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Latest revision as of 20:50, 30 October 2017

Connecting Threads of String
Date of Scene: 06 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Havok, X-Man

Havok has posed:
Having looked for Nate upon his return, Alex wasn't in luck and didn't catch the mutant before he parted from Kitty. But, thinking that he couldn't have gotten far - unless he teleports too - then Alex takes the road less traveled. The side lawn and the pathway around the mansion. That's where he always goes when he's in deep thought. But not Jack Handy deep thoughts. Just deep thought.

In this case, Alex was lucky, he spots Nate and calls out when in earshot, "Hey Nate! Wait up!" and will jog lightly toward the potential relative and fellow mutant.

X-Man has posed:
Nate was just getting ready to fly back to the cabin up near the Lake when he decided to take a walk around the Mansion. He'd come up here once before for some weird shenanigans dealing with a Not-Gambit, but other than that he'd spent little time up here. As he was walking around, just taking in the sight of where all these Mutants lived in what appeared to be peaceful co-existence, he hears Alex's voice.

Turning back to where he had heard him, Nate waves a hand in greeting, "Hi Alex. What can I do for you?" There is far less suspicion in his eyes now than before, and his posture is relaxed compared to the last meeting.

Havok has posed:
"I had my own otherworld experiences and I was wondering if I could pick your brain." Alex questions as he slows to a stop once having caught up with Nate. He elaborates on the subject matter, "I just got back from a 6 year stint in another reality where I was the leader of a team that had a lot of run-ins with Sinister and all his mechanizations. But, there were other complications. Earlier, you mentioned a girl named Madelyne. I was wondering if you might be talking about the same Madelyne from over there - Pryor?"

X-Man has posed:
Nate's face takes on a look as if he swallowed something sour at the mention of Sinister. There is no doubt that this young man has a deep hatred for the man, and would likely go to any means necessary to end him. "Sorry you had to deal with that asshole. I know people are different, but I can't imagine something like him changes in any World."

At the mention of Madelyne, Nate nods his head, "Yup, Madelyne Pryor. Not sure if you know, but there was a 'meteor event' in the Alps a month ago. That was me... crashing down here... When I crawled out, Madelyne was there to meet me..." His face takes on a confused look, "...it's weird, because I felt like I had this connection with her. Only one other person I felt that with in my World, and they kind of looked alike, but there was something... different.. about Madelyne."

Havok has posed:
There is a distinct emotional shift in Alex when her name is confirmed. An emotion, or set of emotions that conflict with one another is quite discernable. First and foremost, a deep longing for Madelyne. While on the opposite end of the spectrum, an anger toward her that is stemmed in fear and regret. After a long moment of contemplation and putting strings together. Alex says in a quiet voice, "I didn't know she existed here. But it fits. Over there, she was a clone of Jean. Created by Sinister. But..." Alex gives pause and the feeling of love wells back up in his thoughts. Love with the admission of forgiveness for something she did - or became. He takes in breath and then says, "Do you know where she is now?"

X-Man has posed:
As Nate begins to sense the emotions from Alex, he works to keep his face even, and tries to filter as much as he can. Forge always told him to be mindful of peoples privacy, and even though he tries his powers are far out-scaling his ability to control them. Not sure if Alex is asking, Nate says "In My World she was not around. I had never heard or seen her before, but now that you mention it she would be similar to the person I met... She was called Phoenix in my World, and she had an interesting set of markings on the left side of her face."

"Of Course Sinister would be involved in somethin' like that..." Nate growls, his own emotions roiling out from him, fits of hate and rage that he quickly stamps down, "...he and Hank McCoy, we called him Dark Beast, did all their genetic discoveries." Scratching the side of his face, Nate nods his head "Yeah, I know where she is, and can probably find her if she's not where we last talked. She's staying in Doom's castle, with Domino... She calls Domino her Mom, so not sure if she's a Clone here or not?"

