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Latest revision as of 19:33, 30 October 2017

Dude Where's my Space Boat
Date of Scene: 01 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Blueblood, Bizarro, Surge, Balder Odinson, Ghost Spider, Wonder Girl, Molly Millions, Stardust, Juggernaut

Thor has posed:
The Apokolipsian Victory Revels are being held at a rented ballroom not far from the Avengers Mansion, with invitations sent to many heroes involved in different parts of the days-long battle for Earth. Word likely spread further than that rather quickly, especially in this world of modern media. But there is little harm in that. Certainly, almost no one is getting turned away at the door. Norse feasts were known to go on for weeks and see people travel from miles to attend and... well, who do you think they got it from?

A great feast has been laid out here, in a fashion that suggests some odd crash-meeting of modern catering and Asgardian aesthetic, that combination yielding something not unlike one might see at a Renaissance Fair... albeit perhaps on a larger budget and absurdly grander scale. The ballroom has various tables around the exterior boasting foods of many kind, although the stars are almost certain to be the full, roasted beasts on offer, either still turning on smaller roasting spits or plated on grand platters. Whole pigs (or maybe boars?), and... is that a goat? No, it's -two- goats. Don't ask too many questions about the goats.

And of course there is ample drink on supply, no actual bar but simply a supply of kegs set up and tapped, that the partygoers might partake at their own leisure. Again, most of these are of perfectly modern make, save for a pair of suspiciously mysterious looking 'olden timey' looking metal-banded wooden barrels of particularly large size. These are set up near the back of the hall.

Thor is on hand of course, greeting guests in his usual gregarious fashion as they all arrive. "Friends! Eat, drink, and be merry! Tonight, we celebrate the victory of Midgard and its allies over the so-called 'god' of Apokolips!"

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood does his best to resemble someone's "plus-one," waving and greeting various heroes and supernatural creatures in Russian. Whether he bought, stole or counterfeited an invitation, he's here to schmooze and-- ooo, hey, is that-- boar? He wanders thataway to assemble a plate...

Bizarro has posed:
Something, that is supposedly in a blue suit, or what is supposed to be a blue suit made by someone who doesn't quite 'get' things the same way everyone else does, is here. Wherever here is. Why-ever he's here. These are many things that would be important to many people... but not Bizarro. He had to remember one thing. To get Kitty Olsen food. He did that. Okay he did that by buying EVERYTHING Kitty might like, much to the mass confusion in the store, compounded further when he actually had the money to pay it.

True he got distracted helping people, in his way, and then he dropped off the food, prepared and in bowls. After realising Kitty was trying to eat all the contents simultaneously less bowls were put down, to much savagery from the kitten that adopted him. He listens carefull as someone important's saying something important-er. He said eat, drink, be merry. That must be why he's here. So, Bizarrow lumbers over to the kegs, patiently waiting, to deal with drink and be merry. So he can do two at once.

Surge has posed:
     ...Okay, no offense to Molly, but this victory party TOTALLY kicks ass. And Noriko, 'Surge' to the public, doesn't even have to try to dress up fancy, since apparently X-Men black and yellow is a valid outfit. It's a party full of superheros, some people are probably going to be wearing their costumes anyway, and nobody's going to be checking IDs. As such... Perfectly reasonable for her to show up. After all, she /did/ help kick that guy's ass.
     She cheers along with everyone else, raising her glass in the air, and other hand occupied with a plate piled high with delicious food. Tonight is gonna be /amazing/. Hopefully Hisako doesn't give her /too/ much grief...

Balder Odinson has posed:
    There is a number of truly heavy footfalls, and the entry line parts as a mail and leather clad Balder the Brave, his helmet attached at his belt, comes into the ballroom toting a very large keg matching the others. This one has other runes and markings engraved upon it.
    "Hail to the victorious!' Balder's voice booms to his brother. "Thine uncle Njord sends me to attend thee with the greatest of his gifts. Honey mead, aged in the holds of sunken ships, distilled from the honey of bees that only sup on the golden apples of Idunn!"
    For the nonce, he carries said cask over towards the others. "Worry not, for Balder hath already delivered the other to thine Manse with the other Avengers with instructions it is only for thee and thine." His smile is broad, and his manner light. The cask is quite large and gives a soft creak as it is settled with the others.
    Balder taps it rather expertly (Don't judge. Asgardians have different norms). Two libations are poured, and Balder walks across the room to give his brother the over-sized stein.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    A young blonde woman also had made her way into the party, though not dressed very fancily: a dark blue knee-length skirt over pink leggings and a pink t-shirt printed with the word 'ODIN' over an image of a bowl of noodles screened below. A white hoodie, too, worn unzipped.

    She's been spending most of her time looking over the foods and enjoying platesful. She even had a drop from the big hogshead barrel of Asgardian drink. Probably a mistake, or it will be.

Wonder Girl has posed:
After a what was assuredly the darkest, most serious week of heroing in Cassie's relatively short career, the young Titan is definitely in the mood to cut loose and blow off a bit of steam. Maybe it's not precisely the healthiest approach, but after suffering various stress, injuries, and even suffering some guilt over various guesses and choices second-guessed, she's ready not to think about that stuff.

And thus? She's ready to party.

"Woo!" comes the age-old cry of the party-ready teen, bedecked in a suitable little party dress and probably tugging along Colette. "Oh my god, isn't this awesome? Look at everything!" If the fancy-dress gala Aquaman had hosted a month back was a bit intimidating, this is somehow quite the opposite. It's hard to feel subsconscious around Asgardians, for some reason. Once inside, she looks around a little and then spots not just one, but two of the Asgardians in the back and sets her sights in that direction. "C'mon, let's go say hi to Thoooor!"

Molly Millions has posed:
What does one wear to an Asgardian feast? It's not a question Molly had ever really had to ask herself before. And the rabbit-hole of the internet has been supremely unhelpful in this regard. With one lense shattered in the aftermath of Darkseid's defeat, the other lense had been carved out of her head to match, not that behind the dark sunglasses most people are likely to notice one way or another.

She'd settled, at last, on leather pants and a suede vest that does nothing to hide the circuit-board 'tattoos' along her arms. For once, seemingly at least, unarmed.

Bonus points, here Molly didn't have to keep a weather eye on things, she could just opt for enjoying herself. And is. She takes cue from some of those around her when glasses are raised to cheer for Thor's words and follows suite. Taking the opportunity to indulge in the wide variety of food and drink (mostly drink, really) laid out.

