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Things You Can't Understand...
Date of Scene: 05 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A mysterious meeting to purchase an object of ancient and mystical power leads Norman Osborn into getting involved with forces he cannot fully understand.
Cast of Characters: Green Goblin, Green Ranger

Green Goblin has posed:
The rain falls hard in New York City tonight, storm clouds gathering above the high-rises of the World's Capital; an oddly quiet night, in a very old part of the city. Ancient things have dwelled here for centuries, since the first foundations were laid - and before, even. And the city has a way of drawing the strange things in all realms towards it. A focal point, if you will, for occult items and magical events. A ground zero, for a world that Norman Osborn is used to ignoring.

But for once, his business... no, POLITICAL interests, seem to demand more unusual methods than he typically utilizes. He has many plans in the works to ENSURE he grips the reins of power in this city, but he cannot rely on strictly his connections and money. Not in a place like this, with so many... troubling variables. Most of them Spider-Shaped, or wearing silly costumes and shouting 'ASSEMBLE!'

Regardless, the streets around the Bronx Noodle House are all but deserted - as if cleared by a mystical force just for tonight's events. An unmarked black sedan is parked several blocks down; inside, Norman Osborn, stretched out in the back seat and sipping fizzy water and lime juice from a chunky glass tumbler. He's staring ahead, past the driver, through the front window...

...There. A Chinese man in a long overcoat steps out into the night air, carrying an umbrella. He opens it once, twice, three times, then steps back inside. The signal, for the planned exchange. An item of, admittedly rumoured, great power... but if even half of what he heard is true, Norman owes it to his future plans to follow up on the stories.

Tapping his driver on the shoulder and muttering, "Stay in the car...", Norman steps out into the rain - his immaculate grey suit soaking wet within a second as he is seemingly unconcerned about these 'umbrella' inventions. He begins to walk the block-and-a-half towards the Chinese restaurant, suit jacket lined with the usual weapons, pistol on his belt (as he's one of the few licensed to carry in this city, for threats made against his life).

This had BETTER not be a waste... of time...

Green Ranger has posed:
This night there are many things that can go wrong. And when dealing with Magical Trinkets, it's very easy to attract the wrong eyes. And those eyes are of Rita Repulsa. One little man, one she has seen through her telescope looking for magic items and always scheming always plotting the Scorceress has chosen to send Goldar to give him something.

The Man once inside the area will head to a private area awaiting Norman Osborn. For what Norman does not know is that the man he is meeting is in fact Goldar under an illusion spell.

Inside the Man smiles almost sadisticely at Norman when he comes in. "Ah Welcome Mr. Osborn. I assume you are here to look over the Merchednice I have for you? An Item that will make you much more persuasive, and fluant of speech?" The Man is of cold eyes, amber in colors as his skin is a bit more colored than most of oriental decent. His suit perfectly immaculate.

Green Goblin has posed:
One of the drawbacks with dabbling in things beyond your understanding... it's easy to find oneself easily misled. Though with Norman Osborn, he has been to the edge of death and back again more than once in his years after the OZ Serum; and such things tend to breed a certain overconfidence. A certain tendency to walk into dangerous situations with an arrogance that borders on reckless.

Pausing once just inside the Restaurant's front entryway Norman tries, fruitlessly, to shake out his suit jacket and pants with a quick - almost comical - shuffle/twitch. He finally shrugs and simply slicks his hair back using the plentiful rainwater soaked into his scalp. Well... he may not look as professional as usual, but glancing around the Restaurant, it hardly seems to matter. No media would think to find him here. He's taken great steps to ensure that he was photographed entering oscCorp Towers, but not leaving it tonight. He has his ways of getting around the city unnoticed.. it is, after all, HIS town.

"A pleasure, I'm sure..." he says cooly to the Merchant as he strides across the floor, entering the private area and looking over the unusually calm man in front of him. The name and face of Norman Osborn tend to have a more... chilling effect among New York City natives. But this one seems... relaxed. Professional. Almost a pleasure compared to the usual groveling worms he has to deal with.

"I wasn't given a name, just a place and a time. I've heard rumours of this item. I must admit, I'm not entirely convinced, Mr...?" he says, letting the last word hanging, turning it into a question.

