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Latest revision as of 00:48, 31 October 2017

Oh god. Why, God.
Date of Scene: 30 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Grant Ward, Quake

Jessica Jones has posed:
Late Afternoon on a Sunday.

Jessica stepped out of the back of the cab and she crouched inside and pulled the package she was hauling out with her. "Yeah, well, if you want to get paid then stop using your rear view mirror to look down people's shirts, you dumb shit!" She slammed the door shut then and spun around to look up at the Triskelion.

The cab squealed its tired and pulled back out into traffic, then zipped around another car and took off. Jess just looked back over her shoulder with a smirk.

She started to walk toward the Triskelion then... wondering how far she could actually go up to this place before someone stopped her and made her show some kind of ID or some shit.

Jessica had her black leather jacket on, the large package tucked under her right arm and her other hand in the pocket of her blue jeans.

Grant Ward has posed:
The exterior of the Triskelion has this cute little business 'garden' between the building and the street. Often, agents or civilians in the building have lunch out here on their shift, or come out to buy coffee or food from one of the parked food trucks. Grant is doing one of these things.

The man is dressed in a rather plain black suit, like many of the other agents, and he has a laminated badge clipped to his breast pocket. He is also eating a turkey sub, and sipping a bottle of water. He's seated on a bench in the little business park, that happens to be along the path between Jessica and the Triskelion. He glances up at her as she draws closer, and he squints, watching the woman curiously. She doesn't look quite like the regulars, and he's trained to pick up on stuff like that.

Quake has posed:
Operation Make Skye Behave like a Human Being had been in full swing, and it was annoying the hell out of the girl. So much so she'd actually taken to having a half sandwich on a plate whenever she was working so that she looked like she was actually eating. And it was working, except for when Agent May insisted on fresh air and sunshine.

Like today. Today was: It's Sunday, take a break. Take one now, or I take away your toys.

Skye used more than a few of her choice words under her breath as she packed up her laptop and headed outside, which is how she ended up just outside the Triskelion doors, giving the security cameras the middle finger, and a much too sweet smile. "I'm outside. Are we all happy in there now?"

Turning heel, she marched to the nearest bench, totally uncaring if she had company or not.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica paused about ten feet away from where Grant was enjoying his break. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled her phone out. She started to tap her thumb against the screen (her hands were encased in black whole fingerless gloves).

(Where are you?)
    (Not at the Trisk. Leave with Agents)

"Son of a bitch." Jessica said after reading the response.

Jessica looked up at the building, she then glanced over at Grant and she eyeballed him. "Hey... Guy." She said at him. "You work here?" She pointed at the Trisk right as Skye flipped it off and that caught a 'look' from her as well. "At this clearly... not-insane place?"

Grant Ward has posed:
His gaze shifts to Skye as she plops down next to him to work through her break, and he furrows his brow at her. He is clearly about to say something to her when Jessica approaches him. The man leans back and he takes her in, considering her for a moment before he sets his little cardboard box of lunch to the side.

"That's what the badge means, miss. Something I can help you with?"

Quake has posed:
Skye gives shifty eyes sideways, but continues to open up her laptop, the thing balanced neatly in her lap. She's done this more than once given the precision of the action.

When Grant mentions his badge, the young woman can't help a grin, her lips twisting over a wryness. "Badge means you're supposed to work here," she mutters under her breath, tapping on a few keys. "Not that you actually do."

It's a good thing his lunch is a sub. If it were fries, several would be snagged by now.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica eyed them both now, yeah they had 'establishment' written all over them. She smirked at Grant's response and she extended the package toward him. "Could you give me a hand with this?" She asked him. "Its supposed to go to an..." Jessica looked down at her phone again and used her thumb to scroll up the text window.

"To an 'Agent May'." She looked up again then at Grant, the winds outside blowing her black hair about her head and face.

"I really don't want to go inside this place, no offense... but SHIELD kinda creeps the ever living shit out of me. So can you just do me a favor and take it to her. I swear its not a bom--" She cut herself off.

"Its not... exactly a bomb." She then said, correcting herself.

Grant Ward has posed:
The man glances over at Skye. "Agent Johnson. Planning on eating on your break? At least they got you outside this time." He picks up the box and sets it on top of her laptop's keyboard in her lap. He had cut his sandwich in half, and half of it is untouched.

He turns back to the woman and reaches out to take the package. "I know Agent May." He turns the package over in his lap, and then he frowns at her words. He pulls a SHIELD phone from his jacket pocket and flips through a few apps until the x-ray scanner comes up. He holds it over the package, passing it over a few times. He scans for radiation and a few other things in the process.

Quake has posed:
/Now/ Skye gives Grant and Jessica more than a side-eyed glance, the girl sighing as the sandwich is placed on her keyboard. "What is everyone's fascination with making sure I eat and see the sky? Seriously." The sandwich is scowled at as though it had personally offended her.

"I know how to feed myself," she mutters. And she does, too, if cold coffee and candy bars count. And ramen noodles. Those you could throw in a coffee mug. She's made those in the past when she felt particularly energetic about food.

