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Latest revision as of 21:33, 30 October 2017

Friendship Is Magic
Date of Scene: 09 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Exo-Girl, Stardust, Wonder Girl

Ghost Spider has posed:
    In case any of the other Titans happen to check their security recordings, they would have noticed a couple of visitors earlier in the lobby talking to Raven: a female form in a white, pink, and purple bodysuit and someone in a high-tech looking suit of armor. They spoke to the spooky girl and othe smaller girl did something to the corner of the room and then they left.

    "I think it's later." Spider-Woman says to Sev as they were hanging out outside the Tower. Gwen had gone into a shop and brought something back. "Here." she says, handing Sev a long box which holds three gift jars. "A present for you to give them." They're flavored mustards - cranberry, wasabi, and a stone-ground Dijon. "Raven said something about one of them... the one called 'Starfire'... who liked mustard on her pizza. It's not a pizza, but bribery never hurt, right?" she says with a grin behind her mask. "So, lets' go back and see if the others are there."

    She leads the armored girl (who probably doesn't look much like a girl in her armor) back to the Tower and the lobby.

    "Hello, again?!"

Exo-Girl has posed:
     Exo-Girl nods, face still hidden behind her mask's faceplate. "Okay. ...Mustard on Pizza. ...I've heard weirder tastes, honestly." She squares her shoulders again, and heads back into the tower lobby. ...Although if the people who come downstairs are dressed as casually as Raven was, she might open her visor. ...It's not like she has a secret identity to hide. In this case, the armor's more emotional protection than physical.

Stardust has posed:
There are architectural oddities to the tower beyond the eye-catching T structure. It is, after all, a building fitted for superheroing types. One of those oddities is the secondary elevator shaft, next to the main elevators. It's empty, and has no doors, and is ideal for those members of the team who can fly to get around quickly.

  Colette is one of those aforementioned fliers, and likes to use that spare elevator shaft. She's also near invulnerable, and slightly lazy though. Why fly, when you can...WHAM!!

  The windows in the lobby rattle slightly as Colette descends from the upper parts of the tower at the speed of gravity, and hops out from the empty shaft with a wave. From the looks of how she's dressed, it's easy to guess she's come from doing some training in the gym. "GWEN!" she calls out, grinning widely. Her eyes flicker to Sev. "You brought a friend. Or you're being followed by an invisible tech-suited bad guy that for some random reason only I can see." She steps forwards, offering her hand to Sev. "Hi there. Welcome to the Titan's Tower. I'm Colette. Um... I mean Stardust. But mostly Colette. I'll never get used to this whole code-names thing."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie is not really usually the sort who busies herself too much with the obsessive monitor-watching and whatnot. It's really a Robin thing, yaknow? But Colette seems to know they have guests coming, and Cassie is passing through the hall when the other young hero comes rushing out of the monitor room, only to moments later do her usual routine of simply hopping into the open express shaft and plummeting toward the ground floor. Seeing all this, she's naturally curious, and rather than going to check on the screens, she follows the path of least resistance and simply follows. Yay gravity!

Not quite preferring the dramatic impact landings of her friend, she ends up slowing to a hover just before hitting the floor, slowing into view a few moments after Colette. "Hey," she greets the waiting pair, although maybe she's not quite up on things the way Colette is. Or maybe she was just that drunk? It's possible, she was pretty out of it. Plus costumes. "Uh, what's up?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Raven said we should come back so Exo could meet some of the rest of you." Spidey says. "She brought a present." That's Gwen's voice, if Cassie remembers, though there might be some intense Asgardian alcoholic fumes between now and then. "I guess we caught someone still awake."

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev jumps again, Colette's arrival being a lot less stealthy than Raven's, but just as startling. "Erm... I'm Exo-Girl. But if we're doing this...." Her helmet unseals with a hiss and the faceplate lifts up, revealing the face of a somewhat skinny looking teenage girl who probably doesn't get enough sleep by the look of the dark circles under her eyes. "I'm Sev. And yeah... I c-could see how it'd be harder without an obvious mask or something..." And then Cassie arrives just in time to overhear Sev's introduction. "Well... I'm k-kinda new to the whole hero thing... Gwen's introducing me to people. Seeing if there's a team I could learn from or s-something." She holds out a box, which has three jar lids poking out: "She said one of your team likes mustard a lot?" She shakes Colette's hand with her own free one, the armored gauntlet surprisingly gentle considering it's, well, power armor.

Stardust has posed:
"Nothing wrong with being new to the heroing biz," Colette reassures Sev. "Me too. Only been doing it a few months. I'm a total doof. Make mistakes all the time." She grins widely and jerks a thumb at Cassie. "If you want the experts, talk to WonderStuff there. She's an expert. Also she's like the champion of Olympus or whatever." She flashes a teasing grin to Cassie as she says this.

