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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/09/29 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=295, 17, 84 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:295|Karen Page (295)...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:20, 30 October 2017

Left Turn at Albuquerque
Date of Scene: 29 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Karen Page, Iron Fist, Hawkeye (Bishop)

Karen Page has posed:
It was something of a whirlwind of activity from finding the girl and what transpired next. The thing - whatever it was - skulked off and disappeared before any further investigation of it could happen. Between them they had a dead car (Karen's), a possibly working van (but the girl was in no shape to drive it), and Kate's vehicle. It took some juggling of matters, but eventually tows were arranged, financial matters were figured out (Karen would worry about her phone later.. all she needed was for it to work tonight), and the decision was made to take the girl somewhere safe, get some answers, and then figure out what to do next. Karen's apartment was full of house guest; her boss worried too much; and well, Kate? she seemed happy enough with the solution Karen came up with to call one of the office regulars. Someone she could trust to deal with the matter at hand first and ask pointed questions later. Danny.

thus it was he got a late night call begging a favour, with a promise of making it up to him later, but "We need somewhere safe to bring someone, and your name came up. Any chance you could help?"

Which is how the trio ended up at his penthouse.

Iron Fist has posed:
When Danny answered his phone, there was a lot of noise on the other end. Car horns, shouting, and were those sirens? Just city sounds, probably, but somehow not the ambient stuff you might expect from someone walking through the streets of New York City on a busy night. These were closer than that.

"What happened? Oh, sure, sure. I'll meet you there!" Danny's response was quick and he hung up before anyone could say more.

Fast forward to now, and the young C.E.O. is ushering the three women into his home. He's wearing a t-shirt and some billowy pants, barefoot with a bandage wrapped around his right ankle. The smell of a fresh shower.

"Hey," he says quickly. "Come on in. Just leave your shoes by the door, ok?" Taking a step back, he looks the young woman over and says, "I'm Danny."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate leaves her shoes near the door as Danny asks. She's dressed in faded designer jeans and a black t-shirt that reads 'I AM NOT DAREDEVIL' under a leather biker jacket.

    "Hey, Danny." she says in greeting. "Are you alright?" she wonders, noticing the bandage on his ankle. "I guess it could be worse."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen's shoes are dutifully removed at the door, and left on the mat there. She can't help a little bit of a gawk at the place - it puts her third storey walkup to shame. Then again, most everything puts her third storey walkup to shame. She helps escort the girl into the other room, only noticing Danny's bandage once Kate makes her query. "Oh, huh. What happened?"

Seems to have been a night for folks getting into scrapes.

"Thanks for helping us out on such short notice, by the way."

Iron Fist has posed:
The young woman has been quiet up until now, and she stays quiet as she removes her shoes and tucks them away from the door. Her eyes also widen just a bit as they take in Danny's sleek and modern apartment, with its sweeping city views and magazine cover interior design.

Danny limps to the kitchen and says, "No worries. It's...actually embarassing. I just tripped over something. Tea?" He has some already prepared and waiting, a loose-leaf pu'er that gets deposited into smallish cups.

When he finishes, he starts handing them out, look expectedly between Karen and Kate. "So what happened exactly?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I'm not exactly sure." Kate begins. "I was driving outside the city trying to get away from worrying that my friend America might get murdered by an alien god when I found an abandoned van and your girl Karen's car, broken down." she continues. "We heard a scream and found her..." and she jerks a thumb towards the girl. "... there was come kind of shambling mass of greenery with glowing eyes out there too."

Karen Page has posed:
There's a helpless shrug from Karen. "I took a wrong turn on the Interstate. Got myself turned around. The car died right where her -" her being the young girl "- van was." The woman tries not to look guilty at this point in the conversation. "What she said. Uh.. do you two know one another?"

Karen looks between Danny and Kate, curious now.

"Anyway, I'd appreciate it if we didn't have to tell my boss about this?" Karen's look is tres hopeful.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny looks between the three other people and appears to be doing some math in his head. Well, he gives a math face anyway, calculating and a little confused. Of course Karen doesn't know he knows Kate, because Karen doesn't know what he and her boss get up to at night. Not need to explain all that, though.

