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Latest revision as of 23:06, 30 October 2017

I Don't Like Mondays
Date of Scene: 21 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Skye takes an enforced afternoon off and hunts down Gothic Lolita (Pt. 1)
Cast of Characters: Quake, Gothic Lolita

Quake has posed:
    As it turned out, there wasn't a lot of information that Skye was able to track down on Lolita. At least not without crawling deeper into SHIELD's systems, and that was a fine line that Skye was skirting right now, given she was one of the ones helping to clear Hydra out of their mainframe. Much as she /wanted/ to know more about the girl and what she wanted..
    The compromise she'd made with herself was this: She'd find Lolita. Actually, the compromise she made with herself came after she'd been booted out of the Triskelion for the afternoon with less than vague threats being made towards her rig.. it seemed word had spread fast through a small cadre of folks who had self-appointed to make sure the woman got fresh air and sunshine as well as semi-regular meals while working on the current crisis project. Once the little trick of pulling random cords had been found to be effective, it had been employed with prejudice. Out of self-defense, Skye was actually taking a break.
    All she knew was the woman she knew as Gothic Lolita frequented stores like the one she'd parked her butt outside one of the few vintage gothic stores she'd discovered existed: Twilight Hearts. Skye having downed half a sandwich and most of a cup of coffee while waiting. She'd even taken pictures and gotten a receipt to prove she'd been a good girl. Of course, that was all out of spite.. she was going to be reimbursed if she could help it.
    And another hour to kill hoping (futilely she told herself) that Lolita might show up. It was like tossing a needle in a haystack and hoping a fridge magnet would help..

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    But every so often....that needle just pops right out, if you're at the right spot and right time. Like today...as you catch a familiar petite figure come wandering around the corner of the freestanding store, a parasol idly twirling over a shoulder as she makes her way to the front doors, then disappears inside as they slide open. Definitely LOOKS like Lolita....though it could be someone who just resembles her.

Quake has posed:
    The parasol threw her, but then again, what did Skye know of goth? And while she wasn't entirely certain it /was/ Lolita, Skye was willing to take a chance. A last mouthful of coffee tossed back before setting the paper cup into the potted plant that sat beside the bench she'd parked her butt on, Skye follows the other into the store. Totally aware she sticks out like a sore thumb there in her jeans and t-shirt, with a faded jean jacket thrown on for good measure. She looked like she'd just stepped off of hte NYU campus, right on down to the backpack she carried over one shoulder.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Oh, so much sticking otu. In fact, the girl working inside, who's dressed in a lovely if slightly gothic vampire looking red silk bodice and a laced black skirt has her eye on you pretty much soon as you enter, though she doesn't approach. Yet. That may be because she's greeting Lolita with the air of someone who's seen her pretty often and is pleased to see her back. The interior is actually full of a wide variety of outfits, ranging from Hot Topic chic to more complicated garments and undergarments for those who really like to get fancy. Lolita has closed her parasol and is drifting towards some of the latter, her head turning back and forth slightly as she does. The shop girl, however, starts heading your direction.

Quake has posed:
    Oh, Skye knew that look. It was otherwise known as 'head the intruder off at the pass' and the young woman had no intention of being headed off and shuffled back towards the door with fingers pointed down the mall hallway towards "The BoatHouse" or worse, "Les Femmes".
    It was duck through a display, or play the salesclerk's own game. And only one of those was going to allow Skye to keep an eye on Lolita.
    "Yeah, so, I was wondering, I have this LARP character - Yeah, like I know that sorta died out there for a bit, but we're all like.. you know, doing it for the lols for Halloween, and I need an outfit. I'm doing Pretty in Punk. That's this, right?" Her fingers drag over the nearest item - a black lace affair made with layers of tulle, a thing that wouldn't hit mid-thigh on Skye, and she's not a tall woman.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The woman pauses, frowning a bit. "Oh, well...I suppose you could try something like that, but it depends if you're going to be indoors or outdoors..." she offers. "How complex were you going for? Something more simple like a nice bodice and skirt combination, or more undergarments and a fancier dress?" She looks Skye over. "Hmm...you definitely have enough you could do with a little push up..."

Quake has posed:
    Skye keeps her eyes on Lolita, using the rack of clothes right at hand as an axcuse to turn and keep checking that the other hasn't slipped out the back or anything. "Oh, I don't know.. someone said there's a prize or something. And Mitzy - she's like this girl who stole my boyfriend in freshmen year, a total slut. Eats bbies for breakfast. But yeah, like she's all trying to win, she's Perfectly Pagan, so like really, who wants to lose to that."
    Daisy gives the salegirl a pretty little smile that makes her teeth ache, "Oh, you like the girls? Ben calls them Regan and Carlotta. Like isn't that the stupidest thing evah?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The woman twitches with the necessity of not saying the first thing that comes to mind. "...yes...it's...a bit odd." she says, trying to remain polite, though it's obviously hard for her. She seems to be a woman who like sto speak her mind. "Ah...well, maybe this one would be a good start...a nice green would look good on you..." she says, gesturing to one of the display dresses that's a nice emerald green silk with curlicues of lacing running over it. Strapless, in this case. "I mean, it's slightly verging on the burlesque.."

    Lolita is over at the wall display as well, though a bit away from you. She's looking a bit longingly at a particularly beautiful layered dress in black silk and burgundy, with an open skirt. Made to wear with stockings, obviously, since they're also on display right next to it.

Quake has posed:
    Skye cocks her head, considering the green dress, heaving a sigh. "I don't know. Isn't it a little Carmen Miranda? I mean.. green? Don't you have something.. more..Dead looking?"
    The sales girl is treated to a pointed look, like she's somehow failed Skye by pointing out the green (which is actually terribly beautiful).

