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Latest revision as of 19:36, 30 October 2017

In Operations
Date of Scene: 02 October 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Quake

Nick Fury has posed:
    The Director himself was standing in Operations, looking over a report as he was wont to do. His eyes scanned is casually, his expression carefully neutral. The poor level 1 Agent standing in front of him squirming was obviously the Agent that had brought him the report. A small, "Hrmmmmm." Came out of his mouth as he finishes up the report, his frown deepening. Turning his eye on the Agent, Fury hands her the report, and says, "Thank you. Dismissed."

    The Agent's face showed relief, and she moves away, as fast as her feet could carry her without appearing in too much a rush. Fury then crosses his arms across his chest, and regards the nearest screen, deep in thought.

Quake has posed:
Days now without a summons. Or a rebuke. Actually, the second one was the more surprising one. There was no way her peeking at the data stick she'd taken to Stark Industries wasn't noticed. Even if it had been, the man himself probably had let them know. That had been an odd little encounter as it was - one minute flirting with her, the next tearing a mild strip up one side of her and down the other. All while teasing her with that vast array of 'you better not touch'. Though she'd thought she'd behaved fairly well with the L'Anse Aux Meadow business. But what a yawn. Daisy Johnson. Radio operator.

Then nothing. Just show up to regular training, and hurry up and wait.

It was cruel, and she was chomping at the bit.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Suddenly appearing at Skye's shoulder almost without a sound, Nick Fury looks at her sideways, and says, "Agent Johnson." His one eye regarding her with an appraising air, studying her silently, seeing through her. "I assume you have become fully acquainted with the Triskelion and all of her ins and outs."

    Fury takes out a cigar from the inner folds of his overcoat, and lights it. Puffing a few puffs to get it started, Fury ignores the look of horror from several level 2s and 3s in Operations. The level 7 in command simply ignores the Director. She knows that it was normal, and appears to enjoy level 7. She wouldn't want to find herself suddenly level 2.

    "How are things going? Learning anything in your training regimen?" Fury looks at the 2s and 3s, who all of a suddent find something better to do than stare at the Director.

Quake has posed:
There was a slight startle from the young woman when the Director merely *appeared* beside her, but it was quickly covered up with a grin. "About as acquainted as I can get without buying her a drink and breakfast in the morning." Which might totally horrify the 2s and 3s gawking. Her "sir" a hastily added and belated thing.

There's a light shrug from Daisy as she's asked about her trainning. "It's going okay, I guess. Lots of physical training. I guess I expected there'd be more hands on stuff." Another shrug, dismissing the thought, as though it doesn't matter. Is neither here nor there. "I'd feel better about it all if I knew where I was going to be assigned." Not much for the shrinking violet, this one.

Nick Fury has posed:
    A small cloud of smoke congeals around Nick's head as he exhales slowly while still maintaining the cigar in his mouth. Looking at Skye for a moment, he nods, and says, "I understand Agent. I fell for you." That sounds sincere. Nick did understand those moments, and training , ugh, the training!

    "Physical training is vital to keeping you alive, Agent. Take it from one who knows. The hands on stuff will come. As for now, those training regimens will keep you alive."

    Fury takes the cigar from his mouth, and turns to face Skye. "It's all about confidence, muscle memory, and being able to avoid getting killed without even thinking about it. I've had to do that once or twice in the last couple of decades. The last few times were a lot harder than before, with all the super-types about."

    Fury's frown deepens, if that was at all possible. Then, he nods, and says, "Your assignment will be up to your Trainer and SO. I take it it is tougher than you thought?" Was that a test, or a simple question?

Quake has posed:
Daisy cants her head as she listens, actually listens, and lets the information be absorbed. "So they keep telling me," she notes dryly. "It's kind of like intro exercises to computing." Which makes her grin. She's seen enough two-fingered typists to understand the whole muscle memory thing. There were skills she had that she didn't remember acquiring anymore, but she'd seen others painstakingly and painfully (to her eyes, at least) doing so here. "Working on it. Think I'm a darn sight better than when I got here." Or as she liked to recall it, was voluntold for the program. That still rankled some, but she did rather like the not being in prison portion of being in SHIELD.

"So, about that, this mean you've come to tell me I'm beinng fobbed off on someone?"

Nick Fury has posed:
    Almost as if Fury reads her mind, he nods, and says, "Yeah. Computing. I still type with two fingers. No kidding." Fury takes another inhalation of his cigar, and blows the smoke out, opposite of Daisy, politely. "I have seen your assesment to date. Your trainer is moderately impressed with your abilities. You have improved 27 percent since you arrived her. Impressive."

    Fury notes that there is a level 2 Agent hovering just outside their vocal area, waiting impatiently. Waving him forward, Fury sighs. He takes the report from the man, and waves him away with a very dark look. The man scoots away as fast as he could.

    "It never ends..." Fury doesn't even look at the report, he simply holds it in his left hand.

    Fury blinks at "fobbed", shrugs, and says, "Maybe. We have two main trainers here. Agent May and Agent Ward. They both have...asked for you. That means, they see something in you. What do you think?"

Quake has posed:
A whole 27 percent, she thought to herself, nodding. Not too shabby, even if she had to say so herself. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." And again she remembers the belated, "Sir." That one? That one she's got to work on. She's been here long enough it should be automatic, even if not heartfelt. Like a password. Or opening a door. Just the thing you did to move on by. "Two fingers are better than none, but if you ever want help with that, I know some tricks." Of course she knew tricks. That was what had ultimately gotten her into trouble..

"May and Ward both?" There was a surprise. Cranky-pants and the Playboy. Both of them. "I'm not sure what to say about that. If you're asking my opinion?" There were plusses and minuses to both. "Any reason it can't be both?" It's offered with a saucy grin.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury pauses, holding the cigar in his right hand, and the report that was being ignored in his left. Looking at Skye for several seconds, Fury doesn't say anything until it was almost uncomfortable. "You wouldn't be here, talking to me right now, if you didn't have my "vote of confidence" Agent Johnson." Fury pauses again, letting that revelation sink in. "I truly believe you have amazing potential. That is why I am recommending you for our superior training program."

    "Know some tricks. Indeed." Fury allows himself a slight smile. It was a slight quirking of his lips, and if you didn't know him, you couldn't tell. But it was there for the observant to notice. "I will keep that in mind. I am sure you could show our Agent Fitz or Simmons a few things." That was a revelation as well. Fury knew her skills.

    "Of course I am asking your opinion Agent Johnson. You feelings are important here at SHIELD." Was that another sign of amusement? "Both. Huh. Indeed. You are different aren't you?" Fury pauses. "Why not. As soon as possible, report to each one of them and learn from them. They both have a lot to teach you. Learn from them, and you may be the best Agent SHIELD has ever seen."


Quake has posed:
Superior training program? That? /That/ grabbed her attention. Enough that the carefully constructed facade of devil may care drops away completely and the Director gets nothing but serious. "I don't know what to say about that, Sir." Totally remembered this time. "I'm..honoured." Flattered just didn't cut it. She most definitely understood the compliment being paid her.

Then they're off on Fitz Simmons - who she'd most definitely heard about in her sojourn here. "I'm sure they could teach me a lot too." But when he runs with her idea of /both/ the Senior Agents, she's got a full on smirk. "Both sounds just fine to me. Shall do."