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Latest revision as of 00:37, 31 October 2017

(Super)Pizza & a Talk
Date of Scene: 29 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Power Boy

Supergirl has posed:
Texting Beau to meet her for pizza, an Earth food favorite, Kara Danvers is in a sweet sleeveless pale yellow sun dress with a denim jacket and white Keds. Her hair is up in a pony tail and she fidgets with her glasses outside the pizza parlor. As people pass to go inside she flashes them bright, nervous, awkward smiles and gestures ahead.

Supergirl has posed:
Texting Beau to meet her for pizza, an Earth food favorite, Kara Danvers is in a sweet sleeveless pale yellow sun dress with a denim jacket and white Keds. Her hair is up in a pony tail and she fidgets with her glasses outside the pizza parlor. As people pass to go inside she flashes them bright, nervous, awkward smiles and gestures ahead.

Power Boy has posed:
The dog is the clue. A little pug puppy that despite the fact they live outside continues to thrive. But then, it is very likely the self-exiled former Apokiliptian can teleport to warmer climes for the dog's health and confort. Jurby is wearing a little black puppy sweater. It has a little open circle on the front. A jiggling 'S' tag on the collar has joined hit other info. The puppy runs on little legs straight up to Kara, huffing, puffing, and being a happy little barky beast.
    Beau walks up a little after. Black leather jacket over his normal clothes. "Hey?" He pushes his 'Hipster' glasses about on his face.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles and kneels to greet Kirby. "Look at you handsome man! A sweater and everything!" She coos to the dog before looking back up. "So, pizza. You'll love it. Hot and fresh made-it's pretty much one of the better things in life." She tells him and stands, going to pull open the door for them.

Power Boy has posed:
"In the bag little dude." Beau tells the dog. The dig crawls in, but the pokes his head out the top. People give him looks, but he is getting used to them. "People think I am a homosexual because of the dog in the bag, and the puppy sweater." He says it so frankly. He makes a little face. *The weather is changing. Can you keep him?" You do not need to be an empath to know how unhappy Beau is over asking that. He grabs the door to folliw her in, and gently reaches for her hand.

Supergirl has posed:
"I'd have to ask my guardians." Kara says and loops her arm in his. "Or, I could introduce you to say-Wonder Woman and maybe we could help find you a place to stay?" She offers and tows Beau into a line of other people to order. "So-there's about a million combinations of pizza toppings-the best is pinapple and ham-but umm, you know, you should feel free to try what sounds good." She explains quietly and adds "I think Kirby is cute in a sweater."

Power Boy has posed:
    " I am not a homosexual." Beau adds, as a statement of fact. "But I would not be ashamed if I was." He considers this. "I would work for my shelter." He explains it quietly. "Just really a place for Kirby." He gives her a small look. "He loves me." It is said very softly. "I love him. I love him enough to see he has a goid home. But... I want to keep him." the young man admits it readily. He still appears to be confused about what these things actually mean, but he obviously understands the purity of the emotion. He looks to Kara and he quirks and eyebrow. "Thank you for helping me. I will eat whatever you are having, but pineapple is bad for dogs." He pulls her just a little closer, as if seeking comfort.

Supergirl has posed:
"That's fine, Wonder Woman will figure something out. I don't want you and Kirby separated." Kara looks up at the menu and then Beau when he pulls her closer. "Hey, it's ok. I won't leave either of you out in the cold in the winter." She tells him and gestures to the menu. "What about meat lovers?" She asks as a toppings suggestion. She's optimistic that the Justice League will help him.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I didn't do what I did for awards or to make nice with pretty heroines." Beau attempts to loop that arm about her. "You are not an award. You are not a prize." He might be reminding himself of that. His look softens. "Sounds great. If you like it, I am sure I will, but you should get what you want. I don't have to eat." He just likes it.

Supergirl has posed:
"It's not about an award. Who said I was?" Kara asks and eyes Beau, confused, a little weary. "I never said you chose to stay for awards, or me-I haven't forgotten what your mission was." She says very quietly and puts on a bright smile, playing the normal young adult as she decides pizza flavors. "Meat lovers is probably safest."

Power Boy has posed:
    "Stop being wonderful." His features show conflict. "Courting." He uses the old fashioned word. "Is not how things are done. I was raised in a world where you took what you could, or were awarded for achievement." He whispers the explanation. She has that great hearing. He orders the meatlovers pizza, and pays cash, with some rumpled, crumbled bills. He seems inordinately proud of that money. His chest actually puffs up paying for it. He slants her a little look. "Can feed a dog, and a girl." This is his measure of accomplishment.

Supergirl has posed:
Sliding her wallet back in to her jacket, Kara nods and gets them two glasses of water. She carries those and looks up at Beau, leading him to a table. "Sooo, courting's sort of an old fashioned word and the connotations have a lot to do with like-long term things. Maybe you're thinking of dating?" Kara prompts. "It's more a casual arrangement, that doesn't immediately suggest like-wanting to spend the rest of your life with that person." She tries to be helpful. Setting the cups down at an empty table she sits and smiles again. "How am I being wonderful? I am just being helpful."

