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Latest revision as of 21:48, 30 October 2017

How Many People are in Your Head
Date of Scene: 11 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-Man, Jubilee

X-Man has posed:
Jubilee can tell that something was bothering Nate from earlier this afternoon. While she was out, she felt a spike of concern directed elsewhere (not for himself), and then she felt him leave the lake area. Over the next hour she could feel various bits of emotion flowing from him. A constant concern was the undertone tinging everything, there was also trepidation, happiness, caring, and then there is the ones she is familiar with when talking about her own situation ... anger and aggravation. She can also tell that he has opened himself up to someone else, but the connection is only him sharing out to them.

As Jubilee can feel him geting closer, there is another turmoil of emotions that are similar to Nate's, but will feel... foreign in some odd sense. These are more muted when compared to his normal feelings, but they feel almost like his own. There is a conflict in him, and he is having a hard time dealing with it. He lands outside with an audible *THUMP* which is very different than normal. As he gets closer to the cabin the storm of his emotions is almost a physical presence, and as he walks through the door his face is it's own obvious show of confusion. He see's Jubilee in the living room, and there is a spike of concern so strong he flinches.

"Hey Jubes..." he starts as he walks towards her, and sits down on the couch. He puts his head in his hands as he tries to settle everything going on in his head. "...I need to talk... somethin' feels weird, and I need some help figurin' it out." His breathing slows, his focus slowly closing everything down, "I've got so much goin' on in my head, and I can't sort it out."

Jubilee has posed:
She knew he was coming before he ever arrived. So Jubilee had set about making Nate a "snack," which amounted to a Dagwood sandwich about 8 inches thick.

Jubilee is putting away the ingredients, and when Nate sits down, she slips in and sets down the sandwich on the coffee table before him, then seats herself next to him. "I'm here. I've been worried about ya today, Baby. Talk to me..."

X-Man has posed:
"So you remember Terry, right? We met her, and had Chinese with her." Nate starts, the palms of his hands rubbing into his eyes, "I could tell she was scared today. Like, really scared, and I reached out to her to see if she was ok." As he starts talking the chaos begins to form more coherent thoughts. "She said she was ok, but I know she wasn't... I could feel she was shaken. I went to find her, and see what was up." His mind settles a bit more, and she can start to discern concern like she felt earlier, and can probably piece it together now. "She was at a bar, having some drinks, and so I asked her what was wrong. She ran into someone called Lucifer that really scared her. I didn't know at the time, but after talkin' to he rI scanned a few folks. He's this religions version of the personification of Evil. She said she met him, and it really rocked her."

Jubilee can feel a protectiveness for Terry, wanting to make sure she's not in danger or hurt, "We talked for awhile. I could tell there was more, and it took me awhile to get to it. There are concerns she has that I don't think it's fair for me to share, ya know, about her past. But she has some of the same fears that you do, and her experiences with this place.." his hand encompassing the grounds of the Mansion, "...are so similar. I get... so ... /angry/ about it..." She can feel it, a harsh deep seated anger about being abandoned, and she can feel the grounds of the house shake a little, as his left eye glows through his hand. Three deep breathes later, and the shaking dies down. "How can people not /feel/ it. You both have it sooo strong. And I don't know how to make it better..."

Jubilee has posed:
"Nate...don't you understand that so much of what we feel is our own fear? It isn't necessarily...grounded in reality..." Jubilee is a little uncertain how to approach it so that Nate can understand without becoming more angry. "I...obviously don't know whatever it is you're hiding. But for my part, a great deal of my anxiety comes from my fear of rejection..." Jubilee runs her fingers through Nate's hair, trying to calm and comfort him as much as she can. "But it sounds like she needs to steer clear of Lucifer. I don't think anyone ever -wants- to meet him."

X-Man has posed:
"We tried taking her mind off of meeting this Lucifer person, and talked about her. I was trying to get to know her, hopin' maybe I'd be able to figure out the right things to say so that she didn't feel bad. I always hated it before when the Terry I knew stopped talkin'." She can feel an affection, one not realized or deep for the Terry that Nate knew in his world, and it isn't hard to figure out that Nate /still/ doesn't recognize it. "And when we talked I shared some of what I'd been through. That everyone has scars, we make bad decisions sometimes that we have to live with, but it doesn't make us bad people." Nate is somewhat rambling as he just talks through what's going on in his head. However, it appears the conversation is helping him piece together his mental puzzle.

"I want to be there for her, because in my World the Terry I knew was there for me. She was the best friend I had, and wouldn't let me fall into the Darkness that Sinister tried to put in me." For the first time he looks up at Jubilee, concern and confusion on his features, "That's ok, right? I feel like it's ok, but then there are these other emotions in my head, I don't understand..." Jubilee will get a flash of a pale faced mutant with large black circle over her eye, and then a ghost of an image in a not-so-appropriate outfit, "...why I'm worried what /she/ thinks. Why do I feel bad about talkin to You, or Terry? I feel like there's all this... time... between her and I.."