  "As for masks," Colette continues. "That's always an option." She points at her own face and says "POW!", a white domino mask appearing there, as her gym gear changes into a more conventional superheroing costume in white and pale grays. "Neat trick, huh?" she says with a grin, and starts poking around in the box. "Mustard. Starfire will be pleased. I think she finished the last jar I brought her."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"I was studying," Cassie offers Gwen, an explanation of why she's up. It's one of those annoying things that she has to jam in between bouts of saving the world and the occasional Asgardian bender. And it sort of looks like she's still working the last of that one off. She's not masked either, or probably even costumed (for as little as her normal outfit really counts as one), but more in lazing around the house clothes, sweats and a tanktop from whatever late night study session.

Once Sev starts introducing herself, or explaining things, she manages to put the rest together. "Oh that's you in there Gwen? Hiiii." Now she quickly crosses the remaining distance to offer the Spider-garbed member of the visiting pair a hug. "Your outfit is so cool." Then she turns toward Sev as her mask pops open and grins. "I'm Cassie. Oh wow, you brought mustard? Starfire's gonna-" Yeah, Colette is obviously thinking the same thing. "She's gonna go mental over these, I bet."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen draws her hood back and pulls the stretchy fabric off that makes up her mask, to reveal the blonde girl. Her hair goes everywhere, of course. "Hi." she says, returning Cassie's hug. "Nice to see you again, girl."

    She watches the others talk about the mustard. "Raven had said smething about your other friend liking mustard on her pizza or something, so this seemed like a good idea for a gift." She grins at Sev. "These two ladies here are totes awesome. I mean, they really are."

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev oooooh. That's actually pretty impressive. "Nice! I think my record for suiting up is like... three minutes? Usually closer to five..." She seems to relax a little as everyone's all smiles. "Raven s-said you guys were the ones who were good at meetings. I thought I'd try to make a good impression but... I guess I'm kinda overdressed." She gestures to her bulletproof ensemble, which probably still has some scuffs and burns from fighting Parademons. "I guess you w-were right, Gwen." She smiles shyly at the two.

Stardust has posed:
"Raven 'accidentally' clued you in on the perfect gift, huh?" Colette asks, studying the label of one of the jars. "That's just like her. Always helpful and kind. She's the sweetest person, really." If you were to study Colette's face /really hard/ to determine if she's joking, or means it, or what... nope. No visible reaction to her own words.

Colette turns back to Cassie, eyebrow raised. "Studying again, Cass? You work to hard." Cassie might not feel the same, but didn't Colette mention she's a student too? She never seems to be studying. She's probably a bad influence.

  "Don't worry about overdressed," Colette reassures Sev. "It's like superhero central here. We're used to costumes, ninjas, random green dinosaurs and whatever. Nobody's gonna blink at power armor."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "I think she likes wearing her armor." Gwen says. "She does look pretty cool in it." She nods at the menrtion of the 'perfect gift'. "That reminds me, did you all get a bunch of pizzas the other day?" she wonders, which might be an odd question.

    "I understand about the studying. It's hard to do that and do this stuff..." and she plucks at her costume a moment. "... and have a life too. Me, I have no life."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Yeah, we don't bite or anything," Cassie reassures Sev, after disengaging herself from giving Gwen a good (but carefully delicate, as far as she goes) squeeze. "Well, OK, sometimes Beast Boy does, and Raven could, like, make a biting comment or something, but...?" She's not quite in on Colette's joke, it seems. "Nah you're OK. And it's cool hardware, so no harm showing it off, right?"

Then she looks over at Colette and sighs. "Well, I've gotta. I'm half-failing most of my classes as it is, missing out as often as I do." As much as she's seen doing it, it's obviously not because she's some super brainiac ultra-nerd. "Nevermind I just blew off like... however long that was in real time, on literally the most insane road trip in history." Yeah, Colette may be some mild bad influence, but she's got nothing on Thor!

After all that, she takes a step back from the other two and kind of looks between them as a pair. "So, do you two fight as a pair or did you just meet too, or what's up? See a lot of action in the invasion?" And of course, she can't keep herself from the necessary brag here: "You know I totally whacked that alien asshole back through his space-tube."

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev somehow manages to squirm awkwardly despite looking like she could punch through a car. "I mean... It's not /technically/ power armor b-but... I've got some... issues. A-ask Gwen." She shuffles one foot against the flooring. Oh hey, a question about how they met! "I... She threw a parademon through my window. I had j-just enough time to get on one of the gloves and punch it out and then she threw it back out and it exploded." She raises her eyebrows appreciatively at Cassie's story. "N-nice!"

Stardust has posed:
As much as Cassie can't help bragging, Colette can't help backing her friend up. 'Cos as far as Colette is concerned, Cassie is awesome. "She totally did," Colette confirms. "I was there. She kicked his ass right through his own tube thingy. Cassie is awesome."

"Gwen..." Colette raises an eyebrow at her, her face twisted into a half-grin. "It's a notable occasion when there's a day that there aren't pizzas. So yes. You're a student too, then? There ought to be extra credit. For heroing. That totally makes sense right? Not like the other students are up until 4 am fighting robot badgers that are trying to eat their way into the Metropolis Museum of Art three nights a week, like we do."

