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Latest revision as of 21:23, 30 October 2017

The one where Diana orders a kid around.
Date of Scene: 09 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Sister Reinhardt, Emma Frost, Kaydin LeGraize

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was in civilian clothing on this fine fall day. She was wearing a brown leather jacket with her hair tied back and sunglasses on over her eyes. She still stood out quite a lot, but most people overlooked her as a pretty woman in the heart of New York City which wasn't too uncommon.

A white shirt beneath her jacket and slim-fit black jeans that dipped into a pair of wedge-heeled bleack leather ankle-boots completed Diana's apparel.

The ambassador was seated at a table in the Coffee Bean shop and an employee was in the process of delivering a cup of coffee to her table. Diana would look up from her tablet computer and she'd reach a hand up to remove her glasses. "Thank you..." She said to the employee who went wide-eyed when they recognized her and started to stammer out pleasantries in return.

Diana would stare a light conversation with said employee, being friendly and responding to any questions they fired off at her.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    A few minutes later, Suzanne happens into the coffee shop herself and gets herself a latte. It's only when she comes out that she actually spies Diana and tilts her head. "Diana?" She says softly as she wanders towards the table.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Sometimes conversations are rudely interupted by an acquaintence as a new commer might feel they're allowed to butt into a place as if they're welcome anywhere. This is one of those times as a blonde turns from the cashier with a smirk on her painted lips as she lowers her phone into the back pocket of her dress pants, a dark charcol affair that matches the unbuttoned blazer she's wearing over her cream collored glossy blouse. Emma Frost turns and recognizes Diana and starts to approach when Suzanne appears at the same time. Unfamiliar with this other girl, Emma continues forwards towards Diana's table and slides into a chair as if it was saved for her.

    "Ladies. What a treat running into you here." The white queen says with a flash of her pearly white teeth.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    A blur blasts past the building, several times, before Kaydin slows down enough to be visible and open the door. He enters the shop and waits in line. He waves to Emma when he sees her but is still in line. He then looks up to the clock and then back to his place in line. The expression on his face was evident to see he was annoyed with how slow things were going.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would part ways with the employee as they had a lot of work today in a busy downtown coffee house. Suzeanne appeared just moments after and Diana would adjust her blue eyes up and onto Suze, a smile spreading of her red glossed lips. "Suzeanne." She said to her. "I have not seen you since the... event on the cargo ship?" She would tilt her head to the side then just a little. "How are you?" She asked, a look of compassionate caring expressed on her face. Diana would reach her right hand out and motion for her. "Come and join me!" She'd say just before Emma would appear also.

"Miss Frost!" Diana would speak to her. "A pleasant surprise!" She'd say to her now with a big smile. "Would you... like to join Suzeanne and I?" She'd then make introduction for Suzeanne. "Emma Frost... she's is the headmaster at Metropolis University... I recently tried to push my sister into employement with her, hoping to give my sister something more to be proud of since I worry, perhaps a little 'too much' about her." She'd then grin some.

Diana's eyes glanced outside the window onto the street on her right... she saw Kaydin running at his intense speeds and she followed him into the building and to the counter, watching him carefully for a moment, making sure he wasn't a threatening speedy-type.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I...don't remember the cargo container. but then I've been through.....quite a few things in the recent months, so it may be just crammed in there somewhere. And sure!' Suzanne then holds out her hand to Emma....right after she sits down. Suzanne glances Kaydin's way, and despite her left hand being in her pocket most of the time there, she briefly takes it out.....then puts it right back in until she moves to sit, whether or not Emma shakes her hand.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "It's always pleasant getting to converse with you Diana." Emma says politely, her ice blue eyes moving from the super heroine to Suzanne and slips her own hand into the offered hand in greeting.

    "Please, just Emma." She's dressed for business, but seems to be giving herself a bit of time to relax between meetings and has chosen to grace this establishment with her patronage. "Suzanne, was it?" Emma inquires somewhat politely before asking further, "What is it you do?" Emma glances to Diana as she talks about her sister and chooses to play as though she didn't hear. Emma does have a list of canidates for the same job that she's been interviewing and will certainly let Donna know if she gets chosen or not, but this isn't the time or place to discuss such things.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin finally gets to the counter and looks to the choices. He gives his order, which was for a chocolate coffee of some sort and after repeating it twice he finally gets served and he counts out the money from his wallet. He sips his coffee before looking to where Suzanne and Diana were, snapping his fingers as he looks to Diana. "Hey you're Wonder woman are ya?" He asks as he watches her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look back to the two women joining her at her table and she'd nod with a smile to Suzeanne. "We did not get a chance to speak on the cargo vessel. So I am not surprised that it has slipped from your mind, but... I saw you there, you were helping and being quite wonderful to the ship crew and the rest of us there to assist them." She'd pause then and consider her continuation... "I hope everything else is going well though? The troubles lately have been, quite, terrible, to say the least."

