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Latest revision as of 23:04, 30 October 2017

Date of Scene: 20 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Punisher

Ares has posed:
    The overnight shift is the one that the men of Local Labor Union #477 is the one that everyone wants to be on. Time and a half, slightly shorter hours, and with better benefits... it's almost always the old veterans that get on that shift, the ones that have the hours and the years under their belts. They're the ones that go in and make the magic happen for when the people of Manhattan come back to their offices only to find a new wing or floor opened up for business.
    It also happens to be the shift that one of the older members in that union, John Aaron, likes to work.
    The early morning signals the end of their labours as the men brush their electronic cards over the time clock, clocking out as they walk on by even as the sun barely rises over the horizon. Stepping out from the chain-link fence enclosed work site, a tall grim looking man steps down the street, construction helmet on his hip and a backpack slung over his shoulder. A few of his co-workers shout a few things after the man, to which he answers with an un-looking wave over his shoulder, bidding them good night.
    But his footsteps carry him down the street, moving towards the parking garage that houses his black SUV. Morning is still early, and there's still a lot to be done.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle had gotten the work site address from the data that Norman Osborn had given him. He had made his way over here early in the morning before the sun rise and just waited across the street. He watches the men leave one by one as he stands with his hands in his long black jacket. Finally, he sees the man he is looking for. Bigger and taller than the rest of the workers, John isn't hard to spot.

    As the big man begins to walk towards the parking garage, he pushes himself out from the wall and begins to follow him. He doesn't want to approach when too many of his fellow workers are about, but this is the best place to make contact. Frank knows better than to show up at a Man's home, especially if that man has children, and start talking about going to war.

Ares has posed:
    This time of the day, the parking garage is almost empty. Just a few vehicles that most likely were left there overnight, a few commuter vehicles, a couple of SUVs. It's one of those that John Aaron walks towards. There's a small turn of his head to the side slightly, just enough that Frank might register some level of awareness. Awareness that is gauged, considered, dismissed for whatever reason as the man's steps do not falter.
    He reaches the door of that car and tosses the backpack onto the roof, undoing the clasp on his hip of the construction helmet and tosses it into the back seat of the vehicle, for some reason the back seat passenger window looks to have been shattered. He's definitely a man that looks as if he were a thing out of time in part. Perhaps with a squint he seems normal, fitting in with the other construction workers during the day. But he has the sort of haggard features, the intensity of focus that would make one think of a barbarian in some type of horde.
    And the sight of him pushing keys into the lock of the vehicle seems almost entirely anachronistic for some reason. Yet he accomplishes that, the SUV chirping as the alarm system is disabled. The front door opens.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle almost stops as the man glances sideways, but doesn't lose the steady clip of his step except for some little shuffle of feet. As they enter the parking garage and the fact that it is so quiet, Frank picks up his step. As keys are pushed into the front door, Frank Castle calls out, "John Aaron." With a voice that would be recognizable on the parade grounds as well as on the field of battle, he echos through the empty place with the call. Both hands stay in his pockets of his jacket, however.

    When Norman Osborn had approached Frank, it was with both hands out and an open jacket to show no weapons. Frank, however, is a soldier. A Marine. He does not let his guard down nor would he expect the God of War to respect that if he did. If Norman's information was incorrect and this is a set up, Frank wants to be ready for that too.

Ares has posed:
    The tall man straightens, back still to Frank. A hand resting on the roof for a moment. But then he turns around and levels his gaze heavily upon The Punisher. Dark brown eyes narrow and it might be difficult to get the gauge of the man's attention, his body language seemingly curiously at ease yet the subtle air of tension maligning that perception. The tendons in his jaw bunch slightly, but then there is a furrow to the man's brow.
    He does not know the man. And yet he recognizes him instantly. Name? A name doesn't matter. The blood in the path and the wrathful spirits that cling to the wake of this man who approaches... they speak entirely more to the man's nature than what his given name might hold.
    So he addresses him with a single word, recognition reserved for few. "Soldier." That voice a low rumble and firm.

Punisher has posed:
    "Marine actually." Frank Castle stops walking as John turns around to face him. The tension of his body language is stil there, however. He studies John Aaron now that he can at closer distance. He doesn't look like he really fits with the time or even the technology around him. Maybe the information given him by Osborn might actually be legit.

    "If we are being honest with each other, however, perhaps I should call you the God of War?" Frank calls out and raises an eyebrow slightly as he watches for reactions. Time to put the cards on the table.

Ares has posed:
    A grunt slips from him, neither acknowledgement nor acceptance. But he lifts a hand and waves it to the side, "Retired." But then how exactly does one go about being retired from the court of Olympus? Yet he keeps his gaze level upon Frank. There's a small furrow to his brow as he considers the man.
    It is the nature of War to see the weight of battle upon a man. To see in part what travails have passed for such a warrior as Frank Castle. Oh there is no clear imagery of what has passed. But there is a sense of the horrors that have been seen, the trials that have been endured. And Frank Castle is unlike any other.
    So he gets directness, forthright exchange of words albeit short ones as he responds "John suits me well now. Ares if you must. What has passed that you would share words with one such as I?"

