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Latest revision as of 23:48, 30 October 2017

John Meets Strange finally
Date of Scene: 22 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Constantine

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen Strange is walking through the Washington Square Park with his hand holding his phone up before his face and his other hand quickly tapping away at the screen. He sighs loudly to himself before turning it in his hand and holding it up to his ear. "No. No. No." He rolls his eyes once towards the trees as if they were listening to his conversation. "No Anna. I don't think putting a living Jack-O-Lantern on the steps is a good idea. In fact it's a rather bad idea." He sighs while covering the receiver.

    "No, I didn't sigh Anna. Yes you're imagining-" Stephen cuts himself off as he looks to a map of the park, the pane of glass covering the large diagram shimmering in an unusual way. The wizard steps closer, the phone still to his ear but he isn't responding to anything the teen on the other end is saying. Stephen's grey eyes squint at the pane as he lifts a hand to touch the odd pane. "What the??" He whispers.

Constantine has posed:
     In the glass pane, a Strange house seems to get closer, and closer. The dilapidated looking exterior soon stops in the pane. As Stephen reaches to the glass, he would notice it is actually not touching glass, rather his hand enters through the portal, simultaneously being in both New York City and Bludhaven for a moment.

  The House of Mystery seems to have a mind of its own. It's current owner has been learning that since he took possession of the property. The front door opens with a creak, and a warm firelight inside offers Strange to come in.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Shh shh shh. Anna, listen..." Stephen speaks as he lifts his left leg up high and through the pane. He lowers his head to slip through into the town several miles away and there's an odd static crackling through the phone as Strange changes locations in an instant.

    "What-Yes Anna. I'm still ... sort of here. Where ever here is." The doctor says, as he marches closer to the house and his eyes squint to look at the house in the drastic change in light. Knocking his hand against the door frame, Stephen raises his voice. "Hello. Anyone home?!"

Constantine has posed:
     The House opens the door further, allowing Stephen to see a library illuminated by firelight. No one responds, but the house looks lived in even smelling of stale smoke, and in much better condition than the exterior facade would lead one to believe.

  "No, mate. I'm not takin' the piss. A great lot of lesser demons playin' poker with angels. I swear I wasn't arse-holed!" The sound of a voice rings out from the library. "Wait a tic..." The Laughing Magician holds his hand over the receiver. "'ello?" A blonde man peeks from around the corner, looking at Doctor Strange. "Chas...I'll ring ya back. No, there's a man at my door." He reels from the phone a moment before speaking again. "Sod off ya bastard!" He puts the phone down and hangs up. Moving to the entrance, John Constantine approaches Stephen. "Now...you're either 'ere cuz you like creepy houses, or it reached out to you..." The somewhat well dressed man looks over Doctor Strange. "I'm guessin' the latter."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen wears a three piece suit, a pocket watch tucked into a pocket on the vest, and he steps through the threshhold into the house with a smirk at the foriegn man with the obvious accent.

    "I'm here because I stepped through a map." The wizard responds, interesting a man in the house who's obviously a sorcerer of some sort, and yet doesn't know who Strange is. This is an interesting night. "Hold on." Stephen says to the phone and instead of hanging up, he slips the phone into his inner breast pocket.

    "I assumed the house reached out to me. Now the real question is 'Why'. Why would the house call out to me?"

Constantine has posed:
     John reaches to his breast pocket, taking out a Silk Cut cigarette and lighting it. "Aye, the House, it will reach out to someone with great mystery about them." A drag, and exhale before he continues. "And there's maybe one more bloke more mysterious than I, Doctor Strange."

  John reaches a hand out to greet Stephen. "John Constantine." His name should be recognized, if not only for his infamy. "The House of Mystery, seems that it wanted us to meet."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen reaches his hand to clasp against John's before he pauses just a moment. "You're John Constantine." Stephen says with a single black eyebrow lifting up slowly towards the fellow sorcerer.

    "Seems the house is indeed an oddity." He says, shaking John's hand twice before giving his own name. "I am Doctor Stephen Strange." He tries to hide the smirk from his lips, but his own reputation preceeding him does certainly stroke his ego in that perfect way. "I assume you need help with something John."

Constantine has posed:
     "Aye, I am." Short and sweet, John continues. "As of yet, things seem to be balanced, Doc. But I've got a feelin' somethins brewing for Samhain. The usual buggers 'ave gone silent." John continues back into the library, pouring himself a neat whiskey. "Care for a bit?" He asks.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen nods, stepping into the library, his hands falling into the pockets of his pants, as he looks up into the large, fire lit library as he waits for the drink to be poured.

