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Latest revision as of 21:50, 30 October 2017

Megan-Twin Powers Activate! And Others!
Date of Scene: 12 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Meggan, Breath, Miss Martian

Meggan has posed:
Meggan smiles to M'gann, the two girls standing aside the lake and talking to one another, having recently been left by a couple of other new acquaintances.

"We are likely to confuse people. But I have always confused people. You mentioned powers? That might be one of my powers," she says, casually skipping out across the surface of the water, closing her eyes as she feels the pulse of nature in the place, the underlying connections between all the living things singing to her in ways other creatures might not be able to understand.

"Welcome to Earth, then, if nobody told you."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa roams around, looking a bit more bewildered because somehow, she managed to get completely turned around somewhere. Now she regrets coming in street clothes, because a glider would make things SO much easier right about now.. hrm. Lake. Since when was there a lake..? You know what, forget it. There are people here that aren't racing around in a hurry, and she's not some GUY who can't even ask directions, yeesh...

She waves, "Hiyah! Uhm.. I'm.. kind of lost? Ish?"

Miss Martian has posed:
At the moment, M'gann is in full-on alien mode. Green skin, black bodysuit, blue cape. She turns to look over as Lyssa speaks, and smiles over. "We're both new, I think, so I'm not so sure we'll be good directions, but we can try! I'm M'gann and this is Meggan." No confusion at all there.

Meggan has posed:
Meggan smiles, cocking her head at the new arrival, her elfin ears sticking up through the golden curtain of her blonde hair. She's at least resumed her usual creamy complexion, instead of the pale imitation of M'gann she had a few moments ago.

"Yes, we are Megs," she says. "No relation. Do you know where you are going? It is easier not to be lost if you know where you are going."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods agreeably. "That's totally confusing. I'm Lyssa, nice to meet you.. Uhm.. I'm not totally sure where this even is. I came to meet with Dr. McCoy, and then I got turned around on the way back out somehow, and uh... I keep getting more lost. "

She straightens her hair a bit and uhs, "I was eventually going back to town. I didn't really plan things out very well or I would have brought more stuff to get back with. Um.. Yeah, that's about it.

Miss Martian has posed:
    M'gann shifts back, as green skin goes pink, and her superheroey costume is replaced by flats, a scoopnecked tee, and a skirt-over-tights combo. "Are you a student here? I mean, I can try to get you back to someplace, but only if you at least know where you're going." Pause. "I like your skirt, by the way. Good choice." It's not /too/ dissimilar from her own outfit.

Meggan has posed:
Meggan smiles, "Ah, okay. Dr. McCoy! The one with the fur, right, not the one in the spaceship. Oh my gosh, do you know space Mc--" she says, turning to M'gann and then shaking her head, "Wait. Wait. He's just pretend. Duh, Meggan!" she says, bonking herself on top of the head. "I have trouble with that sometimes."

"But yes, it is not far. You could walk. I could fly you. We could call an Uber, although we are far from the city and it would probably take a few hours, but some people like cars!"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ums, "No? Somebody suggested I check the place out, but like.. It seems kind of high schoolish? And I'm like, I have my diploma already, right before I moved here. So I dunno what I would do here. I thought about flying here, but like, my wings are junky and I left them at the apartment. I probably should have brought them though, you know? Oh, and that's an awesome shirt, but I think you didn't have to get it off the rack."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann sees the bonk and "Duh, Meggan", and she can't help but giggle. "We are /so/ alike." She tells the blonde elfin girl, and then looks back. "We can both fly, so we can fly you if you know how to get back with flying. Or we can hang out here. I'm not sure how much a hurry you're in." She peers a bit at Lyssa's back. "You can take your wings off?"

Meggan has posed:
Meggan smiles, "I do not need wings to fly, although I can make them sometimes because they look pretty. I like the gossamer, butterfly style,l although they're not very practical and they tend to get caught in trees," she says, the dreamy-eyed girl nodding at M'gann's assessment.

"Well, I'm sure the Furry McCoy (not the space McCoy) had a good reason for inviting you, even if you are not a school person."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa nods, "I can't fly unless I use something to keep me straight and in the air, so I have to use wings I can wear to fly. Um, I had to ask him some questions about whether estrogen has any effects on powers usually, because I had to check out something that I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or not? It's complicated, the doctors didn't know, McCoy thinks I was being silly but he was going to do a physical sometime later anyways."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann blinks. "OH! Like, techy wings. Well, if you like, I can totally give you a lift." She offers. "If you're not in TOO big a hurry, I can get my ship. If you are, I can carry you."

Meggan has posed:
Meggan smiles, "And I can keep you company. I like to fly. I hope you're not afraid of heights, although if you have machine wings, you are probably not. But maybe you made the wings to overcome your fear of heights. You don't feel afraid, though. Sorry, I can tell what you're feeling, I know some people don't like that, it's just...what I do."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs, "I don't have to be at work till tomorrow, so like.. I have time. So like, however works. Uh, I can stop myself from falling too hard, it's just kind of a pain. Uh.."

She uhms, uncomfortably. "Right, empath. So.. Uh.. I'm not trying to keep any secrets, I just weird out like that." She squirms a bit, awkwardly, and straightens her skirts in a sudden burst of visceral self-conscious alarm.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann smiles a little. "Well then, tomorrow I'll get my ship, and we can take you back the easy way. Where do you usually live?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa says, "Brooklyn, New Lots. I stay on somebody's couch and help with the rent, because I'm a poor little weirdo with messy ID that lots of people don't like seeing. I already have to cross dress to go to work..." She sort've lets that hang, not actually having planned to vent that particular complaint."

Miss Martian has posed:
"Oh, that's no problem at all." The redhead tilts her head a little, not actually knowing that term. "Cross dress?"