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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/10/06 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=169, 113, 1439, 114 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:169|Kurt Wag...")
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Latest revision as of 21:04, 30 October 2017

Pregame before the meeting
Date of Scene: 06 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Emma Frost, Kaydin LeGraize, Cyclops

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The sun is going down. Kurt is just finishing up. It is certainly below her. He loves this sort of thing though. His new Tesla, to replace the wrecked one came in. Arrest me red. The wax is finally buffed, and the 'Bamf' vanity plate attached. He is re-hanging the fuzzy dice over the rearview mirror.
    It is his way of relaxing. Taking care of thing. Kurt puts a little sign in the window. "No Gingers!" it reads. Kurt's smile is lopsided and happy. It is not the thing, it is the sense of completion.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The sun is going down. Kurt is just finishing up. It is certainly below her. He loves this sort of thing though. His new Tesla, to replace the wrecked one came in. Arrest me red. The wax is finally buffed, and the 'Bamf' vanity plate attached. He is re-hanging the fuzzy dice over the rearview mirror.
    It is his way of relaxing. Taking care of thing. Kurt puts a little sign in the window. "No Gingers!" it reads. Kurt's smile is lopsided and happy. It is not the thing, it is the sense of completion.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Rolling up to the gate, Emma rolls down the rear window and leans slightly to speak to the welcome box. "Emma Frost. I have an invitation." She says, showing her phone screen towards the system knowing it cant read her text messages. She leans back and rolls the window up as the gate begins to open.

    The midnight green machine rolls forwards, the headlights are careful to not aim at anyone's face directly while illuminating the entire area in front of it without much trouble.

    It pulls in next to Kurt's vehicle and Emma climbs out of her own ride and smiles over at Kurt. "Glad to see you're doing your part for the environment instead of polluting the air with your scent." She says, but it doesn't sound like a joke, but it could be...

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We all do our part." Kurt replies quietly. If she was looking to needle him, if failed to register. Brimstone does not smell gut." It does not. "How might we be of service to you?" He asks in his warm, slightly accented tenor. Like a gentleman he moves to handle the door. "I do hope your assistants forwarded the invitation to our littlr upcoming play to you?"
    "You will forgive me if I missed the reply? I have been quite busy helping in Mutant Town in the aftermath of the invasion. There was little damage, but the community activists have been taking advantage if the situation to stay in contact ubd build better communications and agendas."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma climbs out slowly and gives Kurt and appreciative nod. She's wearing a black suit over a silvery blouse and has her hair up in a loose but very stylish bun with twin #2 pencils in her hair keeping it in place.

    "Thank you mister Wagner, and that's a worthwile endeavour, it's something more individuals should be doing in these trying times, but I've been awfully busy with my own school and keeping the students there from burning the place down is quite the challenge."

