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Latest revision as of 20:23, 30 October 2017

Are those demon innards, or are you happy to see me
Date of Scene: 05 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Witchfire, Black Knight

Witchfire has posed:
North of New York City a tiny dinner is mostly empty, one of those roadside places open all night. The hours before there was a fight of massive proportions, draining the magic in the area. Finally things in the ether seem to have calmed and Ana is seated in a booth, covered in splotches of black ichor. Mercifully, she's picked the larger chunks off. For once she isn't bothering with her hair. Tiny black horns peek from her ruddy locks. The waitress is still standing behind the counter eyeing her. Finally she walks over cautiously. "Excuse me ummm, Miss? Can I get you something to drink?" It comes out as a squeak and Ana's white eyes turn on the girl. "Coffee" She croaks, voice hoarse as she coughs and says more smoothly "And a water, please."

Black Knight has posed:
    From the bartop. There comes a voice she might recognize. 'Of all the greasy spoons in all the world." Dane Whitman turns around in his chair, holding a menu in his hands. Oh look, he's shaved since last she saw him. He is already getting a faint shadow though. Maybe he just grows facial hair? Dane grabs his menu and his diet soda and moves to invite himself over. His clothing is relaxed, but the sort of thing one could fight in. "We were on the same trail." he laments, quietly. "Minor named demon.' he remarks. As if she did not know. He moves to hand her the menu. "You should eat." he pauses, and regards her horns for a moment. Does he blush? a little. "Let me buy you something to eat and congratulate you?"

Witchfire has posed:
Looking at Dane, Ana makes a face. "I'm covered in ichor, and...body mass." She remarks and plucks a small bit off her and wipes her fingers on a napkin. The waitress blanches and ducks into the kitchen. An old lady looks at the pair and huffs and puffs as she hooks her purse over her shoulder and storms out. Ana chuckles at that and looks at Dane. "Sure, Avenger.Buy me a meal." Her smile is toothy, dangerous.

Black Knight has posed:
    If she only knew that it just endeared her to him more... Dane nods his head. He taps at the menu. "The steak here is good, if you a re a meat eater. Get the sirloin or t-bone. They over cook the filet, and the porterhouse is a bit on the tough side, usually." He regards her seriously. "You are alive though, and you appear to be unhurt, and one less demon is around because of you." His head tilts to the side. "Surely that is enough to make you a little happier, huh?" he asks her with a content smile. He adds, "Get the fries. They make a good fry here." He admits it readily.

Witchfire has posed:
The waitress braves coming back over, looking more at Dane as she sets down the coffee and water hastily. She seems a little crestfallen that they're talking food. Her eyes fall to the demon chunk on Dane's napkin. Ana looks from Dane to the waitress. "Chicken fried steak and eggs, extra potatoes." She orders and looks back to Dane, draining the water as she stares him down, still on edge, a little feral.

Black Knight has posed:
    "The sirloin. Fries. Medium." He tells the poor waitress. He pauses. "You could bring out a pot of coffee, a couple of sodas and a pitcher of water." She will no doubt do that. Safer than being around these folks. "Oh, and put aside two pieces of your chocolate pie?" She is already in motion.
    Dane meanwhile pokes at the demon piece. "Good bit of work, this." He adds, "I like your horns. Exotic." It sounds thoroughly and completely complimentary.

Witchfire has posed:
"Hmph." Ana huffs and eyes Dane. "It was messy. Two demons, one girl. Had to go with broad strokes." She downs her coffee, drinking thirstily. "As to not looking hurt, I heal fastish, works up and appetite though." She murmurs and approves of Dane's order.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Maybe two and a quarter or two and a half demons." Dane offers her his hand. "I'm not judging. I am a guy who comes from a line of guys who handle threats like this. I sort of fell into it. My first love was science. I am a nerd. A geek. A spaz." He is trying to look at her hand, to inspect her nails.
    "So, you do not have to snarl too much at me. I am already absolutely intrigued. So, relax? i am not going to hassle you, attempt to kill, vivasect, or hinder you. If anyone in this world wants to help you, its me?" He gestures. 'The horns yours, or did you get bit?"

