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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/10/06 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=728, 767, 113, 295 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:728|Julian Ke...")
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Latest revision as of 20:49, 30 October 2017

Log 2724
Date of Scene: 06 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hellion, Human Torch, Emma Frost, Karen Page

Hellion has posed:
     Dusk in Metropolis, it is a pretty good view with pinks and oranges in the air. In the distance, the campus of the Academy could be seen, along with a trail of students heading to the Big Belly Burger. Some folks on the Avenue are headed home, Julian Keller, however had been hovering around a bit, about two inches off the ground. He had been done with classes for the day, wasn't sure what to do. However, it's good to just spend idle time to gather ones thoughts.

  The setting of the Avenue of Tomorrow is rather idyllic, lots of companies with their eyes toward the future call this street home.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is among the kids leaving class that day. Blending in very well. He says,

"Yeah, I have heard alot about this burger place back in NYC Jenny. Let's go check it out. What? No, I don't have a girl back there, why would I come all the way here to see you?"

His head seems to rove unnoticed by the girl he is walking with.

"My car is over there," he points. She swoons.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Stepping down out of one of the side doors, Emma Frost seems to not want to be disturbed by students on her way to her ride, but it inevitably always happens. The headmistress is trying to switch gears into CEO mode when a pair of students ambushes her by her car. The two girls are quite happy and rush up towards the enterprising woman stopping her between her own car and Johnny's. The conversation is polite but still unwanted as Emma lifts a hand to brush her hair behind her ear as one of the girls continues to conversate about the days events, her dreams and goals and Emma, to her credit is listening intently despite being pestered.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian follows up behind the girls. Not because of he wanted to talk to Frost herself. But he does interject. "Ladies, ladies. How about a round of Frappuccino's, on me." He takes out forty dollars from his pocket, and hands it over.

  "Keep the change if you bring back a Soder-Cola for me." He says with a devilish wink. He catches a peek at Johnny Storm, giving a small chuckle.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm glances between Julian and then Emma then back to his girl Jenny, "Hey, get in the car, I am going to show this guy that this is not how you treat women. One sec babe."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen Page looks slightly lost. Okay, more than slightly lost, looking between her phone and street markers - clearly looking for an address. All the while muttering to herself. "Stupid GPS, I am *not* here. Wherever here is." Rounding a corner, here eyes light up in triumph. "Now I'm here." She looks around, clearly expecting to run into someone.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma was about to reach into her clutch to pull out her phone to send a message to Karen Page that she is going to be late to their scheduled meeting, but Julian shows up. The star pupil does indeed save Emma some time and with a smile she glances at the boy and starts to withdraw her hand from her tiny purse, phone in her fingers.

    "Julian, you should be more careful. Some people will frown upon you for flaunting money like that." Is the idle lesson Emma tells the young man, her hand dancing rapidly across the screen as she speaks. When the familiar mind in a happy state comes into Emma's consciousness. "Oh, that makes things easier." She whispers while unaware of Johnny's soon to be discussion or worse with Julian.

Hellion has posed:
     "Oh? It was easier than telling them to let you be, but if you say so..." Julian quips, actually having listened to his mentor before shrugging. "If you need anything, Miss." He says with a nod, not having heard Johnny's testament to how to treat women.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm hops in the car and hands to keys to Jenny, "Hey...you can drive. Let's get out of here before this chump make you feel like you are the star that you are," he glances briefly at Julian.

Karen who?

Karen Page has posed:
Now that's she's made it to *here* Karen is skimming the area looking for Miss Frost. She'd gotten the text earlier, but had gotten lost on the way to the meeting, and was now late. Not knowing that she'd almost gotten a text saying the same thing from Emma. "Not her. Not her. Not.. ah. Her."

She tugs her outfit into a semblance of priority, and heads over Emma's way, slowing down some as she notes the woman has company. She gives a wave when she gets close enough, but stays back enough she doesn't interupt. Matt and Foggy owe her for this one.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma recognizes Johnny and tries to stop Julian from doing anything foolish with a simple wave of her hand, but it's likely too late, the young man will not react well to Johnny's words and in expectation, Emma takes a step away from the cars and motions over towards Karen to join her quickly before whispering to the fellow blonde.

    "Careful, stand back, and watch this." She says, not much she can do at the moment without outing herself as a mutant.