Havok has posed:
Now Alex is confused after Nate ties Doom and Domino all together into the picture. Especially if Madelyne sees Domino as her mother. His brow furrows and his head shakes it off. "That's a strange setup. But why would Doom have anything to do with her, or even Domino. And that also puts a huge kink in my idea of making contact." His questions are rhetorical, more like self processing. Then he looks back to Nate and asks, "Tactically speaking, did you ever find out if Apocalypse had a weakness?"

X-Man has posed:
"From what I could gather, Madelyne is very convinced in her relationship to Domino, and I'd say she sees Doom as a father figure." Nate begins to explain, "There are... dark parts... to her mind, I think. There was an incident with Domino, where I reminded her of a lost lover, Cable, and she reminded me of the person that killed my friends. It was tense, and Madelyne's personality shifted pretty drastically." His assessment is short, tactical, perhaps some military type training. "I can get into and out of Doom's Castle without Issue if you would like to talk to her? I could probably even setup a meeting outside of that as well. They were very keen on keeping me close to them for some reason."

Shaking his head, Nate looks a little distraught at the question of Apocalypse, "Overwhelming Power is what it took. Psychic, Physical, and Energy. I only fought with him once, but I threw everything and the Kitchen sink at Him and his son Holocaust. We torn down most of his Citadel in the process."

Havok has posed:
Alex was trying to segue away from the subject of Madelyne. He should know better. He does know better. But even after Nate relays the overwhelming force idea that Alex will later process, his mind slips back to thoughts of Madelyne. His eyes had drifted, thinking, pondering, but then only returning to Nate and saying, "It's probably best I don't." He adds after a breath and sigh of release. "She doesn't know me and that whole relationship seems way worse than what I had in the other reality. I should know better. But thanks for offering."

X-Man has posed:
Pausing, Nate takes a look at this Alex for the first time, not just what he /thinks/ he knows, but what he's experienced. "Alex, not tryin' to beat a dead horse here..." He figures why not, "...Short Nate story. I helped save my World's version of Terry, er, Theresa Cassidy, from a human culling. During that fight she manifested her powers, and ended up helping me fight off some gnarly Sentinels..." He pauses, trying to figure out how to continue, "...we become very close. We were the same age, in a World where you could be killed any number of ways, and right before I went to fight Apocalypse I think we figured out how we felt."

There's a blush slowly rising, probably something he hasn't shared with others, "I fought for her, and I thought I'd die protecting her. It's what I'd do any time. I end up here, and I met this World's Terry. She's a little older, but the same smile and attitude..." His grin is a bit goofy, "...but she isn't /my/ Terry. It's not fair for me to put that on her, but I'd still like to know her as a person. I know she's a good person, and even as a friend is worth the effort."

Shruging one shoulder, Nate finishes, "You've been 'roud more than me, but my thoughts are tryin' let's know 'for sure' if it's worth your effort. May end up goin' reeaaally bad, but you will /know/ that it's time to do somethin' differen.t"

Havok has posed:
Thoughtful words indeed. Thinks Alex as his nephew puts it all into perspective. His blue eyes relay all the words over and over pondering the potential to make something right after so much went so horribly bad. She was the mother of his son over there. But..." He pauses as he realizes he's talking himself into it, "Okay." that is his answer. Which is followed by his final answer, "Okay. Let's make this happen. I'm curious and you're right. If I don't try, I'll kick myself for not finding out."

X-Man has posed:
"Awesome.." Nate says in response, "...so, every time I mention Doom I get this feeling that he's not well liked around here." Not quite a question, but pretty close. "So, if you want something outside of that, it should be easy for me to mentally contact her, and get her to meet me somewhere. I could be wrong, but I think she'll do it given the interest they've shown..." Pausing, thinking "...er, well not Her and not /that kind/ of interest. Well, maybe Domino, but she see's this Cable guy instead of me..." He grins, moving past it, "...since it sounds like you don't know her, I'm guessin' I should mention anythin' about you when I talk to her?"

