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Latest revision as of 22:04, 30 October 2017

Josie's, Any Given Thursday
Date of Scene: 13 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Jessica Jones

Daredevil has posed:
    Josie's on a Thursday night is particularly sad. The regulars are there, Jonesy is leaning against the bar with his grey beard sticking into his drink as he holds his head up with one hand. Phillis is still playing darts and cursing like a sailor each time she misses a shot. And Josie the bartender is wiping down the bar with a dirty cloth that's clearly seen better days back in its prior life at the car wash.
    Oh and there's that lawyer guy, Murdock something. Blind guy. Good tipper. Always pays his tab and usually the tabs of his friends. Alone tonight, though. Wasn't at first, a woman had been with him at first but had left after a bit. Doesn't really make a strong impression. Thankfully he keeps to himself, sometimes folks see a blind guy and they get uncomfortable.
    But in his world, Matt's in the booth with his cane folded up and set down on the table, his beer standing next to two empties and sweating a bit. And then there's the manila folder he's holding that he's perusing, fingertips light upon the surface of a few photos. As if the guy could see the pictures. Weird.
    Josie shrugs and keeps on wiping.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica stepped into the bar with her hands inside of her messenger bag, she was mildly distracted putting her phone away and walking toward the bar counter itself.

When she arrived at an open stool she gave a glance to the people already here... seemed like a good crowd, the kind of crowd that'd leave her alone... But thats when she spotted Matt at the table.

Jessica would order two beers from Josie and then walk over to Matt's table where she'd set them down. "Hey." She said at him in that tone of voice that made her sound everlasting bored.

"What are you doing here by yourself? This... doesn't suit you." Jessica took her messenger bag off and then sat down across from him. "This whole 'drinking alone' image is my thing, Murdock."

Daredevil has posed:
    The pace of Jessica's heartbeat was always slightly different than the world's around her. Stronger in some ways, steady, didn't give him as much insight into her words bearing truth or not. With her he had to read her more directly, and in some ways that was more annoying, but a challenge is interesting too. So he could sense her arrival, and the way she crossed the distance. His head tilted to the side, just enough for those reflective lenses to catch her image and cast it back to her.
    Then, once she's close enough, he offers a smile. Rueful, not so easily offered as the ones he has amongst people in the office. "Hey, Jessica." At her words his brow lifts, a small 'heh' slipping from him as he tilts his head to the side, "You're right, I should drink at home. Don't have to worry about stumbling home then."
    But then he gestures with one hand uncurling, "Please, have a seat." He smirks a little then after a beat he adds. "Both yours or gonna share?" She'll probably recognize the folder she had given him during the block party. Apparently he'd gone back and gotten it.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica reached over for her first beer and she pulled it over to herself on the table while grinning at Matt a bit. She'd sat down before he'd even offered it to her, but she didn't really care that much, clearly.

"You got the pictures back." She noted, eyes on the folder now. "Had a chance to get anyone to look them over? Danny... maybe?" She asked.

Jessica would take a sip from her beer, or almost, but she paused. "The places are heavily guarded, Matt." She said then. "Its not going to be an easy fight, even for all of us... these people... they have an army, a well armed army." NOW she took a sip from her beer.

Daredevil has posed:
    "Actually I can..." He turns his head slightly, lowering it down as if angling his head somewhat to the side, but then he says a little quieter since the ambient jukebox isn't too terribly loud. "I can look at them. Get a feel for them, micro differences in temperature and..." He stops since he can sort of imagine Jessica's bored face even if she doesn't have evidence of it. So he instead says, "I can get an idea about it."
    Then he gives her a nod, "They seem to be. And yes they do. But I think we have the right people to tackle this. Though we may need one more." He frowns for a moment, and then his head turns back, making it seem like he was looking over her shoulder. "I'll let you know when I find out more about the possibility."
    That having been said he takes a breath and murmurs, "No offense, Jones. But I'm not in the mood to talk shop right now." But then he pushes the pictures back into their folder, just slow brushes of his hand gathering up the images until they're put away. "Evidence before your eyes to the contrary."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica, actually, wasn't bored by what he was saying... His vision 'issues' actually intrigued her quite a lot. "Huh." She said, after taking a not-sip-but-big-chug from her beer and then setting it back down. "You're going to have to remind me what the downsides are to whatever happned to you that made this 'kind of blind' way that you are." She said it quiet enough at their table that nobody else would've overheard it without Matt-level ears.

Jessica would nod her head then at the folder. "We don't have to talk about it then. I just came in here to grab a few drinks before heading home to do laundry... you know, one of those tnights. Liquoring up for laundry night is the best way to do it."