"Yeah, Kate and I are friends," he says with a smile. Then, to the teen. "You're very lucky these two ran into you. A real coincidence, though."

He takes his tea and moves from the kitchen to his dining table. The apartment has a big open space that acts as kitchen/dining room/living room, so they're all basically there with him even if they don't move. "What's your name?" he asks, getting the response, "Syvlia," in return.

The mention of a shambling mass of plant parts doesn't seem to faze him.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Yeah." Kate agrees. "We're friends. We do stuff together. Junk and stuff." she says to Karen. "You can blame it on me if you want. Maybe you even tried to talk me out of calling your client?"

    She sips her tea as Danny starts building a rapport with the girl. "Was there anyone else in the van with you?" she wonders.

Karen Page has posed:
So they know one another. That tidbit of information gets a quirk of brow from the redhead. "I wasn't so much worried about the bothering Danny part as the chasing after shambling mound trying to eat young girl in the woods part." She shrugs. "He's a bit overprotective at times. Can't say as I blame him."

She gives a smile to Sylvia. "Don't you worry one bit. We're going to get everything fixed up right and figure out how to get you safely wherever it was you were going. Actually, where were you heading? Are there people we should be calling to let know you're okay?"

Leave it to Miss Goody Two-Shoes to worry about things like that. Though she comes by it honestly. New York hasn't kicked all the Vermont out of her yet. Just some of it.

Iron Fist has posed:
Junk and stuff. Danny smirks Kate's way and nods. That about sums up his relationships in general at the moment. "Glad you didn't go chasing any monsters," he says, apparently starting to give that part of the story more thought. Shambling plant masses? Has he heard that one before somewhere?

While the Iron Fist slips into contemplation, Sylvia shifts from left foot to right and back again. Her tea is untouched, eyes glued to the floor. Then, with a shake of her head, she looks up and over to Karen. "My dad," she says in a honeyed southern accent. "I'd say you can call my dad, 'cept he was dragged into the woods screamin'."

That snaps Danny out of it. He blinks and straightens up, looking to Karen, then to Kate. Surely one of them can be more comforting than he.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I... I'm sure he's fine." Kate stammers out. "the police will be out there looking for him." she lies. Well, not completely a lie. The police _will_, but it might be too late and they're probably not there now.

    "Was it just you and your dad, then? Were you on a trip?" she asks the girl. "Your... uh... your Dad wasn't bringing a bunch of pistols to sell at a gun show or anything, was he?"

Karen Page has posed:
Oh.. that one they hadn't even considered. Though, in Karen's defense, she's not got a lot of street cred behind her. It hadn't even occured to her to consider the girl might not be alone. Teen-ager, out in the backwoods? Sounded like blowing off steam, or heading to a bush party to her. Not.. Well, not that. She gives Kate a helpless little look of 'oops?' only, there's still the girl to reassure.

Karen puts on her best 'it's going to be okay' office face and smiles at Sylvia. "Don't you worry none. Your dad is going to be just fine. Remember we called for help?" All the while thinking 'oh please oh please let him be fine'.

Iron Fist has posed:
Sylvia seems to have snapped out of whatever fog she was in since the two women found her. She's coherent, speaking quickly and freely now, and eyeing Kate through half-lidded eyes. "My dad /is/ a cop," she says. "So, yeah, there was a gun, but he wasn't sellin' it." She sighs and walks over to one of the seats at the dining table and slumps into it. "My mama just passed away and, well, I came to live with my dad. He was takin' me out to Breakstone lake in that crappy van o' his when - ," she stammers and her eyes go glossy with tears.

Danny takes a breath and looks calmly over to the teen. "They're not wrong, you know. Things are going to be alright." He actually has no clue whether or not that's true, but he just may be convincing enough with the help of a little calming chi energy that he starts to give off. His look to Kate, though, is uconvinced.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "Well, what _did_ happen? Can you give us some idea?" Kate wonders. "Did the van break down? Did your dad see something and stop to check? DId you see what took him?" she asks further, sipping her tea again to give her time to think of more questions. "Where was your dad a cop at? Was he city policeman or a town or a sheriff's deputy?"