Stardust has posed:
Accompanying her friend Cassie is Colette, AKA Stardust. She's not exactly well-known even amongst the superheroing fraternity - though those present at the final showdown would have reason to remember her. Not that her contributions were as spectacular as some of the more highly-powered fighters there, she was essentially there to be a target and keep some of that firepower away from the movers and shakers. However her way of being a distraction did involve kicking the dark god of Apokolips in a very sensitive place, and that's kind of memorable, no?

Dressed in a party dress of her own, Colette lets Cassie tug her into the Asgardian feast, wide-eyed and grinning. "This IS awesome," she agrees. "But then I guess visiting a party thrown by a Norse God is inevitably gonna be a bit different, huh? Look! Is that boar! And... is that..." Colette's eyes fall on the goats, and a vague memory of Norse mythology tickles at the back of her mind. "Welp. That's different. Yeah, let's go say Hi. Also, I wanna try some hydrom... mead. Is it obligatory to quaff it? I'm not sure how you quaff."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida wanders over to the girl in the hoodie, after topping off her own glass of something incredibly sweet for alcohol. "Sooo... Bit of an Asgard fan I take it?" She takes another sip of her drink, and a large bite of a turkey leg nearly the size of her arm. "I think I like their parties too. Way less... stuffy."

Thor has posed:
"Ah, mine brother! I knew not of thine arrival, but it aptly-timed, for this is to be a night of great celebration and revelry. And I see thou dost not come empty-handed," Thor declares on sight of Balder, first with his special barrel, and then bringing some sample of its contents. He reaches out to take hand of the well-filled stein, and at the same time slap Balder on the back in greeting, timing it so not too much drink is to be spilled in the process. "Let us go join some of our guests."

His initial approach takes him toward Molly first, and his cup is raised to her in approach. "Thou didst account thyself well," he announces, grinning broadly. "In taking command of the invader's strange machine, our victory was made possible. A toast, on thine behalf!" Fairly quickly, it will become obvious there's going to be a LOT of toasting.

Indeed, he sees another pair approaching, and again lifts his cup toward them. "And here, Lady Cassandra, who struck the final blow! A more fearsome maiden I have not laid eyes on since my youth in Asgard." Colette is extended a smile too. "And who is thine fair companion?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen squints at Noriko as the other woman speaks to her. "Huh? Oh." and she looks down at her own shirt and laughs. "It was the only clever thing I had that seemed to work. Which reminds me..." and she points towards Cassie and Colette headed for Thor and Balder. "Let's go thank the big guy, huh?" and she starts headed in that direction. If her cheeks are a little flushed from the alcohol, she's not staggering in the least.

Bizarro has posed:
Bizarro finds a keg, something to put it in, drinking the something and repeat. After the first two he takes a third with him, navigating and negociating his bulk around to where the food is. Drink down. Be merry'll hapen, no doubt, and eating is next. Who says he's slow? Well. A lot of people. A lot of the time. It doesn't bother him, not even just it's because he doesn't quite get their meaning. He knows things. More or less than other people? Who knows. Not him. Still, not slowly, but cautiously, he moves for the food table.

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood jiggles, like a mannequin cast in ballistics gel, when the back-slaps get... hearty enough... "Ha, heh. Was quite a thing to see. Yes." He helps himself to more root-vegetable mash. Sticking primarily to what he assumes is 'good domestic beer,' there'll be time for trans-dimensional liquors later on. He finger-guns another passing celebrity. "Heyyy-yyy."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida nods. "Probably not a bad idea. Can't let the Avengers hog all of the spotlight, right?" Still grinning, she follows over to Thor, waiting for him to be done with the current conversation. "Thor, good to see you. It's Surge. Kind of disappointed we didn't get to try that thing where you charged me up, but... Thanks for helping us get rid of that guy." She holds out one gauntleted hand, hoping the Asgardian doesn't break them with a handshake.

Juggernaut has posed:

The footsteps of the incoming arrival send minor seismic events likely picked up on by sensitive equipment in different parts of the city. The less sober might find their balance tested. Drinks slosh around and windows rattle as a huge shadow fills up the entryway ..and then a deep voice booms out, "Juggernaut's here!! It's party time!"

To his credit, his arrival has only acused minor quakes and minor structural damage but it's likely still annoying to the unprepared as spilled drinks and meat that refuses to stay still long enough to be placed into the mouths of the hungry abound. Few, however, seem inclined to say anything as the nine foot plus brute swivels his colossal form forward in full armored regalia and undoubtly looking for a keg to empty and then flatten atop the dome of his helmet. It's brazen and maybe even stupid, given his criminal record, but he seems uterly unphased by such issues. A true party crasher.

"I hear Asgardians think they can drink.." he rumbles. "Let's see what goldilocks has going on here.."

Molly Millions has posed:
He's not... Molly isn't entirely sure why Thor heads her way until it's too late for her to duck into the crowd. And the wry smile that crosses her lips is accompanied by a raise of her own mug,"Wasn't a solo effort. J'onn and something calling itself the Stardust Collective were also in my skull... and if not for you and the others taking the hits it'd have been... short lived. But thanks. Nice to see ventilating those skyscrapers didn't mess up your face." she offers before taking a drink.

There's a glance in Balder's direction and then towards the approaching ladies as she subsides back, more than content to try and avoid any potential photographers in the place.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Never am I one to arrive without a gift." Balder replies quietly. His own smile is bright at his brother, and he weathers the backslap with some aplomb. One does not grow up as Thor's tagalong little brother without toughening up. The dark haired Asgardian follows his brother. He tilts back his stein to lower the amount within with a well-practiced twist of the wrist. Balder greets the ladies with a swam smile and a courtly nod. He is less boisterous than his brother, and usually a step behind and to the right.
    The younger brother knows his place, but despite some. He seems happy with it.
    "As ever, tis a true honor to be amongst great heroes." Balder agrees with his brother. "The Valkyior will attend to many here, of that much I am certain."
    He turns his head and sees the bulk of Juggernaut blocking his view. He tilts his mug back. "Thou hast invited giants to thine party, Mighty Thor?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie is smiling broadly as they make their way over, taking things in with her friend. "It's kinda crazy," she admits, looking around. "And honestly I kinda know Greek myth better than Norse, so I dunno the etiquette. Though on TV Viking types are always like, craaaazy-drunk, right?" Which of course has her doing a quick kind of side-eye glance around. She's technically not legal to drink. But she's also a college student. So... this is just like, the biggest, bestest kegger yet. "Figure we just play it by ear! But I'd got to meet Thor even before the last couple battles. He's nice! I'll introduce you- figure he probably doesn't even know half the people who showed up for some of that brawl, with everyone there was."

