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Latest revision as of 00:46, 31 October 2017

TITANS: Now You Know Why He's Named Damian
Date of Scene: 30 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Damian Wayne is a deceitful little imp. And that's one of his best qualities!
Cast of Characters: 87, Robin (Wayne), Brick, Breath, Raven, Stardust

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"And this is the Danger Room," Tommy says to Brick as he gestures to the foor to the Danger Room. The Titan is not in his usual feline appearance, but is clad in the illusion that makes him look human to all except those capable of piercing through illusions. This is for no apparent reason. "Some things to take note of: this is /not/ the 'Danger Zone', as Beast Boy is fond of calling it." There's a slight tightness to his voice, but then it relaxes when he adds, "And doing the Safety Dance here isn't forbidden, either. On the whole, it's just your basic training room with technology that could potentially turn against you if it were ever to gain sentience."

He might have been reading one of those science fiction stories, admittedly. "Any questions so far?"

He steps forward to enter the Danger Room proper, since it is part of the tour.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had been training in there, running a scenario with multiple League of Assassins soldiers inside. There was a lot of blood, and not Damian's. Once the two enter in the training hall, there are yealls, primal yells of warriors doing battle. Damian himself was jumping around, one after the other, slicing throats and taking off limbs.

  Once the room had cleared, the ninja stood, swiping his sword to fling off the holographic blood. His hood is lowered, and there he was, mask and all, spatters on it from his conquest. He said nothing, just closing his eyes a bit, and breathing deeply.

Brick has posed:

"Yes, he implied it wasn't actual people," Brick says to the box strapped to his side under his spandex-armor bodysuit. "It's still not a fight I'd like to be in."

The fireplug of a fellow has a guarded-but-impressed expression. He could follow the combat, and predict maybe a third of the actions, but normally most of the stuff he could see would kill him if he was its target. The remainder would just maim.

"You're very good at dismemberment," he says to Damian. "If there was an Olympics of stabbing, you'd easily be the gold medalist."

Breath has posed:
Breath blinks. "Intense." She hmms. "How hard is it to set up any particular kind of situations in it? And, um, how does it work? And how much do you see people using it for other weird stuff?"

She looks around at the size and layout of the room, the ventilation, and other technical details that are going to affect things. She uses a lot of space, after all.

Raven has posed:
    At the end of Damian's sweeping blade taking off limbs and cutting apart Not Real Ninjas, Raven seems to appear in the room from some end of the simulation past which is almost CERTAINLY boundary, and to have walked from where she does, she'd have had to be beyond it, and other creepily impossible things that just make Raven's entrance all the more disturbing.

    She is only there for half a moment before the intercom pings lightly, and announces: "Training Simulation: 'Ultimate 90s Simulator 2025' ended."

    "My work here is done."

    Whatever Damian -used- to have all of his simulations named, probably various dark yet pragmatic things, are gone. In their place, are variations on that theme. Bloodblud III is probably her best work. He'll find out later.

    Quietly, she walks over to the newly arrived group. She couldn't come down the stairs with any of them, because she'd been busy in the control room, renaming simulations.

Stardust has posed:
Colette enters in a less spooky fashion to Raven, but one which, were it real rather than hologram, would be -- she enters, through a wall, dancing. "~Revving up your engine, listen to the howling roar, metal under tension, begging you to touch and go~ uh...." she stops, mid step, looks around, and breaks into a grin. "Sorry, couldn't stop myself. You know what's missing from this place? I mean the simulations? Banter. It's not proper superheroing unless you insult the bad guys before beating them up. I've tried, they don't react."

  Colette surveys the scene of holographic carnage. "Who programmed this thing anyway? It was you, right Robin? I'm saying this 'cause it's got really realistic blood and gore. That seems like a Robin thing. If it was Starfire it would have more mustard. Vorpal would have put in playing card soldiers. Beast Boy, it would... I don't want to think what it would be like. Soooo... what I'm thinking is, we should hook this thing up to a Playstation, next time we have a game night."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy raises an eyebrow but, against expectations, he sidesteps joining in on the banter offered by Stardust, opting for a more conservative "Robin is very good at dismembering things. Nowadays he just does it to holograms, thankfully. When he isn't writing riddles on people's doors." He gives the Boy Wonder a brief look.

The ginger then looks at Breath, frowning a little at her questions. "Those are probably Robin's to answer, he set this stuff up. I haven't seen the room used for stuff other than training."