Punisher has posed:
    "Once a Marine. Always a Marine. I have to imagine that it goes the same for you." Frank Castle begins to walk forward again to directly talk to Ares rather than call back and forth in the garage. "You know about the Invasion that recently ended here, I assume?" Frank slowly pulls his hands from his pockets now, and they are empty. "You know of the creatures that were running around the city? Parademons, I believe they were called."

Ares has posed:
    Once Frank draws close enough, Ares lowers his gaze just a touch to meet the man's eyes. He remains there standing, hands at his sides calmly and his expression level. Then he gives a small nod, "The Apokolipsians, two trespassed upon my home and were slain." He folds his arms over his chest, brow furrowed in consideration as he looks at the other man.
    "I have spoken with those of SHIELD on this matter," There's a pause and he tilts his head slightly to the side curiously, "Stand you with them? Seek you further counsel?" He asks as he looks at the other. For some reason he connects Frank with SHIELD, perhaps in part because of his manner reminds him of another from that agency.

Punisher has posed:
    There is a shake of the head but Frank's eyes don't really leave Ares's own gaze. He is not used to haveing to look up to another man but he manages to look Ares in the eye without looking intimidated by the size difference. "No. I am not with SHIELD. I don't.....get along with the law and order types like that terribly well." He pauses for a moment, but then offers a hand in greeting. "My name is Frank Castle. I have come into information that tells me that these Parademons didn't just leave with the rest of the Invasion. That SHIELD is considering the matter closed, but these various pockets of existence are still out there. If something isn't done, and done in a permanent manner, they could be a serious threat again."

Ares has posed:
    The man takes Frank's hand in his, a firm shake, business-like. Three pumps, then done. He gives a single nod and then grimaces slightly. "I am passingly aware of such." For there have indeed been incidents with the creatures repairing themselves, or partially disabled somewhere hidden, or gathering together to focus their efforts and wreak what havoc they can.
    For a moment he lifts his gaze and considers their surroundings. Then he nods and gestures towards the side as he starts to walk away from that black SUV, perhaps believing that their words will need some small measure of discretion.
    Once they are a few strides away from the car, near one of the stairwells, he'll turn back to Frank. "What is it you are asking of me, Frank Castle? Are you petitioning me to make this my task? To take up sword and shield once again?"

Punisher has posed:
    "More make it our task," Frank says as they get over to the stairwell. "I am good. When I stop someone, they generally stayed stopped. I have seen these things, up close and personal. I ran into one over in a neighborhood not far off. They place had already suffered a huge amount from the invasion, but this thing was still causing terror and death among the people. It's dead now, but I am not sure that I could have done it alone. To go up against a hive of these things, we need to do something. I'm not much of a team player, I admit, but I can't sit back and see the authorities do nothing."

Ares has posed:
    The marine has no way of knowing, but such thoughts had preyed upon his mind only recently. The block party that was hit by one of the creatures self-repairing itself back to life, the docks from the few that rose from the river. The former even occurred only a few streets down from the school that Alexander Aaron frequents. It all has sat ill with the man and that much is visible in those severe features.
    A grunt comes from him, "I do nothing in half measures, Mr. Castle." His dark brown eyes level back upon the man, gaze narrowing. "If I embark on this task then our goal will be more than simple protection. A war is never won from a position of defense." He gives the other man a nod, "If we accept this burden then our goal shall be to make sure these Apokolipsians are unable to wage war against us ever again."
    There's a pause then he lifts his head, as if straightening to his full height. "Are such terms acceptable to you?"

Punisher has posed:
    "When I was in boot camp down at Parris Island, my drill sergeant made us memorize a line. Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war." Frank nods at how John Aaron describes the possible campaign. "That plan works for me perfectly. I don't want these things coming back. I want stories to get back to wherever these things came from and have them shaking in their boots when they think about comeing back here."

Ares has posed:
    A grunt is given and then for the first time there's a gleam in the tall man's eyes, a glimpse of crimson as for that moment, just in that moment, Frank Castle might see some glimpse of the God of War. He curls a wry smile, vicious canine bared in a glimpse of something almost feral and yet the man is ever so calm as he murmurs. "If we are going to do this, Castle, then we are going to see wherever they come from burn into a cinder."
    And with that he turns and starts to walk back towards the vehicle he used. "Meet me here in one week's time. We shall set to our task and pursue victory for the wanton strumpet that she is."

Punisher has posed:
    "One week," Frank Castle says in agreement. He watches Ares head towards the SUV, but he turns and heads down the stairs they had been standing next to. His footsteps echo in the empty hall before the sound of the push door opening as the Punisher disappears into the early morning.