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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/10/03 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1195, 1085 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1195|Dane Whitman (11...")
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Latest revision as of 19:48, 30 October 2017

Log 2677
Date of Scene: 03 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Knight, Witchfire

Black Knight has posed:
     It is one of the hidden gems in New York. They have to be searched well, but the books are great. Minor magics protect them from decay. Schwartz and Son antiquarian book. The shop is run by the Grand daughter, a lovely auburn haired girl behind big, round glasses. She is helping a very athletic, if scruffy fellow. He should shave, the stubble look is dated. She seems very intent for the nonce. "Canadian spirit beasts, Dae? Really?"
    Dane regards her in the hardwood stacks and the faint leather and paper odored shop. "Absolutely." She rolls her eyes. "Sure you are just a researcher, huh?" She is sharp. Dane tilts a brow. "Fine then. Also Arthurian myth?"

Black Knight has posed:
     It is one of the hidden gems in New York. They have to be searched well, but the books are great. Minor magics protect them from decay. Schwartz and Son antiquarian book. The shop is run by the Grand daughter, a lovely auburn haired girl behind big, round glasses. She is helping a very athletic, if scruffy fellow. He should shave, the stubble look is dated. She seems very intent for the nonce. "Canadian spirit beasts, Dae? Really?"
    Dane regards her in the hardwood stacks and the faint leather and paper odored shop. "Absolutely." She rolls her eyes. "Sure you are just a researcher, huh?" She is sharp. Dane tilts a brow. "Fine then. Also Arthurian myth?"

Witchfire has posed:
Walking in, Ana looks around. The sorceress takes no pains to hide her status in the magical world. White eyes, red hair, and a wand strapped to her thigh under her slit dress. She looks around, taking in the place with an unfamiliar look. A hand smooths the braid over the top of her head.

Black Knight has posed:
    "The pretty auburn haired girl looks over at the newcomer." He regards her. The girl murmurs, "Dane, do you mind?"Dane pfts. "Go." She walks over, "Hi, welcome to Schwatz, I am Mikaela. How might I help you?" She adds, "Ignore scruff face. He is an Avenger, I just know it." He scoffs from a pile of books, "Tell everyone, why don'tcha?"

Witchfire has posed:
"Oooh. Scruff face the Avenger? I must have missed him in the line up." Ana jokes. She smiles to the shop girl. "Ananym, I was looking for some blessed holly, preferably long enough to make a wand?" She asks and glances to Dane.

Black Knight has posed:
"Components?" Mikaela asks. "Blessed Holly. Particular blessing source? I have wiccan, norse, Catholic, and even fae. Sime satanist" There is a bit of a scoff at the last. "He was crap. You can do better, Micky." She rolls her eyes. She admits, "It is weak sauce. I admit." He has another little cough. "Quit it." she says, laughing as she mives past Dane. He offers his hand to her, "Dane Whitman". He offers. Strong hands.

Witchfire has posed:
Taking Dane's hand, Ana offers a tight smile and looks to Mikaela. "Catholic of it's strong, fae could work in a pinch. Have a demon to put down." She tells the girl and studies Dane, her white eyes moving up and down quickly.

Black Knight has posed:
She scoffs now. "That and Hebrew are my best." Dane agrees. "She has good contacts with truly amazing clergy." He looks her over as well. He likes her. He stands up a little straighter. "Hunting demons? Excellent." His head tilts to the side. "Named, or just your average foot soldier?" He is tall. Looks strong. A little stubbly. No jewelry other than an amulet that reeks of fae magic.

Witchfire has posed:
"Everything in my research says grunt, but it could well be some asshole who slipped topside to snack on couples out camping in the woods. I wouldn't be surprised." Ana shrugs. "Just a little R'n'R demon hunting on my vacation." She looks him over again, head canting and whistles low. "Packing heat for anything specific?" She wonders and leans back from him some.

Black Knight has posed:
"You are the real deal." Dane remarks, he sounds impressed. His smile is lop-sided. He tilts an eyebrow as he grins. "What outfit are you with?" He leans against the counter. "You need help with it? Or rather, want help with it?" He takes a moment. "Oh. It, is a link to the gear." That explains the aura. Mikaela sings out, from the store room. "That is his stoopid way of chatting you up! Careful, he is a doofus." He actually blushes.

Witchfire has posed:
Giving an abashed laugh, Ana shakes her head. "I'm Alpha Flight-well, I'm on sabbatical." She offers and shakes her head. "I have white eyes of course I'm the real deal." She'd roll them, but there's no way for him to really tell. "A link to your outfit? Is there a glittery transformation?"

Black Knight has posed:
"Yes!* Mikaela calls out, "By the power if the moon, I will punish youuuuu!" She twirls on out. "Talking cats. Thrown roses. Its a hot mess." She grins, then realizes she mught have gone that bit too far. She clears her throat. "Actually, he is a decent guy..." Dane clears his throat. "No cat. Pretty close on everything else." He admits it with a laugh. " I should have known. Top organization. Sharp." He gives a nod if his head, still smiling.

Witchfire has posed:
"Sparkles /and/ roses?" Ana's smile is twisted. "If I get to see you magical girl it up I might invite you a long. Put down a demon before?" She asks casually. "Not saying it's without risk." She sombers up some.

Black Knight has posed:
"This to your liking?" Micky asks, showing her wares. It is good wood. String blessing. She really is the real deal. Dane considers her warily. "A few." His tine suggests he is trying not to brag. Mikaela rolls her eyes. "You jerk." She swats him. "Ask her out, doofus!" She hits him, and winces, "Holy crap, dude! " She feels his arm. "What do you eat?!?"

Witchfire has posed:
Studying the wood, Ana runs her fingers over and inspects the blessing. She nodes to Micky. "It'd work in a pinch." She murmurs and eyes Dane. "Spare him the teasing. I don't date, too many bodies in my wake." She murmurs and slips a hand into her pocket to pay for the holly branch.

Black Knight has posed:
"Lady." Dane says, quietly. "I was sent back in time to fight a war." Mikaela's get big. "I fought in a horrible, nasty war that was fought for reasons we find abhorrent today. I have killed far more than I want to admit

Black Knight has posed:
"Do not go saving me from you. You should be more worried about you being too good for me." Mikaela accepts the payment, staring at you both. "After you kill this demon, contact the Avengers. I will buy you a drink. Fair enough?"

Witchfire has posed:
"I..." Ana's eyes narrow. "I don't share my scars at first blush." She murmurs and soothes her red locks over her shoulders. She checks that braid on her head and gathers up her things. "There isn't a man alive I'd be too good for. I'm a monster, but at least I put the other monsters back." Things gathered, she steals a last, appreciative glance at Dane before starting to leave.

Black Knight has posed:
"Maybe I like monsters?" Dane asks. He crosses his arms over his chest. "But I will not beg. Just... think it over. Worst case scenario, you have a crummy date story to tell when you go back home." He shrugs, and slides his books to Mickey.