Green Ranger has posed:
Of course as they sit down he says, "Indeed, My Mistress took notice of you when she saw you perusing some artifacts of supposedly mystical on a curio shop. You were wise not to by them, simply powerless trinkets." he says and someone comes up to serve a Drink, nothing to strong. Just enough to take an edge off nerves. Somethings you don't just start off with trouble.

"Magic exists, is it so hard to believe that while you have humans who have developed the powers to project energy blasts, jump and move like spiders, and tank anti artilery without so much as flinching. That there exsists an energy field that with the right training, or knowledge you can manipulate to what ever effect you desire?"

The man smiles and says. My mistress has taken an interest in you, she thinks you, or rather your companion." He says tapping the side of his head "Might make a powerful ally." he says smiling.

Green Goblin has posed:
"Your Mistress, then, must have many eyes in the dark corners of this city," he says, offering a small smile as a token gesture of friendliness, "This adds a certain... authenticity to your story. In fact, if I weren't intrigued, I would NOT be wasting my time here."

He makes sure to emphasis that point by jabbing an index finger down on the table-top between them. "You and your... Mistress..." he mutters, repeating the words very carefully and glancing around - he knows it's a private area, but it's almost as if he feels a certain... something, looking over his shoulder, perhaps watching him from afar. Something is... wrong here, but Norman doesn't know enough about the magical to truly understand what it means.

"I've seen many things in my years here..." he says, finding it not the least bit unusual he still hasn't been provided with a name - most of these mystic types have a reputation towards being mysterious, after all. "So, should I be talking to this 'Mistress', then, or do you have what I seek? Hrm?"

"Just know..." he says, his voice suddenly dark, deep green eyes narrowing into the Asian man across from him, "If you're cheating me, I will NOT forget it..."

He takes the drink and sniffs it carefully, taking a hesitant sip - out of mere respect for his host - and then placing it down on the tabletop and waiting for a reply.

Green Ranger has posed:
As the man looks at him and he says. "For now my mistress wishes to remain unknown, but her interests are similar to yours. But after seeing your search crafted this personally. Consider it a token of her willingness to aid you if you aid her." And he smiles as he sees those bright green eyes.

And he produces what looks like a small box, and says. "the more powerful the item, the more likely it is to attract undesired attention. It is enchanted to grow slowly over time in power. Over the course of two weeks before it's power reaches full strength. It will help your words form more easilly, more forcefully, this will make you appear a more fluant speaker. It will not effect the minds of those around you, that would be easier to detect."

"when she is ready she will let you know she is ready to meet you. The stone will vibrate against your skin and you will have seventy two earth hours, before she brings you to her palace. It should give you time to schedule a few hours alone. You will not need to go anywhere."

"As for your other half, she could easilly tame him. Or most likely find away for you to let him out, with no one knowing or suspecting who he is. Are you familure with the term Simulacrum?"

Green Goblin has posed:
"Of COURSE she does," sighs Osborn at the 'wishes to remain unknown' comment - just once, he'd like to deal with a mysterious criminal figure who was willing to put their face out there, "You know, I'm running for MAYOR. Some people are comfortable doing their business face-to-face, and I can't imagine... she has more to lose, than I do." Whatever he means by that, it's clear he doesn't need to explain more. This man clearly knows... all about certain aspects of Norman's life. Things that only Spiders and family should know. The... other half.

It's obvious that for all his bluster and ego, Norman takes this matter very... seriously. He's still there, he's taken a drink from an unknown source (almost unheard of in and of itself, despite his developed immunity to most toxins he is still the paranoid sort)... he doesn't doubt for a second, this 'Mistress' might be more powerful than he had initially anticipated.

"All the better for me," says Norman quietly, leaning forward to respond to the offer, "and I know the phrase, by it's definition. I am, after all, an educated man. Though perhaps those who dabble in the..." he pauses, stifling any humour that he might usually express at such ideas, "occult, might have a deeper understanding of the word. A... representation, of something? A projection?"

His voice is genuinely curious. This man knows more than anyone dealing in only the physical realm has any right to. Secret information, long scrubbed from public records... "Tell me... more... What does she want from me?" He says, hesitating somewhat as he still almost subconsciously reaches out towards the box. "She can't JUST want to speak. I DO have office hours, you know."

