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Latest revision as of 21:37, 30 October 2017

Large Pepperoni, side of ninjas.
Date of Scene: 20 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Delivery Girl

Daredevil has posed:
    The Manhattan skyline is always picturesque this time of night. Even with the clouds slipping into place over the city, hanging low as they drift over the tall line of skyscrapers. From above the urban sprawl seems alive with the steady flow of traffic lights and the faint glow from the myriad windows of the people still awake and active these few hours before the dawn arrives. In most of the city's neighborhoods things are quiet, just the distant omnipresent noise of traffic and the occasional mrowr of a scavenging tom looking for its dinner.
    But Hell's Kitchen is different usually. There's a harsher edge to it that might remind one of Gotham's old town save for the complete lack of gargoyles and gothic architecture. Yet the place makes do with long shadows and grim characters active at all times of the night. It's just such a place that would give birth to the lone vigilante known as Daredevil.
    The quiet of the night is broken faintly by the rapid patter of footsteps, quieter than one would suspect were they to see those dark silhouettes rushing across the rooftops. A trio of men in dark clothes and full mask and hoods are rushing across the gravel-laden roof of a building that once had been an old textile mill. Their stride quick, their precision almost perfect as they leap over ancient air conditioners and slide under low-hanging pipes. Yet there is one man in pursuit of them, garbed in a half mask with a suit of crimson and black. He makes each movement as they do, following close and slowly gaining.
    Then there's a whir of motion as a metallic rod is hurled from his hip, causing a short sharp clatter and caroming off the piping to foul the footing of one of the men. He skids to the ground, like a runner stealing home, his comrades rounding almost instantly.
    And then there's a silvery gleam as they move like one, the three men drawing blades and holding them at the ready, each in a stance unique to his style, and each ready to face their pursuer.

Delivery Girl has posed:
With one earbud in the left, a passing shadow sounds a little bit like Pink. If Raise Your Glass isn't enough hint that this particular shadow isn't Hand, the fact that the person's female voice says into her celphone, "Hang on ma, I got Hand," as it, or rather she, kicks off a pipe and passes over one of the ninja's heads.

Not an attack, but rather an attempt to place something on a nearby pipe safely, someone that seems rather new to the scene lands with customary ninja lightfootedness behind the fighters, raising an eyebrow.

Then says, "Oh, who to help. Let's see, the asshats or the guy fighting them? SOOoo hard to pick these days." With her hands on her hips, she seems unarmed. Oddly her grin suggests otherwise.

Daredevil has posed:
    Like a synchronized team, the trio of ninja snap to attention, one of the blades coming into line with the newcomer even as the other two continue to face the man in black and red. She can't see their faces, but the other one, the one with the red and armoured suit, his jawline is clean, sharp, and she can at least see his lips move when he talks to her.
    "You might not want to be here..." His voice is a low rumble, stern as if not willing to brook an argument. But his head tilts slightly, brow furrowing beneath that mask as for some reason... something about this newcomer is not quite right, as if she were not exactly what she seemed.
    As for the Hand, they say nothing at all. No verbal cues, no hint of communication. One moment they hold at the ready, but then the next they dart into motion.
    A step, two, a leap into the air and suddenly a long slender blade blurs towards the side of her head even as the other two dart forwards, their own weapons slashing cruelly towards the vigilante in red.

Delivery Girl has posed:
For all the odd things seen in the nightly raids, how the odd girl in the capris reacts might take the cake. She leans forward as she's told to bugger off in much more polite terms, and a metal bar falls into her hands from somewhere. Daredevil's impressive senses would suggest that it came out of her ponytail, but that's clearly ridiculous.
"Yeah, I can't hang long. Eight minutes, actually..but I think that's do-able."
Then she backflips, slapping the incoming blade with the metal bar to parry as she passes her heels near to the Hand ninja's chin. When she lands, she has her hands full of shuriken and the bar is gone. "Gotta stay in shape though, y'know?"
Then her arms go wide, and the air is filled with blades. Small, sharp, and mostly aimed. Mostly.

Daredevil has posed:
    The toes of her shoes come close to cracking against his chin, a quick turn and slip to the side is barely enough to get him out of the way, the blade swapping grips to be held high and at his shoulder. Eyes narrowing, the ninja presses only for when she lands to have her lash out with a blur of blades.
    The air is cut in twain with the whirling rush of the small edged weapons, slashing across the distance. In mid-leap the ninja's blade dances, ringing with the sound of metal upon metal as he is able to cause several of the weapons to ricochet off his turned blade, though there is a short sharp rrrrrip as fabric is torn and there is a spatter of blood even as that bladesman lights upon the curved exhaust pipe.
    Still in utter silence his blade whirls around, a quick blur of cuts as he tries to advance and press upon the lithe newcomer. Yet behind him the other two ninja are seemingly taking turns with each of their blows, striking out at Daredevil, the man holding twin batons and using them to deflect each strike to the side, twisting and slipping out of the way, a short /THOK/ heard as the end of one club slams into the side of one of those warriors, breaking his rhythm and knocking him to the side.

Delivery Girl has posed:
"Really, this isn't that..hang on," the girl says as she runs up a wall and sends a back-kick at the handle of the blade meant for her soft fleshy bits. She makes no grunts, no shouts so customary in some martial artists, just does the moves and breathes.
Taking the actual cut on her leg guards, she performs the split kick admirably and lands with her metal bar on full defensive. She parries the strikes, stepping back, and moves closer and closer to the edge of the roof.