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The shopwoman gets a slightly long suffering look. "Well, there's the more...black outfits..." she says, starting to turn and leading Skye...straight past Lolita, form the look of it, to a display that's pretty much all black lace and satin not far past.

Quake has posed:
    She'd already decided she was going to bump into Lolita, so this worked perfectly into her plans.. When they make it as far as the tafetta dress, Skye stops and goes, "That. That's it. Sold. And the stockings.." She makes a show of asking Lolita, "What other.. things.." she barely stopped herself from saying accessories in front of the sale girl, "go with something like.. this." Waving a hand vaguely in the direction of the dress. A beaming smile is given to the salesgirl. "Like, I know you work here and all, but I'm going to use a real native to help me out, uhm, okay? And like you can just bring us the stuff she says so I can buy it?" All the while hoping her bank account actually had the money she thought was in it, in it. Otherwise this might be a very unprofitable encounter.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita turns her blue eyes flicking over Skye thoughfuly, then she smiles faintly at the shopgirl. "I can help her with this Maeve, it looks like you have a line up front?" The woman turns, then erks as she sees said line. "Thank you Lolita! I appreciate it....I should just hire you as often as you're here..." she muses, hurrying back up front.

    Loli, meanwhile, is now watching you thoughfully. "..."

Quake has posed:
    Skye waits until Maeve heads back off to the front. "Well," she grins, looking slightly pleased with herself. "That was fun. And go ahead. Pick out the accessories." Though it occurs to her, "Uh.. you remember me, right? Girl you tased and kidnapped, saying you wanted for some nefarious reasons? Duct taped guards. Girl in biohazard suit cursing us - she's nice, by the way. Batshit crazy, but nice. And she didnt' tell anyone what happened, so there's that." Well, maybe other than at Xavier's and even then, Skye hadn't been called into Fury's office to explain anything, so she imagined all was well on that front.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The other girl gets a faintly serene smile. "I recognized your voice when you started talking to Maeve." she admits. "And I didn't tase you, it was a neural stunner. I didn't want to hurt you." she says, a bit of a pout in her voice. "Well then, detective girl...is this the end of a thrilling, challening chase, then, to find me?" She mmms. "...and I'm glad she wasn't seriously hurt. I didn't mean to harm her in the first place. If she'd just been willing to listen..." She sighs. "So...how may I help you today, Miss Daisy?"

Quake has posed:
    Skye rolls her eyes. "Nueral stunner, like /that/ was ever so much better. And I'm glad you didn't bolt, then. I was worried you might." She shrugs. "Jenn's okay. A little bit overkill, and scarey as fuck with a gun, but she didn't kill anyone, so I can't complain too much. As to how you can help me, I believe the question is how can I help you?"
    Skye grins. "And pick out what you need. You drool any more on this dress they'ree going to make you buy it anyway. My treat. I'm going to hand in my receipts anyway and get reimbursed. May as well make someone cranky they forced me to take a sunshine break."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "And they'll reimburse you for a lovely gothic style dress?" Lolita says amusedly. "This seems like an abuse of authority, somehow." She tilts her head. "I don't wish to get you in trouble, though..." she says simply. "But than you for the offer." She pauses. "As for how to help me, I also don't particularly want to lead you into my particular rabbit hole. There are people in SHIELD who would to take kindly to you offering me assistance."

Quake has posed:
    Skye's lips bow over an ever so amused smile. "Good thing you're not the boss of me. And hell, yeah, I'm going to give it a try to get them to reimburse me for it. Damn spiffy I am. I consider it a personal challenge. And the other, well, you can help me or you can leave me to do it by myself, but I'm going to do it anyway, so up to you."
    And to make her point, Skye pulls the dress and the stocking off the display and hangs them over her arm. "Don't make me pull random crap up and pay for it just to make you get what you want. Seriously, that'll just end badly for both of us."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita sighs, then selects a pair of matching shoes, then a little feathered headband as well, along with some opera style gloves. "Very well. It is nice to have a bit of variety." And she goes through outfits very quickly when on missions. "You're being very nice to someone who tased you. What induces this surge of monetary benevolence?" she asks, taking the dress and stockings from you so she can carry them for you.

Quake has posed:
    Skye shrugs. "Honestly? To see if they actually will pay. I'm only out today because I was told to take the afternoon off and come back with a tan. It's expected I'll be pissy." She walks with Lolita up to pay. "As to why? I don't know. I really shouldn't, but something about it all keeps niggling at me and I don't know why. You must have been pretty desperate to .. borrow me the way you did." Skye's more careful with her words now that they're closer to Maeve. "Figure I could give you an opportunity to speak your piece and decide if I still felt like helping you or not."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita considers that as you make your purchase, taking the bag when offered, though she's quieter as you walk out, not speaking until you're outside, where there are less ears to overhear. "Not desperate, but...certainly constrained on how I could gain access to the information I was looking for." she admits.

Quake has posed:
    "Constrained. Desperate. Whichever. You went to a lot of difficulty to get my attention. Taking me from SHIELD like that? Ballsy. And if it's computer related, you found the person you want for the job." Lolita gets a full on smile. "You're welcome, by the way."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita smiles. "How rude of me. Thank you. I appreciate the gift." she says with a vaguely amused smile. "And I chose you specifically because of your computer talents and background, what little of it I could find."

Quake has posed:
    "So glad to see advertising pays," Skye says saucily. "Want coffee? Lunch? I'm not allowed back for a bit anyway, and you need to get me up to snuff on what you want."