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Latest revision as of 19:56, 30 October 2017

Who Dun It
Date of Scene: 03 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Danger Girl

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had received a call early this morning about a crime at the History Museum. She'd had to call into Xavier's and let them know that she'd be either late or entirely unable to make it in today because of it.

Lara had contacted Abbey and told her to meet her at the museum. This is where the young Croft was now, standing in front of the display of the masks that she and Abbey had 'rescued' from the mercenaries that had been pursuing them in the jungles. The magic masks that turned the wearer into a powerful creature, the creatures that the masks were designed to resemble.

Lara stands in front of the crime scene which was closed off to museum goers today. She has her arms crossed over her stomach, she's wearing a light white button-down shirt that was unbuttoned, over a pale blue tanktop, dark blue jeans and black leather boots. She's speaking to a detective.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase arrived perhaps thirty minutes later. The blonde walked in and slowed to speak with one of the officers standing at the tape line. There's always a tape line. "Abbey Chase. Lara Croft asked me to come down." She nods her head toward the other woman as she speaks with the detective not so far away. "But she's busy. I can wait."

Lara Croft has posed:
It wouldn't take more than a minute for Lara to finish her conversation with the Detective and she'd spot Abbey and smile softly at her while turning to approach her friend. "Hey." She said to her, smiling a bit larger at her. "Looks like someone really wanted those things." She told her, glancing back to the glass case that they had been it. It was smashed and shattered, the masks here gone.

Lara looked back at Abbey. "The good news is..." Lara leaned over to Abbey and whispered. "They were fakes. The real ones are hidden away." She said before leaning back then and eyeing the blonde.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase waits to the side then nods to Lara as she is waved over. She nods, "Hey Lara." Glancing to the shattered case she nods. "Yeah... it looks like it. But we can't say it wasn't a possibility we didn't expect. They weren't terribly happy with our success." She quirks a brow at the mention of good news. Tilting her head to listen closely she nods without giving away that she understood. She spoke quietly though, "Well yes. And it was worth the hassle to get the reproductions made even if I didn't think it was at the time. You were right." She winked. "But now, the question is - who did it. And why."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara smiled at the other and she nodded to her. "Come on." She said, moving to lift the police tape and step under it. She started to walk, hoping Abbey would come with her. "There is security camera footage. The man who did it was arrested outside of the Museum. He got all the way outside and handed them off to people inside of a van that took off northward past central park."

Lara kept her arms crossed over her stomach and looked over to Abbey again. "The weird part is, the man was a construction worker who just apparently stopped working at his site down the street from here... came here, did the job... and then, was arrested. He claims he had no idea what was going on."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase followed Lara. "Well that's certainly an interesting claim. But we've both seen our fair share of unexplained phenomena before that could be anything from hypnotic suggestion to possession. So..." She shrugs a bit, "at least they have him. But if he didn't do it willingly we have to find out who sent him. He shouldn't be charged. Did the cameras get any angles that could pick up the plates or faces of the occupants in the van?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara lead Abbey to that coffee shop that they met outside of, since they were in the museum's basement it hadn't been too far away from the crime scene. "Yeah..." She replied, letting Abbey enter the little cafe ahead of her. "It was an office supply van, reported stolen last night. It hasn't turned up yet but the Police think it will be ditched, likely found gutted, burned, you name it... classic criminal stuff."

Lara would walk toward the counter then, intending on getting a drink. "Whomever has the masks... they're going to be severely disappointed when they find out that they don't do what they're hoping for..."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods. "It's likely that they're not even the party behind this to begin with. Just layers of expendable pawns, y'know?" She walks with Lara. "Hopefully if it does get burned, it won't cause any more problems." She stands in line with Lara. "So. What are you planning to do?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara nodded her head softly to what Abbey said while they waited for their turn. "Me?" She said, looking over at her with a sly grin. "Keep a gun under my pillow." She jested, possibly. A headshake was given then and Lara looked forward. "IF they really want the real-things, they'll come to me. I know where they are, afterall." Lara sighed softly.

"But, even if I told them, they'd never get to them. Thats the reason I'm doing what I'm doing." She took a step forward in line. "Going out... 'there' to get these items of great power. To bring them back, and put them in the safest place they could possibly be stored. To keep them out of the hands of these, monsters."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods, moving along with Lara. "I understand. And your pillow is always arranged that way" she jokes. "I guess I'm confused, though. If nothing needs to be done, then why did you call me down?" her head tilts to reflect her tone of voice.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would place her order for a drink and ask Abbey if she wanted anything as well, on her dime. Once the orders were placed, she'd smile at her. "Because, you need to know that they're here now... looking for these things. They may yet try to find you as well. And... you're my friend and I wanted to see you, silly." She smirked at the other and offered her a elbow squeeze.