Power Boy has posed:
    He just sort of looks at het like she has a second head as she talks sbout dating. He moves about as directed. He sits close to her. He smiles. All like a normal earthboy, right up til he shares his water with the dog. Shares. His broes narrow after he drinks after the dog. Ugh.
    "I used the correct word."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara stares over her water, surprised. "Ummm, but...you-I mean we just met." She points out, a little flustered. She watches him share his water with Kirby and considers whether or not she explained it wrong. "I meant, courting is like-something old nobility or aristocrats did in some countries for marriage." She says and smiles. There, that should clear things up. She nods, content and leaning back on herself of the booth, careful and trying to look relaxed. She's always more alert and careful with her movements in public places.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Are we going to talk science why that is advisable. Or do you want to talk feelings?" Beau asks her. He drinks from the cup again, then tries to kiss her hand. His blue eyes regard her with a knowing, quiet calm. "I can speak towards either."

Supergirl has posed:
A blush creeps onto Kara's cheeks and she looks to the scant condiments on the table, rearranging them. "I think the science is dodgey. There's know way to know-I mean, jury is still out on most species." She murmurs. "And if it weren't, the resulting...could be totally sterile anyway and that's like-years and years off." She murmurs and looks around. "Can we just talk about like-jobs or something?" She wonders, hopelessly flustered and shy as she glances around the pizza parlor.

Power Boy has posed:
    His whispere is soft. "Don't do that. I'm not dumb. I have brains too. I read through libraries in less than a day. I simply lack whatever it is that makes you better at making that next leap. So, please do not dismiss what my technology assures me to be true." Beau fidgets too. "Don't... blow me off, Kara." He says it after some thought. "I do not have an identity, papers, prospects, nor am I likely to develop them." Beau just shakes his head. "Look. I'm gonna go. Thanks for the invitation."

Supergirl has posed:
"Wait, Beau." Kara rubs her cheek and reaches out to catch him. "I'm saying I can help with all of that-just-we haven't known each other long, it's a lot to sweep into someone's life and declare you want to spend your life with them. I'm still not used to my new home-and you're-you hardly know anyone." She points out, quelling the little bit of jealousy she might harbor at the idea of him deciding to court another. "I just-lets focus on getting you a home, and a job, and all the normal trappings of fitting in and then-the rest can be figured out." She blows out a breath and looks at him.

Power Boy has posed:
Power Boy says, "Why?" Beau asks. "I mean, all you seem to be as unhappy about how this place works. Why should I sign up to be unhappy? I do not understand." he looks very frustrated. He rubs the side of his head and then gently caresses the puppy's ear. The dog lolls its tongue out at him. "I do not see my feelings. I see yours. I understand things are hard to comprehend, I really do. You are confusing me. To me, planning ahead is smart. To me, not paying attention to how we feel is why you are unhappy with your position on this planet. I am not judging you, but it seems like you do a lot of things that make you unhappy because they tell you you have to. maybe that is the price for being here and that is fine, but it seems to me like cutting something out or denying that something does make you happy is just foolish. I do not think you are a fool.""

Supergirl has posed:
"It's...just part of blending in. Kal says it's important, and maybe it is, but it doesn't change the fact that I miss home and it's been a fight to find my place." Kara says and looks at Beau. She's a little afraid of how she feels, trying to keep her emotions played down, controlled. "You might like it here, blending in-I keep thinking it's not Argo City." She presses her lips together, sorrow welling up. "Nothing is, here."

Power Boy has posed:
Power Boy makes a face. "you think I like it here? You could not be further from the truth. Is it better where I've been where I came from? Yes! It is! It is also more confusing. It is also frustrating. It is also a world made of cardboard. I feel like if I sneeze I'm going to kill a dozen people." Beau makes a face as he pets the dig. "I try to blend in because you want me to. at least back home, I knew what my place, position, and my purpose was. Unfortunately, it was to do horrible things. And that respect this world is superior, but what makes it more promising, is you and Kirby." He pushes a hand through his hair. "Do not think that a part of me wishes I did not enjoy making people feel good or feel happy. My life would be better on apokolips in some ways. I would at least have a home."

Supergirl has posed:
"I am trying to help you have a home." Kara leans over the table, her whisper more heated. "I thought you liked Earth, thought it beautiful. It's very fragile, I know but-" She leans back as their pizza is brought over and she smiles at the server and looks back at Beau. She's upset, she'd thought he liked being on Earth, she's disappointed in herself and she leans back with a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to make things better-I'll get you an appointment soon as I can so you can have a home-and a means to provide-I know that's important to you." She tucks a stray blond lock behind her ear and adjusts her glasses.

Power Boy has posed:
"It is very dangerous for me to stay here. I mean, I did sort of dessert from his forces. That makes me a bit of a Marked Man. I think I did the right thing though? I mean, it is a pretty place. these people haven't done anything to deserve his attention. It is complicated. It is fragile. It is wonderful. this place is just not my home. I am trying to make it my home. It might help if you wouldn't confuse me so much." his admission obviously makes him uncomfortable. He tilts his head to one side as he continues to pet the dog his other hand slides up to push through his hair before he looks back at her. Beau sighs. "you just make things unnecessarily complicated, and I just don't understand."