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Latest revision as of 23:40, 30 October 2017

Mr. Potter's Fantabulous Emporium
Date of Scene: 21 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Daredevil

Deadpool has posed:
"Potter's Costume Shop was established in twenty... something or other on, October 21st, today, the International Day of Nachos, and to the British, it was Trafalgar Day, the two hundred and twentieth anniversary of Nelson's victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets. None of that is really important, but I read it in a fortune cookie once. And in honour of those holidays, I thought it was time to say goodbye to my old reliable, and try on a new suit."

Deadpool stood on a chair in Potter's Costume Shop, wearing only his trademark red mask. Yep, that's right folks, Wade was in his birthday suit, and that isn't for two more months. A man, probably a tailor, bent over him, bobbing his head up and down suggestively, and of course, the man was quite effectively covering Wade's Speedo as he measured the Merc with the Mouth's inside leg. Wade had some class, after all.

Continuing to narrate for himself, Wade said, "Okay, so Melvin's a little old, but he is just so damn good. He's great with these quick jobs. Plus, there is no substitute for experience." Turning to look down at Melvin, he said, "you're doing amazing. You're perfect. You're a pro. Eye contact, it doesn't mean anything without eye contact. Look at me, a pro." Yeah, it's a good thing Wade paid in cash, and on time, and was a generous tipper, because right about now, Melvin was ready to test whether every part of Wade's anatomy would grow back.

Daredevil has posed:
    Melvin Potter was a man who had developed something of a reputation in Manhattan amongst the rooftop and capes crowd. He was a man who at first had made a middling passable villain that launched himself into the gig with some aplomb but not a huge amount of talent for it. But luckily the man was able to fall back on another talent. No matter how his capers went the guy was always dressed perfectly, and his suits were things of beauty for the discriminating vigilante on the go. Eventually he gave in that illicit life of crime and went straight, providing his services to those that know of them at a premium. But ask any of them and they'd say he's worth it.
    Especially to the Man Without Fear. Daredevil had been one of the first to cross paths with Melvin, at first as rivals but now as something akin to friends and colleagues of a sort. So when the masked vigilante made his entrance, not through the front door of course, but through one of the conveniently left open windows at this time of the evening... his arrival might not even be noticed. And often he'd simply drop off a package with a note, and let the man work his magic...
    But tonight, Daredevil needs to share a few words with the man. Which, ineviably, will lead to some with the Merc with a Mouth.
    "Mr. Potter," At first Daredevil's arrival is as little more than a figure in the doorway towards his back room. The it resolves itself to the man in the black and red armor who pauses there, perhaps taken aback by Deadpool's state of undress even though he (thankfully) can't see it, or rather is perhaps just loathe to interrupt. A nod is given, "Evening."

Deadpool has posed:
When the Man Without Fear joined the fun, Deadpool looked down at Melvin, saying in his best English accent, "you'll soon find out that some vigilantes are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making costumes for the wrong sort. I can help you there." And he offered a hand. What was with this guy? Potter was just trying to make an honest living using the skills he had developed over time.

Stepping off the stool, Wade swung his arms about as if he had not a care in the world. He walked right up to where his old costume was, and grabbed a sword. He then proceeded to use it to get some dirt from under a finger nail. "Hey, DD, perhaps you can explain something to me. If it's called Hell's Kitchen, where's Gordon Ramsey. And if it's called Clinton, where's Bill and Hillary? So which one is it, huh? Maybe I'm being punked. Ashton? ASHTON!?"

Daredevil has posed:
    Never one to rise up to the bait, Daredevil answers Deadpool with the level aplomb of a man accosted in the elevator by a homeless man. "Who is Gordon Ramsey?" He asks, though he probably knows about the Clintons. He gives no avenue to run down that joke, though assuredly Deadpool will make the mad dash. But he steps forwards giving a nod of recognition towards Melvin, lifting a hand slightly in greeting.
    "I need something to give more protection against blades if possible, Melvin." There's a pause as he turns his head slightly, seemingly looking past Deadpool, but then points slightly at the drawn katana, "Like ones like that." With that having been said he sets down the brown paper package he had been carrying, leaving it on one of the tailor's work benches, complete with note. But once that's done he turns to face Deadpool as it's best not to ignore the mercenary.
    "Deadpool." A greeting of a sort, "You know if you trained more you might not get so riddled with bullets." There, a comment. Perhaps harmless. No telling with Wade.