Havok has posed:
Alex rubs his face while trying to sort out the details of said meeting. He finally answers as his hand drops, "Sounds so high school." he says with a grin. Then adds in the high school voiceover, "I've got a friend, he thinks you're hot and wants to meet you." Alex chuckles and shakes his head, "No, we're not going with that line. And you're right, no one likes Doom here, or anywhere. How about something like... I've got a friend, Alex, he's curious about your organization and may be interested in talking shop." Alex states, "I'm already a mutant and associated with Magneto. Maybe that'll get me points in the bad guy dangerous department. Or something relatable."

X-Man has posed:
"Hah, well I've never been through any school, but it sounds pretty funny." Nate replies, again showing just how different his world is to this one, or most others. "Sounds good, happy to..." He pauses, and a frown starts, "...Magneto is a bad guy here?" This seems to be some pretty incredible news, Alex can feel the disappointment rolling off of Nate in waves, "Magneto?" He runs a hand through his hair, pretty obvious nervous tick of his, "Ok..." He starts, trying to move past it, "...yeah, I'm sure I can get somethin' setup. I could probably ask Domino to help too, she seems to like me, and want to help me."

Havok has posed:
"Magneto is misunderstood and very heavy handed. He has his own country called Genosha. It's east of Africa on an island. Lots of mutants there. Freedom and socialization for mutants is essentially the nature of it all. Magneto is playing political games now on a global scale. He's not the villain he used to be. But he still believes that mutants are superior to humans and should be in control. The world doesn't really recognize that. For now, he's pretty chill. Who knows how it'll turn in the future. Also, I've been hanging out with him for a few weeks. Just cause ever since I got back from the other reality I've been sorta looking for direction. Oh, and Magneto in that other reality was a hero. Kinda like the Xavier of that world. I'm guessing like your own." Alex responds trying to sort it all out for Nate. He doesn't touch on the other subject just yet. He figures that Nate is just plotting outloud.

X-Man has posed:
Nate nods his head as he listens intently to Alex, "Yeah, from my World Magneto was the Leader of the X-Men, protecting Humans and Mutants from Apocalypse. He was best friends with my father..." Stopping, he shakes his head, "...the man who raised me after I escaped the pens, Forge. He was always this pinnacle of what I should strive to be, from Forge. Not perfect, but someone tryin' his best to make the world better..." perhaps this explanation will relate some of the disappointment felt.

"I was worried that with everythin' seeming so opposite that maybe Forge..." He takes a breath, "...that maybe Forge wasn't thought highly of here." That name comes up again, and he looks at the sign on the Mansion Gate, "So, Xavier. I don't know who that is, and never heard of him in my World. Sounds like he's the boss around here."

Havok has posed:
"Xavier is a guy, a professor, who was one of the earliest mutants in modern times. He's a good person. Wants mutants and humans to get along and sing kum-by-ya around the campfire. That's his dream. But he's not so delusional that he thinks it's gonna happen over night or with relative ease. He helps facilitate the growth and development of that dream. One by taking on mutant students to train them how to use their powers. Mainly to keep the mutant from hurting others or even in self defense. But the problem with that, which I see, is that when they graduate high school, if they don't fit into the power set of of being an X-Man, they are sent back out into the world on their own. I find that troubling." Alex relays about Xavier, trying to put it into perspective for Nate. But then adds, "Forge here isn't such a bad guy. Don't know the trouble people may have."

X-Man has posed:
"Huh..." Nate replies eloquently as he takes in all that Alex tells him, "...so not tryin' to be a dick here or anything, Alex." Nate starts, and realizes he's set the tone of the conversation, "But it seems that the issue you brought up about people getting sent out happens more often than not from what I'm seein'..." He really considers not saying anything, but then decides that Alex has been upfront with him so far "Like Jubilee... Just because she's a vampire doesn't mean she's a different person. I'm not sure why she's been left out, on her own, without folks comin' to check on her."