The Cheshire is decidedly more laconic in his approach, to the point that he doesn't comment on Raven's re-naming of Damian's programs, even if he tacitly approves of the move. It is better that she did it, anyways, as Tommy would have probably chosen ABBA song titles for the programs, and that might have been enough to push Damian over the edge.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sheathes his sword to his back, only stretching his neck, making his neck pop. "I know." He says in response to Brick.

  Once the simulation has ended, Damian turns around and seethes. "What the fuck?! Hands off my programs, Raven!" Suddenly he comes up with recompence for this, renaming everything of Raven's to Pretty Pretty Princess and the like, perhaps, rainbows, starshine and happiness. "Weird stuff?" He asks, rhetorically. "Yes, I programmed it myself. And it WASN'T named 'Ultimate 90's Simulator'." Robin says with a groan. "This isn't a toy. It is for training, to become better than you are right now."

Brick has posed:
"Hm. I can see that I need to find a mysterious, stealthy way to come into a room," Brick says as if talking to himself. "Booming is not stealthy, and doors are too obvious. Whatcha think, Maire Boit? Can I do it?"

//PING PING,// comes the peculiarly doubtful response. //PING//

"What? Decoy? Me? What do you mean? I'm not the decoy. Why am I the decoy? Shouldn't the team decide that?"

Really, Brick wouldn't be too upset to be the designated target IF he had time to turn on his boosts, but it would suck to be caught by surprise.

Breath has posed:
Breath nodsnods at Colette, "Oh, my, God, like, you are so reading my mind! I don't even know what I would want to use, like, maybe stick figures and bad video game mooks or something. But like, plugging it into a video game would totally do that."

She listens and giggles, not totally sure what is going on, so chooses to stand back out of the way until things are a little more obvious. Or maybe wander over to join the other, more estrogen-based parts of the team, before Damian's head explodes in a ticking time bomb of masculine manly manliness.

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't actually have any training programs of her own. If she did, they'd have some realtively ironic names, making it all the more difficult to rename them something that perturbs her. However, something she -does- have, that Damian's technologically adept resources and previous snooping likely give him access to, is a pandora-equivalent music service. It's pretty easy to change all of her speedy metallic and electronic music to various piles of Tom Jones, Kenny Rogers, and, for good measure, Taylor Swift.

    "I didn't touch your programs, Robin." Raven responds, idly snarking her way about the conversation. "I touched the name parts. You can't physically touch a program. I can prepare some logical problems for you to train on, if you need to brush up." When Starfire takes things over-literally, it's cute. When Raven does, it's to get on your nerves, on purpose.

    "I get it, though. You're at enough of a deficit that you spend all of your time in the Hazard Area, or whatever it's called."

    There are other people saying other things, but she doesn't necessarily feel like commenting on any of that. Damian is too rich a target.

Stardust has posed:
"It is useful for training, that's true..." Colette agrees. "To be better at beating stuff up. Not so much if you want to improve your ability to negotiate your way out of a fight. Which is, you know, preferable. Better to arrest a criminal rather than murdering them in the face, that's my motto. Also, apparently, reprogramming the simulation to make the bad guys instantly surrender and offer to bring you nice cold drinks is... " she fingerquotes "...'cheating'." She flashes a quick wink to Breath. "I call it out-of-the-box thinking."

Colette starts to lean casually against the wall, realizing her error in time to get away with nothing more than a small stumble, which /absolutely nobody noticed/, okay? She covers up the slip by waving her hand through the wall in an experimental fashion. "Eh, renaming the simulations sounds like a good idea to me. Means you don't know what you're getting into until you've got into it. Which is more realistic. You should be thanking Raven for this, Robin. Don't want to get complacent." Whether Colette is seriously backing up Raven on this, or just entering into the annoying spirit is anyone's guess.

Brick's one-sided dialogue catches Colette's attention, and she side-eyes him curiously. "Titans and stealth is a rare mix. Might as well go with the boom, 'cos if you try being stealthy, BB will just turn into a tyrannosaur and wreck it anyway. Also, do you really keep your mother in a box? 'Cos that's pretty wierd."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"We can learn to be stealthy," Tommy says, sliding his hands into his leather jacket pockets, "And since you're the one who can become invulnerable, you might be the best to draw attention as a distraction," he nods at Brick and Colette.