Karen Page has posed:
Danny's look to Kate isn't missed. It's subtle, but something about it niggles. She's not *quite* sure what it is, but it's something. However, there's the girl, and now isn't the time, or the place. Her smile remains in place as she stands, and holds a hand out to the girl. "Tell you what, honey, let's go wash your face and let you collect your thoughts a minute before we hit you up with all these questions, huh? How's that sound?"

When the girl's attention is otherwise distracted, Karen gives Danny a 'you owe me' look, no longer feeling quite so obligated to their host. Knowing full well they'll talk while the other two are out of the room.

Iron Fist has posed:
Kate's barrage of quiestioning looks to be having an effect on Sylvia. The teen blinks back her tears and clears her throat, though it's obvious she's still upset. Her head shakes side to side at the last question, which is about when Karen intervenes. "Ok, sure," she tells the redhead, standing to follow.

Danny stands as well, smiling to Karen and motioning down a distant hall. "Just to the left down that way," he says, watching them head to the bathroom. When he thinks they're out of earshot, Danny turns first to the expanse of windows behind him (wouldn't NOW be a good time for a few parademons to come this way?) then to Kate.

"Go easy on her, she's obviously still recovering from whatever happened." He sighs and sits again. "Are YOU ok, though?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I'm sorry, Danny... but if there are a bunch of other family members or kids or something in that swamp with that THING, then we need to know so we can call out the cavalry." Kate suggents gently.

    "I'm fine, but I was dumb and didn't take any of my gear with me, so even if we had caught up with the thing I couldn't have done much to it." she sighs. "Are you alright, though? Trip over a flying monkey-bug?"

Karen Page has posed:
Not that she can show it, but a thread of irritation creeps up Karen's back. Whatever it is they're not saying, they better appreciate what she just did. Though.. as she thinks on it, she's got the girl, and that might work out to all their advantages in the end.

Her tones are nothing but soothing as she leads Sylvia down the hallway. "Don't you worry none. Danny is one of the best people I know. We'll get this all right sorted and you'll be back with your dad before you even miss him." She guides the girl gently into the bathroom and shurts the door, flicking on the fan for good measure. Oh, if only they could read minds. //you so owe me for this..//

Sylvia is ushered over to the throne, Karen carefully flicking the lid to provide a seat for the girl. "You sit right here honey, and I'm going to get you a cold washcloth. So, where are you from, anyway? I didn't catch the plates on that piece of crap van of yours. You don't sound like you're from the city? Me? I'm from Vermont. All these tall buildings. Pretty fancy if you ask me. Bet it's not like that at home, is it?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny shrugs and leans back, knowing that a big chunk of what Kate says is true. The faster they get answers, the faster they can figure out what needs to be done. He doesn't want to go too far too fast, though, a mistake he's made time and again in the past. It doesn't usually end well.

"Five of them in Queens," he tells Kate. "I wish I knew what the hell was going on, but there are obviously more qualified people to handle whatever's happening in Metropolis." The thought of the encounter calls attention to the pain in his ankle and he winces.

In the bathroom, Sylvia takes a seat and watches Karen closely. She wipes her face and says, "South Carolina. The van's my dad's, though. He's NYPD, moved up here after he and my ma split." She pauses and lets out a tired sigh. "You know it all happened quick fast, right? That thing. It /moved/ so quick."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "It's an invasion." Kate says. "Stark intel has it that they're from another dimension. You've probably seen some of the battles on TV or online... for some reason they keep attacking the Hall of Justice." she sighs a bit. "One of my friends was fighting some huge hairy fanged guy there. She hasn't responded to my texts, so I'm pretty worried."

Karen Page has posed:
In the bathroom, Karen takes the cloth from Sylvia and rinses it out again, squeezing it and folding it neatly into one hand. She takes the girl's chin gently with her other hand. "Here, let me. You just sit and relax. South Carolina, huh? How long has your father worked here? I have a friend in the NYPD. I wonder if she knows him. Probably not. It's big city. But fancy that, huh?"

