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Latest revision as of 18:40, 30 October 2017

Log 2611
Date of Scene: 27 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Lara Croft, Polaris

Gambit has posed:
    It's a calm Wednesday morning, nearing noon so the sun is up and hidden behind a few clouds, one of the few passing across the sky at the moment. The mansion seems to have calmed down a bit from all the drama, but there's a changing wind in the Dining hall that says otherwise.

    The cajun, famous for dying on his wedding day and having having the gumption to come back without a word to anyone because he doesn't know what else to do, Remy is in the dining room with an omlette on a plate and a plastic fork in one hand and is slowly chomping down on the large burrito of egg and meats.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was recovering from last months' trip where she'd been abducted by southern american mercenaries, attacked by a sabretooth tiger and nearly drowned in a collapsing cavern structure while being chased by all of the above... Her hand was doing better and the more unseen claw scratch down her back was doing much much better!

She was enjoying her 'light duty' job as a teacher her at Xavier's as well, though was eager to get back to her field work... even if it would be challenging with this job also requiring her attention.

As of right now, Lara's entering the dining room holding a wooden tray loaded with food from the kitchen... two apples a plate of chicken and rice and a couple cups of yogurt. A glass of tea to finish it off.

The world history teacher sets her tray down on the table and notes Gambit's presence in the room... she'd never seen him around here before! "Hello." The British woman said to him with a soft smile while she sat herself down.

Polaris has posed:
Walking into the dinning hall, Lorna is looking relaxed. A long cream cardigan over grey leggings and a dark olive shirt. She studies Remy for a long moment before approaching him and Lara. "Have you spoken to her?" She asks by way of greeting, wrapping her sweater about herself.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy looks up towards Lara and gives her a faint smile, his eyes betraying a certain sadness that has lingered with him since his return to the school. He didn't make himself visibly known the other night when some man who looked like him showed up and started a hubub, but Remy decided to stay to the shadows until Rogue was gone. He knew better than to come back for hugs and kisses at that time.

    Remy looks to Lara and then to Lorna, "Ah have not. Ah am sure she absolutely 'ates me righ' now. Ah don' know wha' t' say."

Lara Croft has posed:
Needless to say, Lara had NO idea what they were talking about. She'd experienced that quite a lot with the staff of this school, but it was fine... they'd been a clearly close-knit group for years and she'd een here a little more than a month.

Lara showed a smile to Lorna while picking up her eating utensils. "I love your hair." She told the woman whilst the sweater was wrapped.

She went to look away though when the two shared words that seemed to be of a serious nature. Lara did what anyone does these days... she pulled her phone out and flipped the screen on to stare at it while she ate and tried not to look like she was dropping any eaves on them.

Polaris has posed:
"Dummy. She's hurt. Let her be mad, but be there." Lorna suggests and smiles to Lara. "Thanks. You're that adventurer all the students rave about?" She wonders and goes to get herself some lunch with another look at Remy. It's just a little jarring to see him sitting there so casually. "So Kurt and I are dating these days." She tells the man, her tone casual. Normal lunch conversation.

Gambit has posed:
    "If she knows about everythin' Ah did, she's gonna be mo' dan 'urt." Remy says softly before looking over to Lara and remembering his manners.

    "Ah'm sorry cheri. Ah'm Remy Lebeau. An' Ah'm not too sure what Ah do 'ere any mo'e." The cajun offers his name in greeting and gives Lorna a soft nod as she walks out. "Dat'll be a cute kiddo." He says teasingly before taking a bite and turning his attention towards Lara as the other mutant goes off to get her lunch.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara owuld look up from her phone when Lorna first spoke to her, a smile showed on her face then and she considered the question for a short moment. "Ah... yes. I mean, I suppose I am." Her class had gotten a lot more popular than she'd thought, especially after the blasted movie trailer came out... the very next morning she'd had to go looking for extra chairs to put in her classroom for the extra students who showed up just to listen to her lecture.

Lara then looked to Remy and she smiled at him. "Louisiana native?" She asked him, reaching a hand up to brush her hair out of her face while looking over at him. "I'm Lara. Its a pleasure to meet you. Hope you're doing... good." She could pick up enough to tell that something bad was going on in his life.