    "Oh, I did receive the letter, I'm not sure if I'll have the free time but if my callendar opens up I will certainly make it to the event."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    The sound of rapid footfalls, a blur blasting past them with superhuman speed. It then blasts back from the manor, slowing down to reveal Kaydin with a pizza box in hand. "Professor, I picked up a fresh pie from the city. Want some?" He asks curiously as he looks to the woman and blinks a little. "Am I intruding?" He asks with some minor concern.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Wundarbar!" Kurt declares at the news. "That is all we could ask for. Dankeshoun, fraulein."
    Looking up at the approach, Kurt graciously declines. "Nein. When Lorna returns tonight I am picking her up from the airport. I will haff a bite on the way home with her. Thank you."
    His hand sweeps his hair from his visage as he shuts the car door. "This Fraulein Frost, the headmistress of the Mass-- excuse ne, Academy of Tomorrow. Mein apologies, it is a habit, und I meant no disrespect." He actually didn't. Kurt is one if the harder to read X-Men due to his mental discipline. "Please, do cone in?" He asks both. "This our student, Kaydin, fraulein."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Thank you mister Wagner." She says, a pleasant smile crossing Emma's lipstick painted lips. "Nice to meet you Kaydin." Emma notes kindly as she's lead towards the front door of the mansion, noting Kurt's kindly mental state while she walks beside him and lifting a single eyebrow at the young student before them. "That place is nearly an hour drive from here... and - wow." Is all Frost can say as she's impressed by the speedster.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Speed is my abilities. My sister believes it would take me less then an hour to circle the entire globe if I am unhindered by anything." Kaydin says as he smiles to the woman. "You run the academy of Tomorrow? I have heard of it, sounds pretty nice." He says with a friendly smile as he walks with them. His own thoughts were racing at blinding speeds, probably difficult to discern maybe a word or two.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Opening the door for both, Kurt steps aside to let them enter. "It is a gut school. One that we should definitely haff more contact with in order to facilitate safety and cordial relations, ja?" Kurt tilts a brow and notes to Kaydin. "Manners Maketh man according to Kippling." Kurt's body language is welcoming. "I believe Scott is out, but perhaps Ororo or meinself can be of service? Perhaps sone coffee?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Thank you once more." Says Emma as she slips into the door behind the speedster, and if she attempts to read his mind, it doesn't show on her face, as she simply steps into the mansion and takes a moment in the foyer to study her surroundings and slip out of her blazer and hand it towards Kurt idly. He's the gentleman he should know what to do with it.

    "I'm actually here to meet miss Grey. Is she in right now?" Emma inquires kindly.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin enters with Kurt, watching the two as he holds his pizza box in hand. He then looks to the two and he then looks Kurt. "So how long have you two been friends? Or is that impolite to ask. I grew up in a small country town outside of seattle." He explains.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Stowing the blazer in the coat closet, Kurt tilts his head. "Nein" He replies. "At least not to mein knowledge or to mein call." Kurt pauses with the coat, verifying she wants to remain. "She can be hard to reach at times. Much like you, she wears many metaphorical hats. Coffee, or something stronger? Lorna intriduced me to a delightful pinot grigio. I know it is nicht the proper setting for a grigio, but it is so gut."
    "Fraulein Frost und I are professional educators of mutant students. There are niceties to be observed." Kurt keeps a polite tone. "If Ms. Frost wanted to be difficult, She would haff already had me remove your head with a teleport." Ge gives the student a gentle smile. "She is here politely seeking to speak with a peer." Kurt considers his words, "If she wanted to fight, we would be fighting. If she wants to talk, we talk, ja? To encourage dialogue is a gut thing. We can always fight afterwards, und solving issues with our mind und mouth is the..." He looks to Emma, "Sorry, I slipped into teaching mode." His tail slashes in frustration at his gaffe. "Aphorism is more flies with honey, ja?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma smiles back to Kurt and Kaydin allowing the German man to answer for her, but the White Queen's face returns to a blank expression and "I'm actually here to speak with Charles. I am looking forward to this meeting and I think many of you should be excited as well."

    Emma smirks and steps forward to get a different perspective. "I'm going to pass on something stronger but a coffee would be wonderful Kurt. Thank you."

    "Kaydin was it, the whole globe in an hour. What would happen to your clothes in such incredible friction and there's so many things to consider, but I'd be curious to know the results of a test like that."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "So far my clothes and shoes seem to be protected by something." Kaydin says as something beeps in a pocket. He pulls his phone out and checks it. "I need to head out. I will leave you two be. Have a good night Miss Frost, Professor Wagner. I will keep you in the loop as my powers develop." He says before blurring away.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Come with me then. I just started a pot before I came out. Helping to grade papers."
    "Ja, Kaydin." Kurt gives a little wave. "Herr Professor Xavier is about, I am sure." Kurt moves to guide her. "The kitchen too uhm, intimate?" He struggles with that word. "Is bad word. Cozy the better word? Too common? Is difficult sentiment. What news is this?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Nice to have met you Kaydin." She says with a kind nod before following Kurt. "I'm afraid I cannot linger for too long so just a quick mug full for me is all I have time for but we will have plenty to discuss before too long." She says with a devious smile towards the blue furred man guiding her around the mansion.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Time means nothing when telepaths can communicate at the speed of thought." Kurt replies as he amiably guides her to the kitchen. "Cream, und two artificial sweeteners, ja?" Kurt asks, trying to remember how she takes her coffee. "Or is it black?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "True, but some things take more than thought and will require words and text to be ironed out and finalized." Emma says with a smirk towards Kurt.