Her smile remains a gentle, encouraging thing as she wipes. "Ah, honey, things always seem like they're faster in the dark. We let our imaginations get away. There's whole studies about it, did you know? Cave man stuff. Think it was some guy named Jung who came up with it. Been here long? And what were you two up to that you were out for a drive? Hear there are some real nice places to visit outside the city. Was looking for one myself. Of course, not eveyone has the direction sense of a rock like me." She laughs at herself, trying to put the girl at ease.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny stares across the table at Kate and sips his tea. "Yeah, it's all over the news. And the boardroom. Company's going nuts after losing some of out real estate in New Troy." He rolls his eyes, showing just his level of concern for all that. "You should get over there then. New York's no safer. Might as well make sure she's alright?"

Sylvia lets Karen mop up her tears and gathers the strength she found and lost in Danny's living room. "I just moved out here, but my dad's been here ten years or so. Like I said, we were goin' out to the lake for a few days." She fiddles with a ring on her finger, a simple colored band. "I think I want to go home. Or to the station. I don't know these people." Nor does she know Karen, for that matter.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I should." Kate agrees. "But... Stark told me to stay mobile. And, I know America would worry too much about me to do what she needs to do." She shrugs, though. "WHat about the others? Have you heard from them? I meant to go check on Jess, at least. Cage is probably holed up in his bar but Jay might have the shakes or something by now."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen steps back a moment and regards Sylvia's face. She grins, *bops* Sylvia lightly on the nose with the facecloth, and tosses it into the sink. "There. I think you'll be okay." She takes up a perch on the side of the bathtub.

"I hear you. This whole place.." Karen gestures vaguely about, taking in the penthouse complex. "..kinda fancy for folks like us, huh? And just moved here, huh? Me too." Well, for some value of 'just'. She's been here long enough. "Been a long time since I've been to a real lake. Matter of fact, that's what I was trying to do when I got lost.." Her smile gentles, and she sighs. "Not really safe for you to go home alone honey. And you don't really want to head back to a stuffy police station to wait for your daddy, do you? I'm sure he's just finishing things up with the police back there and will be back right quick. But I tell you what - how would you feel about coming back to my place?" All the while thinking: Where do you think you're going to put her hotstuff. You live in a one bedroom apartment and your couch is already occupied.

Karen told her inner critic to stfu. "Or I could go back to your place with you? Us country girls we gotta stick together, right?" Sylvia's hands are taken in her own as she carefully avoids reminding the girl all the reasons why she shouldn't be alone right now.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny taps a finger on the table. He hadn't really been around to check on things here during the invasion. "Everyone seemed OK the other day. Nerves are wracked, and I'm pretty sure our ninja friends are going to use all this as a cover to speed up their operations, but we're all alive at least. That's something." Another series of taps. "Haven't heard from Luke, though."

While Danny muses over where his best friend might be, Sylvia is thinking about her father. She eyes Karen for some time, not saying anything, until she decides, "Maybe just for tonight? I should really get to my dad's station, though. They'll be lookin' for me, too."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen nods, and pats one of Sylvia's hands. "First thing in the morning hon. I promise. Anything else? Like.. anything weird with the van? A smell? A noise? Something odd before that thing got to you and your dad?" It didn't just open the doors and let itself in. And her own vehicle had acted up in the exact same spot. It all was a little creepy.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny considers the woman across from him for a moment before finishing his tea. "You have a safe place to stay through all this?" He wonders if Tony Stark put anything in place for his employees and interns, or just what Kate's situation is outside of all the crime fighting they do.

In the bathroom, Sylvia thinks hard, then shakes her head. "No, I was asleep, I guess. Woke up to a bunch of noise and my dad getting pulled into the woods. Smelled like wet grass and dirt. And farts." She crinkles her nose and looks about to cry again. "Then it came back."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "I've mostly been holed up in my safe house, where I keep most of my gear. I can't exactly go home to my parents... though they know I'm alright." Kate says. "Mostly I've been there shooting at Parademons... they don't come around my building too much. Not worth the losses, I guess. Plus, America splattered about twenty of them once and I think it spooked them."