"Hey yourself, big guy," she greets the Asgardian when they finally approach. "Couldn't have done it without the assist." A broad grin. "This is Colette, she's one of my teamates. I know not everyone even got a chance to get introduced during all that fighting, but uh, this is a good enough chance as any, right?"

And as a few others have gathered there, she does her part making some other quick introductions as well. "Well it was good work, whatever you all did," she says to Molly. "I'm Cassie. Sorry if uh, you caught any of that uh... yeah." Insert slightly self-conscious side-glance. Of course, that itself is somewhat interrupted by the quaking arrival of the party's newest guest.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen twirls a finger in a loose ringlet of her blonde hair as she watches Surge talk to Thor. She smiles at the Thunder God and his brother. Gwen is definitely not a teenager, it might be pointed out.

    She gives Colette and Cassie a little wave, they seem more her age. "I'm Gwen." she offers in response to the introduction. Molly gets a nod. She turns her head when the Juggernaut's steps shake the hall. "Did someone let a bulldozer in here?"

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood's dishes clatter. His physique trembles with *each* of Marko's steps. "Crap. Crap. Cra--" his silverware goes tumbling and he looks downcast, only to spend a moment white-knuckling the table until he ... stabilizes. He'll attend to his spilled drink in a minute.

Stardust has posed:
Colette returns Thor's smile with a bright one of her own, and offers her hand. "Hiya. Yeah Colette... or Stardust if you like codenames, but I'm not too bothered. I'm the one who... you know... " she explains who she is with a kicking gesture. "I wasn't uh..." she glances down at her dress. "Well I guess I looked a bit different. Nice party! Something I always wondered and I figure you're the man to ask, what exactly IS quaffing?"

Colette turns to Molly with a smile. "You're the one who figured out the portal thing then? Good work there! That Dorkside guy seemed to be able to take any amount of punishment, we needed that."

Colette returns Gwen's wave, but before she can take that further the floor starts shaking, and she looks in the direction of Juggernaut, blinking. She nudges Cassie, whispering "Who... or WHAT, is that? And I thought my brother stomped noisily."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Hey, I was impressed." Molly offers to Cassie, but it's Colette that she focus' on and offers out her hand,"Without your help, it would have taken a lot..." wait, why does that shaking seem familia.... oh crap. Molly can't quite help the way her expression turns as she spots Juggernaut. Her attention stays at least vaguely on him as her lapse is at least vaguely smoothed with,"longer? Yeh. Alien cryptology not exactly my usual." slowly her attention turns towards her mug. It's empty. That's a crime.

"'scuse." there's a gesture with her mug before she steps back and goes to find herself another drink. It's coincidence, really, that she pours herself some of the mead. Someone should pay better attention as to what kegs are flagged 'only for immortals'.

Bizarro has posed:
The floor shakes but that's an easy fix. Bizarro floats that little above the ground, out of reach of the shockwaves, raises a smile. He didn't spill anything either. Working smart. To be safe though he downs that too. It can't spill if it's empty. What was he doing? Food. Eat. Right. When there's room, he takes something from one of the tables and starts eating away. Don't be looking too close into what that something is. If could have been food, cutlery, and empty bowl or even a coaster. Without incident it gets eaten, whatever it was, and he looks at the now empty vessel in his hand. Wasn't he supposed to drink? Has he done that? Better get over to where it is and get that done. The important man said so. Drink, eat, something.

Thor has posed:
"Of course. 'Twas a great battle won by the effort of many, yet thine skills and timing did create a most necessary opportunity," Thor tells Molly. Asgardians don't really do humility, and he sees little reason to indulge another in it. Her own quip in turn earns a good, hearty laugh. "It would take more than a few of thine human structures to do mineself lasting harm; I have in times past fought battles that sundered mountains and more."

"Aye, tis a fine gathering," he then answers his brother. "Midgard has produced many worthy warriors of late. And other realms also," is added, on Cassie's behalf. "This young maiden is a child of Olympus. It is good to know our father's peers do not fail to send their own champions." Which brings his attention to the young woman and her friend more in full. "That thou could, even with mine blessing, command the hammer for but a moment speaks to thine character and strength. Though a bit of control may yet be required!"

And turning to Colette, he offers further: "Yes! Yes! I see now. 'Tis good to put a name to the young maiden who did strike Darkseid so... telling a blow." This is said with a mild sign of discomfort, even from the God of Thunder. "The memory does still give me chills." A laugh.

Noriko is hailed with a raised cup as well. "Well met!" Then he looks thoughtful a moment. "Perhaps 'twas my error. I had relied on mine thunder more earlier in the fight, but our foe had avoided or resisted it. Young Lady Cassandra calls upon it likewise, and we had tried striking him in tandem... to little avail."

But with the attention of several turned toward Juggernaut, nevermind the tremors that announce him, Thor glances over... curiously. "Hail," he calls, amiably enough. "Be cautious in thine might, stranger, and thou shall be welcome well enough. There is much to drink. Join us, if you would!"

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida stiffens at the heavy footfalls, staring at the entrance as Juggernaut enters, sparks starting to crackle around her fingertips, the overhead lights probably flickering a little as she pulls extra power. "Who the fuck invited him..." She mumbles under her breath. She's not going to be able to take him down, but she can at least play distraction until the cavalry gets here... But then THor says everything's okay. She relaxes slightly, the sparks disappearing, althoug the smell of Ozone remains in the air. She returns the toast, before giving Gwen an encouraging smile

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Oh yeah?" Juggernaut cranks an eyebrow up, not having expected that answer from Thor. The welcoming gesture catches him off guard slighlty. He can't be abrasive and a bully with that! It just throws him off his game.

"..Well good." is all he manages. A dull comeback though he does add, "I aint no ballerina though." as he starts walking again though his steps and the pressure of his movements do seem more deliberately controlled making the tremblors less a nuisance.

"Anyway sure. Don't mind if I do. I'll try the strongest you got. I hear alot of talk about Asgardian food and drink so it's time to put it to the test..."

As to the rest here? They do not escape the behemoths notice even though most of his attention was on Thor. He sweeps his gaze over all of particular note, blinking a few times in confusion at Bizarro before looking back towards the others with mild confusion. "..Huh.."

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "If Thor doth attest to thine character and will, then thou art true heroes." Balder offer Cassie and Colette a gracious bow, sweeping his gaze to include Molly in it. He does not spill a drop from his stein as he does it. He lifts the stein back to his lips and takes a very long drink from it.
    "I hath only been to Olympus once, perhaps twice on an errand from father?" he is uncertain what brought him there. "Tis indeed, an honor to meet Olympus' champion." He inclines his head to Cassie again, and then takes another drink.
    Balder notes, "Oh, aye. The massive giant is certainly not going to pose an issue when thou art deep in thy cups, brother?" Balder's lips quirk upward in a warm smile, but he takes another step back. His eyes sweep the room. They linger on any number of things that are odd to him. He does not ask too many questions. Now is not the time.
    Rather Balder just moves that step back, and watches the party with that small smile on his face. It is early yet. He takes another long swallow. "Be sure to have at least a small taste of the cask I brought in, ladies. its like cannot be found, even on Olympus, for they do not have Idunn's apples." He boasts a little. The diplomat in him does allow, "Though I must admit, thine vintages of wine are indeed delectable."