He frowns at Raven's needling of Damian, but knows enough to give the smallest Robin a wide berth. He predicted an eruption in five...four...three...two...

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian grits his teeth, clicking his tongue in anger, only to falter in his features. He starts sniffling a bit. Damian holds a hand to his mask, and tears fall from each eye. "I try so fucking hard to fit in here. Everyone keeps telling me: keep trying, you need to have friends."

  A gentle walk towards the exit door, followed by more sniffles, and wiping his gauntlet from his face. "I-I just want to be more than what my mother made me to be." Very real feelings reel from Damian, probably the first time many of them have seen him like this.

  The youngest member of the Titans lowers his head crestfallenly before the doors to the Danger Room open and he turns the corner.

Brick has posed:
"Hmm? My imaginary big sister. Her name is Maire Boit. It's not my fault, I didn't name her."


So Brick hushes and watches Robin's reaction to the Goth-is-too-cheerful girl's chaos-seamstress needling skills. He's not sure whether this is real or not. The kid seems unnaturally good at cold icy control. But then again, Brick hasn't been tormenting the guy, so perhaps he'll not be part of that problem. Still, how to NOT seem opportunistic.

"And that's what bullying does to people," he says quietly. Not the best way to speak to the problem though.

Breath has posed:
Breath rolls her eyes at Robin's outburst. "Oh, em, gee. Are *all* boys that easy to control? I hope I wasn't ever like that. Ugh, I probably was, just to fit in. Shit. I'd better go check on him.."

She sighs and slumps her shoulders some. "Oh.. Come ON, people, just because it's so easy to wind him up doesn't mean you have to do it every time! The ONE time I see him and he's not mad, and you have to go and piss him off? The hell." and chases after him with some concern. "Robin?"

Raven has posed:
    Damian begins to cry and confess, and to this, Raven's brow raises. She's silent for the breadth of it, as Damian... Walks off. This is the only time she's seen him not Storm Out of a conversation. When he does, she floats a bit, the attention of the others on Damian's exit. Her eyes invert their light for a moment, turning pitch black and developing that corona of white around her sockets, as they, just as Damian rounds the corner...

    And walks right back into the room he just left, from a slightly different angle. It would be very difficult to see, in the hallways of the tower, the raven-shape of her soul-self spring out and replace the hallway.

    "The purpose of the Teen Titans," she begins, as if the entire group had now decided, through some form of turn based speaking system, that it was indeed her turn to speak. "Was for the younger generation of heroes to have a place that they could go, away from their erstwhile mentors if any, to practice. To learn. To gain control. Not everyone here is like Starfire or myself, who have full control already."

    This is probably the first time anyone's heard Raven speak so... Directly. She's not really the "leader" or anything even remotely like that. She was around for the start of it all, though. If anyone here knows why the Teen Titans were formed, it's their demon-witch.

    "To that end, the -only- person I've really seen doing their part to serve that particular purpose, is -you.- If anything, the only part of it I haven't seen you do is invite other Titans to join you. If you ever feel like you aren't fitting in, like you're not doing what you should be here, you're probably wrong. If you feel like my mocking means you're an outcast, don't. You should only be worried if I stop."

    "That probably goes for everyone. Except Vorpal. He knows the score."

Stardust has posed:
"Technically, Vorp," Colette replies. "Anyone's stealthy standing next to a tyrannosaur, 'cos for sure nobody's noticing anything else.

"Your imaginary sister is called Mother Box?" Colette asks. "Wait, is that Maire? Or Mere? Or Mer?" Her pronunciation doesn't seem to be noticeably different in the three instances, but maybe there's a slight difference in the vowel sound, so presumably those are three different words. However Robin's reaction kills her curiosity dead, for now.

Heedless of the dangers, perhaps never having watched on of those 'don't approach a ninja from behind' PSAs, Colette hares after Robin. "Wait! D... Robin. It's not like that... you ARE more than... you DO have friends. " Normally Colette has no difficulty finding words, but her stuttering monologue, and the rapidly changing expression of confusion and distress that flicker across her face indicates her surprise at Damian's reaction has thrown her for a loop. "Come back. Please? We were just... that's what friends do. A little teasing. That's all. I mean... if we didn't feel comfortable around you, we wouldn't do it. It just means you're part of the group. Really." She stops in the doorway, leaning around it to look at Robin, but instead seeing a Raven-inspired mangling of geometry that M.C Escher would certainly approve of, and probably results in her seeing the back of her own head for a nightmarish moment or two.

