She says it like she's trying to convince herself of that.

"So," she moves to change the subject. "You're a martial artist as well as a cop. Are you good?"

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    Beth shrugs a bit. "I guess. I mean, I can hold my own in most situations. Used to do some MMA fighting back in my college days and won most of my bouts although not all. That's the key. No matter how good you are, there is always someone who is better." She reaches up and adjusts her ponytail, tightening it slightly in an absent motion that is more habit than necessity.
    "If you like the guy, call him. No reason not to. And if he doesn't want to see you, he'll let you know. Maybe wait until this mess is over. It'll give you time to see if he takes the time to track you down and reach out. Plus, a lot easier to date without an invading alien busting through the window of the pizza shop."

Karen Page has posed:
Her sandwich is finished off. "That's the thing. I don't know if I like him. We just met. But the chemistry is off the charts. A girl could get into a lot of trouble if she isn't careful, stepping into that." Her wrapper is crumpled into a ball and placed into the now empty tray.

"Gimme yours?" her hand is held out for Beth's wrapper. "I'm Karen, by the way. And I guess I never thought about it that way. I really meant it when I said I don't have skills. I might not have gotten into the trouble I did if I had."

There's a pause where she presses her lips together, making a decision. "That trouble I got into? It was bad. And someone tried to kill me to shut me up."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    It takes a lot of effort to keep from laughing at the chemistry bit. Considering Beth's first meeting with the man she's seeing, she fully understands the immediate chemistry and how it can lead to things. For them, it has worked out so far though they don't get the chance to see each other much. Life tends to get in the way and if she isn't canceling for work reasons, he is. It makes things stay on the casual end of the scale which is working for them so far.
    As Karen continues, every instinct in Beth is triggered when she hears that. She goes from relaxed to intense in an instant. Her blue eyes are locked on Karen's face as she shifts her position to be turned more toward the other woman. She absently passes over her trash to go on the tray. "Obviously they didn't succeed," she murmurs. "Hopefully they aren't still after you?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen smiles at the laugh, until she's asked about the fate of those who'd tried to kill her. "No. Not that I know of. I was cleared of all charges. They weren't. Yada. Yada. I try not to think about it a lot. It gave me nightmares for a bit."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "Of course," Beth says hastily. "I'm sorry. I realize that would be something bad to think about." She shifts her legs, bending her legs at the knee and pulling her feet closer to the curb. "The good news is you are beyond that. Although, I really do recommend to everyone to learn some sort of self defense skills. Sometimes there is no one to count on other than yourself."
    Then she realizes she's been remiss. "Oh, And I'm Beth. Nice to meet you, Karen. If you ever get near Bludhaven, check out Greene's Dojo. That's my Dad's place. I help teach there on my off time."

Karen Page has posed:
"Greene's Dojo," Karen repeats, committing the name to memory. Her hand is extended. "Nice to meet you Beth. I should take you up on that. Well, show up and see what there is to offer, that is. Unless you're serious about teaching me?" She gives a little frowny wince as she asks, like she expects the usual polite brush-off, leaving them both in an awkward place.

"And don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong in asking. I need to get over it. Pretending it didn't happen isn't helpful. Actually, your idea about learning some self-defense might be smarter than I thought." Not that she's actually jumping at shadows - she isn't - but there's being angrily unafraid.. and being unafraid because you don't need to be.

Karen is still angry.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "I'm completely serious. If you want to learn some skills, I'll be glad to teach you. Or my Dad could if I'm working that night. I'm always up for teaching," Beth admits as she starts to get to her feet, brushing the dirt off her bottom as she does so. She reaches down to pick up the kevlar vest, pulling it over her head then strapping it along the sides. Next is the heavy jacket which goes over the top.
    "A life lived in fear is a life half lived. It's a quote I got from an old movie but it's what I live by."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen gets up herself, stopping to pick up all the nearby bits of trash as she does so. "I'm not afraid so much as angry. I mean, I was afraid, and then I thought, screw them. They did this to me. They took away so much from me. I wasn't going to give them anymore." She nods, though. "I'd like that, I really would. Is there a time you're usually around there? Or when your dad might be less busy? My boss is pretty easy on the hours, but he's also the kind of boss who doesn't think twice about tossing a stack of files on my desk five minutes before closing, or dragging me in on a Sataurday for an important case."

And by important, she means one of the cases they pick up because nobody else will. Or where need is great. The kinds of cases involving desperate people - like herself. She was once one of those cases.

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
The riot helmet is tucked under her arm. Beth's sidearm is holstered at her hip still but she'll be picking up the heavy guns before heading back into the fray. "Tell ya what." She reaches into one of the lower pockets of her pants, pulling out a little billfold. It has her badge and id in it, as well as her driver's license. There are also business cards. Not that they are needed, she just always has them with her badge. She pulls one out and offers it to Karen. "Call me when you are coming into town. I'll be sure I'm there, as long as no homicides pop up. Although I can make sure to let you know a day I'm not on call. Oh yeah, I'm a detective in homicide so I'm on call most of the time. But I can trade a shift if necessary."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen grins as she takes the card. "My boss thinks I have no life. He might be right."

The card is looked at and read before being stuffed down into her bra. "Best place to not loose it out here. Someone grabs me there, they lose a hand."

"Homicide, huh? Uh.." Karen sighs. "Full disclosure? You might have run across my case at some point. I mean, I was innocent, but yeah. So, there's that."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    That gets a negative shake of the head. "Not likely unless it was in Bludhaven," Beth says with a half shrug. She tucks away the billfold back into her pocket. "I admit that I don't work all the cases. I could've missed it." She looks at Karen a long moment, examining her facial features. "You don't look familiar and usually there's a board with the pics of everyone involved in cases. So I'm guessing it wasn't one of ours."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen looks relieved when Beth tells her about Bludhaven. Still, there's nothing stopping the other woman from looking her up. And Karen has no shame. She did nothing wrong.. well, other than stealing the evidence that got her exonerated. She supposed that was wrong.

Beth gets a smile. "Gotta go back. More folks need food and beverages. And I'll look you up. Honest. Greene's Dojo. Bludhaven."

And with that, she's off to the staging area again, leaving Beth to do her job.
