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Latest revision as of 17:52, 30 October 2017

Talking with Dragons.
Date of Scene: 23 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Nick Fury

Cyberdragon has posed:
It has been months since Tony Stark Absconded with a material that was destined for SHIELD Triskelion. Shield has asked him to watch the transport because of suspected Hydra spies in the Scientists. They shipped it covertly through a normal moving van only to have it waylaid by Rhino.

The Material which turned out to be Alien Biotech, Some reports of it absorbing someone.

And a Tony took it to his labs. A few weeks Later Tony through secret channels with Pepper's aid assumed guardianship of a kid of 16 Assuming Shield has kept tabs on tony? And a meeting with Black widow showed that the tech was sentient, in the form of a biomechanical red and black Dragon that has been on earth for some 20,000 years or so. And Tony is keeping an Eye on it, allowing it to roam here and there, while making sure it is not a danger apparently.

The Dragon known as Cyberdragon has been spotted in all sorts of places, Deep in the harbor for hours on end, high in the air, energy blasts Shape shifting blades and such. The Dragon is adaptive, it's full limits are unknown

And right now lately it's been fighting crime dealing mostly with street level thugs and criminals.

Nick Fury has posed:
    The only sign of Nick Fury was a slight glow in the shadows about head level for a man above 6 feet tall. It was a red-tinged, circular glow that, if the observer knows him, reveals that it was probably the inhalation of breath while smoking a cigar. The shadows of the alley were a perfect observation post for the head of SHIELD, a man who constantly has assassins and mercenaries out to hunt him down.

    With a slight betrayal of movement, Nich pulls the cigar from his mouth, and steps forward. Confident that no one else was present except for the person he wants to talk to about all of the last few weeks, Fury reveals himself to Cyberdragon.

    Wearing a dark overcoat, dark clothes, boots, and gloves, Nick Fury clears his throat, and says, "Evening." His one eye regarding CD carefully. "I hear you need to talk. So talk."

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon doesn't like the idea of Dealing with SHIELD, more so neither does John but he wants to see if he can trust them. But he also wants to protect STARK who's done so much for them.

AS the Dragon Climbs down the wall he narrows his eyes moving like spider man, just more predatory as he bares his teeth.

"Yes Black Widow pointed out that SHIELD wouold want to know of threats the world faces. But while I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt dispite our first encounter. There is a threat in Egypt that is dangerously close to being uncovered and possibly released." he explains to Fury. His tail moving back and forth like an agitated cat.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury reaches up with his left hand, and removes the cigar from his mouth. He exhales casually, allowing the smoke to waft up into the air, as it is blown away by the slightly chilly autumn air. His eyes never leave CD however, and he nods slightly, listening intently.

    Fury never misses a beat. His right hand is casually resting on his SHIELD experimental sidearm, and you wouldn't notice except he allows you to as he parts his overcoat with an almost casualy step forward.

    Fury says, "Yes. Black Widow is a good Agent. She knows better than most what is going on. I trust her to be able to keep an eye on things for you. She is a perfect liason officer for you." Fury nods. "A threat in Egypt. When isn't there a threat from that part of the World." Fury sighs. "Thanks for the heads up. Can you be more specific?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon narrows his eyes a little. "An Ancient threat in a black pyrimid, One I sealed away some 4 or 5 thousand years ago. A name stricken from history." offering a parchment of paper which is a location in the Sahara Desert near an expandign town. buried under the sand, it gives a rough estimate of how deep it was buried, some 500 feet below sea level. "Inside the Pyramid is a Black Sarcophogus, that is made of granite wielded shut by me, and embedded are golden symbols of an ancient containment spell."

"I want to believe that SHIELD can be truest handling threats that I know of. Some might be in danger of discovery, others are in no danger. As long as it remains intact and symbols unbroken there is no danger. But if it is opened, it contains... death. Consider this a test on both our parts, My willingness to help you protect the world from threats, Your willingness to heed my wisdom when I say don't open something lest you open Pandora's box." he says.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick places the cigar in his mouth with his right hand once more, and takes a small drag. The light at the tip glows brighter for a brief moment, and subsides as Nick stops inhaling. His eyes regard Cyberdragon with an appraising yet casual air. It was an assessment, but not too intrusive. After all, he had already read the intelligence profile on CD.

    Nick takes the offered parchement but doesn't look at it, keeping his eyes on CD. "Sounds ta' me tha' ya' got this well in hand. Containment spells, welded shut, etc. And now ya' want us to take care of it." Fury nods.

    "I will send a team ta' take care o' this right away." Fury nods, and says, "Thank you fer bringin' this to my attention. Much appreciated." Fury tucks the scroll into a pocket in his over coat.

    Getting ready to leave, Fury pauses, and looks at Cyberdragon over his shoulder. "Just a quick question then. What is in this sarcophogus that we need ta' worry about?" The light at the tip of the cigar glows brighter as Fury inhales again. "Do I need to get WAND and/or BPRD involved?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS he listens to Fury The dragon says. "I would suggest WAND and This BPRD if they both deal with magical threats." Adn then turning to move away he says, "Death is inside. I would suggest leaving it at that but if it is opened. Silver will be effective, though it couldn't be destroyed in my day, merely contained." he says.

"As for why I am not wanting to tell you, A test for you. Do you have the wisdom to temper your curosity heed my advice and leave well enough alone, or would you open it regardless of knowing what it contains."

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Huh. I see. Silver." Fury nods and shrugs. "Okay. Yeah, both WAND and BPRD do. I'll task them. You are welcome to consult with them if you like. I'd like to keep any kind of supernatural threat under lock and key whenever possible."

    "Wisdom can be a double edged sword. Not knowing is tough. Knowing, even when it carries a risk...now there is the test." Fury frowns, and tosses the cigar to the ground. Crushing it with his boot, Fury says, "Thank you for the information. We'll be in touch."

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dragon moves to turn away from Fury he will start to head to the wall to climb up it using his claws and his feet to climb up allowing fury to leave. "And knowing when to leave well enough alone is part of the test, Remember the story of Pandora and her box." The dragon says. One reason he went to Fury and SHIELD was Stark's not one to deal with magic.