Colette turns back to listen in to Raven's speech, and a flicker of guilt passes across her face as she can't really avoid considering Raven's lesson as applied to her. She could certainly do with a bit more training and gaining control. However that's between herself and her own imaginary frenemy. Brick isn't the only one. When Raven finishes speaking, Colette follows up with "Sorry? Please Robin. Nobody meant to give you a hard time."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The redhead frowns, watching Robin make his exit-and then having that exit ruined by toying with the laws of physics. It's exactly what he would have done, although in his case the Rabbit Hole might not have ended up properly oriented and shot Robin across the room by mistake, or something. So, it was better on the whole that Raven was the one to do it.

He gives Brick a quick nod but his illusion doesn't betray any underlying emotions. Instead, he joins the group in moving towards Damian, giving Breath enough space for her to do her thing- he obviously doesn't want to cramp her style or anything she might do to comfort Robin.

Instead, he stands by his side and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now, little buddy," Tommy says softly and leans down to give Damian a half-hug, "It's ok. Here..." a brief Rabbit Hole, and suddenly Tommy is holding out a soda to Robin. "Have a sip, you'll feel better." He doesn't add anything to Raven's speech, because he either thinks she has said all that needs to be said, or he is genuinely concerned over Robin's state.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Before he made it around, Damian was back in the Danger Room, surprised enough to garner a widening of his eyes.Damian had performed one final sniff before he started to compose himself.

  He looks to Raven as she makes her speech, and the words cut deep. Really deep, his features, his trademark scowl not there, his mouth slightly opened.

  Apart from the patronizing from Vorpal, which doesn't get much of a glower, to keep up appearances. He takes a sip, only because he was tired from training.

  Robin doesn't say much, but only because he doesn't quite know what to say, his (feigned) complete sadness gives way to a calm. "I haven't asked anyone to join, because you're all the friends I have."

Brick has posed:
Brick is not good with this kind of thing, and the awkward has hit 11. He looks at Robin speculatively.

"Are you saying I we have to become friends before I can join your team properly? Because it's kind of an odd challenge. The thing is, I never noticed that the League were all good friends. Not that the news coverage is going to be accurate."

Not a sound from Maire Boit. She's going to let her imaginary little brother deal with this allll by himself.

"What are your criteria, what does that take?"

Breath has posed:
Breath follows Robin, then the geometry goes crazy. "..Uh." She skids to a stop and looks around, not sure what to do exactly. "...Uh." She listens to he speech and bites her lip, then sort of hesitates at the thought of touching Robin's shoulder. Because it seems like a good idea, but on the other hand, consent and, you know, PTSD.

She opens her mouth and considers talking, then bites her lips and just steps up to offer a hug. "I'm sorry, I mean, I don't know you very well yet.. Do you.. um.. want to talk about it?"

Raven has posed:
    "I was talking about inviting other Titans to your training sessions, Robin." There's a short pause, "But that statement is as poignant as anything else that's been offered." Raven is snarky, but she's also honest, and the whole empathy thing makes her a good judge of character.

    "Your, for lack of a better term, work ethic, is something that everyone here probably needs. As well as your talent and creative knack for creating training scenarios." There is a pause, then, as Raven sort of ponders things for a moment.

    "If Robin created a scenario for every one of us, I think we'd all be better for it." Lookit the demon-spawned-horror, thinking up this cool teambuilding exercise.

Stardust has posed:
"Join... in training," Colette says, nodding her head in complete agreement with Raven. "I mean you got a team. And we could all probably be, you know, a better team rather than a bigger one. And you're probably the most... well, Kaldur and Wolfpool could maybe keep up, but the rest of us could learn a lot from you. Last time I fought a ninja... being five times stronger than him and having throwing stars bounce off me is useful, but I couldn't actually /hit/ the guy. Honestly it was embarrassing. I /know/ Breath here has been dying to pick your brains on the tech side of things. And Vorpal..." she stops herself, glancing at the Chaos Cat, lost in thought for a moment. "...Will probably never admit how cool he thinks you are," she concludes. "Because cats don't do that. It's not really a cat thing. They're too busy..." she peters out, conscious her trail of thought is going a little askew.