Hellion has posed:
     "Ooh, chump. That's a new one. Not sayin' she's no star. But." Julian offers, a slight smirk to that statement. "By all means, if you wanna start shit, bring it." His ego is only surpassed by his youthful bravado at this point.

  As he steps up in front of the car Johnny and Jenny were in. A bright green glow in his eyes before he rises up five feet, arms outstretched to his sides from the elbow. The car (gently) starts to lift off the ground, slowly rising and rising until the occupants inside are at eye level with Julian. "Chump What?" He says, eyes still aglow, arms crossed in front of himself.

Human Torch has posed:
"CHUMP??!?!? chump....JSTORM a chump?" Johnny holds up a finger Julian and says turning, "You go to the burger spot, I'll meet you there," he blows a kiss and winks then turning back, he points to his car. "That's how you get a lady little man. "If you wanna go I'll go. I. AM. J. Storm!"

He is still kind of floating gently in the air at this time...now tipping over a bit.

Karen Page has posed:
Well, that doesn't look good. Cars just don't lift themselves off of the ground... though the floating in the air and tipping over a bit does a whole lot to lessen the feeling of impending doom surrounding what she's just walked into. Which is really the only reason Karen doesn't turn tail and text Emma saying she's going to be late. She's wise enough to not get within firing range, so to speak, circling round the car, its occupants, and he who is lifting the thing into the air, moving closer to Emma. "Uh..? Poor timing?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "So it seams." Emma says, taking a few steps back after putting a hand on Karen's wrist to help guide the woman back away from the potential combat.

    She knows Johnny Storm. The outgoing flamboyant member of the Fantastic Four. Who doesn't?! What she doesn't know is how Julian will be able to handle a conflict with such a figure.

    <<Julian, he's stronger than most things you've encountered in the practice rooms, and our school's relationship with Doctor Richards and the Fantastic Four are quite important to me. You best be careful in what you're doing.>> The White Queen projects mentally to Julian.

Hellion has posed:
     <<I'm stronger than you give me credit for, Ms. Frost.>> He responds, not looking back to Emma. Though he does let the car down, along with Johnny. Gently of course.

  He gets the message though. No need to create a fuss here at the school. He lowers himself back to the ground. <<One of these days...>> Looks like Julian is able to control himself somewhat. "Just go." He says to Johnny, stepping back for a moment. His thoughts were still on ripping the FF member a new one.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm looks left then right and finding his footing says, "No. No. YOU go. Chase that girl with your $40. Huh? YOU go," he turns...yeah he turns and heads to his car.

"Hey, Jenny, I am so happy that you didn't leave you. I told you I got this baby...mm mmhmhmhm mmh...yeah kiss me again...mmehmhmmhm.," he looks back at Julian and waves him off with a hand hopping in the car.

"You know how to drive stick?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen is easily moved out of harm's way - she was headed in that direction already, so Emma's help just made it go all that more smoothly. "Are they for real?" she whispers. "Tell me this isn't because someone tried to pick you up..uh.." Well, there was no polite way to suggest that the 40 dollars had been for entertainment purposes, so Karen just doesn't finish that thought.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I'm not involved in this at all." Emma says, her face blinking at Johnny and she clenches her free hand tightly at his words.

    Incredibly minutely her eyes squint briefly and Emma projects a thought towards Julian. Something short, fast and in no way would he doubt what the telepath means. <<Go.>>

    "They better not be fighting over me. I am not interested in either of them." She says quietly enough that only Karen can hear.

Hellion has posed:
     <<Yes.>> Message received loud and clear. In a moment, the young man seems to blend in with the crowd of students. Like he wasn't there before.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm points to wher the dude was, "No you see him, no you don't. Hey, let's go get those burgers," he girl struggles to the the car moving but she does and he says,

"You know I am avegetrain right? They got no meat bugers there? Huh?"

Karen Page has posed:
"Okay." The single word is given in very careful tones as she loses sight of one of the two men, and the other is just too much for words. Flamboyant would be a kind thing to say. "Tell me this isn't for real," she whispers to Emma. "How'd you get involved anyway?"

Ah.. ignorance is bliss.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma points right next to where Johnny was parked and there's a dark midnight green Bently at the end of her gesture. "That's my car. That's how I'm related to this whole thing." Emma whispers and blinks at the two men disappear into their own separate paths out into the world.

    "And yes, this is for real. Welcome to the world of super heroes and powered individuals." Emma says, gesturing behind them to the skyscrapper that is her school. "The Academy of Tomorrow."

