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Latest revision as of 21:11, 30 October 2017

Sekrit ID
Date of Scene: 08 October 2017
Location: New York
Synopsis: Alexander Aaron meets Jennifer Walters for the first time and gets upset with Ares because of it
Cast of Characters: Ares, She-Hulk

Ares has posed:
    Sunday mornings are reserved for something approaching relaxation. For people in the superhero business those times can be chaotic, torn up and down with wild events and galactic invasions, and mad professors. But there is still something about an early Sunday that promises a laziness to it, a torpid leisurely progression through the day with one being expected to do little of anything. Or even nothing.
    But then again for children it is another thing entire. For Alexander Aaron, in fact, he has a routine. Not that it bothers him really, the obligation he has to his father to wake up at the set time, to head down into the basement and run the gauntlet of events and exercises he must tend to, and then for him to finish up with a decent breakfast upstairs...
    But that's all the stuff he /has/ to do. The stuff he really wants to do is to run out the front door and pick up the Sunday newspaper, carrying it over his shoulder with its huge heavy plastic bag, laden with ads and an overstuffed filling of sales, fliers, comics, and what have you. So when he runs in he tosses the whole kit and kaboodle on the floor, then pulls off the bag... then he spreads the whole thing out and...
    Reads the comics.
    Just lying there on his belly with his hands holding his head up and his feet casually kicking in the air as he reads the comics, he looks lost in his own little world.

She-Hulk has posed:
    When life has allowed it, these lazy weekends have become some of Jen's favorite times. There have been a few times with alien invasions and psychotic animal based villains decided the weekend was the best time to attack and she had to spend her weekend out battling evil. Perhaps that is why the times when she gets to spend time away from it all in the suburbs are so precious. Certainly, this isn't the typical suburban household but she wouldn't have fit into one of those anyway. At least, she wouldn't as She-Hulk which is the face she usually is wearing in this house. Today is the exception. Instead of She-Hulk, she is in her human form of Jennifer Walters. She comes downstairs wearing a pair of yoga pants and a white tank top. Her feet are bare and her hair is a little mussed from sleep since she didn't bother to tame it down yet. She did brush her teeth because she wouldn't be able to stand herself if she didn't.
    She had learned that John Aaron had no problem with her Jennifer Walters side. He accepted it better than she herself. So she was trying to come to grips with that half of herself and her own reasons for preferring her giant green form. It would require some soul searching.
    Soul-searching should be done over hot chocolate and bacon. Especially bacon.
    She was heading for the kitchen when she spotted Alexander sprawled out with the paper everywhere. Not thinking about his never having seen this face, she automatically calls out as she has each Sunday. "Good morning, Alexander. Would you like some orange juice while you read?"

Ares has posed:
    The page of the newspaper freezes in mid-turn as he had just finished with Family Circus and was moving on to yet another reprinting of the Peanuts. But she'll see him roll to the side slightly, pushing down with one hand so he can twist around and take a moment to look across the way towards the stairs from whence she came and to the kitchen to which she wanders.
    If she were looking at him she'd see his brow furrow as his features cloud, his lips thinning tightly as the corners of his mouth turn down severely. "No!" He says sharply, loudly...
    And then he hops up quickly, shoulders squared and he starts to /stomp/ towards the stairwell again, all four feet and some of him as he makes a single /hrmf/ as he walks past her. Then he starts to set foot on the stairs and _runs_ up the steps, rolling up the classified ads section he had grabbed.
    From downstairs she'll hear the door open to the master bedroom and then Alexander's high pitched voice as he yells, "Dad you're a jerk!" And then a /WHACK!/
    "I liked Jen!" /WHACK!/
    "You are so mean! The guys at school are gonna be mad at me!"

She-Hulk has posed:
    The tone is what stops her halfway through the door to the kitchen. Jen turns back, raising her eyebrows at the tone that he never has used with her. As he stomps to the stairs, she watches him closely and tries to figure out what she did to cause this irritation. Then he is gone, dashing upstairs. As she hears the door opening to the master bedroom, she starts to turn back to the kitchen as she figures she'll find out the details later from John.
    The sounds of the attack stop her in her tracks. She blinks owlishly and looks up the stairs, listening to the newspaper beating and the verbal smackdown that accompanies it. Despite herself, she starts giggling as she realizes what the boy is thinking. Having not seen her like this, he thinks John has some other woman in the house. The giggles turn into a real laugh as she puts her foot on the first step and starts upstairs.
    Hopefully she could get this straightened out before John was stained black from newsprint. Arriving at the bedroom door, she pushes it open and leans casually against the frame with her shoulder as she's done countless times in her green goddess form. "We seem to have a misunderstanding."

Ares has posed:
    When she gets to the stairs she'll hear, "She was nice to me! You know this is bad for me! I'm supposed to have stability!" Followed by a few more whacks.
    But then she'll hear his voice, "Hold, Alexander. I said hold you maddening little goblin!" John's tone is firm, sharp even as Jen slips around the corner and is leaning there in the doorjam. She'll see the ten year old swinging around wildly, being held up by the scruff of his shirt and swinging around with his carefully rolled up mass of newspaper, trying to whack his father a few more times.
    "I don't want orange juice!" Alexander shouts.
    "I don't want her to give it to me! I want Jen to!"
    But John, standing there in his white boxers and t-shirt is still holding the child away as he tries to plant a few more smacks. "Evil harpy of a child, that is Jen." He gestures with one hand, "Look."