Colette turns her head back to the corridor, then looks back at Raven, eyes narrowing. "Uh. Rae? That was pretty cool. Can you do like... permanent ones? 'Cos I'm thinking if we had a door that lead the the pizza place, it would save a lot of time."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The look that Tommy gives Colette when she insinuates that he thinks Robin is cool is priceless. It even manages to penetrate the illusion. The redhead looks down at Damian and gives him an encouraging half-smile before he lets the shoulder go. He walks across the room to where Brick is and turns around to face towards Robin, looking at him fixedly with an almost sphynx-like expression on his face. Now that the rest of the team has started to open up and speak, he remains quiet but listening.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin stays close for now, looking pensive into the soda. "I could do that." He says, looking to everyone. "I...just like to kill the fake humans, since I can't in the real world any more." A little dark, yes, but everyone knew Damian was an assassin before he met the Bat. "Thank you, for telling me that." He offers to Raven, very sincerely. "I'll start putting together training regimen."

Brick has posed:
Brick is fairly sure that of those present, he's the only one that could create a reliable "permanent" door to a pizza place, but it would be noisy, so the other end would need to be a Chuck E. Rat or somesuch to go unnoticed. This digression means he completely misses the multiple exchanges of Looks That Kill, although his imaginary sister does not miss them, not one bit. Then that distracting thought goes by, switching instantly to the more sane part of himself is wondering about a Robin-created training session and what limits he'd put down for it. The fact of Brick's invulnerability is well enough known, because of the vlogs he's put up, but the actual details of his boost are not quite public knowledge. For reasons. And it's pretty obvious that he's NOT invulnerable right now, if you know what to look for in terms of how skin moves and such.

"Training would be good." Oh that's f'ing genius there, Bale Richard Marsten. Your enthusiasm is whelming.

"Interesting I mean."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods softly, "Yeah, I mean, I think you are really smart, and, you know, super.. do-stuff-ey." She mms, trying to think what to say here. I mean, she doesn't.. know much about Robin. "And like, I never get to really talk to you? Maybe we can do that sometime?"

She looks around a bit, because she realizes she is having to do mythical girlstuff with a boy that is very much not like most boys, so this is a bit new territory here. This counts as girlstuff, right? Right? She smiles comfortingly, listening and trying to follow everything.

Raven has posed:
    "I am sure that everyone will appreciate the effort. As well, it will give you a chance to learn more about how the Titans you haven't fought with yet operate. It will be very good, for everyone." After a moment, she gives a bit of a shrug.

    "I can't really do any training down here, though. Aside from the shadow-bolts, I can't use any of my powers on the constructs. It'll save you some time."

Stardust has posed:
"You should take up robots," Colette says to Robin. She looks around for somewhere to sit, but the holo suite isn't really equipped for that, so she sits right where she is instead, apparently lounging back into an invisible sofa, a heinous abuse of the ability of flight. "No moral quandries. You can kill them as much as you like, no problems. And with your technical know-how, you could rebuild them and then kill them again. Until you get bored. There's no shortage of deranged killer robots these days." Back to her regular flippancy, normal service has been resumed.

If Colette registered Vorpal's look, she didn't react at the time. Having said her piece though, she turns her head slowly towards the demi-Cheshire, face blank, and very casually sticks her tongue out at him.

Inside her head, an Australian voice starts lecturing Colette about her training program, or lack thereof. She tunes it out, as usual. It saves arguments, and it always feels silly arguing with someone nobody else can see.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy raises an eyebrow at Colette's tongue, but his expression doesn't change. It's very Vulcan, somehow. He does, however, add "I see you've had otterpops for snacks," because that would imply her tongue is purple, or orange. It wasn't, but now it is, thanks to a subtle application of illusion which he does allow himself to use as a prank.

He looks at Brick and hms, noticing the enthusiasm in his voice. "I'm sure Robin will make sure we are well-trained by the time he's through," he gives Robin a look that borders on turning into a wry half-smile before adding to Brick, "In the meantime, we should set up a time to train together. That propensity of yours to hurl yourself indestructibly at things could be a good asset when combined with my ability to open holes. If we get the timing right, we might have a Titan Cannon of sorts in the works."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Thanks everyone. I...need to be alone for a bit." Robin offers, giving a slight smile before waving, to head back to his room. He is pretty silent, mainly thinking of what scenarios would work best for each member of the team. He lifts his hood up again while he puts in earbuds, listening to his favorite music on the trip up there.