Hellion has posed:
     Flying through the air, returns the Hellion, grabbing the car again, and flying it to an open location. Taking a fist to the side of the car, he rips the door off the hinges. "Listen, bitch. Jstorm ain't got nothin' on me!" He says quite clearly to Johnny inside. "This is -my- turf, and some pissant like you, is a lit fart compared to me." His green eyes flared brightly now, setting the car down and continuing while he remains airborne.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm looks to his left and then looks to his right as the car drops down to the ground, "Is he talking to me?" he says a bit louder landing and OOF and Jenny does not take it well standing in his seat, "IS HE TALKING TO ME?!?!??" he kneels and looks under the wheel. Then he jumps outside of the car and running around every wheel he ducks and checks every wheel well, "Is he talking to MEEEE!"

He tils to car slightly to find out who this dude is talking to then running into the crowd of people that are left he points to Julian and asks various people, "Was he talking to me? Huh? Me? Was he talking to me? Then he sprints into the middle of the parking lot was he. TALKING. TO. ME. FLAME ON!"

Karen Page has posed:
There's a nod from Karen. "Not.. quite what I meant, Miss Frost. Ms.?" She doesnt worry about it so much right this second. "Not sure how your car - nice, by the way - gets you involved in this.." Her voice still carries in a whisper like she's afraid the men are going to hear her. (Like they even care she's there) But she does take a look at the school. "Ah. Frat boys having a testosterone party?" That she understands.

Emma Frost has posed:
"It was next to his. That's how I'm involved here." Emma says with a soft sigh as Julian flies back in and moves the car and the passenger with a gasp from Emma. She needs to watch this and the woman steps over to where she can see the bra- WHOA! Flame on huh. Should have seen that coming.

    "Miss is fine Karen." She says idly as she turns to her phone and quickly begins to start tapping at the screen rapidly. "One of them is from my school, the other... isn't." Trying to avoid panic mode.

Hellion has posed:
     "A catchphrase? Really?" A shake of his head leads to Julian circling around Johnny as he sizes the flamer up.

  The telekinetic lifts up the ripped door and hurls it at Johnny. Julian keeps in the air, cracking his knuckles and smiling.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm simply incinerates the door with a flick of his fingers, "Girls dig that catch phrase! You are going learn more than one thing today," he shoots directly up into the air, "No need for these ladies to have their nice hair dammaged? Meet me up there!" he points directly up..maybe two miles or so.

"If you can $40 boy," and he takes off up.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen ahs in understanding.. of a sort. She's not sure she's ever going to figure out how the car was involved. At least not while the rest of this is going on. But it seems wisest to stay out of the line of fire; she's pretty sure yelling at them isn't going to help, and that's about all she's got to throw into this mess. Muttering to herself, "Not all girls, buddy. Not all girls." Still, the man has chutzpah.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's attention was down on her phone so when she looks up and one of the combatants is gone. "Where did -Oh." Emma says flatly before she glances over at Karen and nudges her in the elbow with her own. "So you have some taste beyond cute coworkers." Teasing the woman slightly.

Hellion has posed:
     "Forty dollars...like that is a lot." Julian rises up with Johnny. He preemptively places a barrier around himself, if he was able to vaporize a car door...this was going to be hot.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm throws his hands up in his flammy form, "I was only trying to help you get a chick bro," he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a $100 bill and says, "Hey, here," it curiously does not burn. "Take this and tell here that you are taking her to the city and paying to everything," he reaches into another pocket and extends a card. "I'll meet you there brother, we can dobule date. Jenny. Is. Waiting. For. Me,"

Then he shrugs with both hands forward, "But if not, we can go bro...you don't want to go bro...."

Karen Page has posed:
Karen is about to say something to Emma, but that 40$ comment.. She changes it to "Please tell me one of them didn't try to pick you up for forty dollars. That's.. that's just insulting." On more levels than the redhead can express. Though she does allow, "You mean Foggy? I mean, Mr. Nelson? Yeah, he's cute enough. Both my bosses are, for that matter." And oblivious. Both terribly oblivious, though Foggy did seem to be somewhat enamoured with the Ms. Frost. "I'm seeing someone.." Who also happens to be rather cute.

She just can't let the other go, though. "No, really, forty dollars? I'm totally confused as to which one is defending your honour or if this is just an excuse to show off to you, and I guess the lady in that car. Do you think she's okay?"