    "I take it black Kurt, don't hurt yourself trying to guess what my prefered method of drink is. That's nothing so important as my prefered hair length or what shade of white I prefer to keep in my closet." The woman teases as she moves to stand next to the island in the kitchen.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I knew it once." Kurt replies. He pours a mug. He sets the cup diwn for her and tilts the handle properly. "Your clothing choices mean less." He admits. "You are beautiful, but I am European, at least by birth. We are less shocked, by the female form." He indicates his coffee. "Two sweeteners." He admits it. "Careful, I brew mein coffee strong." Again, that European thing.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I don't expect everyone to remember everything Kurt." She says, dropping the niceties and lowering her tone to something a bit more husky. "Are you saying my body bores you because of your more free and relaxed up bringing? Because I'm certain you're fibbing at the moment." The telepath even winks a since ice blue eye to emphasize her point.

Nightcrawler has posed:
His laugh is warm. "Nein. I did just say you are beautiful. I just do not care what you wear. It does nicht shock me. You would be beautiful in a burlap bag." Kurt replies just as warm, eith a rakush wink. "Mein eye might admire, but mein heart is another's." He bliws on his coffee then takes a long drink. His sigh is soft

Emma Frost has posed:
"Make sure you're not admiring around Lorna. I don't need her trying to stab me with a dinner fork while we're at thanksgiving dinner." Emma says, leaving a subtle hint as she reaches out and grabs her coffee by the handle and lifts it to her painted lips.

    "I also don't want to create discord amongst staff. You guys are the ones that make this place great. Remember that."

Nightcrawler has posed:
     Hank is the smart X-Man. Scott is dedicated. Gambit is the devious one. Kurt is clever. Clever enough that he catches onto thing. "If Kaydin were here, I would tell him that this is why we talk. No one lrarns much about a person, other than how tough they are, by punching someone in the face." Kurt frowns a bit. "That is corporate merger talk. What one tells employres before they are fired." Kurt tilts a brow. "Also operational authority over the academy is nicht the same authority over the X-Men."
    There is no threat to Kurt's tone. Nor is there a warning. To him, it us a statement of fact. "But you already know that." Kurt demurs in his warm baritone.
    Standing across the kitchen isle from Emma, Kurt's tail gives a slight up curl after giving an agitated slash. Concern is evident on his face. "Und discord will happen. You know this already." Again, a statement of fact, rather than attack.

Cyclops has posed:
     Pronounced, determined steps through the mansion at night, only one man truly walks like that here, Scott Summers.

  The smell of coffee wafts through the air, images of bright mornings, and happy memories conversing with friends cross his mind. Scent of course, being the trigger of most memories. He sees Kurt and Emma in here...has to do a double take for a moment. "Emma." He offers, dry, but not unwelcoming.

  A cup is retrieved and sipped from, black. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Kurt, as I said, things still have to be ironed out, but the plan is growth, not shrinkage. No one is going to lose their jobs." The white queen says, lifting her cup to her painted lips and taking a sip before snapping her eyes open and smirking. "Wow." She mouths.