Diana would glance over to Emma then. "How is the school going?" She'd ask the white queen. "I heard that someone... vandalized it with toilet, paper?" She showed a sly hint of a smirk. "Its not good... people are so immature. Former students, I assume?"

Diana would look over to Kaydin when he spoke of her public persona / media-given name and she smiled softly and nodded her head. "I am indeed. And who might you be, young sir?" She'd ask him in her thick Greek accented English voice.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne smiles to Diana. "I remember now." She then rubs her face gently. It was because after that, I had to help a mutual friend.....'elsewhere'." She then chuckles and sips her latte, then looks to Emma. "Just a humble DJ. I had to ask for Diana's help in Bludhaven. Thankfully, that situation resolved itself." She then looks up to Kaydin and smiles a bit....especially when he recognizes Diana...

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma turned to smile at the waiter as he brough her order over and she carefully took the steaming hot coffee in a paper cup and held it between both her hands and blew on it for a moment before setting it down on the table. She shrugs her shoulders once to Diana's question. "These things happen, and it's just toilet paper, not like it was used or anything." She says with a giggle in her voice. "And no, it wasn't former students, it was hoodlums from another school from outside of town, if you believe that." The white queen smirks and takes a sip of her coffee finally.

    The blonde glances towards Kaydin and nods a single time in greeting, "Funny running into you on a monday during school hours." She says, recognizing the student from her trip this past Saturday. Her face flashes in a devious hint that she might tell someone at Kaydin's school about him being out here in Metropolis.

    "A DJ you say." Emma notes aloud, turning her attention to Suzanne. "One that helps people on cargo ships... you must play spectacular music." The White Queen teases.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Just picking up a coffee for myself. Trying an experiment to see if caffeine makes me even more faster or if it burns itself out because of my metabolism." Kaydin says as he then turns to Diana. "My Grandpa fought in world war 1, and he talked about you. He died a few years ago, and told me to do what you said if I ever fought alongside you." He says as he watches her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would gently nod her head to Suzeanne. "I wish I could have done more with all of that. But the police assured me that they were ontop of it all. I even spoke to Commissioner Gordon and he said he was looking into it personally. So I really do hope it resolved itself in a positive way." She'd look apologetically toward Suzeanne after saying that.

At Emma, the Princess of Themyscira would show a sly smirk toward. "Thankfully it was unused, yes... Otherwise, I imagine you would have very strong words for these hoodlums." When Emma spoke to Kaydin about being away from classes, that got a smirk out of the black haired Amazon, she took a moment to sip from her coffee and would let the headmaster/mistress of her school deal with that. "He seems quite fast... Perhaps he can get there and back before the next class begins?" She'd ask, lofting her right black brow up some.

Her eyes would fall onto Kaydin's young face and she'd smile to him. "What was your grandfather's name?" She'd ask him then. "I hope that we never have to fight alongside one another, but only because I hope for never having to fight again..." She'd then point just behind Kaydin. "Though... if you are sworn to do as I say, at least in part, would you hand me one of those napkins?" She asked, pointing to the despenser on the counter behind him, a little grin tugging at the corner of her lips. Her coffee cup had a ring around its base on the surface of the table, and she just HAD to clean it up!

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "You can't bring back the dead, Diana, but I do thank you for what you've done." Suzanne says with a smile before looking to Emma. "Yup. Really good music. Really lifted their spirits when they needed to get off the sinking ship." She then snickers a bit before looking to Kaydin. "More than likely, it'll burn out of your system, unless you drink a large quantity of it."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "It'd likely be beyond strong words. That's incredibly gross, even the thought-" Emma quickly lifts her hand to her mouth and looks away for a few moments. Shaking her head briefly the woman continues, "The very fact he is here leads me to ask several questions. I wont, but the questions do linger and nag away in my head still." Emma says, before taking a sip and turning to watch Kaydin curiously.

