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Latest revision as of 18:03, 30 October 2017

Tigger Swimming
Date of Scene: 26 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Okhotnik, Storm

Okhotnik has posed:
The best part of staying at Xavier's Mansion is that there is a huge stretch of outdoors to be had. Woodlands to explore. Gardens to stroll. Grasslands to roll around on. And a lake - a very large, very beautiful, very clean lake - upon which to boat. Or within which to swim.

Truth is, though, only in Xavier's stretch of Breakstone Lake can one upon across a ginormous, twelve foot long, thousand-plus pound Siberian tigress swimming along through the lake.

Apparently Okhotnik decided to go for a swim today. Isn't that cute?

Storm has posed:
Ororo is nothing if not calm. Serene. Almost zen-like. But then, given her yoga pants and pastel top, her usually mohawk'd hair done back in a loose braid, and the rolled up mat she's carting... who -wouldn't- be calm on their way to some relaxing yoga away from the drama of the X-Men or their students?

And she must be -truly- relaxed, as it's not until she's unrolled the mat, beginning some simple loosening stretches that she picks up on the sound of movement in the water. At first she's prepared to chastise students for swimming without supervision, but then as she looks out to the lake... well...

Tigers can swim. She remembers this from a documentary. Also because there's a tiger swimming in the lake. "...Logan? I feel as though Logan would have a tiger for a pet. And forget to mention it to the rest of us." She sighs, brow furrowing in just a touch of concern. "...Perhaps Jubilation. Although I would think she would tell -everyone-..."

Okhotnik has posed:
More splashing, as the tigress paddles her way through the lake, finally reaching shore. There's no telling how long she's been swimming, but she is well and truly sodden as she comes loping in slow, measured steps out of the lake and up onto the grassy shore. She does not approach the white-haired African woman or her lovely mat, but stays at a distance as she finds a spot to settle, and then shake herself off, shedding as much of the water as she can. Then she lays down in the grass and starts to groom herself, licking away much of the moisture in the slow, careful process.

Storm has posed:
Ororo watches the tiger, frowning thoughtfully, brow furrowing as she begins to shift into various yoga forms, holding each for several seconds. "I swear... -something- about a tiger... students? Students found... oh..." She groans softly... she -has- to stop just marking all her emails as read at the start of the day. Someone's going to -catch- her. Still, as the tiger relaxes, Ororo lets out a heavy sigh of her own, continuing her routine and watching the feline enjoy its own. It's almost -more- peaceful than her morning one, really. And she was alone for that.

Okhotnik has posed:
Half an hour or so later, the tiger seems to finally be finished with its grooming ritual. It lays in the grass, tongue out, panting just a bit, almost grinning at the mocha-skinned woman making odd poses over there on the mat.

What follows is, to be fair, anything but peaceful. Bones shatter. Tendons snap. Muscles tear. The entire tiger's body convulses and twists. To say that it is agony is a profound understatement. And it goes on for a good ten minutes. But through that process a twelve foot long, thousand-plus pound Siberian tigress is transmogrified into a less than six foot tall naked caucasian woman with ashen blonde hair, panting softly, head down, eyes closed as she lays in the grass where the tiger was, recovering.

Damnit that hurts.

Storm has posed:
Ororo is taking a break, settling cross-legged on her mat, eyes drifting shut. And then they snap open wide. She stares, rushing forward, only to... well, she's not a doctor. She watches wide-eyed, as the transformation progresses. It certainly doesn't look -good-, but... this has to be towards -something-.

And then as the transformation peaks and finishes she stares, mouth open. "I.. are... you okay? I didn't... I mean... that looked very... unpleasant." Yes, if nothing else, Ororo is queen of understatements. Still, she kneels and reaches out, gently resting a hand on that naked upper back, offering a reassuring presence.

Okhotnik has posed:
The woman laying there hisses at the contact. Her voice rumbles a tad unnaturally when she speaks. "It was. No offense ... please take your hand away. The aftermath makes me ... hypersensitive. Which means contact sets me off." Released, the arching tension eases in her back as she lies still, panting a bit more. "Sorry. But I just got finished changing. I really don't want to be shoved back into a return transformation." The woman's voice is edged with a very sharp Russian accent. Her skin, when touched, was rather hot, almost feverish, and visibly flushed. But as she continues panting, the color is fading.

Storm has posed:
Ororo pulls her hand back quickly but gently, grimacing slightly. "Ooh... that... sounds unpleasant, yes." She lets out a heavy sigh, shifting backwards a touch, balancing on the balls of her feet as she crouches down. She continues to watch that transformation as the after effects seem to settle down. "I am Ororo... I suppose I can introduce myself while you... recover." She tilts her head and murmurs out, "I see that transformations -are- universal in clothes being the most... troublesome issue to account for."