Molly Millions has posed:
Some past days, Molly 'd have been more than content to quip something back at the Thunder God. But in what (for her) might be a supreme effort at respect, ducks out of the throng of people surrounding Thor for the moment. There's alcohol to be consumed. In copious amounts. She's most of the way through pouring herself a fresh mug when Bizarro floats over for his own. An upnod is offered before she raises the mug to her lips and for... possibly the first time in decades, practically chokes on it for the unexpected strength. Well then. Let's just top that off shall we?

"This one is pretty good." she suggests Bizarro's way before electing to browse the food offerings curiously.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Whoa, Sparky." Gwen says to Noriko as she seems to bristle with the apperance of the Juggernaut. "I would probably know if he was here to cause trouble and he's not pinging as danger right now." she says. "I mean, I don't see anyone throwing magic hammers and Superwondergirl over there isn't punching him."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Hey!" is Cassie's quick greeting to Gwen, who may catch her attention just for being one of the other youngsters in the knot around Mighty Thor. "You uh, know that guy?" she wonders of Juggernaut, since the other young woman seems to have a better idea of who the party crasher might be.

Regardless of that, there's a bit more awkward glancing around at Thor's somewhat mildly qualified praise. "I think Diana's gonna be really mad about the Gauntlets. But it felt too important not to do anything I could, and I'd used them once before to help her, so I figured..." She shrugs. "Take out all the stops, y'know? Anyway..." Balder's joining in on it earns a half smile. "Ah, I dunno if I'm really officially... or even how that works exactly. I'm just, erm, well-. We kinda got something in common, where it comes to big all-powerful pantheon-ruling old dudes?"

With this bit of vague hinted explanation, and increasing awkwardness at all the attention centered on her, she looks off. Maybe the best way to settle down her nerves might be to grab a (gasp) forbidden drink herself. Plus it looks like no one is reacting with particular alarm to the newest guest.

"Can I grab anything for you guys?"

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida shrugs apologetically to Gwen. "He's... Kind of got a history with the X-Men. But yeah. I'm Surge. New Mutants." She offers her hand to the spider-teen as well. "Don't worry, I'm perfectly safe to touch right now. And have you tried this honey mead stuff? It's AMAZING! My team leader's a Valkyrie too, she said it was good. TOTALLY right."

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood has stopped rippling like Jell-O, even as the Juggernaut continues to 'naut around. Hale and stable, he too nicks a glass of the extraterrestrial honey-wine, curious.

Stardust has posed:
Colette can't quite stop herself from grinning a little at Thor's wince of discomfort, particularly as it's made with a laugh. She eyes the huge form of Juggernaut with curiosity more than anything else, not knowing anything about him, but as everyone else seems content that he's there, she sees little reason for concern, though she is secretly amused by his ballerina comment, and now totally wants to see Juggernaut in a tutu.

Colette nudges Cassie, grinning, and whispers "Hear that? Olympus' champion. Keep this up and you'll be Wonder Woman's mentor soon. Then she won't be able to complain about gauntlets. So... shall we try some of that wine? Or cider? Or mead? Or whatever it is?" She's nodding in the direction of Baldur's barrel. "He did say we should..." Something in the back of her mind is tingling at the mention of Idunn's apples, though. She's heard of that somewhere. Still anything mythological has to be worth a sip or three.

Thor has posed:
"All who come in the spirit of friendship and celebration are welcome," Thor declares rather simply, in reaction to those few who seem to bristle at Juggernaut's presence. "If he or any would bring trouble with them, they would find our gathering a most poor choice of target!" Possessed as ever of an endlessly confident, princely bearing, he shows no concern and, after spending that while with the knot of young hero-veterans of the celebrated battle, he turns to amble in Juggernaut's direction.

"These last several barrels contain drinks of a stronger sort, the kind typically enjoyed among my people. Amongst them is one most rare brought by mine brother, a true brew of the gods. Thou art most welcome to enjoy some."

Indeed, in his hospitable spirit as a host, he walks toward those last few barrels, while raising his own cup to finish off whatever the last few toasts have not. He refills it, sets it atop the barrel, and then fills another cup, and turns to offer it to the larger figure, while taking up his own. "Skol."

Bizarro has posed:
Bizarro has had a drink. Then, what was it? Drink? Drink was involved. He has another drink trying to remember. The potent brew has yet to affect his thinking. Just when thoughts get lost in the crosswired looms of his brain... it takes a while to get back on track. Then something new happens. Conversation. People speak funny. Not always the same way. So, after a moment to check he's flipped where he should flop and down where he should up he manages, for him, a masterpiece. A forwards, "Yes. It very good." He then gets back to drinking and remembering what's next.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    "Thou art too modest. Any who put forth their all in the service of others is a hero true." Balder says philosophically. "Some simply have more to give, that they give of it freely is what makes one great." His gaze sweeps over his brother. The little brother clearly admires the elder. He gestures with his right hand. "Have some of our uncle's mead. That way, we can have more in common than merely answering to our elders?" His gaze sweeps over the crowd again and he tilts back his stein, draining a bit more of the fluid. "Tis a celebration. Thou shouldst celebrate. If one works and fights hard, then one must also play hard and enjoy in revels." He watches his brother. "Thor wilt have him singing bawdy tavern tunes before over long. Tis a good day." He takes a long swallow his drink again.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen steps over to nudge Cassie after Thor points out the good drink barrels. "Let's all go try some of that." she suggests and motions the knot of girls to follow as she heads in that direction. "That sounds like fun."

Juggernaut has posed:
    A flash if crimson energy races along the seams connecting his helmet to his suit and then Juggernaut reaches up and removes it, exposing his masked and skullcapped head but making it infinitely easier to eat and drink without just spilling it all into his armor or sticking his mouth under the spouts themselves. Which he has done before mind you, but he's got -some- sense of manners in present company.