Turns out she knows Agent May, too. Rather well as it happens. But Skye is more interested in what the package might contain, and the nifty apps Grant is using. "Only maybe not exactly a bomb," she asks Jessica. "Things either go boom or they don't in my experience."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica put both of her hands into her jacket pockets then and she watched Grant scan the package with hos fancy pants phone and she looked over at Skye when she spoke at her. "Thats a black and white world you live, huh?" She said back to Skye before looking back to Grant.

What his phone would pick up is radiation and a whole lot more. He'd see what appears to be a metal scorpion tail and at the end of it was some kind of... focusing nozzle.

"Its alien tech. A laser blaster. From that shit that went down last month." She told the man.

Jessica inhaled through her nose and then shot the heavy sigh back out through her red lips. "My neighbor two doors down was pounding on my door this morning, yelling at me that her kids were destroying her house. I figured 'What else is new?' and then she said they'd found some weapon, and it was burning holes in her walls." Jessica lightly shook her head. "Damn kids were playing Star Wars with the eff'ing thing. They're lucky they didn't blast their hands off. Or worse."

"Anyuway, I tried to pawn it off on a detective friend of mine. She said to bring it here, said to bring it to 'Agent May'. So here I am."

Grant Ward has posed:
"Breaks are legally required, and also medically needed, Agent Johnson. Even if you don't care about people worrying about your health, worry about getting written up for violating labor laws."

When he picks up the radiation he casually lifts the package -away- from his crotch as he scans it. "Hm. Interesting. I'll make sure she gets it. It'll need to go through the lab, of course. And security before it gets into the building." He glances up at the woman. "Name of either the Detective or yourself? Preferably both for the report?" Of course there will be a report. He's more for action in the field, but some rules are rules!

Quake has posed:
Skye gives Grant a 'wtf' look. "Who the hell is going to write *me* up for not taking a break? The laws are there to protect me, not punish me for not following them. I know the breaks are legal, I'm choosing not to take them. I'm not going to complain to higher authorities." Besides, what were they going to do? Fire her? She'd been made to work here in the first place - not hired.

But in truth, she's more interested in what Jessica has said. "Sweet. Actually, she's not the one who is going to be most interested in that. I bet I know who she'll hand it off to." She's got a couple guesses in mind.

At Grant's ginger handling of the thing, she rolls her eyes and holds out a hand. "Oh for fuck's sakes, hand it over. Men and their balls.." Which is where she actually stops herself. May, she knows will put up with all sorts of nonsense from herself. Grant? Oh, he's only just shown up in her life as her other primary SO. Those waters are mostly untested and that last might have walked herself over a line.

Her hand remains out, though.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica, for her part, had no idea it was radioactive at all, BUT it was very low levels.

"Right." Jess said, fishing her business card out of her jacket pocket and then handing it over. "Jones, Private Investigator. Sent here by Detective Misty Knight." She told the man. "I figure you guys are going to want to come by to interview the kids who found that, so just come to the address on the card and I'll show you which apartment they're in. They said they found it in the sewers, but I'll let you do the full... whatever it is you guys do."

Jess would then look over to Skye again. "I honestly don't care what you guys do with it once you get it inside. I just want the damn thing out of my apartment building. I don't want to get my head turned into a donut while I'm trying to sleep." She'd then turn to leave, pausing.

"Need anything else?" She asked, Grant specifically.

Grant Ward has posed:
"Regardless of which side you are on, the rules are rules, Agent Johnson. And I'll expect you to follow them. For your own good. That means taking a break when it is time to take a break." Even as he keeps his tone level, there is the hint of a growl to his tone. The man is commanding when he needs to be...which is often in his line of work.

He arches an eyebrow and turns back to Skye when she says that and reaches for the package. "It also means you shouldn't reference your SO's balls." At least while on-duty! Sheesh! He turns to take the business card. "I'm not a tech guy. I'm do field work. But I'll take this where it is supposed to go, Miss Jones. Thank you for stopping by. You might be getting a phone call at this number for follow up."

Quake has posed:
Skye winces. Yeah, that one went a little too far. Cussing.. she could probably get that under all the wires thrown her way. The other? She made a mental note Grant wasn't going to learn about The SHIELD Maidens. Not that her nick was the worst of the lot, but still...

"I'm outside," she mutters unkindly. "I have a something sub sitting on my laptop. Give me a break."

Jessica gets a hint of a smirk. "I'm a tech guy." Not that it matters.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica nodded once at Grant. "I'll sit by my phone waiting with baited breath, just like I did for prom." She told him a dry tone of voice that might suggest that she was being sarcastic.

Jessica would give a glance to Skye then. "Tech guy, huh? Not sure you understand what a guy is."

With that said, Jessica would turn around and start back toward the main street. "Don't shoot holes in your walls, kids!" She'd shout back at the agents and when she got to the edge of the road she'd start to signal for another cab, praying to god she didn't get boxed up with another pervert again.