Okhotnik has posed:
The Russian woman smirks - it's visible, as she looks up a bit finally. "Yes. Clothes are a real 'pain' for transformations. It's a good thing I have no real body modesty." However, once Diya has recovered herself she does reach out and snag a rolled up large towel that is lying in the grass nearby, pulling it over and wrapping it around herself. It's not so much about her own modesty as respecting others' boundaries. "Hello, Ororo. Most call me 'Diya' when I am on two feet. Apparently most of the students have taken to calling me 'tigger' when I am on four feet." She extends her hand towards the woman, ready to greet her. "Sorry for interrupting your exercise."

Storm has posed:
Ororo laughs out softly, placing her hand in the other woman's with a quick shake of her head. "Oh no, interrupting my yoga -appears- to be how you can tell if you are really fitting in around here. Everybody does it sooner or later. You simply win the award for most novel way of having done so. It is nice to meet you, Diya." She quirks an eyebrow and then sighs out softly, head shaking slowly. "Of -course- they have. I believe I'll simply call you Diya at -either- point in time... unless, perhaps, suitably surprised at you pouncing out of the woods. I -may- just shriek then." She can't help but flash a little grin then, to show she's just teasing.

Okhotnik has posed:
The Russian woman grins at that. "Well, I haven't done that in a bit. But to hear Lexi talk about it, I apparently made a habit of that, back before being moved into the Mansion here." Diya shrugs her bare shoulders and turns around in her seat to more fully face Ororo. "I'm learning to control the tiger, and be more aware of her, and more aware of being her. It is ... very surreal for me." She doesn't explain why, right now, but it shouldn't be too hard to guess. "I have tried to show restraint, since. Other than against the hunters trying to hurt my people in Mutant Town's streets."

Storm has posed:
Ororo laughs softly, head bobbing in a slow nod. "Well, it is important to learn to control all sides of one's self. I certainly haven't started any thunder storms when a barrista has made a mistake with my coffee..." She clears her throat softly, eyebrows perking up. "Well, for awhile, yes? And... I am sorry you had to deal with such unpleasantness. I believe you will find less... disagreeable elements somewhat reluctant to attempt the same injustices -here- that they are emboldened to attempt in the city."

Okhotnik has posed:
The Russian soldier nods. "Yes. That is why Miss Grey insisted I come within your walls, rather than prowling around outside them, herding the children back inside." Interesting choice of words. "Unpleasantness is rather my life, I am afraid. I only hope I never manage to bring that here."

Storm has posed:
Ororo smiles and laughs softly, murmuring out and shaking her head. "Oh, I think if any of your unpleasantness -were- to come here, we would be understanding. And... well, it -is- something of a tradition to have one's personal unpleasantness arrive around here. If anything, you may fit in even more." She sighs and hums softly, "But I suppose we should focus more on pleasantness, and not dwell on darker possibilities."

Okhotnik has posed:
"I am not so very good at that." the Russian woman offers, as she tucks the towel around herself a bit better and sits up to face the white-haired African woman more completely. "I am a soldier. My purpose is to protect others. Endangering them instead is not something I can ignore." She also has major PTSD, so 'being positive' isn't exactly in her wheelhouse either. "Pardon my saying, but you seem rather unique."

Storm has posed:
Ororo's head bobs slowly as she smiles lopsidedly. "I... think that's a fairly common assessment of me. And I can understand having a purpose to protect others. It is a purpose those of us here as staff have chosen as well. And certainly, you cannot ignore endangering them." She sighs softly and allows a slow, reassuring smile. "But, perhaps you can, in time, come to realize that not all moments when your presence endangers others are your fault. Those endangering them by attempting to capture or assault you are the true fault."

Okhotnik has posed:
The Russian woman shrugs her bare shoulders. "I cannot control the actions of others, only take responsibility for my own." An eminently practical view, at least. "So. If you will not take offense, I should like to ask another question. It seems as if everyone who works here, or goes to school here, has some strange talent or power. Even myself." She apparently has considered the question of whether or not she would have been so welcomed here if she were only a homeless veteran. "Obviously, you have seen my own. Is it considered rude here to ask what another's might be?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo bobs her head and settles back in her seated position, just a touch more relaxed as her arms cross behind her head, just a little stretching to unwind it seems. "It is... sometimes a touchy subject. Typically though, as our students and staff all have... unique gifts, and some are more obvious than others, it is usually something discussed easily. It certainly also doesn't hurt that so many pick a... codename based on their powers. Like a nickname. I can control weather. Hence, most call me Storm."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya nods. "Ah. I suppose I would be Okhotnik." It is Russian for 'Hunter', though she does not explain; she has run into enough Russians here that she seems to expect others will know such words without assistance, however arrogant that assumption might be. "That is what my former teammates called me, long before ... I was changed." Yes. 'Gifts' can be a touchy subject indeed, as that hesitation may make clear.