"Yeah yeah sure." is all he says regarding Thor's affirmation of the lack of violence. "..I come in peace and all that. Besides, this place would already be a crater if I wanted to smash things up. It's in the name 'Juggernaut'." He tucks his helmet under a Buick sized bicep and turns o watch as Thor goes to collect the best of the batch and then reaches forth to accept the offered drink. "Skol?" he repeats, blinking in actual curiousity. "Cripes man, in english. Bad enough you Asgardians speak so funny." He eyes the drink and then finally shrugs and says, "Huh. Skol."

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood nods, too vigorous! "Yes, drinking-songs! There is a famous one among my ancestors: 'Oh-ho-ho-ho, ya-ya-ya-yaaa...'" he begins, swinging his enchanted mead-goblet with the (somewhat nonsensical) lyrics.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Sure, alright," Cassie tells Balder, with all he suggests, and which those around her seem to chime in on in agreement. Peer pressure!

Of course, once she's gotten a little bit further off, she gives a little roll of her eyes and then a subsequent grin at Colette's comment. "Hah, right? Asgard dudes seem to lay it on a little thick, I've noticed. Not that his brother doesn't seem nice, I guess." Maybe by comparison to some of hers! The question has her looking over, since Thor himself has headed that way to welcome their odd newest guest. Obviously it's the good stuff (tm). And while she may seem momentarily uncertain, eventually, her adventurous spirit wins out. "What the hell, why not? How... strong can it be?"

She's fairly confident it won't kill her, anyway, for some of the reasons that last little conversation hinted at. And Colette? Well, she still isn't 100% sure what her friend can handle, but surely, Thor wouldn't actually let them drink something really dangerous. Right? Right. Hopefully.

Actually heading over to try it does require re-joining Thor and his odd guest, but she does this without apparent fear, grabbing a couple cups along the way. "Pour a couple for us?" she asks, holding them out and giving the Thunder God a big smile. This is where she finds out if he's been secretly recruited by Diana to keep her out of trouble!

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida oooooh. She's not going to turn down the chance to drink Asgardian booze. I mean, how many times in your lifetime do you get that chance? She follows Gwen and the others, acquiring a somewhat smaller glass, since, you know, she's not the size of a Semi truck, and doesn't have superhuman constitution either. She brings the cup to her lips and takes a sip, letting flavors cascade through her mouth, warmth spreading out from her stomach as she swollows. "W-wow...." is her ownly response, voice a little hoarse.

Stardust has posed:
"He has a point," Colette says, jerking a thumb at Juggernaut. "You Asgardians do speak... oddly. I mean you speak old-fashioned, but old fashioned English. Shouldn't you be speaking... uh... Norse?" She glances curiously at Thor and Baldur. "Or Old Icelandic, or something? Not kind of Shakespeare English? Or is that when you guys learned English? Did you meet Shakespeare? Who did actually write his plays, then?" Welcome, Asgardians, to the Colette Ramble.

Colette follows Cassie over to the barrel to try a bit of the special drink, waving Gwen to accompany them, and taking the opportunity to introduce herself to Gwen at the same time, with a quick "Hey there! I'm Colette. How are you at holding your drink? This stuff may be quite strong..." She gives a sniff in the direction of the barrel. Smells like honey. Can't be bad, right? Colette's sure she can take it. She's French. Her parents have been letting her drink wine since she was little. Also, superpowers have to be good for something, right?

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood says, "Ladi has a feeling gods speak however they prefer -- and dare others to correct them. It must surely be part of godhood."

Thor has posed:
"I possess the All-speak of Asgard," Thor points out to Juggernaut and Colette. Whatever that means. "By my understanding, it renders my speech comprehensible in any language, but likely in the earliest dialects we did encounter each. Mine toast was one learned amongst the first of thine mortalkind I did come to know." Explainations, of a sort!

Beyond that, it seems as though Thor sets a bit of a precedent with Juggernaut, or that the fame or mere mysterious appeal of their native drink has spread, such that by the time he and the giant have been able to share a proper drink, a few others have come to give it a try. And while the Thunder God does not in fact discourage that, and may turn and pour a few more cups for those who ask (particularly his battle-companions!) he does offer a brief caution:

"This drink is most potent, be most cautious!"
rAnd... that's it. Asgardian culture is definitely not one that much stigmatizes drunkeness, so he gives the guests the most important information and otherwise allows them to do as they will. As it turns out, though the drink is sweet as one might imagine, a cup of it is enough to make a normal mortal fairly drunk. For beings like he and the Juggernaut, it serves more as a proportional equal to normal drink for a normal being, allowing them to drink as mortals might... and become inebriated likewise at a gradual rate.

So... as he and Juggernaut presumably keep drinking slowly edging toward oblivion in whatever manner of competition, it may well be a staggering crash-course for some of the 'lightweights' around them.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a gesture from Molly in Blueblood's direction with a smirk,"Pretty much." is what she has to offer in terms of her opinion, drifting among the offerings. She's nursing that first mead. She'll get less cautious as the night goes on, definitely. The more that she drinks, the less reserved she becomes. The sunglasses are lost... somewhere along the line. Right now she doesn't notice terribly, for all the oddity of the ridge of skin that her lenses are normally set into, the blurriness has nothing to do with their lack and rather more to do with the mead. Caution be damned.

Bizarro has posed:
The evening draws on and attempts at forensic reconstruction of previous instructions were long since called off. The drinking he's more than got the hang of though. Saying little, sampling much, he finally settled on the stronger Asgardian stuff. As he's completely un-imunne to it and it seems to finally make sense what the drinking bit was about if he could remember that. He learns fast though. Like putting down the vessel is a bad idea as finding the real one out of the kaleidoscope takes a long time and, even at his speed, he could swear it moves around. No one's really tested his cloned physiology before. In fact he becomes quite chatty, surprisingly, finally making sense to other people, and them making sense to him. Even if by accident, he found the third. Be Merry.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida raises her glass to Gwen, taking another sip. "...Fuck, this stuff's AMAZING!" She shivers as the feeling repeats, goosebumps springing up across her skin, the air around her getting a bit prickly with static. "Seriously... Thor! You should import this stuff, you'd make millions! Like... more than you already are. You could start charities!" She grins, elbowing Gwen, who she still has no clue as to the identity of. "Sooo... I'm Surge. What brings you to the party?"

