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Latest revision as of 00:06, 31 October 2017

First Days
Date of Scene: 25 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thistlewalker, Genesis

Thistlewalker has posed:
Thistlewalker lumbers into the mansion, proper, from the exit in the back. The giant young mutant literally had to duck under the door frame and cleaned his bare feet on the mat, as his mother taught him, before trudging deeper into the building. His ivy-like hair trails down his back and thetwo thicker tendril-like vines hang down lower, lazily swaying as he digs through his everpresent satchel. "It hastae be somewhere..." he murmurs, his voice inhumanly deep and thick with a scottish brougue..."

Genesis has posed:
Standing by the door is a small boy maybe four feet tall though he is currently crouched by the open door. His face, and head are covered with what looks to be an old hoodie to cover his appearance though as he works on the door his hands can be seen as well as the blue skin that they have. Currently he is working on the door trying to un-crunch the door handle which he accidentl did when he opened it he seems rather focused on his goal. "Darn door.. everything is so darn fragile." he says to himself bending the metal like it is putty though it really isn't helping as he can't get the 'round' back even though he is using two hands. It seems everytime he gets close it just smashed together again flat, and he grumbles to himself again about how anyone could use such a fragile door.

Of course it isn't the door's fault it is a normal door, but he is working on it when he hears Thistle behind him. Startled he turns and stands to face him or at least his chest as he is way shorter, he then hides the now broken handle behind his back. The hoodie still hides his appearance, but two glowing orbs of red poke out from underneath them looking at the other boy. He says nothing at first just staring at him quietly.. Not sure what to say in moments like this he hoped at least he wouldn't have rocks thrown at him like his last school. Finally he speaks up, "Umm... Hello." he finally spits out as a greeting.

Thistlewalker has posed:
Somehow, even focused on doing something (like searching his bag) the tree-like giant still seems to have a lazy energy to him.. almost like he is half in a dream... Of course that dream is interrupted when he almost walks into the much shorter young man. He may stand over the equally young man, but Tistle doesn't loom. And he definately doesn't hide his slightly inhuman visage. It's not just his size, but the dark wood/bark brown like skin with the patterns of leaves or ivy either inked in green or literally grown into his dermis like tattooes. He clothes are very simple. Loose fitting cotton shirt and hemp slacks... Sorta hippyish.

He looks down at the red eyed boy with his own green eyes, regarding him a moment, then grins. "Well, yuir a strange lookin one, aintchya?!" he says, and even if it is something that Evan may have heard before from other people, there is not a single feeling of judgement coming off of the giant. "This place be gettin' better every day!" He then notes the state of the door, and lets out a faint laugh that sounds like leaves rustling in the wind. "Trouble wi' tha door, huh?" he asks?. "Nae matter. It 'appens. I'm Thistlewalker. Whats yuir name?"

Genesis has posed:
The boy looks at him, and doesn't say anything else while the large person greeting him speaks he just looks him over analyzing his movements, and speech paterns for now happy to listen. His stare does take a bit of a harder tone to it as he is called wierd looking not getting at first that it isn't ment like the insult the others gave, but realizing even in his anger that he must becareful for situations like these. Though he does seem to relax a little when the issue isn't pushed more accepted he kinda looks up as the door is asked about. "I.. well.." he holds out the handle of the door, now broken off from the door in a flat mess.. "I was trying to fix it.." he explains quickly.. "You startled me when you walked in.. and well.. I am sorry." he admits sadly. The door to him was like an egg-shell he had worked on trying to open them, but it was always difficult for him.

He takes the last comment as accepting it isn't a big deal and continues.. "My name is Evan, though people call me Genesis.. To be honest I am not sure why, but it stuck so here I am." and he gives a small smile with a shrug.. "I am new here, I was looking for someone to fill out my papers with.. I guess I will be staying here from here on.. Well.. If they don't kick me out for the door thing that is... Really I am sorry, but since I was a boy the world is like an egg-shell.. It is sooo hard just to not break stuff." he shakes his head.. "Acidently flipped my bus once.. that was worse, but I hope this can be fixed."

Thistlewalker has posed:
of course, it would probably be sort of like the kettle calling the pot black, what with Thistle saying Evan looked weird, so it's another point (hopefully) in his favour of it being more a comraderly joke than anything else. If he noticed a flash of anger from Evan, he sure didn't show it. Then again, the way he keeps smiling so easily that is hard to see him having been TRYING to be mean at all.