    With a glance and a nod towards Scott as if it was the most normal thing in the world, Emma looks back to Kurt. "Good, I'm not going to be dressing up in spandex and saving the day from falling cranes or fighting Magneto. I'm not a hero. You all can keep doing that, but don't expect me to get into muscle buldging tight pants and tops and running around playing crusader." With a subtle wink from her left eye.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Scott? Did you know about this?" Kurt asks. There is no accusation in his tone. Kurt is mulling things over. He is looking at both possibilities and drawbacks. It can be both. "We will settle for the bustier und thigh highs." Kurt retorts, not in a mean tone. Again, his wink is rakish, but distracted. "It is maybe nicht a bad idea. Sort of a money in our mouth moment..."

Cyclops has posed:
     "Know about what?" Scott asks, his tone even and smooth. He looks to Emma through those ruby quartz glasses of his. "Is there something I should know?" He asks, the White Queen and he have had dealings before, but he isn't attacking her so there must be some friendliness between the two.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "He did not. You, Kurt, are the first to even have an inkling of what's going on. Other than Charles and myself." Emma says cooly, giving him a little hint of a secret tone before taking another long sip of her coffee.

    "Scott. Mister Summers. There's nothing you need to worry your coiffed brown haired head about. Not yet. Because there's always something for you X-men."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Must be mein German swagger und Bavarian swagger." Kurt replies sipping his coffee. "Remember that when I try to create mein new job." Kurt almost playfully adds. His brow tilts upwards. He drinks a long bit from his coffee. Before topping his off, he offers to top off the others. "Miss Frost is taking over at least some of the school operations." He explains it to Scott. "Not the X-Men of course." He adds.

Cyclops has posed:
     "Really? Taken an interest in the future of our kind, Emma?" Scott asks, definitely suprised, but he is keeping his cards close to the vest for the moment.

  "And The Professor apparently agrees with this?" Something he would confirm with the man himself of course.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma leans back, straightening her posture in order to address Scott at visor level. "Scott, you offend me." It's obvious she isn't offended. "I have always taken an interest in 'our' kind." The air quotes audible in her tone. "Apparently." She smiles smuggly before looking back to Kurt. "I will remember that, and I will remember your comment about bustiers." She notes with a soft wiggle of her eyebrows.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    His laughter is short, but genuine. Kurt's tail gives a couple of little slashes. He continues the dialogue. She is smart, and knows he is pumping her for information. He knows she knows, etc. His head tilts to one side, his brow lifting. "Take Lorna shopping for one."
    Kurt looks at Scott, then says , "More directly , reconcile this with our, uhm, antagonistic past?" His voice remains low and conversational.

Cyclops has posed:
     "Kurt, if the Professor has gone thorugh with it, there isn't much we can do. He let Magneto come back here many times,even after all the Brotherhood had done." When it comes down to it, Scott was in Xavier's corner, no matter what he decided. The energy projector takes another sip from the coffee mug. "So, if this is truly what the Professor is game with, then..." A slight moments hesitation before he reaches a hand to Emma. "Welcome."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma reaches out to shake Scott's hand and smiles back to Kurt before finishing off her coffee and twisting her arm to look down at her wrist. "Oh, I must be going now. It's time for my meeting with the Professor."

    She walks over to set the mug she was using down in the sink and walks past with a pat on Kurt's shoulder and a nod towards Scott. "Wish me luck boys."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Fraulein." Kurt allows warmly. He regards her. His brow is tilted though at the non-answer. He nods to Scott. "Of course." He takes a long drink from his coffee, watching her leave over the rim of his cup.
    "Like a lead balloon. I trust herr professor Xavier. I am Mystique's son. I have to believe people can change." He can say that to Scott; he is solid. "I will give the benefit of the doubt, I promise."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott watches Emma pass them by, an eagle's eye on the White Queen. He wasn't sure what to make of it yet, but at least he knew he would be able to trust his fellow X-Men. "Thank you, Kurt." he still was not sure what to really think of it at this point. Perhaps it was time to go to the Danger Room and let off some steam.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Always, mein freund." Kurt assures Scott. "I promised Lorna I would get her from the airport." He finishes his coffe. "Unglaublich." He sighs out.