Lara would reach for some napkins and then go stand in the area where the drinks would be placed when ready. She looked back to Abbey. "I wanted to know if you were going back... to look for the lost city, also."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase smiled in thanks for buying. She just ordered a coffee for herself. She nodded at first, "I understand. Though you could have chosen a less dramatic occasion to invite me down to the Museum to talk you know!" A grin was offered and she lightly nudged Lara back with said elbow. As they settled, she considered the question and then nodded. "Yes. I think I am. I hadn't decided if I was going to ask you. Or even tell you. I have suspect you're just going to tell me I'm crazy. Or being foolish because of the danger."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would just grin and shake her head at the other. "How could I possibly begin to call you such a thing, after the things I've done?" Lara would draw in a breath and then laugh slightly. "It would make me the biggest hypocrit on the planet, I believe."

Their drinks would arrive and Lara would step forward to pick them both up and then hand Abbey's to her. She'd lift her own up to her lips for a sip from it and moved to walk toward an open table near the windows to the outside world. "We were a bit sidetracked and taken off of your ultimate goal... so if you do want to resume. I'm ready, whenenver you are." Lara would sit down and grin at her friend.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase laughs. "You're a lot of things, Lara. But a hypocrite is not one of them." She grins then nods. "We did, but it was necessary. Who knew we'd come across those masks? There isn't exactly a lot of historical records for that region to go off of." A shrug, "I'm still looking for some backing but I plan to head down in maybe three weeks or the first of the month? Depends how quickly I can tie up funding and travel details."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara put her hands around her cup of hot coffee at its base and she nodded softly to the blonde while smiling a little at the first part of what she said. At the seond part, Lara lifted her cup up to her lips and took a sip of it and then set it back down... reached up to stroke some of her dark hair back behind an ear. "What if... I funded you?" She asked her then, knowing it was weird to offer her money like that. "I'm getting paid from two jobs now, the money is... no issue, I'm more than happy to supply you with whatever it is you need. Just tell me how much."

Lara wanted to help, but the look on her face indicated she feared overstepping boundries.

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase smiles. "Lara Croft. You are so sly" she teases. "Just slipped that in so casually." She shakes her head. "I have two thirds of what I need. If you're certain" she says in a questioning tone. "Then I'm not going to refuse your offer, Lara. But - this isn't exactly an academic trip. There are parties that want the city found for the sake of obtaining artifacts for their own collections." A shrug, "You know I'm not exactly a girl scout."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would show, at first, a smile and then she'd pull it back away and her hands would go down into her lap and she'd lean forward until her biceps were pressed against the edge of the table. "I'm not very socially sly... that is true." She told her friend. "And I know that you don't deal with these artifacts in the same capacity that I do... But... let me go with you and I'll be the one buying what you find, from you, while we're there. LIke some kind of... terribley inappropriate shopping trip of rare antiquities."

Lara would smile again then. "I'm sure it'll be more of a normal run this time anyway. Afterall, what are the odds we would stumble across items of immense power... on two consecutive trips?"

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase leans closer to Lara. "I wasn't insulting you, you nut. I was teasing you for slyly working in the offer to help fund the trip." She grinned. "And we'll see. There may be some other interested parties. You'll just have to find out!" she teases mysteriously. "Oh don't jinx us, Lara. After last time I won't be surprised by really anything I don't think." She laughs a bit and sipped at her drink.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would laugh at this and she'd twist her coffee cup around in her left hand while she looked down at the palm of her right which still had a red slash mark on it from a knife cut... that had overall healed quite nicely.

"Yeah. I can finally sleep on my back again." She'd say then, sittinger up straighter where she was seated. "Hopefully we won't run across any wild sabretooth tigers on this outing."

Lara would grin over to Abbey. "I look forward to this then. I'm excited."

Danger Girl has posed:
Abbey Chase nods. "Yeah.. that alone? well if we could some how trap it. Do you realize just how many zoologists would faint at the idea of getting to study one? Alive?" She grins. "We could buy Tahiti and then retire to it."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would laugh at this and look back down to her hands and cup of coffee. "That is the dream, isn't it?" She would smile back up at Abbey.