Jess would smirk at him then. "You want me to buzz off?" She asked him then.

Daredevil has posed:
    "No, no." There's a pause between those words, slightly longer than would be normal and punctuated at the end with a shake of his head. "It's alright. I mean I can talk. Just right now it's..." Matt turns his head to the side, then back at her with his features scrunched up slightly as if trying to choose the right words and finding it hard to do so. Perhaps the handful of beers he's had has something to do with it, probably not though.
    "Frustrating. I feel like I can't get my hands on the situation. That it's in flux right now and we're doing everything we can to make it happen. But it's still. Frustrating." He lifts his chin slightly and tells her, "So right now. I just want to... drink." He leans forwards slightly and takes up one of the beers she brought over, only faintly jostling one of his empties. "And to hear what you have to say about life, Ms. Jones."
    He then tilts the bottle back, taking a sip and then settling back into his booth seat. "But no, stay. For a bit at least. Tell me more about drunken laundry. Or I can tell you what I can about..." He waves a hand slightly, gesturing with flared fingertips towards the crimson glasses.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica had already turned to get up and go, but he talked her back down... she was EASY to chase off, very very easy to get to bail on any social scene. But, she stayed when he told her it was fine. "Okay." She said then, turning back to face him.

"I don't want to pry into your... situation, Matt. Its not any of my business, until someone pays me to do it." Thats when Jess would show a little smirk, whether he could see it or not.

"My outlook on life is that its barely worth even getting up in the mornings, so... if you're in a sour mood, I'm probably the worst person you should be having a sad drunk night with. Cause I'm liable to leave you on the floor in tears."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Oh. Good." Matt says at the last she offers to him, but his own smirk is there. He leans forwards a little, curling his other hand around the base of the bottle even as he turns his head slightly. "I'll just have to take that chance." That said he decides that's the moment to take a sip of beer, looking aside in silence for a time before he turns his attention back to her.
    "So. This." He touches a hand to the glasses and takes a moment to pull them off slightly, fingertips working at the rim on one side as if testing the balance of them. His eyes are closed, cast downward as he speaks. "Happened when I was a kid. So I still have memories of what it was like to see. But what it..."
    He stops for a moment turning his head slightly. He can hear Jonesy's steady breathing, Phillis' utter distraction and grumbling, and Josie is busy in the back...
    He continues, "What it became, it's difficult to describe. Because I don't... 'see' anything anymore. I sense things, but without colour, without... a shape as you understand it. I can tell where things are, and I have a sort of... mind's eye but it's..."
    He pauses and smiles a bit, rueful. "It's hard to describe is all."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica would drink while he talked. She loved that arrangement in fact.

Her head slowly nodded to what he was saying and she signaled the bar for another beer... Josie didn't bring them though, she just went to get it ready and would set it o nthe bar for Jessica to come pick up.

"So its like ecolocation." She told Matt then after he finished. "Bats have that, right? I had a run in with an apartment that was filled with them last winter. The former owner left the window to the alley open and they just... I don't know, moved right on in. I kicked the door open thinking it was the apartment of the guy I was tracking down, they all just went... everywhere. Kind of... neat, in a terrifying sort of way."

Jessica would stand up then and go back to the bar to grab two more beers before coming back withthem and sitting down again.

"You ever been tested to see if you're a mutant?" She asked him then. "Maybe thats the real reason this happened to you?"

Daredevil has posed:
    "No it's... not /quite/ like that." Matt turns his head to the side and he smiles faintly, but then holds his words until she returns. But once she settles back down in her seat across from him he'll wait for her to ask her questions and nods a little as if entertaining the possibility.
    "I haven't, but that is possible. I've never been tested. It happened before puberty, however. I was told that was usually when things manifested." With that having been said he turns his head slightly as a couple walks past the door outside of Josie's. For a moment his brow furrows then he shakes his head and seems to come back to the here and now with her. He takes a sip of beer.
    "Put it this way. Right now Jess..." He lowers his head slightly and then lifts it back up, "I can hear your heartbeat, the pace of it." He holds up a hand towards her and murmurs, "I can feel the warmth as your moods sort of change. Can tell you had a steak and cheese earlier." His lip twitches, "From the sound of your footsteps I can tell you favor your right foot slightly..."
    There's a pause as he bites his lower lip, but then he adds. "To me, I don't know what you look like. But I have a pretty strong feeling of this person that is Jessica Jones. It's unique."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica just sat back in her seat and turned to her side to put her right arm on the back of the seat while it held onto her bottle of beer and she listened to his explanation.