Deadpool has posed:
"You don't know who Gordon Ramsey is? Oh, right," he snaps his fingers, as if he just remembered something, or read it somewhere. "Okay, he's a reality TV star, started out as a Chef, owns several restaurants, earned lots of Michelin stars, but most people know him for swearing at amateurs on a cooking game show. Kind of like that orange skinned, blonde haired, alien who was popular a while back. But I'm going off on a tangent here," he swung an arm over Matt's shoulder, "now, what's this about virtues of, and did I hear this right, not getting riddled with bullets. I figure it's got to be the best kind of riddle. That guy in Gotham gives me such a headache. I wish he came with answers in the back, like back in high school, but something tells me he wouldn't be too happy with my flipping those uh, where was I going with this?" Sometimes Wade even confused himself.

Daredevil has posed:
    "Is he the guy that yells a lot?" See, Matt's with it. He's hip. He sort of knows who Gordon Ramsey is. Somebody let him listen to a Youtube clip that one time. But he seems to tilt his head to quirk an eyebrow askance at Deadpool, expression under that mask shifting a touch incredulous even as the mercenary slings an arm over his shoulder. He probably can't tell that the vigilante is listening to the steady thud of Wade's heartbeat, listening for any hint of an edge to the man that might hint at some of the old pre-meditated violence.
    But not like Deadpool is there to ambush him, the visit to Melvin's had been incidental, not planned nor to any schedule. Still... "Just an observation, Deadpool." He steps forwards and oh so rudely sloughs off the arm around the shoulder under the pretense of moving towards Melvin and gesturing towards the bundle he just set down. Melvin, for his part doesn't get in the way of the conversation.
    Daredevil turns back and says, "But have you ever noticed how the big S guy in Metropolis tends to not get out of the way of punches, he just sort of takes them. Something like that."

Deadpool has posed:
If Deadpool actually wanted to hurt Daredevil, Deadpool would be the last to know. And listening intently to that heartbeat of his was eyebrow raising in itself. It came as a steady beat at first, but the longer Matt listened to it, the more he seemed to pick up a pattern. In fact, it seemed to be following a musical beat, along the lines of 'come on, shake your body baby, do the conga. I know you can't control yourself any longer.' How did he do such things? For anyone else, it'd probably mean a quick trip to the emergency room. But Wade was Canadian, and he had health care. He was planning on waiting until he got back home before admitting to any injury. In the meantime, his healing factor would have to do. Not reacting to the cold shoulder, Wade instead focused on this mysterious 'big S guy', "A big 'S' guy?" He reached up, scratching his mask, "Sasquatch? Serpentor? Shazam? Spawn? Spider-Man? Sunspot? Am I getting closer?"

Daredevil has posed:
    That... for some reason causes the man's brow to furrow. For a moment he even loses track of the conversation as he listens to that curiousity. But then he shakes his hand, perception suddenly rushing back into the here and now as Wade's words continue on in their steady rhythm as he lists off the names of various S-heroes.
    But he holds up a hand, "Superman." He says as he turns back to face the Bethonged Mercenary. "My point was, however..." He lifts a hand towards Melvin and spares the man a nod, giving his thanks early even as he starts to move back towards the rear of the shop from whence he came. "That the people who don't need to learn how to get out of the way, often don't bother to. But if you spent more time on your training." His lip twists slightly, "You might save a bit of money from all the patchwork that you need done."
    And as he says that he pauses near the doorway then adds, "Serpentor?"

Deadpool has posed:
"And where would that leave poor Melvin? What about his supplies? I don't want to yank food off the table for some poor Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korese," yes, he knows it's Korean, but he's on a roll here, "Siamese, Philippinese," again, doing his thing, "Nepalese, or..." he then takes off his helmet, twists it inside out, reading a label that says, "Made in USA?" He puts it back on and glares at Melvin, "Melvin, what kind of an outfit are you running. I want the good stuff next time. I want it made in Germany or Japan. Got it?" Then turning back to Daredevil to explain Seprentor, "just scaly friend of mine, has a green thumb, and a heart of gold, or some other part of his anatomy. Though he does cheat at cards..."

Daredevil has posed:
    "You know, you make a good point." Daredevil says as if won over by Deadpool's argument, his brow furrowing slightly as if giving the man his due. He smirks sidelong towards Melvin but then turns his head back towards the mercenary. "If you getting shot a few extra dozen times or so will help pay Melvin's rent, then more power to you, Deadpool."
    But then he rests a hand on the door jam that leads into the back room, pausing for a moment as his nostrils flare subtly, but then he shakes his head again and tilts back towards Wade. "You'll have to introduce me some time." He offers, not that he really expects to ever meet someone named Serpentor, especially with introductions provided by Wade Wilson.
    "I'm going to get back to it. If you're going to be in Hell's Kitchen for a while Deadpool..." He pauses and smirks then adds, "Try not to be."