Seven minutes left on her timer on her watch, she seems a little bit annoyed now. "I swear..these guys have been getting tougher." Which is bs, she's never actually fought a Hand before. But they guy needed help. She thinks. Maybe.

Daredevil has posed:
    So much like the Hand ninja as well, perhaps in ages past their styles came forth from the same lineage, though both clans would most likely deny such claims. Yet the bladesman presses her, the only sound coming from him is the whir of the sword as it cuts the air just a few inches off from her each time, the tip lashing forth and seeking to skewer her cleanly. Yet she is ever able to just be a little further away each time.
    The blade rings as her guard catches it, and then that back-kick strikes clean and true, she can feel its impact jolting up along the line of her leg as she holds the form, and then in the next instant they are moving again, even as that sword whirls through the air high up and then drops down into the abyss between buildings.
    Only now he speaks, as he lashes out with his own sidekick, the limb chambering and firing with an intensity that is magnified just then as he perhaps surprises her with a short sharp, 'SEIYI!' as he tries to knock her straight off the side of the building.

Delivery Girl has posed:
And hits nothing.
The girl steps back as he starts his blow, and steps off the building on her own. Her head drops as the strike passes past, and her HAIR whips up to wrap around his ankle as her dead weight pulls him forward with an implacability that's nearly equal to the stoicism they're showing themselves.
The fact that she's practiced this move a thousand times on her cousin Joy is irrelevant. Gravity, however, is not. Nor the fact that she scouted this wall before joining in and knows that there's a good hook spot a few feet down for her grapple.

Just hope the guy can keep alive til she gets back up.

Daredevil has posed:
    Her movements are perfection, long practiced muscle memory gains her the edge she needs, and the scouting of the combat area pays off as she steps back, the curl of her hair wrapping around his leg as he tries to press forwards... and abruptly she steals the man's balance from him.
    Only a moment as he twists, trying to save himself from the fall, one hand reaching out with shuko claws upon the palm as he tries to grasp... the stone scraping as he flails and then... he falls.
    And as quick as that she is victorious, able to recover and regain her place upon the top lip of that rooftop, letting her espy the situation between the masked man and the two ninja that had been menacing him.
    In the meantime it seems Daredevil did not sit idle. One of his dance partners is lying on the ground, his sword having fallen some distance from his outstretched hand, supposedly unconscious. The other is still swirling his blade around, holding stance as he focuses upon his opponent...
    Only for him to catch sight of Maeve out of the corner of his eye. For a moment there is the blur of confusion in his gaze, and then for the faintest moment... despair? Perhaps it was there, perhaps not. But now with his brothers dealt with, and him outnumbered and about to be captured...
    The tanto blade is reversed and suddenly the ninja falls upon his own sword, even as Daredevil reaches out, "No!" But too late. A whisper of exhaled breath as the fallen man goes to his knees... then slowly falls forwards and to the side, lifeless. Even as the other fallen ninja begins to smoke faintly.

Delivery Girl has posed:
The girl rolls to the rooftop, reeling in her line. The death she sees when she's waiting is enough to make her pause, and she actually gulps air for a moment. Then she visibly (irony given her only remaining witness) bites her lip and approaches.
A glance at her watch is sudden but potent, as she actually makes a bit of noise, her feet scuffing the roofing. Then she says, "Jeez man...you coulda just taken the week off or something."
Then a look to Daredevil, she offers a hand sorta, not sure what to do. "You alright? I mean, aside from....y'know, that?"

Daredevil has posed:
    The man is standing there, lost for the moment to whatever inner reflection might be had. As she approaches she can see the way his jaw sets, tendons tightening as he turns his head slightly away from her, as if looking to the ground. Her footsteps are light, and the way she moved, her training evident. But not the Hand. Some other clan? Talented. But young.
    For a moment he shakes his head, frowning before he turns his head to the side and seems to look past her shoulder, as if seeking something in the distance. His voice lifts as he holds up a hand, perhaps staying her from touching him if she had intended to. Then his voice again, quieter than before when he was trying to exert his will upon her, "It's their way. To not be captured."
    There's a small shake of his head as he steps to the side, just a pair of steps then he kneels to pick up one of his fallen batons, sliding it into the holster on his thigh. Back towards her he murmurs, "Thanks for the assist. But this isn't a fight you want to get stuck in."

Delivery Girl has posed:
The girl kind of nods, glancing meaningfully down at the dead guy on the tiles of the roof. She gulps once, not really being totally copacetic with blood. Odd trait in a ninja, but she glances at her watch again, and then curses under her breath.
"Yeeeeah," she says, looking at the two minutes remaining on her timer. "I tend to keep moving anyway, keeps me alive. Speaking of which," she goes into a short run to get some momentum, then does a wall hop and grabs her pizza box off the pipe where she left it.
When she lands, she gives the guy standing a look that's kind of sad. "I really gotta run." Then she puts feet where her words are, and she's off. Barely a sound, but a smell of pepperoni lingers.

Seriously? Pizza?

Daredevil has posed:
    The bodies, however, even as she starts to make her departure continue to slowly hiss and a black smoke begins to waft forth from their bodies, the corpses... including the one she had detained, start to dissipate somehow, the dark magic of the Hand insuring that none of there dead shall ever be found... just as the conditioning did not allow those fallen to be captured.
    Daredevil, for his part, has apparently witnessed this before so he turns away, frowning. But then the... pizza delivery girl? The hell? She breaks into that run and he turns his head in her direction. A ninja delivery girl. That... is going to have to be something to keep an eye on.
    "Stay safe." Is murmured quietly, probably unheard by the girl as she departs.