Balder Odinson has posed:
    Smaller, younger, and less powerful than his brother, Balder's chief downfall is in trying to keep up with his older brother. Balder is well into his cups before too long, and leads a few of the inebriated ladies through some Asgardian tavern songs.
    It is not the most princely of things, but Balder, once people get a little of the starch out of his collar, he is a little fun. Maybe a lot of fun, if one likes songs, dancing, and fun stories. His smile tends to infest people with a little joy. Singing, dancing, telling stories about Thor, Loki, and himself growing up seems to be his preferred method of drunken behavior. Dirty Asgardian jokes are tossed into the stories.
    He has these fun, and often funny, stories, and while he is the hero every third one, so is Thor, and so is Loki. Maybe he remembers things a little bit better for him in the stories where the others are the heroes, but charming stories of young Asgardian adventures are told.
    He also keeps the drinks flowing, and he is always topping off a tankard for someone else when he tops off his own large one.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Score! Thor doesn't stop them, and is even so recklessly unconcerned about teen drinking that he helps serve, so soon Cassie has a drink, and more for her friends, any who don't grab some themselves. His warning does provoke a momentary cautious pause, but ultimately, she dives in. If it's Asgardian God-drink... maybe an Olympian can handle it? Of course, her line of thinking may miss the potential distinction between a God quite experienced with drinking and someone much, much newer to it, regardless of any divine bloodright.

So Cassie doesn't quite keel overly instantly, the impact is quite more than what she's expecting. And, with that sweetness, it sneaks up on her a bit. She finishes a cup at some point, and goes to refill it. Because it didn't knock her over, right? That means she's tough like the two big guys!

What this really means is that once she's a couple into it, the girl is already a total mess, not quite a cheap date by mortal standards, but definitely one by Asgardian. "Woooo, thish shtuff ish shooooooo goood," she's exclaiming, while hanging off Colette and generally looking rather flush and smilely. "Riiight?"

Oh, then is Balder dancing? She can totally get in on that. "C'mon!" she encourages her assumed little circle, which has probably expanded beyond Colette to include Gwen, and maybe any other young women who happen to get caught up in their path, tugging anyone who seems even half-game along.

Juggernaut has posed:
    This..this isn't bad! Juggernaut blinks a few times and then takes a good long look at the contents of his drink and then tries some more. And then some more. and then some more. "Hey...this is pretty good!" he eventually admits, letting his guard down for a moment or two but then getting guarded again quickly enough less he give them all -to- much credit. He seems to have forgotten where he put his helmet though.

Eventually, he starts on randomly, "Did I mention I saved the world once. I punched out a starfish the size..of the Atlantic Ocean. In space. The starfish, not the ocean."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "I'm Gwen. Nice to meet you." she responds to Colette's introduction. "Nice to meet you." She rubs the rip of her nose with the back of a hand. "I must have seen you on television. Oh! That reminds me. I delivered a pile of pizzas to Titan's Tower earlier today. I hope you liked them. I heard you were having trouble getting delivery?" she shrugs, though, having her own taste of the potent drink. "Whoa."

    Gwen has a coughing fit. "Smooth." she gasps. After a moment she recovers and looks at her cup again. "Wow." A look to Noriko and she grins, putting out a hand towards the other girl, the static making Gwen's fine blonde hair rise at the ends. "No reason, really. I just thought it sounded fun."
    Cassie invites her and the others to dance. "I can still stand up, so why not? C'mon, Sparky."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida grins even wider. "I don't usually dance... most parties are just stuffy and boring. But this one... This one I like." She follows the group onto the dance floor, giving the ones she recognized from the battle a smile and greeting as well. Glasses are refilled, dances are gotten down... This is gonna be a night to remember. Speaking of... "Hey! Guys! Get closer together. I should take a picture to send tooo.... To Hisako! She's gonna be SO PISSED she missed this!" She holds up her phone, waiting for the group of girls to pose, before snapping a picture and sending it.

Molly Millions has posed:
Whether Molly is a lady might be debatable most days... but drunken singing in the key of off? And dancing? Sure. She even has a few stories to share. Even if there's probably a few looks of confusion when she mistakenly starts to reference places that certainly don't exist in this universe... or time, at least. She's a couple of decades too old to qualify for the young heroine's troupe, even if the years (and surgery!) have been kinder than they should be.

But there was the thing about a dragon that breathed ice to put out an apartment fire. No really. Flying lizard. And when she's really, really plastered, a story about how the first time she and Thor met there had been an argument as to whether or not he was a god.

Stardust has posed:
"Pizzas?" Colette asks Gwen. "At the tower?" She glances over at the feast. "I wonder what boar pizza tastes like..."

As she's pondering, a second Colette comes up behind Gwen, and slaps her on the shoulder. "Woo! Great party!" the second Colette says, before vanishing. The first Colette watches this with a sigh. "I thought that had stopped happening. Well apparently I'm gonna get drunk, so I better start now. A votre sante!" she declares, trying the drink.

And then... dancing! When Cassie encourages her, Colette doesn't take telling twice. If you know your gonna get drunk because future you just popped briefly and drunkenly into existence, you might as well enjoy yourself!

Thor has posed:
"Verily? I did hear some of that tale," Thor wonders back at Juggernaut. "A great beast to be sure. Of course... though not quite so much so as the Midgard serpent, if it was the equal of but *one* ocean."

Thus begins what may well be a long and drawn out process of bragging and counter bragging between the two, as they slowly drink. Such boasting contests are another fine thing he taught the ancient Norse!

Of course, while the two engage in what may well be a fairly 'normal' contest of story and drink, things are likely to far more rapidly fall into chaos for the guests of the night of revels. For the most mortal of those who partake, it is a rapid descent into the bizarre, as the drunkeness of the Asgardian honey-wine is itself a more ecstatic and bizarre experience than the inebriation of more humble mortal fare. For others it may come more slowly, yet those who are able to drink the most... may also well be encouraged into it by their hosts, with cheers going up for those who can down a cup and stay standing, or two, or three.

Thor surely wants everyone to have a good time, after all!

Wonder Girl has posed:

Yep, Cassie definitely has the battle cry of the drunken college girl down, expressed in its traditional manner and accompanied by various 'hot dance moves' (or at least, they are in her head, one's judgment on that front tends to trend rapidly downward) and overly dramatic selfie-posing. This is what you get, Thor!

Of course, it doesn't help that Thor is apparently cheering on those of them who are able to handle more of the Asgardian booze, which just sends the whole cycle spiraling downward that much faster.

Like, at the point where people discover she has her lasso in her purse (because why wouldn't she?) and she decides she's gonna be cute and try and pull Thor over to join their little circle. Because obviously. "Thooooor, come dance with usssss~!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Nobody out brags The Juggernaut! Except for just then. The immense man just sort of purses his lips in mild drunken annoyance as his one ocean gets one upped by the serpent that circles the whole earth. Time for some embellishing and maybe outright lying. "Well that's pretty impressive." he rumbles as Thor finishes that one tale, "I mean, if you're content with just...the -Earth- and all. But let me tell you about Oblivion. Man that thing's grumpy.." And indeed on it goes. Juggernaut apparently -can- get drunk insomuch as there are things that can slow him down and mess with him in other non blunt-brute force sort of ways. It takes a lot but drink after drink after drink of the best Asgard has to offer seems to qualify and he seems to not be a mean tempered drunk provided he's kept happy so all is well at the moment.