"Not all mutants are at puberty." She said softly then, just to point it out to him. "I did a case for a family who's son had run off... He was only nine. Kid had ended up in the sewers living with a group calling themselves 'morlocks'." She frowned and sighed. "Mutants with physical deformities, the ones that get turned away from homeless shelters even, let alone hospitals."

Jessica would take another drink of her beer and then look back at Matt. "Its kind of nice having a conversation with a guy in a bar who's not judging me for my physical appearance." She told him with a dry wit and a big smirk.

Daredevil has posed:
    At the mention of the mutant child he frowns faintly, the story isn't unlike others he has heard, but it always sits poorly with him. He shakes his head, "Then I don't know. I suppose I should get tested." He rubs the back of his neck thoughtfully.
    But then when she offes her last few words he'll smile at first.
    "Oh no." Matt offers, then he adds as he smirks and leans to the side, "I judge you for everything else, but not that." Normally when she's seen him he's had to be 'on' for whatever reason. The role of lawyer, vigilante, whatever. It's rare that he gets a chance to set those roles aside for now and just talk. But he turns his head back to the side, as if looking across the room as a whole. Another sip is taken that turns into a few gulps until the bottle's empty. He sets it down with a clink then claims one of the others.
    "I'm hungry. But this time of night if you order something from Josie you take your life into your own hands." He nods slowly, sagely, as if imparting upon her such a gem of wisdom as to offer eternal insight with those few words.
    "So your turn, spill the Jessica Jones story."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica would just smirk at the part about him judging her for everything. "Now -that- I'm used to." She replied before taking another drink from her 2nd bottle of booze.

"There's a bowl of pretzels at the bar. I can go grab them for you when she's not looking." She said with another light smirk before hearing his other question, the part about her story... and she just turned her head away and looked toward the far side of the bar from where they sat.

It took her a few seconds before she spoke. "Parents dead when I was a teen. Got picked up by a foster family... hated it, the usual. The powers thing?" She shook her head then and looked down at the floor in front of her feet and messenger bag that was o nthe ground beside them.

"Not really sure about that. Maybe I'm a mutant myself."

She raised her head again, took another drink and set the bottle down on the table to reach for another one, the fresh one.

Daredevil has posed:
    "You have my condolences." He says that, almost formally, as if he had said it before. Which he had. But he catches it, catches him saying that on the autopilot he uses in conversations when he's wearing the lawyer face. She might catch his momentary frown just an instant before he adds, "I mean. Shit, I'm sorry. That sucks." He tells her, and for once seems just a touch more genuine in that saying.
    His fresh beer gets another pull then he tells her, "My dad took care of me. Was a boxer." A ghost of a smile shows, "How I met Foggy and all. Our dads were fiends. But yeah. My father. Was supposed to throw a fight. But didn't. And the maggia killed him."
    He waves a hand and grunts. "So then I decided to do this." A pause. "I mean, not this this. But what I do this." His brow knits slightly.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica listened to him say these things and she just stared at him with her brown eyes locked on his face. She stared for agood 10 or so seconds in quiet before she just looked away and shook her head softly side to side.

A minute later and Jessica set her beer bottle down after another drink. "I take it back." She then suddenly spoke again. "You're going to depress me and make me lay down on the floor and cry." She was just teasing him though, her humor was just kind edgey and not everyone fully understood when she was using it or not.

"So let me get this straight." She continued. "My parents are dead. Yours are dead. Fistboy's are dead." She counted them off with her fingers as she said it... hesitating now. "Luke... hasn't ever said shit to me about his family, but I'm guessing they're dead too."

Jessica made a pained expression (not that he could see it, she assume). "Do you see how messed up we are? Uh... no pun intended."

Daredevil has posed:
    "It's one thing I've noticed," Matt says as he turns his head away from her. But then he shifts his attention back, "For people like us, doing what we do, however we do it. The thing that joins us is tragedy. Usually." A small shake of his head is given as if he had just thought of something but didn't care to relate it. Instead he lifts his head again, those crimson-lensed glasses letting her see her own reflection in his eyes.
    "But yeah," His lip twists, "We're pretty messed up." It takes a certain amount of messed up to dress up in a super awesome cool looking costume like his and do what he does. "Though for me..." His smile shifts a little wry, "I think it was also church."
    With that tossed out there he pushes to the side of the booth, sliding out of it and rising to his feet. "I. Am going to get those pretzels." And with that he turns and walks over towards the bar, sparing a smile for Josie when she looks up in her annoyed way. Pretzels procured after he makes a play act at missing it a few times, he finally gets a hold of them and heads back to the booth, sitting down after the bowl clatters upon the tabletop in front of her.