Witchfire has posed:
Ana stiffens and lets him inspect her nails. Claw like, but human. "I don't remember." Her lashes flutter. "I mean, the current theory is magic via demon blood. How much or from where isn't known." She says softly and studies Dane. "So you are a man who loves science and you get hauled into magic and you aren't interested in dissecting me?" She asks curiously.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Right. Counter-intuitive, I know." Dane agrees. The poor waitress returns, arms laden with two pitchers and a carafe; it was easier to carry. Dane thanks her, and pours the gut-splattered redhead a refill on her coffee.
    "Yes. I could geek out about you." Dane agrees. His shoulders shrug. "My interest in you, honestly, isn't scientific. it is barely professional." He admits ruefully. "Honestly? I want to ask you out. You are proving difficult." He just lays it out there. "So, I am hoping if you get to know me, you will at least make it difficult because it is me, and not out of some sort of principle. I want you to dislike me for who I am, at least." he says it ruefully.

Witchfire has posed:
"I can't remember anything before a few months ago." Ana says flatly. She refills her mug. "Family, friends, a life? Totally blank. I know magic and I have Alpha Flight handling me with the leather gloves." She shakes a sugar packet into the cup aggressively. "I don't want to be your kink because I look...like this."

Black Knight has posed:
    "Because you are gorgeous?" dane asks. "Yes. I admire the little horns. But if you were not gorgeous first, well. Blech." Dane admits it with warm sincerity. "No offense." He hastily adds.
    "Honestly? it is as much the demon huntress thing hat I find fascinating. I mean, someone I could talk shop with? Whom would understand my obsessions and weird book collections? Who would understand the bizarre world we live in? That.. is priceless." Dane admits. Waitress delivers the meals. Extra napkins.

Witchfire has posed:
Ana straightens, surprised by that. "I think I preferred when you were trying to cajole me into a drink." Ana says gruffly and digs in as soon as her plate hits the table. She doesn't even seem to notice the ichor on her hands or face. She inhales her food, white eyes flicking up to study Dane. She breathes in, really seeing him once she has some food in her. "You shaved." She remarks.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Well. Cajole is such a strong word." Dane eats with more practiced manners. After all, he is a man with a pedigree and all that. The time in the crusades set him up with table manners as well.
    "What is so awful about a peer wanting to ask you out/" Dane asks, his tone conversational. "Are you uncomfortable with it for a big reason, or is it.." he pauses. "Do not like men? particularly scruffy ones?"

Witchfire has posed:
"I like men...I think I like them anyway." She scrunches her face thoughtfully. Ana rubs her cheek. "I don't rightfully know." Studying Dane she looks back down at her food and tucks in, polishing off her plate and sliding it away with relief. "What if dating a peer reminds me of something? I can't remember ever being-" She gestures between them. "And the more I recall, the bigger these seem to get." She taps her horns. "Recalling memories of my team? Bigger horns."

Black Knight has posed:
    'And that is a problem because you want to blend in more." Dane chews a bit os teak, and then tilts his plate a little so she can have some of his fries. Demon gross hands and all. He eats carefully. "Then you will just have to start a new life here in New York." he prompts her.

Witchfire has posed:
"That would be why I'm on vacation." Ananym nods and takes the offered fries, more color in her cheeks and studies Dane again. "And if I were to start new in New York? All on my lonesome? Would you need to tell your Avengers a quasi demon woman is hunting in their city?" She wonders dryly.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Well. Um, Actually I would say a former member of Alha Flight is around." Dane regards her seriously. "You seem to think that I am going to judge you by your origin, and not by your worth, actions, and all of that." Dane is quiet, but his tone is serious. "I am not interested in killing you. Or any of that. If I was, I would have already done it." He says it with a great deal of confidence. he is an Avenger though. He might have a plan in place.

Witchfire has posed:
"You couldn't take me. All of Alpha Flight could barely take me on I'm told. Which is why I can't ever remember. Spells are funny that way." Ana says and looks him over. The ichor splattered woman rises and sits on his side, petite, and flithy, but a little less savage. "I'm sorry. I'm toothy when I use that much magic up."

Black Knight has posed:
    Without a worry, Dane pushes his plate over to her. "Okay." he gestures for the pie. "I might fight you if you eat my pie too." He deadpans. He lets her settle back in. He is unsure what to do with his arm, so he just slides it over the top of the booth, as if it belongs there. "But I will let you have the big piece." His smile is warm. He is just basically muscle in a taut man-shape. There is not much spare flesh on him.