Polaris has posed:
Snorting, Lorna shakes her head. She returns with a salad and green tea. Easy fixings. Her green eyes offer no pity for Gambit's woes, but no anger either. "Doesn't matter. You both need to heal, so heal together before she goes on like that, wounds all raw and painful when ever you see each other." She sets her lunch down and smiles to Lara. "Lorna. I teach Earth Science half the week." She offers by way of introduction.

Gambit has posed:
    "Oh, she's da big movie star too!" Remy says teasingly pointing toward Lara with his fork before shrugging as if the man couldn't be star struck and shrugs. "Good luck wit' dat." The cajun retorts before he nods once, "Born an' raised. Dough Ah don' t'ink Ah could lose de accent even if Ah tried."

    He smiles and takes another bite of his late breakfast and nods towards Lorna as he chews it. "You 'ave a good poin' but Ah'm not sure where t' find 'er. I's like she disappeared off da grid." Remy says sounding a bit concerned and almost jealous.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara took a sip of her tea and then looked back to Lorna when she mentioned her course. "Oh. I would very much like to sit in on a class and enjoy that." She said to the other teacher. "If that would be all right." A light smile was shown before she looked back to Gambit when he called her a movie star.

"God, no." She told him, showing a larger smile at the man. "I basically have nothing to do with that thing, except in-name signing a contract that was court ordered in an outrageous settlement claim." Lara would take a deep breath then and glance back down to her phone.

"Who are you looking for?" She asked then, now looking up again and from Lorna to Gambit.

Polaris has posed:
"His lady love-who's going to college by the way, in New York." Lorna offers to Gambit and glances back to Lara as she mixes her salad. "I'd be fine with that." She agrees at the request to sit in. "I got my masters in geophysics before my father...liberated a country. Now it's all philosophy and political science classes to play catch up on politics." She shakes her head.

Gambit has posed:
    Remy finishes his food and stands up from the table, giving a nod to Lara, "Nice t' meet you, Ah'm sure we'll be seein' each ot'er a lot."

    "So, ... hmmm... Ah'm certain she'd be pissed off at me even mo'e if'n Ah show up at 'er new school. So dat's what Ah'm gonna do. De Gambit way." He teases with a wink towards Lorna and slips out to de kitchen. "Don' be bangin' loudly on de walls wit' Kurt now." He says in parting.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looked to Lorna when she spoke of her father and her eyes went wide. "... LIberated a country?" She replied to the other woman. "Well... that is a father that must be hard to bring a significant other home to!" The British woman would show a sly grin before seeing Gambit's shadow cast over her as he rose up from the table on her left.

Lara looked over at the cajun and she smiled again at him. "I hope you find her then." She told him. "I'm sure things will work themselves out, if effort is applied." But she knew she was quite literally terrible at anything to do with relationships.

Polaris has posed:
"Man pig!" Lorna calls after Remy in a good natured way and rolls her eyes. She looks to Lara and nods lightly. "It's a big shadow to live in, but I happen to enjoy a bit of shade from time to time. Better than no family." She murmurs and sips her tea.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would look up from her meal after poking at it with her fork and she'd grin to Lorna. "Speaking as someone who has no family, I can vouch for that. Well... that is to say, I have extended family... and they are the literal 'worst' you could ask for. British nobility at its very lowest." She'd offer another smile to the fellow teacher. "I'll stop by your next class, tomorrow? I look forward to it."

Polaris has posed:
"Tomorrow sounds great." Lorna nods and winces. "That bad huh? Sorry to hear it." She smiles at the other instructor and looks after Remy. "I reeeeally hope he doesn't get set on fire. Not that his lady could do so readily...I don't think, but I wouldn't put it past her by mundane methods."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would smile at first and then look after Remy where he'd headed out into the hallway. "I'm sure he'll be fine." She said. "Men and women have been fighting throughout their relationships since the start of mankind." Lara's eyes swept back to Lorna. "I saw a statue once, of a woman beating her man with a club that dated back to the Homerlion Dynasty in China."

Lara's eyes looked back down to her phone then. "Hopefully she has no access to club weaponry when they speak, however."