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Latest revision as of 00:16, 31 October 2017

How can I help you, Ms. Starr
Date of Scene: 27 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Daredevil

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen Starr had been a little busy lately. After the Apokalips scenario, Karen has been trying to work on some of the leftover tech and identify the metals there. Some of it had made a new element and karen had to go and....get a little legal advice. So she went to Nelson and Murdock. She actually taps the door of the office gently....VERy gently.

Daredevil has posed:
    The walk up to the law firm of Nelson and Murdock is only a little bit of a way, three stories, a trifle for someone like Karen Starr. And then she'd have to make her way down the hallway, past the accounting firms, the bounty hunters, the debt collectors... until she gets to the door with the glass window that proclaims proudly 'Nelson and Murdock, est. 2024'
    And then when she knocks she'll hear a voice lift from within, "Come in." He calls out in answer and then should she do so and make the choice to enter she'll be greeted by...
    A blind man holding a heavy cardboard box that seems to be entirely overflowing with manila folders. It all seems rather dangerously precariously held as he steps across the room gingerly, one arm supporting the box and the other clicking away with his cane.
    "One moment, I'll be right with you."

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen opens the door and tilts her head. "You okay? Can you handle the box all right?" Rather than rush over, she asks him if he'd like help, since some wish to retain SOME independence. She does, however, close the door behind her.....

Daredevil has posed:
    "What, this? This is nothing." He says in that jovial tone, warm and amused even as he takes a few steps and almost drops the box, but then he makes it to the other desk and sets it down with a /fwumpf/ and then proceeds to touch a hand to the top of it, brushing fingertips over the tabs of some of those folders. "What can I do for you today, Miss..." The words trail off as he awaits for her to supply her name, even as he finds the folder he's looking for, takes it up in one hand and begins to walk back towards her.
    Once he's close enough he'll extend his hand towards her for a short sharp business-like handshake.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Starr. Karen Starr." Karen says shaking Matt's hand.....and he can FEEL the fact that she's not giving him a firm handshake. "I actually need a small bit of legal help....if you're in the mind of going over the legal bits of newly introduced elements to the periodic table.

Daredevil has posed:
    Despite the blind man's manner, despite his oblivious facade, she most likely can't tell that during this small interaction he's taking her measure. The soft thrum of her heartbeat is heard, the faint rush of blood and her pulse as she moves, the way her breathing is so controlled and her biology so strong it's almost foreign, even her scent is subtly off. Yet he speaks to none of this. Instead he just smiles to her, "I'm not sure that's in my wheelhouse, Ms. Starr."
    As he says this he steps back and to the side, gesturing for her to have a seat should she wish, and then he'll walk back around the desk to take a seat opposite her. "I'm mainly a defense attorney, but I can hear your thoughts and perhaps point you in the right direction."

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen waits for Matt to sit before she does, and she sighs a bit. "Well, after the invasion of Apokalips, Star Labs has been trying to figure out how some of their tech worked, and we've discovered a new element that we don't have here. The big problem is, and why I came here, we're kinda getting attacked by other research companies, like Hammer Industries, since they want the element for weapons.....and they're trying to take it from us through legal means....."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Ah, so you need a patent attorney technically, although if this is in conjunction with a government defense contract then any patents may have to go through them." Matt says as he frowns for a moment, touching a fingertip to the side of his chin and scratching at some of the stubble there thoughtfully. He tilts his head towards her and smiles faintly, "I am afraid this isn't something I'd be the best at for you. I could at the most get some preliminary groundwork laid out, and then aim you at someone who would represent your interests better but..."
    He shakes his head, hands flaring slightly as he perhaps tries to tell her that she might be best off with someone else. "But you should perhaps check with any government liaison you may have."

Power Girl has posed:
    "Heh. And that's why I came here. I needed an unbiased opinion. Some of our liasons have been.....compromised." Karen then leans her head back. "Plus.....you'd be surprised at how often the smaller, in scale, attorneys tend to have a better view on law and their client's stuff in mind rather than their own agenda."

Daredevil has posed:
    "Well," She can probably read the momentary trepidation in the man's manner, but he gives her a nod. "I'll start to get all of your ducks in a row, Ms. Starr. Then I'll make a few phone calls and put you in contact with someone that makes this his specialty. That's the best I can do for you." He spreads his hands slightly, palms upturned a little, just a hint of a gesture of surrender.
    "Is there anything more I can do for you?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen smiles. "Sadly no. Just....please be careful who you call." The tone in her voice says she means it as well. "thank you, Mister Murdock." And she holds out her hand for him.

Daredevil has posed:
    The tall lawyer smiles back to her and gains his feet, rising and accepting her hand when he holds out his own. Another short polite shake and he covers her hand with his other to give a small squeeze. "Don't worry, Ms. Starr. I'll make sure to look after your interests until I find someone much more suitable." He lifts a hand, "If I could just have your contact information and any information you may have about this, I'll get things started."

Power Girl has posed:
    Karen smiles a bit. "Thank you. I do appreciate it, Mister Murdock." She then starts to write down her contact information....using an easy hand, and writing slowly, so she doesn't burn up the paper.....

Daredevil has posed:
    Once that's done he'll rather casually walk her to the door, and once there open it for her. A smile is given and then he'll spare a nod as well. "I'll be in touch soon, take care of yourself, Ms. Starr." And with that said, unless she stops him, he'll close the door behind her.