She-Hulk has posed:
    One of the things Jen has learned from her association with the Fantastic Four is that not laughing when a child is doing something wrong, but hilarious, is apparently the most difficult part of parenting. It's not a skill she has mastered yet going by the giggles that are getting worse as she watches the flailing boy trying to beat his father with the paper. The verbal attacks don't slow and Alexander is fit to be tied.
    It's adorable and it is melting her heart in some ways, to know how he feels about her. Though it might just be the superhero thing but she feels like that isn't the only reason or he wouldn't be this furious.
    "Alexander, he's telling you the truth. I'm Jen. The face is the same, just little smaller and not as pigmentally challenged," she offers as she walks closer so he can get a good look at her. "If it'll help, I'll change back to Shulkie for you but I need to put on some different clothes first." Wouldn't do to shift and rip out of the current ones in front of the kid.

Ares has posed:
    Clearing his throat as Alexander spins to the side a little to look at Jen, she can see the little blonde haired blue-eyed kid /glaring/ at her at first, but then he sees the similar facial features, and that voice... does sound close to She-Hulk, not quite as resonant, but still. He seems to have a good mad on and is reluctant to let that go as he folds his arms, still twisting in his father's grip.
    "I dunnoooo."
    But then John sets the child down and straightens up. He towers over the young man. Resting his hands on his hips, John seems so very stern as he tells the young child. "It was..." He looks across the way at Jen, giving her a smirk as if to tell her she's not helping at all, but then he says. "It was a surprise. We felt you were old enough and mature enough to be told about Jen's... secret identity."
    He cocks an eyebrow towards Jennifer, then looks back at Alexander and tsks.
    "Is that true?" Alexander asks warily.

She-Hulk has posed:
    Not fair that he is out of view for Alexander so John gets to smirk. Jen has to try to keep a straight face when she just wants to laugh a the silliness of the situation. She forces herself to focus. Her gaze is shifted over to Alexander as she gives a nod and a soft smile. "Absolutely true. You've been so good with our secrets so far," she says, purposefully omitting that picture he had drawn which had been on the frig. He'd kept most of their secrets so it was close enough. "We felt that you would be able to keep this one as well. In this form, I'm still Jennifer Walters, a.k.a. Jen. It just lets me blend with people. I even have a job during the week that I go in this form." She waves a hand at herself then glances up at John, hoping she's handling this right. It gets so tricky.
    Focusing back on Alexander, she realizes she isn't too much taller than the boy in her human shape. "So, can you keep my secret for me?"

Ares has posed:
    "Well, now with the way he's acting I don't know..." John says a little sternly as he looks across the way towards Jen, "Only strong warriors can carry the burden of sharing such a bond with another. And was this..." John gestures towards the rolled up newspaper and rather rapid assault led by the young boy. "The act of a strong warrior, proud and in control of himself?"
    Which seems to go straight to Alexander's heart as his eyes widen, "Oh I am! I can! I'm sorry, dad. I'm sorry! I was just so mad, I thought you had broke up!" He looks desperately towards John and then back towards Jen. "I swear I can keep the secret, I won't tell anyone you can be normal and stuff! I promise! You can trust me!"
    "Well," John still has his arms folded over his chest, then he looks across the way towards Jennifer. "It is up to her. Jen? Do you so charge Alexander Aaron with holding your covenant, keeping this knowledge to himself and being a sharer of secrets with a warrior of such strength?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    Unlike John, Jen doesn't have the heart to torment the boy after the way he reacted to the stern words. She does manage to put on her lawyer face and puts on a little bit of a show of considering it. It lasts all of five seconds before she gives a brief nod. "I do. I trust he is a strong warrior who will keep my secret safe."
    She's not sure who is funnier. Alexander with the newspaper or his father with the sudden serious sounding vow. Covenant indeed.
    "Sometimes I will be wearing this face, sometimes the other. But I'm still me in here." She taps her temple. "And here." She puts her hand on her chest above where her heart would be. She drops her hand a moment later. "I will say this though. I appreciate how you were defending me, Alexander."

Ares has posed:
    It's John's turn to smile, standing behind Alexander for the moment as he sort of aims his smirk towards Jen while she addresses the young boy even as he affixes her with a most serious and intent gaze that she's seen from him. "Oh please. Very much so please and thank you." As if not entirely sure what he should say to what has been said to him, but knowing he wants it to /mean/ something.
    But then he /beams/ at her as she offers those last few words at him and he smiles, "Thank you, Jennifer." And he steps forwards to quickly wrap his arms around her as he presses his head against her while giving her a hug. "I will not fail!" He says, muffled a bit as he does so.
    "Very well then, Alexander. Now go. I have much to discuss with, Jen."
    "Ok!" And as easy as that, and as quick as that, all is right with the world and Alexander /runs/ off and away, back down the stairs.

She-Hulk has posed:
    At the hug, Jen feels that melting in the area of her heart again. This little--what did John call him? Goblin. Yes, this little goblin is managing to steal her heart. Which is really not the smartest of things to let happen. It could lead to even worse heartbreak later if she and John parted ways. Cause the big goblin kinda had started to wiggle his way into her haart too.
    Once Alexander is gone, Jen closes the door behind her then turns to face John as she leans back against the wooden surface. "Well, that was fun," she says with a giggle. Her dark eyes flash with amusement. "If it wouldn't have traumatized him further, I would've pretended to be someone else just to see him wail on you some more," she admits. "That was priceless."

Ares has posed:
    A snort comes from him, "Even your heart is not so dark, Jen." John says this as he shakes his head, then he steps towards her just long enough to slip an arm around her waist and draw her towards him for a small brush of lips against her cheek. "C'mon, I'll go make us breakfast."