When what happened is explained, Thistle laughs again, shaking his head. "Och, I am sorry. I didnae realize I startled ya. No need fuir ya tae apologize.." he says, then bends over past Evan to examine the door while Evan now explains and introduces himself, though keeps examining the damaged door. "Tis a Pleasure tae meet ye, Evan.." he says and then kneels down beside the new guy. "Dinnae feel bad about bein new 'ere, m'friend. I'm new 'ere too. And I wouldnae worry 'bout tha door. I've seen it get broken three times in tha last week alone." he tells him. "Yuir not the only one 'ere that 'as some troubles wit' the world around us, right? Thats why we be 'ere. Ta learn how ta use and /not/ use our gifts.." he spreads his hand around the hole where the door knob came out of. "It looks like ye got it bent back inta shape.. Just put it back in.. I'll fix tha rest.."

Genesis has posed:
The boy nods, already forgetting the comment earlier he actually wrestles up the strength to lower his hoodie. It takes a bit as this is where he usually got laughed at or yelled at, but this place was supposed to be different. He lowers his hoodie to show a young boy his skin completly blue in color except for his eyes, and his short cropped black hair on his head. The lines from the edges of his metalic looking lips go up to his ears making his bottom jaw almost look like it is another part attached to his face. His eyes glow red as he looks at Thistle though only light shines for now. "I have never met another.. with powers that is." he starts as he moves the handle back to the broken slot. "My parents put me in a normal school, but they were all normal people." he says a bit lower.. "Normal people can be rather mean to those who are not."

He shakes his head, "But I am learning before I would of broken down the whole door, though it is stll difficult at times."

Thistle may notice he had not moved closer to the door. His arm seemed to just natrually grow longer to put the handle back in place it showing to be longer then the other now. He doesn't seem to notice what he is doing though it being more of a natural instinct then him trying to show off or anything. He glances atlol Thistle from the corner of his eye, "So they can stop our powers here? Can they... make us normal? I mean I know we are different, special even, but I mean... could they make us look like normal people?" he had a tinge of hope in his question, he had never looked normal. Though he tried his best to hide his intrest in the topic it was difficult for him for it was something he wasn't sure if he would turn down if there was that option.

Thistlewalker has posed:
Thistlewalker looks up a moment as Evan fully reveals his face and.. well.. there is no look of surprise on thistles face. Or disdain. Just that ever friendly smile of his as he studies the slightly-newer-than-he student. Then nods. "Never met another mutant before now?" he asks, sounding curious. Then shrugs. "Or never met another who /looked/ like a mutant?" he smile becomes a grin. "I only met a few meself, befuir I came 'ere..." he admits... then sighs and looks sympatheticaly.

"And yuir right, m'friend... not everyone be nice ta people who are dif'rent.. But then again, there are many people who /are/ nice as well.." he says.

His gras-like brow arches as Evans arm seems to stretch to fit the knob back into the door. "Cor! That's pure barry!" he says.. whatever the heck that means.. probably something like 'cool'. He then places his hand against the cracked wood around the knob and concentrates.

"What makes ya think ye ain't normal?" he asks as teh wood seems to creak.. The fissures start to close as the wood seems to heal.. grow.. fitting around the knob's base tightly as he lovingly strokes the polished surface. "I mean.. I get it.. people like you an me.. We dinnae look like everyone. But so what? Thats OTHER peopel's problems.. Thats wha' me Gran told me." When the wood is finally new again, he slowly stands, smiling. "Ye can't fix what ain't broken, Evan. Ya ain't broken. Neither am I. Besides, grey isnae tha worst color, right?"

Genesis has posed:
He shakes his head, as he listens.. To be honest he gets about half of it, but with a little thinking he is able to decifer the meaning. Though this means he is quiet for a bit after he is done speaking. He does watch the wood heal, and notes it down for later as well as the wood around them. Floor, ceiling, there was a lot of it though it looked like he needed contact, and concentration though maybe that was for work that was detailed such as the door. Noting it all down in his mind he continues. "Well.. as far as I know at least never any.. Of course they could be hiding in plain sight, but if they were they hid it well, and looked like everyone else." he keeps that serious analyzing look on his face as he talks thinking about the others to see if there was any signs in his own memory. "And so far, I have not met a single normal person that was nice.. They all wanted to hurt, or use me to their own ends.. Collecting money, beating people up.. I wanted to do neither."

OF course he was streaching the truth, but just a little bit as his parents were nice to him, as well as the doctor, but they didn't count to him. As the door was healed Evan carefully lets go again, and his arm returns to normal. "That is an intresting power you have there.. One could bearly see the difference." he points to the grain of the wood. "See how the grains are just slightly off there, and there." he actually smiles though for the first time.. "Though who needs a back seat door fixer right?" and shakes his head.