Blueblood has posed:
Blueblood exerts himself to subtract a few supports and restraints-- kneecaps, ribs, all that bourgie stuff-- and gets _down._ Hey. Hey. Hey.

Bizarro has posed:
In addition to drinking Bizarro found conversation. He learned things. Like a bet. Whether or not it was one of the party goers or an empty chair that he thought had someone in it as, again, things work on a different level when he's strictly sober... but it matters not. Somewhere, someohow. Someone bet him he couldn't eat certain things. So, between rounds and topups... he ate things. Knives, forks, empty glasses... even working on a chair if anyone dares to look. Better not though. Narration doesn't want to explain it in detail. Best leave it at that.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida grins widely at Cassie, Colette, and Gwen, having finished off her third cup of that glorious Asgardian mead. "H-hey guys, check this out!" She holds up what looks like a reproduction souveneir Mjolnir. Gods only knows where she got it. Hoisting it in the air in one hand, hair sticking on end, she yells "I! AM! WORTHY!" With a loud crackle, a brilliant blue arc jumps between the hammer and the overhead lighting grid, standing for a second until every lightbulb in the room spectacularly blows out. The room is plunged into darkness, except for a few brief flashes of light as the mutant teen finishes discharging, arcs jumping into the air like a tesla coil. "...Oops."

Stardust has posed:
Did someone mention selfies? Oh yeah, Cassie mentioned selfies. Colette's into that too. Lots of selfies. Here's a selfie with Cass and Gwen! Here's one with Molly! Here's one with Baldur, please don't mind the rabbit-ear fingers! And of course lots of dancing. Which starts of pretty well, the girl can dance! However it goes rapidly downhill. Her powers protect her from any serious harm, allowing her to put away more of that mean than regular mortal types, and no doubt she's one of the ones who gets some encouragement to imbibe... but the Starstrider Complexus that grants her powers is nice enough not to remove ALL of the drunkenness. Selfie with Noriko! Selfie with Thor! Selfie Juggernaut! Bizarro selfie with Bizarro! Drunken selfies with everyone, between drunken dancing! Drunken selfies that will probably be deleted in the morning. Let's just hope nothing too horrible got posted to social media before the delete key could be used... Selfie with... ABSOLUTE DARKNESS! "Uh... Noriko, are you sure you should have done that?" Colette asks, before bursting out into gales of laughter.

Balder Odinson has posed:
    The cheer Huzzah! Rapidly takes root in the party. Music plays. Alcohol flows. Smart people are starting to leave now before it gets too out of hand.
    To be honest, Balder is one of the worst in encouraging people to consume alcohol, telling some story about how he has been lost in new York for a week, toting a keg around. He met some 'Lady of Greenwhich' with a shock of white hair amidst her brown tresses and stole a kiss before finding out where to deliver the mead and then heard of the party, so had to go back to Asgard for more. As people hallucinate, and he gets drunker, the stories are at least happy ones, as he is a happy drunk. Dancing, stories, and songs will certainly all likely blur in the mind later.
    Those that fall ill also have a friend in Balder. He holds hair and all of that for those that succumb (Though once he learns the term 'puke and rally' he is less helpful). Almost everyone taking pictures or selfies gets photobombed by Balder, once that is explained to him too.
    When the lights get blown, he holds aloft his left hand, and a light emanates from it. A warm, sunlight, the first warm rays of Summer illuminate the hall at that time. The light then flickers out. "Sorry. I needed to find my drink."

Molly Millions has posed:
Electric boogaloo. At least Molly's not injured, and most of her electronics are cased in enough flesh that her teeth only sing with the sudden electrical discharge, and the spasmodic muscle-twitch that results in some poor party-goer wearing the drink that she had in her hand at the time.

It's the blinding corona that has her groping around in the sudden light differential, the red-mote flicker of her systems trying to alert her that a few things just went offline lost without the inside of her lenses upon which to display it, even if she was sober enough to pay it any mind.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen was pretty much blasted after the first cup, though strangely she walked just fine without even so much as a stagger. Still, she been very friendly with people as the night has gone on, especially her new clique of bestest friends ever. She dances with the girls and even dares to dance with the Asgardians a couple of times.

    Noriko lifts her MewMew and the lights all short. "Definitely not worthy." Gwen giggles.

Surge has posed:
    "Hey, shut up! I'm TOTALLY worthy! The BUILDING couldn't contain my AWESOMENESS." She holds up two fingers, striking another arc between them to bathe the area around her in a blue-violet glow. "I blame the hammer. Clearly it's defective." She tosses the reproduction to the side, which looks rather the worse for wear given it's just a thin metal layer over foam filler. It also may be slightly on fire, although the flames flicker out after it lands.

Thor has posed:
"Aye? I am most curious. I have struggled too, against such cosmic foes. The Celestials and-"

It would be all well and good for Thor to spend the whole night drinking and whiling away on stories of battles past with Juggernaut, and he might well, if he wasn't suddenly targeted by the drunken dance circle and its ringleader. When the loop of Cassie's lasso falls around him, Thor blinks, as if he's not quite sure what is happening, until he starts getting reeled backward while enticed to join the crowd. "-forgive me, I am summoned!"

Dragged across the room, Thor passes the odd sight of Bizarro eating some of the furniture, and it's far enough into the evening that he's not quite sure if that's *actually* what just he saw or if he didn't make it up.

It's then, as he's being reeled backward into the dancing group, that Noriko holds her makeshift weapon aloft and performs what even he would have to admit is a decent enough impression, one that provides a bit of a light-show for the whole of the room. Of course, there may be some people who finally panic and decide to flee the party at this point, but they're the quitters.

"'Tis a good display, Lady Ashida," Thor declares. "But perhaps I can do better!" At least the lasso just seems to be around his waist, so he's able to lift his own hand in mimicry of her gesture. Wherever it had been moments before, Mjolnir suddenly appears in hand, and there, surrounded by the ring of dancing women (hey, Thor parties in style) the true hammer is upheld and seems to... strobe, or pulse with some kind of power, an effect that is not just visual, but somehow resonates through the whole of the room, emmanating something that ripples through them all.

Is it just imagined, some trick of the drink? What are these strange colors that now surround them as they dance, eat, drink, or anything else, the whole of the ballroom seemingly becoming naught but a rainbow-hued luminescent swirl.