Witchfire has posed:
Ana reaches up and runs a finger along her horn. She manages a smile that is more pleasant than threatening. Leaning over she hooks her fingers in her mug and tows it over. Coffee good. "I get the big slice, agreed." She murmurs and lets her shoulder brush his side. He might get ichor on himm but she seems cheered he didn't lean away.

Black Knight has posed:
    He watches her. "Did it grow or something?" he asks her/ He actually tugs her closer, and the pie is delivered. he carefully puts the bigger piece in front of her and refills her coffee. The waitress looks even less happy now, leaving the check, but Dane at least hands her his card so she only has to make one more trip over.

Witchfire has posed:
Tugged closer, Ana eyes Dane and shakes her head. "They look bigger?" She wonders and tucks into her pie. She does know how to do more than shovel food into her mouth. She actually chews this time, sipping her coffee. She eyes the waitress. "You'd think she'd never seen demon guts before." She breathes and looks at him again.

Black Knight has posed:
    "I know, right?" He asks with a smile. "I mean, some people. The sheltered lives that they lead." Dane counters with a little mock roll of his eyes. He does not touch her further, letting her eat in peace, just accepting his card. Dane frowns, and regard the tip. He sighs, and puts just a few dollars on there. Fair is fair, even if she was rude to Ana. His left hand rus his face once. "So. you are staying in New York?"

Witchfire has posed:
"For now. This hotel and that. Better to keep moving." Ana murmurs between bites. When there is only one bite left she sits back, satisfied. She rests her hands on her lap and studies the mess she is. "What about you, Avenger? Stationed on New York?" She wonders softly.

Black Knight has posed:
    "I live here. yes. My name? it's Dane." Dane prompts her. "it is okay to use it, Ana." Dane replies, tilting his head to the side as he regards her. "I just got back after a year of travel and study... I was trapped in the crusades for a a little over a decade, even if it was just a few months in real time." He purses his lips. "It... did a number on me."

Witchfire has posed:
"THE Crusades?" Ana shivers. "You know-Dane" She draws out his name. "For someone who doesn't want me dead, crusades, science, you know how to make a girl nervous." Her tone dry, looking him up and down now that she's not starving. "I like reminding myself you're dangerous, not just a scruffy sorcerer hitting on me." She murmurs.

Black Knight has posed:
    "More a swordsman." Well, that likely clues her in as to who he actually is. "I am a scholar of magic. People tell me I have the ability to be a magician." Dane frowns. "I am a skeptic. It is unlikely to ever really amount to anything. I test everything a little too rigorously." He admits it quietly. If he is the Black Knight, he is dangerous. He is more or less built to kill magic users. His frown is deep. "Only do that if it makes me more attractive." He tells her.

Witchfire has posed:
"Swordsman?" Ana's eyes widen and she looks at him again. "Shit. What are you doing with me?" She asks and sits taller, a hand going to his scruffy cheek. She draws him into a quick, awkward kiss. "Thanks for the meal." She murmurs, starting to slide away.

Black Knight has posed:
    His other hand tries to catch her cheek. It isn't a hard grab. It is a delaying one, to get that kiss to last a little longer, to attempt to catch her cheek and mouth for a few moments longer. Gorgeous woman with a troubled past and a bit of a demonic taint. He has no idea why he is so intensely intrigued and drawn to this woman. He wants the kiss to linger a long moment. His other hand tries to tuck his card into her belt. he's not Batman, but maybe she will call him this way.

Witchfire has posed:
Kissed back, Ana lets him tangle her up and tuck the card in her belt. She runs a thumb along her lip as she slides to her feet and looks over Dane, chest rising and falling before she shake it off. "Right." She murmurs and looks to the door haplessly.

Black Knight has posed:
    "Right. Call me, for god's sake. There was something there." He actually finally really checks her out. His eyes linger on her. "Go on. I'm not a stalker. Go ahead. It is okay." he runs a hand through his hair.

Witchfire has posed:
Looking Dane over, Ana opens her mouth and closes it her back straightening. She narrows her white eyes and tosses her red locks. "Fine. I'm going." She huffs and pulls open the door. "I'm at a motel in uptown. The one with the blue awning." She tells him and stomps out of the diner.

Black Knight has posed:
    "I can fly you there on a magic horse?" He calls after her. The waitress slaps him. he pauses. "N-no, not a euphanism." Another slap. "Okay okay okay!"