Brick has posed:
Brick nods to Robin, figuring that he'll do research and come up with something specific and devastating.

Then the apparently red-haired, dark-skinned human who still //feels// like Vorpal to some alternate sense, is suggesting a thing that Brick has tried to do with his Boom Tubes but not really succeeded with any accuracy.

"I've thought about that. It'll take a bit of altitude to build momentum, and then a final hole to aim. Who would you use such a projectile on though?"

Breath has posed:
Breath blinks as Robin starts walking off. "Robin, I..." She sighs and looks after him with some worry. Then she looks back at the others and just shrugs helplessly. "So, um.."

She looks around and wanders over to Colette, because she's the familiar one, and looks over at Raven a bit. "I'm not quite sure what happened here?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven is just sort of there. She only is -so- good at human communication. She is silent throughout this last bit of conversation until the very, very end in which Breath speaks up. To that, she offers a shrug, her hands still in her pockets. "Robin was finally ready to open up about a few things. It was... Probably time. It also necessitated a conversation."

Stardust has posed:
While Vorpal may amuse himself recoloring her tongue, Colette's oblivious. It's not that Colette has never looked at her own tongue. She sticks her tongue out at herself in the mirror quite regularly. Indeed there have been times, when nobody was looking, that she has attempted to see how far she can stick her tongue out, has contorted and stretched in an attempt to lick her own nose, or look at the tip of her tongue. However that is something only done in private. Her tongue retracts, purple, but she remains happily unaware of the fact.

"I'm sure teamwork doesn't normally include using your team-mates as ammunition," Colette replies to Vorpal's musings, while finger-waving to the departing Damian. "Though having seen a few of those videos, I doubt Brick here would object to being a cannon ball, so long as you promise to keep him in GoPros. Maybe Breath here can offer you guys some additional acceleration in lieu of gunpowder. What happens if Rae does that bendy space trick on one of your rabbit holes? Does the universe collapse in on itself, or just run away and hide under a table?"

"Either Rae manipulated Robin into opening up a bit at the cost of letting him unleashing horrendous nightmare-fuel training scenarios on us," Colette answers Breath. "Or Robin just manipulated us all into letting him unleash horrendous nightmare-fuel training scenarios on us. Don't worry about it, not worth putting the effort into figuring out which." She stretches, yawns, then hops to her feet, giving Breath a reassuring pat on the shoulder on her way to the door. "If he comes up with something for me, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a scenario that I can only 'win' by shutting up and leaving him alone. Fair bet that's the thing he thinks I'm weakest at. With that I think I need to go do some training in snack-eating. I'm hungry. Seeyas all later, guys."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy smirks for once at Brick's question, and answers "Practically anything that the rest of us can't take down. Face it Brickie, from now on, you are our equivalent of a Kryptonian punch, in lieu of having an actual Kryptonian on the team." He nods at Colette's suggestions involving Breath's assisted acceleration, and adds "I agree, there are plenty of possibilities." He turns to lookat Brick and taps his chin. "Yes, I think I can think of quite a few uses for you." He's not had many chances to think tactically but he can see the possibilities now. Just a couple of weeks ago, they could have launched him at those tanks from Apoko. He still hadn't figured out how he managed to create ravens out of thin air either...

But that was neither here nor there. "Stardust is right, though. Breath, let's get together sometime this week and see how we can propel Brick through dimensional openings at excitingly unsafe speeds. But let's not experiment with Raven bending my Rabbit Holes. Doctor McCoy thought that my Rabbit Holes might kill us all with the right amount of things going wrong, so I don't think trying to feature-twist them is a good idea."

He looks at the rest of the Titans and addresses the last remaining question as to, what, exactly, happened.

"What happened? It's really very simple." He starts heading towards the door and stops right before exiting.

"We just got Robined."

And he walks out.

Raven has posed:
    Downstairs, Raven just seems to wander off. She does that.
    It's rather sudden that she appears in the elevator next to Damian in a way that would frighten anyone else to violence. For Damian, Raven's sudden presence is, at best, only startling enough to make him jump. There's more work for her to do. More amusement to be had.

    She leans over to Damian, and speaks. "Starstrider. Colette." she begins, before holding up her hands, and moving them in a rainbow fashion. "Spiders." And then, with that, she's gone, slipping into a shadow on the floor.