Havok has posed:
A moment is taken as Alex tries to recall any details on Jubilee. In fact, he knows little and relays it; "Jubilee... I wish I had answers for you on that. I've been out of the loop for a bit because of my /trip/ into the other reality. I've really not been up to date on what's going on with her. I heard she was a vampire. And you're right, that shouldn't be anything too unmanagable. Especially for this place with all the technology. Plus, if she's still psychologically Jubilee, and not a threat to the children, then I couldn't see a problem. But you should know, I don't make those decisions. That's senior staff. I'm just powered tactics training - and even that has been a strain because of my own issues."

X-Man has posed:
Nate nods his head as Alex gives his thoughts on the subject, "Honestly, that's one of the reasons I was hesitant to come down here. I didn't know what type of people I'd meet, and I've spent a lot of time with Jubes..." His face darkening a little, "...she won't addmit it, but she was really hurt. I know Rogue comes up to visit, but I think that's 'bout it." He looks up towards the Lake and her Cabin, "Wasn't sure if that was the type of people i'd want to be 'round..." He does grin slightly, thinking of some folks he's met, "..But the people I have seen, they've been great, and maybe it's just a /few/ people who are kind of stuck in their way of thinkin'."

Catching the last part, he looks back to Alex, "Your own Issues?.." Shaking his head, he says "...Sorry, not my business to ask."

Havok has posed:
Alex smiles, "Meaning my time stuck in that other reality and then trying to sort out my life here. Before I left, I was younger than Scott. Now that I'm back, I'm older. And a lot of this stuff I've grown out of. While everyone here knows me as Scott's kid brother that was a complete jackass. I'm over that. Moved on. Grown up. And glad for it. Now I look at a lot of the behaviors of the students and just don't have time for their nonsense. Plus, all the memories of the other world are still strong in my head. My /interests/ in Madelyne. Plus all the weirdness of everyone's duplicate, or other self. The same stuff you're going through right now. Like me being clearly evil over there. But here, I'm the cool Summers brother." He aires out his issues with a grin.

"As for Jubilee." he starts out, "I'm not sure what to tell you. I'll look into it on my end. Snoop around to see what people think here. But seems pretty stupid."

X-Man has posed:
As Alex relates his thoughts, Nate really is starting to take to the now older Summer's brother. A grin makes it's way on Nate's face, "Yeah, I /totally/ understand all of that..." and of all the people here, Nate probably actually does understand, "Well, I met Scott once..." his head nodding in the direction of the front gate, "...actually here on the lawn. Someone pretending to be Remy showed up, but wasn't really him. Scott didn't believe me when I told him that there was danger..." Waiting a moment, and then clarifying, "well, could be I told him he should watch out and I think he took it the wrong way from me."

Nate shakes his head, "You know how Jubes is, if she finds out I said anythin' she's going to try to kill me..." A smile showing that he's not /that/ worried about it, "...but if someone says somethin', it'd mean a lot to me if you mentioned she's the same as always. Not sure if you guys were good friends before, but I bet she'd be happy to have someone come and visit too."

Havok has posed:
"Barely knew her. But I'll make it a point." Alex notes while relaying on the Jubilee subject of visiting her. He then hears a beep from his com and then looks around, "Scott is Scott. I wish I could give you a better excuse. But I think he's never gonna change his attitude. I'm not being critical, not defending - he's my brother and I know him best. He just takes a while to get to know and eventually start to like." He checks his arm band for the time and the com indicator text. Alex then says, "On that, I need to go. Lemmie know about Maddie when you get the heads up."

X-Man has posed:
Now that he thinks about it, Nate says, "Hey, just to make sure we're talking about the same Madelyne Pryor..." Nate brings up a full image of her on the lawn next to Alex. She is about the same age as Nate, maybe early years of College, with long red hair. She wears an elegant, but form fitting black dress that shows off a full figure. Her eyes are sparkling green, maybe with a touch of haughtiness to them. "Is that right? If so, then I'll set it up, Alex. Thanks again, and look forward to talking when you can. We can share some stories about how crazy the Worlds are over some drinks."