He then looks down the hall.. "What is normal.. My friend I don't mind your appearance as you seem not to mind mine, but we both know that we are not what others would call normal." he shrugs, "You might be right, we might be better, but still that does not change that fact." When he speaks about it he seems more analytical about it then emotional. "I do not mean to agrue with what your... Gran has said, but I can not ignore that fact as well. It is an intresting question though.. I will have to think about it more." he then grins slightly, "Though I noticed you did not answer my question." and he looks at his own skin... "You must know what it is like people staring.. whispering behind your back.. I know we are not broken, but sometimes I think it would be nice to just be able to walk outside ya know... without having to worry about all that... Just one of them. I know it isn't right, but still.."

Thistlewalker has posed:
Thistlewalker tsks and sighs, again looking apolgetic and sounding sympathetic. "I'm sorry ya 'ad ta go through stuff like that... I mean, tis not like me life was all roses and all. I met enough bigots ta make me wary but.. I wuz lucky me family were as lovin as they are.. and most uv tha townspeople.. Not all, but most. Not that I went inta town to much. We lived in tha forest. Me mum is a Ranger fuir 'er majesty's crown lands." he explains. "So I guess it wuz fate that I wuz born this way. Nae other mutants in town that I knew uv but.. lets just say I 'ad some special friends in tha woods." Is he implying there were something like Fae?

He then regards the grain of the door. "Power... My gran calls it My Touch. She is of the old country, though." he chuckles. "And it not be back seat fixin. I can see the grain be off but thats tha way it wanted ta grow back.. I try not ta force things against their will."

He then turns around and looks down the hall as well. "I dinnae look at it as arguing, Evan. Yuir allowed ta 'ave yuir own opinion. And I did not say we were better.. Just different. And, aye. I know what it is like ta be stared at. I know what it is like ta be called a monster or even a demon. But I dinnae know what it is like ta /be/ 'normal'. I was always like this. And from what I have been told, well, there is no 'cure'. And I am not sure I would want there ta be one. Not becauuse it would change me from what I know, good or bad, but because it would imply that I am sick.. And I am not sick."

Genesis has posed:
Evan shrugs, and gives a small chuckle.. "We all have our own history I guess.. Will most likely run into both here now that I am litterly surrounded by the type of people I have never met before." he gives a shrug, "Though I didn't know there was still royalty that existed. I mean I have heard of Majesty in fairy tails, but never knew they were real." he gives a small smile with a shrug. He was rather sheltered he knew that, but that there were still people out there that followed such a system was astounding to him. He didn't argue the 'friends in the woods' part, as frankly he didn't get the refrence. if he was implying fae there would be little way that Evan would know as he had never heard of Fae before.

Though he does give a small nod, "Power, curse, touch, it is all the same really.. We want to do something, and it is done.. I had never known another way as I was born like this, and every year I seem to just grow more and more powerful making it harder, and harder." he puts a palm to the door this time very.... very carefully.. "I worry soon I won't be able to touch anything without destroying it.. I wish we could trade ya know." and gives a small chuckle again. "In this case I will take your word on it that this is for the best.. I mean the door. The rest is up for discussion of course."

"I guess from what I read people are supposed to start off as normal, and grow into a mutant.. I was not able to learn much about it, but I was always curious as I said I was born like this, so never experienced that. It is good to know I am not the only one." he pauses looking in, and sighing.. "Listen I better go find someone to fill out this paperwork.. I am sorry if I implied that you were sick, or should change. I can only speak for myself like you said about yourself, and I don't know if I would give it all up to look normal... Honestly I have no idea, but I can say this.. I would punch the lights out if someone ever said something like that to a friend... Though I have never had one before.. So I guess I assume I would... just carefully." and grins and nods to the door implying what happends if he doesn't do it carefully.

Thistlewalker has posed:
Thistlewalker reaches into his satchel and pulls out a small white paper bag, shrugging a bit and grinning. "Naw, I ain't offended. I know ya didnae mean ta actually say I was sick.. and I ken even understand what yuir trying ta tell me. We all 'ave walked our own paths, ad sometime gthey get rough and we wish we coulda found an easier route. That be life." he reaches into the bag and puls out a peice of candied ginger, then offers some to Evan. "And if ya never 'ad a friend before, then ye 'ave one now. And you'll make more friends 'ere to. Tis a great place, it is. Nowc'mon. Lets find ya someone ta check in with. Oh, just forwarnin ya.. Some of tha more /normal/ looking people 'ere are tha weirdest ones of all." he says with a laugh, then sarts leading Evan towards the offices.