Colette lightly flicks Sev's armor with a finger-ping. "Kinda /looks/ like power armor," she says."How not technically? Is it magic power armor instead? Created by a Sumerian wizard five thousand years ago, originally worn by Gilgamesh, which magically takes on the appearance of an armor suitable for the era? It's been worn by heroes through the ages, and you're the latest owner? Am I close? I didn't mean literally about the robot badgers by the way, I only ever fought robot badgers once."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "I didn't throw it though the window. It was running away from me and is picked your window to duck in... well, to smash through." Gwen says in response, correcting Sev. "But yeah. We've been hanging out since then."

    Gwen looks at Colette. "You fought robot badgers?" she asks, wide-eyed. "That sounds awesome." but then she's disappointed at Colette's denial. "Oh well."

    She looks at Cassie and Colette. "What do you think Sev might have to do to convince you to give her a tryout for your team?"

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev shakes her head, giggling a little at Colette's guesses. "N-no, it's... The power isn't in the armor. It's... k-kind of hard to explain. A-and a bit p-public down here." Her eyes dart over to the front of the lobby, which is pretty much entirely glass. And then Gwen immediately drops the big bomb. "G-gwen, I dont' even know if they all /like/ me, l-let alone if I'd be a good fit!"

Wonder Girl has posed:
A large grin remains plastered across her face as Colette plays hype girl for Cassie. "Also I held Thor's hammer for like... I wanna say it was about a second and a half." She laughs, and then confides slyly toward Gwen. "You know I tried again, while he was passed out..." Though, with a pout, she finishes with the inevitable: "But it didn't work."

And talk of robot badgers aside, she can't help but agree, a little more seriously, "It would be nice if I could count some of it as credit. Actually, the only way I even got through high school and into a decent college was my mom using her pull from working at the museum to count some of our 'expeditions' as independent study. Otherwise I prolly woulda flunked a bunch of that too for uh, you know." Expeditions to Olympus count as academic excursions, right?

Eventually, she looks back between Gwen and Sev though, and gives a tremendously informative shrug. "I dunno? I mean, it's ultimately all up to Starfire pretty much? I'm sure we can both put in a good word and then she'll work out whatever. She kinda has her own, I dunno- she's an alien so its kind of hard to predict her thinking. She's really nice, I just mean, I never know if she's -looking- for something particular or what, y'know?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen nods. "Well, thanks for the info. I appreciate the good word for Sev." and she reaches over to fondly pat the armored girl on the shoulder. "She, or we will come back sometime to see if we can talk to her and jump through the hoops. Can you get her those mustards, Cassie?" she asks. "We'll get out of your hair, I think. You probably need to study and stuff."

Exo-Girl has posed:
Sev ...wow. "Thor's h-hammer? Damn." She can't really engage in the educatoin conversation in that... she can't remember the details of hers if she had any. She must have, given she knows things, but... Anyway. "I'd w-want to meet her. And hopefully the mustard helps." And then Gwen says it's time to go. "Y-yeah, You have possible classes, I have c-coding... Great to meet you guys though. Oh!" She pulls a scrap of paper out of her belt. "Here's my phone number. S-so you guys can contact me."

Stardust has posed:
Colette holds a finger up to Gwen. "One. Once. Once I fought robot badgers. I don't make a habit of it. "

Colette nods her agreement to Cassie's explanation of the inner workings of the Titans. "I never had a tryout. Basically I just happened to be in the same place as a bunch of Titans, fighting off a bunch of aliens, and Star said to me... 'Friend Colette! I have had the most wonderful notion! You shall become a member of our team!' and that was it. Personally I think she's crazy, but she wasn't listening. Basically the way in is to pass the strange alien logic test." She gives a shrug of her shoulders. "My theory is she's working some kind of Tamaranean theory of social dynamics. The exact mix of people required to drive Robin stark, staring mad."

"Aaaanyway..." Colette stretches her arms out, wriggles her fingers, then folds her arms behind her head. "Maybe you guys wanna come back some time she's awake. 'Cos she's not. And I probably ought to be the same. Not awake, that is." She takes the number from Sev with a nod. "Gwen'll give you my number. Always good to have someone you can call if there's too many robot badgers for you to deal with, you know? Take care you two, seeyas soon!"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Oh sure, sure," Cassie answers, readily enough. "It'd be awesome if either, both of you could join up. It's always fun with more friends around and the tower's pretty big. And yeah that's a pretty good description, 'alien logic test,'" she'll agree with Colette's summary, or at least the first part, while the latter about tormenting Robin just earns a laugh. "Not intentionally, but in the sense that her people seem to be all love and harmony and he's all 'dark brooding,' it's probably the inevitable result of the glorious society she's looking to build."

At least they're a humorous bunch, right?

"But yeah, I guess I should go back to the books." Rising up from the ground and starting to float backward, she adds, "Tryouts aside, hit me up a little later in the week, Gwen, we should find some time we're not heroing or studying to go out again. I figure we can manage a decent night out even without Asgardian mead. An' Sev, nice t'meecha!"