A petty attempt at humour, sure, but sometimes Norman can't help himself. The whole scene is so... surreal. Ah, the pressures of winning in politics...

Green Ranger has posed:
the man looks up as his eyes have taken on a blood red color as he smiles showing his teeth at almost canine. "Have you heard of the attacks on Angel Groves? The Power Rangers, The disturbance in gotham's China bay?" He smiles and says. "Since you are curious, She is the one responsible. Rita Repulsa." He says and soon he says.

"Rita is a powerful Sorceress, she can make a phsyical copy about half as strong as you are of you as you are now taking your place when you go out to do your thing. Able to talk, act, even do politics just like you. You could even be seen together. She will set the meeting up when you have no business to attend to, making a simulacrum is not a trival task. She needs to get ingrediants, and to be undiscovered, takes time. The Rangers have this annoying habit of showing up when we start making trouble."

"There is something that you can get that would be easier to obtain. Rubies, High quality rubies. They don't have to be large. Enough to fill a soup spoon." he says.

Green Goblin has posed:
"I must admit, my new... friend," he says, the words seeming strange and utterly alien in his mouth, as though he knew the man were anything but a friend - simply an ally of convenience, and a shady one at that, "I've heard the name, but little else - you understand, I'm sure, I mean no disrespect. I have simply been," he says, gesturing with a vague handwave, "... busy, as of late. My return, to the public light. I've been gone for some time - but I'd wager this Sorceress has told you much about this, as well..."

"If what you say is true, then she will be a... powerful ally, indeed..." he says, pausing for a moment to tap his chin. He's already thinking of uses for such a power, his mind alight with possibilities... if there's even a chance this man is telling the truth, it is certainly worth... whatever risk. He gazes longingly across the table at the item, seemingly drawn to it in some unnatural way. "I know little of these matters... but if your serve who you say you do, I don't doubt she knows a little of my reputation, as well."

"Perhaps," he continues, with a smile, "this is why she's chosen to approach me, of all people. You may tell Rita, I look forward to speaking to her, when she wishes to show herself." He points across the table at the box after slowly standing back up, pushing away the chair as he does, "Now... I certainly don't carry precious stones on my person, particularly in THIS neighbourhood..." there's a slight tone of contempt to his voice, but it passes - he's used to slightly more high-end areas, after all, "...may I take this... stone? Have my people look at it? Or will you require payment... up front?" He certainly doesn't want to assume anything, if this man is in the employ of such a powerful Sorceress.

Green Ranger has posed:
AS Goldar looks to him he smiles as his features turn very human now as he says. "Yes The stone is yours a gift and token of her willness to ally with you. Simply remember what I told you, it only improves your skills." he says "Indeed I will not lie to or deceive you, think on this very hard Osborn. She will help you, and offer support, and bolstering your powers and allow you to pursue your own desires, of power and wealth and vengence."

And then his eyes glow red, "But she will be your mistress as well. Serve her well and she will reward you, even if you fail her in a task. She will not abandon you, she has never abondoned me in over ten thousand years of service. Once she even went to great lengths to help me."

Green Goblin has posed:
Norman's eyes visibly narrow at the comment of taking up Rita as some kind of superior or 'Mistress' - after all, despite any alliances he's willing to form, Norman has always considered himself his own man. That is, of course, when the GOBLIN isn't running the show. And something is itching away in his mind; whether it's the Goblin trying to free itself, or the sheer mystic power contained in this room.

Shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, Norman reaches out and scoops the box off the table - slipping it inside his suit jacket pocket, right up against his heart. The stone feels... odd, in a way he can't quite describe. He'll need to have a LOOK at this, in private - maybe.. consult someone.. but who can he trust with such matters?

"Your words are not ones to be taken lightly, clearly..." he says, as he backs away from the table - a relic of unknown power resting next to his chest. "If your Mistress delivers on your grand promises, she'll find me... a thankful ally," he says, sidestepping the Mistress/servant situation for now - he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.

Offering a small bow, as much deference as Osborn usually shows ANYBODY, he moves to turn and walk away. Offering one last statement over his shoulder as he walks towards the door. "I'll be in touch, through the.. usual channels.. I'll have an answer for your Mistress, soon."

Though maybe, just maybe... he's already accepted, in a way he isn't aware of yet.