Surge has posed:
     "...Whoah. This... This is THE BEST PARTY EVER!" Nori has acquired a FOURTH cup from somewhere, even though she probably shouldn't have. Tomorrow is going to SUCK. But tonight... TONIGHT she parties like the world's ending. ...Even though the party's about preventing the world from ending. She joins the dancing wholeheartedly, inhibitions gone. And Thor COMPLIMENTED HER. "Y'know, Thor... Sometime you gotta charge me up, and then I can hit someone with it! LIke... Double strike!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Whoa..this is almost as good as that one Dazzler fanfest..." Juggernaut mumbles, eyes swirling as they are filled with the rippling visuals of the rainbow colors.

"..He must be a Dazzler fan." he decides of Thor.

Molly Millions has posed:
Lenses would be awesome right about now... maybe. It probably wouldn't help Molly tell what's really happening or not, between the strobing lights and the metallic thrum in her teeth that can (clearly) only be cured by more booze she gives up trying to make heads or tails of anything. There's an arm wrestling competition with someone... lost, of course, mere mortal that she is. And all the dancing and group-participation selfies she winds up in. Sometimes, you just have to go with it and hope someone else is keeping an eye on things.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie is far enough gone, and enjoying herself so much, that a little thing like Noriko pretending to be Thor and a subsequent electrical surge exploding the interior lightning of the ballroom elicits a reaction of: "Haha awesome!" She's at least not too worried about getting zapped herself, too much, a bit of a lightning-rod herself, though an errant zap might well cascade down her and through the lasso... but hey, Thor probably likes that.

Zapped or not, she does seem to succeed at dragging him into their group, which means (at least after Balder puts the lights back on): more selfies (yay Thor selfies with the dance posse), more dancing, and more general insanity. She's so into it that Thor demonstrating how the hammer actually works just sort of earns a prolonged "Ooooahhhhh" rather than the more freaked out reaction that might be appropriate.

"The colors are so pretty," she can't help but squeal in pure enjoyment of the bizarre experience.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Tie him up the right way, Cassie." Gwen says, encouraging the other girl. "Don't let him get away from you. Now's your chance for a smoochy with Thunderthews." she says with a giggle. "G'on."
    Gwen looks around a moment as the colors start. "Oooh. Hey, did someone see a second Colette earlier or is this schtuff really gettin' to me?"

Bizarro has posed:
Bizarro can't find his drink. or thinks he can't. Or someone told him that. Or something. Details are not forthcoming. Casually and carfully he starts lifting tables and their contents, replacing all undamaged, unoccupied chairs then promptly forgets what he's doing. On an aimless wander his brain, now firmly programed with a backup plan, finds a drink until he can find his drink.

Stardust has posed:
At this point in the party, and that far into the rather unusual booze, Colette's reaction to almost anything is "Woo! More!" More lightning! (so long as nobody's unleashing full power, she's probably lightning proof), more rainbow colors! More selfies! More dancing! More giving chairs to Bizarro and telling him they are tasty snacks! More tying up Asgardians! More MORE!

"Ooooh, don' worry about tha' Gwen! Happappens ALLA time. Well not alla time. But alla time lately. 's just... s' just... a confi.. conf... something with a long explanation. Don't worry about it! It's happenin' less and less an less an... WOO! More!"

Thor has posed:
What follows from here... well, the precise details or sequence of events are anyone's guess.

For a time, it just seems like they're still partying as they were, save for the colors anywhere. At some point, another towering figure, somewhat of Juggernaut's ilk joins them, and he and Thor have... a dance battle?

Then for some reason, they need to leave!

Suddenly, there are a pair of braying goats standing there on the dancefloor with them (and a suspicious absence of the eating goats!). Possibly someone is still chewing on one until it politely kicks them with it's hind legs.

EVERYONE climbs on a table then, for some reason, and the world seems to go by that much faster around them. Go, go! The swirling colors rush past them, stars lengthen to streaks, and then it all fades away... only to be replaced by wonder and beauty, golden images too beautiful and magnificent for the mortal mind to fully grasp.

Somewhere an old man is yelling at them!

And yet atop their strange table-sled (?) the party continues.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie has to agree with Noriko: "Best party ever!"

That said, even she may be freaking out just a liiiiittle, if in that sort of enjoying way when you just start laughing at everything. There's a whole lot of "ohmygodwhereareweeeeee", some generic squealing, and at least one muttered comment about "stupid Zeus doing that annoying MC Escher crap." Not her first time on the Merry-go-Round of divine oddities but... it may be up there for pure strangness.

Also, Thor's dance battle may be somewhat hindered by the fact that she tooootally takes Gwen's encouragement and is trying to tie up the poor Thunder deity, albeit with all the dexterity of a girl table dancing at a frat party. "C'mere!"

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida is leaning on Gwen, giggling and watching Cass try to tie up Thor, still gnawing on a turkey leg. Seriously, where do they even get turkeys this big? "I... I can't believe she's trying to tie up Thor. Can she even /do/ that? Or could he just flex his muscles and have the rope like... explode?" She giggles, swaying a bit, probably only still upright thanks to her new friend

Juggernaut has posed:
    The Juggernaut has...taken a seat in the middle of all of this. He eyes the happenings, drink in hand, and makes several attempts to process it all before simply laying flat on his back and dumping more of the contents of the alchohol inti his large mouth. Finally he rumbles matter of factly, "..I don't think this is how the world is supposed o work. Something got busted."

Thor has posed:
The strange otherworldly trip continues, every moment less lucid, less coherent. Colors run together, shapes become less distinct.

Even motion and time become a bit less strictly linear-feeling, their odd voyage taking on non-Euclidian overtones. At some point, they are clearly no longer racing along on top of the feast table, but somewhere else, somewhere far more vast. Finally color and light itself is replaced by darkness, both opening up around them in a vast expanse, and converging to swallow them all, their forms and their consciousness alike.


When it returns, nothing is where it was. All the party goers discover themselves scattered about in slumber, whether upon the rough-hewn surfaces of planked floors, in a few hammocks or simple beds. Some may be abovedecks, where the stars open all around them, a vast black expanse pinpricked by points of light. Others may be below, hiding from terrible dreams of strange entities, faces peering at them from the infinite.

There are a few cabins too, on what increasingly obviously is a large ship of antique design, Viking-like although a bit larger than their longships. Only sparse details provide any hints of events that may have transpired between: the ship itself having some damage, torn sails, splintered rails. An overturned chariot is 'parked' upon the deck. There are signs that the party may have even continued, with barrels dragged up and opened, though they are all empty now.

Yet the most striking realization comes when one glances over the ship's edge to see a vastness equal to the one above. The ship is wholly adrift in the utter emptiness of space, the void between the stars.