Leave it to Karen to worry about the other woman.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "The black haired young man was flirting with students to get them to leave me alone, so no, neither are doing this for me." Emma says softly before turning her head towards Karen. Foggy huh. She thinks.

    "I could talk to him for- Oh. You have a man. Nevermind then." Emma says with a smirk before looking back towards the sky and the 'bros' having their 'bro off' seems to bore her.

    <<Too much talk Mister Keller. We do not play with our food.>> She thinks towards the young man, hinting that he should either go or get off the pot.

Hellion has posed:
  "I'm a -billionaire-, bro." He says, rebuking the hundy. Instead he grabs Johnny with his telekinesis, attempting to give the Human Torch the Big Squeeze. This is followed up with a left right combo of telekinetic punches.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm slips up sjut a little and tosses the money in the air..he grabsa little more to make it "RAIN" and adds, "Maiking it rain Bro. Making it rian. I got this in my pocket...what you got? Make it rain to bruh."

Karen Page has posed:
"What? Huh.. talk to him? Oh, no.. I mean he's nice, but I think he likes someone." Well, Karen isn't sure about that bit, but he was just a little tongue-tied when Emma showed up. And.. well, there was lots of and in the office.

"Any idea how long they're going to bluster up there?" So far nobody seems to be getting hurt. Lots of bravado being tossed around. And some spare cash. That was totally unexpected, Karen looking to Emma. "Really? They're tossing bills at each other?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I- I don't know what to say." Emma says, rolling her eyes at the two fighters that are little more than black dots at this point.

    "I will certainly talk to him if you're too shy to. But you said you're seeing someone, so don't sweat it Karen. I'll just swing by, check out the Murdock since you said he's cute too and the way you blush when you think about him, he's even cuter than Foggy. But I wont tell anyone that secret." Emma whispers with a subtle wink.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian's eyes glow harder, attempting to left right combo Johnny yet again. The telekinetic keeps a slight distance to the other combatant, but the telekinetic force mimes his movement in the air.

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm ducks and covers easily from the right and says, "Hey, I ws tyring to give you..uuppmmhh," as he is wacked across face," he floats back and points. "Don't make me make this personal ok? OK? I will end you!"

J Storm does not attakc back...but lets the momentum of the hit move him back a alittle, "Dude, all the girls are gone, what are you doing?"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen's eyes widen. "Oh gosh, no. Please don't talk to him. He's not even the one who I .. Look. Just.." The woman sighs. "Please. I'd appreciate it if you just left things well enough alone." Her gaze drifts upwards. "Do you think they're going to hurt each other? Should we try to do something to stop it?" Though she's not got the foggiest notion of what.

The woman smirks, "Last time I was involved in a fight I just yelled at everyone. Surprisingly they listened. Not sure that would work here."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma nods once as if she's agreeing to Karen's plea, but in reality she's reaffirming herself to speak with Matthew. The blonde turns her gaze back skywards.

    "I don't think there's anything we can say and they're way too far up there to even hear us." She says keeping her attention upwards but not forgetting her conversation with Karen. "Should we just leave them to it?" Frost asks almost jokingly.

Hellion has posed:
     "I am kicking your ass, is what I am doing." Hellion says, looking back to the other person. "If I die...it will be a teenager's death on your hands."

  Julian attempts to grab the flaming human's leg, twisting enough to cause pain.

Karen Page has posed:
What Karen doesn't know may come back to haunt her later, but for now, the redhead is all kinds of relieved. Life was complicated enough. AGain she looks skyward, shrugging, "I'm not sure we're doing any good here. I'm okay with leaving." Not that she really expects the offer was a serious one.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Why don't we do just that then." Emma says and gives a mental message towards Julian, <<We'll be at a nearby cafe when you're done. Don't get yourself hurt.>>

    Emma runs her wrist across the door handle and the machine opens up for both passengers and they two women climb into the backseat. "Say somewhere you'd like to eat and lets go."

Hellion has posed:
     Julian leaves the metahuman to head back. Once he lowers to the ground, he starts to head toward wherever the others have gone. <<I didn't. I'll tell you about it later.>>

Karen Page has posed:
Karen gets into the carsettling into the back seat, while trying not to look like a country bumpkin, or worse, act like one. Totally fancier than anything she's ever been in before in her life. "Uhm.. I don't even know where to say. I think I'll bow to your expertise on this one." It's suddenly hit Karen just how /far/ into slumming it Ms. Frost was when she'd dropped in at Josie's.