Storm has posed:
Ororo finishes her leisurely stretch and plants her hands on her knees. "Well, I suppose in a way we can be your teammates now. Or friends." She tilts her head with a little smile and sighs out, "But, that is to be done at your pace, of course. I do not wish to impose upon you. But should you wish to join me in exercise at any time, I will happily accept your company."

Okhotnik has posed:
The other woman bobs her head, acknowledging Ororo's offer without really responding to it; she already has children looking up to her, she's not ready for 'friends' just yet, no matter how well-meaning. After all, the last friends she had surrendered her to those who would have imprisoned and likely experimented upon her. She has reasons for her issues, trust-related and otherwise. "Should you ever have need of me, whether for hunter, for tracker, for killer, or just for manual labor, I will make myself available." She believes in contributing as best she can, in some small recompense for all she is receiving.

Storm has posed:
Ororo nods, shifting around slowly, until she can draw her legs up under herself to stand, stretching after settling down for awhile. "Mhhn... well, trackers I'm sure we'll need time to time, quite possibly hunters... and manual labour -certainly-, if only during the beginnings and ends of semesters when everyone is moving... but..." She frowns thoughtfully and murmurs, "I... do not desire to pull you into situations where we need killers. Nor to pull anyone else in. There are others who make such choices far more easily than I. So manual labour and tracking it shall be, yes?"

Okhotnik has posed:
The soldier eyes the one time goddess, and shrugs. "Sure. That's fine." She's not going to say what she thinks of 'not needing any killers;' it's not her pretty mansion, so she shouldn't judge. "I scrub the pots and dishes in the kitchen, clean the floors, help with hauling laundry, digging in the gardens, whatever else needs doing." And she will continue to do these things. "You are one of the teachers here, then? Working for Miss Grey?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo lets out a thoughtful noise, "Well, I did notice the kitchen hasn't been a disaster..." She nods her head and gives an almost helpless shrug. "I am. I teach Mythology currently, though I can fill in for others as needed... though I hear Remy is back, so I suppose I no longer need to concern myself about being saddled with the sexual education curriculum... that could have been... trying, yes? Teenagers." She says the last as though it explains everything.

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya smirks at that, shaking her head. "Dealing with the emotions, sexual explorations, and emotional rollercoasters of teenagers is quite the trial, as they try to discover how to make relationships and connections between each other work." And the soldier says it like she actually knows, and she has only been at the school a few weeks. "Not much I could teach, other than military history or the politics of a post-Communist oligarchy. Or soldiering."

Storm has posed:
Ororo laughs softly and smiles slowly. "I think, perhaps, the trials of dealing with teenagers are in fact a universally understood tribulation." She hums out softly and murmurs, "Well, soldiering is not necessarily a bad skill to have. I think perhaps we could... avoid the small arms and unarmed combat, but the fitness and discipline could certainly be something to look into. And military history is certainly something important as well." She lifts an eyebrow and hums softly, "I think perhaps you may find yourself teaching just such subjects. It is certainly something I think Jean should consider."

Okhotnik has posed:
"Well, Miss Grey certainly knows where to find me." Diya comments, with a wry twist of her lips. She has, apparently experienced the telepathic summons to meetings with Jean that the redhead makes a habit of using, whatever her reasons. "As now will you." That is followed with a little smile.

Storm has posed:
Ororo nods her head and glances around in mock concern before stage whispering, "Doesn't she just seem to -always- know? I think the satelite on the roof isn't really for the TV. It's her radar dish." She smiles crookedly and bobs her head, "And yes, I shall. I imagine we will have some pleasant mornings by the lake."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya grins at that. "If she could figure out how to make her mind pass through a dish? It might be." The soldier nods. "On rough days, I tend to go out after dark and prowl. A swim before I go back inside helps, and gives me a reason to lay out and relax, coming down from the sensitivity." In short: it's part of how she is managing her condition.

Storm has posed:
Ororo nods her head, "Well, I mean, if -she- can't, Hank certainly would take up the challenge..." She has a feeling she should adjust that to 'has' as in 'has taken up the challenge, and probably completed it eight different ways'. She sighs out softly and murmurs, "Well, I shall ensure not to startle you if I see you returning at night. And if I may help you in any other ways, do not hesitate to ask."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya does not yet know Hank, or his proclivities, so the humor of the statements is lost upon her. Nevertheless she nods. "Thank you. I appreciate the offer. For now, having a home, and enough food, has been quite a luxury." And one she feels determined to repay, obviously.

Storm has posed:
Ororo smiles and murmurs out, "Well, perhaps you can join one of the dinners I want to get going on. I mean, we're basically a family, I see no reason we can't get together now and then for a family meal. Talk and enjoy one another's company and the like."

Okhotnik has posed:
Diya smiles. "I will bring venison to your dinner." Because that's her way of contributing.

Storm has posed:
Ororo nods and smiles brightly, "Well! A sunday roast sounds like a fine idea. I will mark that down!" She claps her hands happily... this is the first time she's mentioned her idea to someone, and the first person agreeing to it? Very encouraging!