Karen Page has posed:
So, about what Karen expected of an answer. Nothing really new in what the girl had said. She smiles at Sylvia again. "Well, sometimes there are old swamp gas pockets get released in the air." Karen lies with an utterly straight face. Such things totally exist. She just doesn't think that's what was happening here. "Swampy area? Of course it smelled like wet moldy things. I'm sure there's a simple explanation. Probably some old drunk wanndering the side of the road hoping to hitch a ride. Your dad must have stopped for him, and well, these things happen. Right?"

A finger is hooked underneath Sylvia's chin as she gives the girl something to believe other than the truth. She's been there. She knows how the mind wants something - anything - else to latch onto, so she's providing.

"Tell you what. You take a few more minutes in here - as long as you think you need - and I'll go explain everything to them? That way you don't have to think about it anymore. Hmm? Sound good? Just give a shout when you're ready?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Kate's response get an arched brow from the Iron Fist. He smiles, not having known about the safe or the living situation with the parents. Or America, who seems like someone he'll really enjoy meeting. "Good, I'm glad," he says, standing to get some more tea. "Want a refill?"

Sylvia's face remains scrunched at the suggestion of wild swamp gasses, but she ends up nodding her head. She wants to believe that's all it was, but she wasnt sure if the area was known to be swampy. There's a lot this girl doesn't know, but she's not going to worry or cry about it in front of a bunch of strangers. "Thanks," she mutters, standing to look at herself in the mirror and play with her hair until Karen is out the door.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen excuses herself from the bathroom and returns to the main room where her tea is now probably cold. Not that she cares, the woman's eyes narrowed down too something of a glare. "Right. We have about five minutes. Ten at the outset unless she decides to have a good long face-saving cry in there. So I'll make this short and sweet. I don't know what it is you're hiding, but I know it's something. So spill."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny brings over the teapot anyway and fills all the cups that need filling. He's midpour on his own when Karen comes out from the bathroom. "There you are, I was getting - ," is what he starts to say, but then the elephant is addressed and Danny just sets his teapot down. He looks to Kate, then to Karen, and does a half-scoff. "I don't know what you're talking about," he says. "How's the girl?" Not great with the lying, this one.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate shares in the meaningful glances. "You don't want to know." Kare says cheerfully. "It'd be too much of a scandal. If you don't know, you have plausible deniability when TMZ or the gossip page reporter comes to try to get you to spill what you know." she makes a little motion with her hand to suggest the space between Kate and Danny.

Karen Page has posed:
Whatever it is they're selling, Karen's not buying. Both are looked at, as her hands settle on her hips. "Really. That's what we're going with. Nothing. And plausible deniability? So that I don't.. and correct me if I misheard this.." Her voice rises a titch, "have to give an interview when TMZ comes calling?"

A hand is raked over the stray strands of hair at her brow. "I must have stupid written up here. Clearly in great big black block letters that everyone but me can see. Fine." Danny gets a saccharine sweet smile. "You're bad at this. The girl however, knows nothing. I tried to give her something else to believe in hopes she doesn't have nightmares about the creeping mound of swamp filth that just may be chewing on her father right now. And because I /do/ have stupid written on my forehead, I now have /two/ houseguests in an apartment that barely fits one comfortably." She's beginning to think Matt and his holing up with ramen noodles just might have the right of it.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny looks over at Kate and blinks. Sure, that was a pretty good one, but he's basically a manchild and so thinks a little too much about the cover story that's being put in place. "Well, uh," he starts, still staring at Kate, because Karen is a little scary right now, "you know the press has a close eye on me and I guess I have something of a fan club out there." His head bobs side to side and a goofy grin plays across his face. "Anyway, let's keep it under wraps?" Finally, a glance to Karen to see if she buys it.

Then, Sylvia is in the hallway, her eyes red and puffy, but otherwise looking to be in one piece. "I'm ready to go," she says.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    "What? You don't think Daniel Rand would date a Bishop?" Kate asks. "This would be the story of the year. But if it got out it would be chaos for his company and my father's. People would be hounding us and them constantly about when the wedding was going to be, questions about if I'm pregnant yet... which company would be absorbed by the other. The stock prices would go crazy either up or down."