    "Thank you." Stephen says, reaching over to grab his tumbler and lift it towards his lips but halts to speak. "Excuse me, but who is Samhain?" Stephen isn't familiar with everything, just a really REALLY good improvisationalist.

Constantine has posed:
     John hands over the tumbler of whiskey, continuing to smoke on his cigarette. "Samhain is the Gaelic festival of the end of harvest, and the comin' of winter, the dark half of the year."

  John offers a seat in one of two very old leather high back chairs, and takes a seat in the other. "It is the festival that your 'All Hallows' eve' is based on, a night where the dead can walk the earth again free from their mortal coil. You didn' think that Halloween was all sprogs dressed up like Captain Britain and free sweets, did yas?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Ah, I misunderstood. I thought it was an individual, not a season. My mistake." Stephen says, tilting the glass up to take a sip and his eyes pop open for a moment before he lets out a whoa.

    Stephen claims the offered chair and he shakes his head slowly. "I knew that, yes, I just tend to not get too involved unless there's something that absolutely requires my assistance. I tend to leave the things like that to wizards and witches closer to the ground level of everything."

    Stephen is certainly cocky, but he doesn't talk about his oath to everyone he meets.

Constantine has posed:
     "My concern, is the other side. Up there. Angels, they make you believe they don't get involved. But on a night like Samhain, it's the perfect cover for 'em." John drinks back the whiskey like it's water.

  "I don't play sides, I maintain the balance."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "So you think that not only the malicious dead, but the benevolent dead will rise for some sort of ... what? Nefarious plan or devious scheme?" Stephen asks, not sounding entirely convinced, but not outright denying that something like that could certainly happen.

    "I tend to be the same way, just in a higher capacity. Things I would prefer that no one else deal with other than myself." The wizard says.

Constantine has posed:
     John simply nods, knowing exactly how Stephen felt. "That's it though. I'm always there, when these things happen. I can see these things comin'. I'm not sure what, but what normal humans would call benevolent, will make their move against the dark half. An' that, will throw the balance right out."

  Constantine sighs, taking the last drag of his Silk Cut before snuffing it out in the ashtray, only to grab another. "You must think I'm taking the piss here."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I think you have a point, but we'll see about the balance situation in a few days, wont we?" Stephen notes as he finishes his drink and sets it down on the tiny end table.

    "But I feel like you're having trouble taking yourself seriously. Like your resigned to doom and ruin."

Constantine has posed:
     John reels at the point the Doctor brought up, only to laugh. "You know my soul is spoken for, Doc...or maybe ya don't."

  "John Constantine, a soul that the Morningstar would collect personally. After you've done the things that I've done, Doc, you don't get a get outta hell free card."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's hand falls to the side and lifts up his empty tumbler to look into the bottom of it before he glances over at the man. "Then maybe you shouldn't rush yourself to an early grave." The wizard says with a motion over towards the cigarette hanging from the man's lips. "You have eternity to smoke. Why shorten your time here?"

Constantine has posed:
     John picks up his glass, still chuckling. The trench coated man grabs the decanter, filling his glass up two fingers. He offers the decanter to Stephen, placing it on the table between them. "If'n I'm headed to Hell, an eternity of pain and torture, I'm gonna spend as much time as I can enjoyin' myself. Instead'a bein' a choir boy for the Man upstairs." A flick of his finger, and the tip is lit, bringing it to his cigarette and drawing.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen reaches over to the bottle and pours himself a couple of fingers before setting it back on the table.

    "Fair enough." Stephen says with a lift of his drink. "What's the plan for Halloween then? Sit and wait or are you trying to do something a bit more proactive?" Stephen inquires.

Constantine has posed:
     John drinks from the glass again. "Gonna keep me ear to the ground, see what else I can gather. And hopefully, just hopefully, catch it before they can do enough damage to the balance."

  "What about you? Or do you not believe in a preemptive strike?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I've seen Minority Report. We're not arresting people or beings for thought crime." Stephen says, taking a quick sip of his liquor.

    "I will step in as needed. It's not too hard to get my attention so when and if you need my help John." Stephen says as he finishes his drink and sets it on the table before pushing up from the large backed chair.

    He lifts his hand in a soft wave before he moves out of the house and towards the exit/portal he came through.

Constantine has posed:
     "Indeed, and I'm not hard to get ahold of." John says, taking another drink and chuckling once the Sorcerer Supreme leaves. "Blimey, Stephen fuckin' Strange, in my House." An almost sinister laugh rings from the house, before the door closes, and the portal retracts from Washington Square Park.