"No Jubes, that's the point... I can't hide anythin' from you. I made it that way on purpose. I offered the same to Terry, because I think she's been hurt before... so she doesn't trust what I'm sayin'. It's the only way I could get either of you to /see/ how I /see/. I don't make it up. I don't know why other people do. I just tell you what I'm feelin' all the time.." Then there's another flash of the same pale mutant, holding Nate but not-Nate at the same time. The second ghostly image is hard to make out in the imperfect memory. "Then these other... memories, I guess... started poppin' up. Confusin' me. Makin' me feel like somethin' was wrong with you and I, or Terry..."

Jubilee has posed:
"I don't ...know how to answer those questions, Nate. I want to understand." Jubilee stands and circles the room, finding things to straighten. "Except that some of the memories you have aren't yours. And some of them aren't memories you have of the people in ...the memories." She runs hand over her face. She's straightening. Putting things away. Circling the subject like she's circling the room. "It's all really new to you, Nate. You can't be expected to sort it all out your first day on the job, right?" She smiles at him over her shoulder, and for once her smile is bereft of any emotion except that which it presents. "I'm sure it will all sort itself out in time, and you'll know what's right for you, and what's meant to be."

X-Man has posed:
"Wait..." Nate asks, his confusion is easily felt as well as seen, "Some of the memories aren't mine?" His eye is glowing fiercely, probably as bright as Jubilee has ever seen it, "What memories aren't mine? What are you doin'?" He stands up, moving over to her, "Jubes, sit down, please, and talk to me..." he turns her around, and tries to read her face as he refuses to read her mind, "What did I do?" His voice low, and for the first time ever from him through all of his horrible memories, she feels fear. "I'm tryin' to sort it out with the person I trust most anywhere. I don't know why I feel this way 'bout Domino. I remember things that can't have happened, but they /feel/ real. It's all so confusin'..." and she can hear it in his voice, see it on his face, and feel it through their link. Whatever he did today, digging through his own mind, has triggered 'something' that has got him scared and confused.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sighs and seats herself again next to Nate. "I -am- talking to you. I'm trying to help make sense of it just like you are. But doesn't it stand to reason that...if there is a Terry here, and there was a Terry there...Then given the difference in age between the two, there was maybe another Nate here who would be...older, too? If you got memories from someone of your own, maybe they're his?" She scrunches her nose and looks as confused as she was to start with.

X-Man has posed:
"But how would I get his..." Nate starts to say, and then she can almost see the light bulb go off over his head. "...Cable." Nate says, his voice almost a whisper. Then things start to click together, like one of their puzzles with the smashed pieces.

Jubilee will see when Nate first met Domino at Doom's Castle. His anger and sense of betrayal like he had been walked into a trap. Her own face moving from concern, to recognition, to warmth, and finally to rejection. Her story of being someone different, and Nate instinctively looking into her mind for the answers. However, the connection he found was too much like what he has with Jubilee even though he'd never forged it. The sensation so similar to their own connection that it causes goosebumps on Nate's skin. Then when she 'showed' him her the shared memories there was an impression left behind. They are Cable's memories... and Cable is Nate... The realization strikes him harder than anything in his life.

His mind races, emotions moving so quickly that it's impossible for Jubilee to follow, but the memories that are not his are sectioned off. "Jubes, Cable.. he /is/ me... a Future Me from this World, but Me."

Jubilee has posed:
"But Nate, he isn't you. Not really. No more than Terry is T--Terry." Jubilee stammers, but she doesn't impart any fear, anger, or frustration. "If it -was- you, then you'd have those memories. And you wouldn't have grown up in another world."

X-Man has posed:
Nate nods his head to Jubilee, "No, that's.. that's right..." and his concentration becomes razor sharp, and the ghost of memories start to unravel under his power. Nate now recognizes for what they are, a form of psionic impression left by a memory transfer from another powerful psionic.... not Domino, but Cable... "We're different people. From different places." He says to himself but the spoken words have a powerful effect. A separation begins, and Jubilee can feel it now. The first real acceptance that there is a /difference/ between the people of two worlds no matter how similar they are either in words or deeds.

Nate leans back on the couch, the light in his eye dying down, but Jubilee can see that there's not only blood from both of his nostrils, but coming from his left ear as well. He groans in pain, "Ugh... feel like my head is splitting..." and he covers up his eyes with his hands. She can feel the pain, like a lance in her brain for a split second, before he shuts down their link. "Sorry... can't control this one... don't want you... to feel.." his breathing is coming in ragged gasps between his words.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sighs with relief as the influx is severed, having severed it from her end while she was still circling the room. She turns out the lights and gets a cool wet washcloth, seating herself again on the couch and laying Nate across her lap. Quietly, Jubilee washes the blood from Nate, and folds the cloth across his forehead as she strokes his hair lightly. He will heal faster than any medicine could touch his pain. For now, however, her place is here with him, to see him through his pain so that he can find whatever destiny here that is meant for him.

X-Man has posed:
Nate places a hand on Jubilee's as she washes the blood away. His breathing continues in ragged gasps, and she can see the pulsing veins across his temples. "Jubes?" his voice unsure, unsteady at best, "I'm.. sorry... for bein' dumb.." his hand squeezes her own, "Tryin' to find Forge... hopin' it'd be the same.. I get it... it hurts.." while she can't read his mind, the expression on his face is easy enough to tell. The tear that drops from his eye could be the pain or something else, "They're all gone..." He stops again, taking a deeper breath "...and I've got someone here... who means everthin'"