    Emma's eyes squint at Suzanne, as she's acting like she's not able to simply hear or see the woman's surface thoughts as easily as it is to take part in this simple conversation. "I feel there's a pun there that I don't understand." Emma leans back and takes another sip of her coffee. "And that's okay, no need to know everything in the world." She winks.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Nathaniel Stormbow." Kaydin says as he looks to the woman and hands her the napkin like she asked, smiling at her. He then looks to Emma and it about to say something before something in his pocket beeps. "Well back to class." He says as he smiles to them and blurs out of there.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watch Kaydin speed off and she didn't have time to tell him that she wasn't familar with that name. She'd look back to Emma and smile at her though. "I think you just caught a very very fast young man, playing hooky from school... Principal Frost." She lightly teased the platinum blonde before looking then to Suzeanne. "I am here for you if you ever need more help with something, Suzeanne. So please do just contact me and let me know." She'd finish wiping up the spot on the table and then the bottom of her cup and she'd sip from it again.

"The city seems to be calming down again after the fighting has subsided. I... witnessed so many horrible things." She glanced down at her lap for a moment. "I am glad it is over, for now."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Well, I'm here for you too, if you ever need me." Suzanne then sighs. "I know. That was.....something." She couldn't really explain it. It was new to her. "It was like they fought to extinguish hope on the planet.

When emma tries to read Suzanne's surface thought, she'll find there is a powerful barrier keeping her from doing so. On top of that, if she tries to see with her mind's eye....all she'll see is blue. But one thing is certain to the telepath....this mental barrier is NOT from Suzanne's mind.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I must have slept through it all, or was on business trip. I heard about it, but unlike Diana here. I don't put on an outrageous outfit to go out and battle crime or super villains. I do what the rest of the rich do. Hide and cower like a bunch of young children clinging to their mother's leg." Emma retorts with a chortle before taking another sip. Her blue eyes looking back and forth between Suzanne and Diana, simply ignoring Kaydin's departure. He's not her student, why should she go out of her way to get the boy in trouble. If they don't know he's missing, there's more problems at that school than she ever realized.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would listen to them both and a sly grin would appear on her lips as she wrapped her hands around the base of her coffee cup, enjoying the heat of the beverage upon her palms and fingers. "An outrageous outfit?" She said back to Emma, trying to keep a grin down. "It is the most sacred set of armor that exists to my people. It once belonged to my aunt before she passed on." Diana would lift her cup up to her lips, but pause before drinking, her eyes flickering in thought. "But yes, it is rather outrageous... in a positive way." She'd then grin moments before sippin from her drink.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I think so....in a positive way, at least. It makes you a symbol of hope, much like the 'S' on Superman's chest and cape. But, there has to be a bit of separation between Diana and Wonder Woman.' Suzanne smiles at that. "Wonder Woman has to rest too...."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's phone beeps twice and hums a loud vibration against the chair and her bottom causing her to roll forward in order to retrieve the device. Glacing at the screen for a brief moment, the headmistress quickly stands up and gives a smile towards Diana and a second one towards Suzanne. "Pleasure meeting you Suzanne, Diana, stay out of trouble- No, stay in trouble so I don't have to get involved." Emma winks and starts towards the door, her heals clicking against the tile floor on her way.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look to Suzeanne and offer her as reassuring and kind of a smile as she could muster. "I am honored to be a measure of Hope for anyone who is in need of it." She'd tell the other. "But do not fret... Wonder Woman gets plenty of rest. In a nice big comfy bed with lots of floofy pillows." She flashed a grin before looking over to Emma as the other woman rose up to leave.

"Oh, it was good to see you again, Miss Frost." She told her. "And do not worry one bit. I will do my very best to ensure that you can hide onto legs for all the comfort and safety that you desire away from the ridiculous troubles that plague us as a people. They will always break against me." She would smile again before glancing back to Suzeanne and leaned toward her, whispering.

"Did that last part sound weird?" She asked in that hushed tone. "It sounded like a little too much." She was just joking around though, as the Princess was in good spirits this afternoon.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne waves to Emma as she leaves. "It sounded pretty put on to me." She says softly to Diana once Emma was out of earshot. "Actually, Diana...you were one of the reasons why I was able to help on that ship." She says softly. "You, and Superman." She says with a weak smile after finishing her latte, tossing it in the bin, and looking to Diana. "And I was serious, anytime you need me." And she turns the ring around....on her left hand. "Let me know. I'm not hard to find." And she starts to head off.....Diana would see a blue comet in the sky shortly afterwards.