Karen Page has posed:
For a moment, Karen just stands there and blinks. "Riight," she says finally, very carefully. "Because you two really give off the dating one another vibe. And considering I brought up calling him, I'm going to go with *ennh* nope, try again." She actually makes a buzzer sound. Only there's Sylvia making ready to go noises, which doesn't leave Karen a whole lot of space to dig at this one. "Whatever. I have access to files. I'll start there. And maybe I'll see what my friend in NYPD can dig up. And if that doesn't go anywhere, I'll really start digging up dirt. Who knows, maybe I'll call TMZ myself and offer them an interview about your love lives, since you know, I hear they pay well, and I'm struggling to pay the bills half the time." Oops. That bit she probably didn't mean to let fly.

There's a pause, and then Karen adds, "Oh. Did I mention? I'm dating a SHIELD agent." She just lets that one sink in.

And without missing a beat, she turns and smiles at Sylvia. "Ready? Feel better now?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny takes a deep breath while Karen lists all the things that she can do because they're holding out on her. He doesn't look to happy about it, and he's conflicted because not only did he not know the secretary had this in her, he also hadn't thought about what a fictional Kate/Danny relationship would lead to. Stock market crisis, imagine!

He's about to remind Karen that they're all friends here when she lets the bit about the SHIELD agent slip. "Youre what!?" he says, grinning. "Tell us all about that!" He sits and props his chin up under his fists.

Except, yeah, there's Sylvia, who is looking bored in addition to tired and sad and worried. "Yep, a little."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate blinks at Karen's scoffing and threats, so the woman stands up and moves over to where Danny is sitting. "Hey, you." she says to him and when he looks at her she leans in and tries to take his face in her hands and kiss him throughly on the lips, closing her eyes as she does. Sure, with his reflexes and skill he might end up tossing her across the room but it's worth a shot.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny turns to look up at Kate, brows arching before he becomes aware of what the archer has planned. He barely manages to get a sound out before his face is cradled and the kiss firmly planted. No, he doesn't toss the woman out the window. He does lean back and open his hands in a 'what the hell?' kind of manner. But then his eyes close, too, and his hands relax.

Sylvia looks visibly uncomfortable. This, she tells herself, is why her parents insisted she never go anywhere with strangers.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen tosses a look over her shoulder at Danny when he asks about her love life. "About which?" Totally innocent sounding. Utterly innocent smile. But when Kate goes to kiss him.. and there's his resultant 'what the hell' reaction, she just shakes her head and laughs softly. "See? Totally bad at this. Or, you know, I now have a story to sell." Her words are softly spoken, though she does relent enough to say, "Don't worry, I won't be calling them up. But I should. I'm not letting this go, though."

Sylvia is given an apologetic look. "Don't mind them. One of those awkward two's company three's a crowd sort of things. So, my place or yours? Have you decided?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
    Kate lets Danny go and steps back from the man. She looks defiantly at Karen, grinning. "I'm the opposite of bad at kissing." she says, putting fingertips to her lips a moment, thoughtful. "Go on, then. Ye of little faith."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny lets his arms drop after he also brings a fingertip to his lips. He's staring at Kate, then at Karen, then at Sylvia. It's that final one that gets him to close his mouth, stand up, and clear his throat. "Right, then. Now that that's all cleared up," he starts gathering cups and the teapot and anything else that needs to go to the kitchen skink.

Sylvia answers after a moment with, "Your place," because while home does sound good, she's old enough to know that it might not be the best place for her now.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny lets his arms drop after he also brings a fingertip to his lips. He's staring at Kate, then at Karen, then at Sylvia. It's that final one that gets him to close his mouth, stand up, and clear his throat. "Right, then. Now that that's all cleared up," he starts gathering cups and the teapot and anything else that needs to go to the kitchen skink.

Sylvia answers after a moment with, "Your place," because while home does sound good, she's old enough to know that it might not be the best place for her now.

Karen Page has posed:
Kate's defiant little retort only gets a blink of 'you have to be kidding me' from Karen who is really beginning to wonder if her joke about STUPID being tattooed on her forehead might be an actual thing. It's just too late in the evening to argue the finer details of the thing, especially with poor Sylvia standing in the hallway totally out of the loop. "Any way to get a ride, Danny?" Mentally calculating what a cab might cost her if he decides the retaliate for her pushing the issue as she did.