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Latest revision as of 22:02, 30 October 2017

A Speedy Welcome
Date of Scene: 12 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Speed

Cyclops has posed:
     A letter from a former student, a recommendation to attend Xavier's. Scott usually doesn't take these things lightly. From the outset, Scott has been preparing for an introduction to this young man.

  He was asked to come to the campus midday, during Scott's planning period. And so, outside he waits, minutes before Scott asked the young man to be there. As usual, if you are early, you are on time, at least in Scott's personal dicipline.

Speed has posed:
    Tommy Shepherd isn't like super late, that's another speedster's MO, but he's a little late, like 5 minutes tops. He had to choose the right outfit for his arrival, basically whether he wanted to go with the nice clothes he'd stolen for the meeting or wear his super suit. He chose the nice clothes. So when he arrives, coming to a sudden stop in front of the X-Man, Tommy Shepherd is dressed in khakis, a green button down shirt with tie, and pair of yellow tinted shades pushed up to the line of his silver-white hair. His shoes, are high end runners and they looked like they were new when he started running, but they're beat to hell now. He sticks out a hand to Scott, smiling "Mr. Summers, I'm Tommy Shepherd, Vorpal said you'd be expecting me."

    Scott might see the natural resemblance to Quicksilver in Tommy's powers, hair and the general restless way he carries himself, though at the moment none of Quicksilver's trademark snarliness is in evidence. He may also recognize Tommy from Jean's mental broadcast of the fight with Darkseid that went out to all mutants. He was there and even got a couple hits in on the dark god. Also, if Scott's done his research, he might recognize Tommy from the news a few years back, as the teen mutant who blew up his school in New Jersey.

Cyclops has posed:
     The bespectacled X-Man looks unfased by the sudden arrival of Tommy. Though the resemblance to another mutant speedster is close to uncanny. "Hello Tommmy, glad to meet you." He offers, giving the hand a firm shake. "Not every day we get a letter from our former students with such a glowing recommendation." Scott notes, opening the main door to the Mansion. "Welcome to Xavier's." He adds. "I'm not too familiar with your educational background. But I would like to iron over some of the details so we can make sure where you'd best fit in our system."

Speed has posed:
    Tommy returns the shake just as firm, and even looks Scott in the eye, or well, shades, as he shakes hands. "Glowing, huh? I hope Vorp didn't oversell me," he says with a smile as he follows Scott into the school. "Wow," he says when he gets his first look at the inside. "This is a school?" he ask as his head swivels from this place to that.

    At the mention of his academic standing, he wobbles his hand. "Left the official school system as a sophomore, but I read a lot and really fast. Do you guys do placement tests or something? Maybe social promotion? I turned eighteen a couple of weeks back and I don't want to be stuck with the kids." he says even as he checks out the foyer. "Vorpal also told me you teach how to control our powers better too?"

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott gives a nod. "It was the family estate of our founder, Charles Xavier." Cyclops himself was dressed in a button down shirt, and a pair of slacks. "We can do a placement test to see where you should be. If you pass, we could probably fit you in the Senior class." That was, of course, if he placed correctly.

  "I don't blame you not wanting to be in the lower classes." Looking to the speedster. "We do indeed teach power controls, that is our speciality."

Speed has posed:
    Tommy nods, breathing a quick sigh of relief his plight is falling on sympathetic ears. "Glad, you understand, sir," he says. "I'll admit, I wasn't wild about doing the school part to start with, don't think I could take it if I had to do it with younger kids," he makes a face, then adds quickly. "Not that I'm not going to apply myself, it's just, if you know anything about speedsters, sir, is that everything else moves as slow as a clock at five minutes before three," he explains grinning, trying to put on his whole Eddie Haskell routine.

     He continues, "I'm really interested in the powers side, and what I can learn to do with them. I saw the X-Men at the fight with Darkseid, I was there, and they were good, really good. Made me see I had some rough edges to smooth."

Cyclops has posed:
     "If you're so close to getting your diploma, it would be worthwhile to get it, even if you aren't interested in college." Scott adds, looking around. "A cornerstone of the Professor's philosophy on gifted students, is to sharpen the mind along with abilities."

  Scott was well aware of how most speedsters perceive time. "You're not the only speedster we have here, so you'll at least have a couple of others that you can race to your hearts content."

Speed has posed:
    Tommy nods, "Yeah, that's pretty much what decided it for me, if I'm close why not get it," he agrees before he nodding to the professor's words. "By professor, you mean Charles Xavier, right? What's he like? I mean I've heard stories but obviously, I've never met him."

    The news about the speedsters gets a blink out of Tommy. "Wait, there's more than one here?" he asks. "I mean I haven't met any, and only know about Quicksliver, the Central City ones, but they're not like us, mutants, I mean, and then I saw the blue haired chi-," a pause. "Young woman, at the fight with Darkseid, but you're saying you've got more here? Definitely picked the right spot." He grins for a moment before it fades. "Actually, I'm getting ahead of myself, what's this place cost? I mean I'm guessing it's not cheap with all of this" he waves around at their surroundings. "And I heard from Vorpal I'd live here, so, uh, how much would I owe you for a year?"

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott was told about the financial situation of the young man. The stoic man keeps his stone face, looking to Tommy. "If you really want to know how much, I could tell you. But I should let you know, I'm working to see if we can get you a scholarship."

  As the professor is mentioned, Scott only lights up slightly. "Professor Xavier is one of the most kindest people I have ever met, and one of the wisest. He saw the need for this next step in humanity to need a safe place to learn control of our abilities, and eventually to be able to coexist with humans." Scott looks up just a little, the Professor was also a very busy man. "You'll see him every now and again here. But he is usually away from the school."

Speed has posed:
    Tommy looks up at Scott, side-eye. "A scholarship? For how much of the tuition?" he asks. "And why? I mean, I am just some random mutie off the street that Vorpal said good things about, and you guys want to pay my way?" he turns to the stonefaced mutant then and looks him in the shades again. "I mean, what are you expecting from me if it works out? I know nothing is more expensive than free, so, what do you guys want out of it if I say yes?"

    The metrics of the scholarship begin to make a bit more sense as Scott gushes about the Professor. Yeah, he lights up a little, but Tommy can guess with a guy who looks as serious as Scott, that's gushing. "Well, I guess things make a bit more sense if he is as kind as you say, sir. I hope I get to say hello sometime when I see him, he and the Imperator are the big names when it comes to our people."

Cyclops has posed:
     Scott didn't want to say it, but there was a certain quality he saw in himself in Tommy. At least, in some parts. "Let's just say, that we are invested in the future of our kind. The only string attached would be that you get your diploma." That was the truth, as Scott would put it.

Speed has posed:
    Tommy looks up at Scott and cocks his head. "That's it?" he asks. "Just graduate?" He gives the teacher a long, searching stare trying to read the faintest hint of deceit in his expression. He doesn't find any. "Wow," he says running a hand through his hair and returning his head to upright. "Then I guess you've got a new student, sir."

Cyclops has posed:
     "Just graduate. That means keeping up a C average." Scott was of course, one of the most honest people in the school. Even if his honesty was hard at times. But of course, 'sunglasses' don't make for the best conveyors of emotion. He holds out a hand, giving a firm shake. "Welcome to Xavier's."

Speed has posed:
    Tommy nods. "C average? I can do that. No problem." He actually sounds like he means it. "And thanks, sir. I will try not to embarrass you," he says, the last given with a smile.