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A Meeting
Date of Scene: 13 July 2025
Location: Hyperion Hotel - Lobby
Synopsis: Angel and Fred catch up on what they have been doing lately.
Cast of Characters: Angel, Winifred Burkle

Angel has posed:
    It was dusk around the Hyperion Hotel, and Angel comes out of his room and down to the lobby. Moving up to the main desk, he takes a moment to check and see if there was any messages from anyone who needs help, or from anyone that the team knows. Angel frowns, noting that there was no messages. "STrange, Buffy was supposed to give me an update on that thing...huh." Shrugging, he moves towards the door, as though he was going to head out into the night.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Right as Angel is moving toward the door, it opens in front of him - possibly right into him - as a bustling Fred comes right through it. She has her head down, glasses on, a thick book opened in her arms that she's partially reading out loud quietly as she does this. If she's been doing this the entire way here, it's entirely possible the entire block thinks she's crazy person. Oblivious, she takes another step forward, only to stop, start and yelp. Then, she blinks. "Angel! Goodness you startled me!"

Angel has posed:
    "Whoa, Fred!" Angel pulls up short right before running into his teammate. "I can see that!" Angel smiles, and places his hands on his hips. "What has got you in such a hurry? You seem...pre-occupied." Angel looks down at the book, and back to Fred's eyes, admiring the intelligence behind them. "Is everything okay?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The book, which Angel might be able to see the spine or the cover is: "The Mandela Effect?: A Thesis on Parallel Universes and Other Theories". Closing the book and hugging it to her chest, she shrugs her shoulders. "Oh this? This is just some light reading to take my mind off of things. Did you hear there's a metal armed assassin that's been trying to kill people around the city? There is. I sort of got all wrapped up in it, so that's why I've been a bit hassled and preoccupied. And also why I keep borrowing your car. I keep meaning to thank you for that. I was thinking blood cookies, but I'm pretty sure blood doesn't really bake well. Maybe blood pudding? You don't really have to bake that, it's more of a freezing thing, I think."

Angel has posed:
    Nodding, Angel regards Fred thoughtfully before replying. "Light reading." Angel raises an eyebrow, his left one, in a quizzical expression. "A book on Parallel Universes? Huh." Listening further, as Fred continues, Angel shakes his head, "No I hadn't heard that." Not able to get too many words in edgewise as Fred explains what has happened to her, Angel waits patiently.

    Finally Angel says, "Whoa!" Angel smiles again, and holds up his hands in surrendur. "It's fine Fred. I didn't...mind you using my car." His expression says otherwise, but he had to learn to trust when it came to his car. "As for thanks, your thanks are more than enough. Please don't bake me...those things. I expect they will not turn out well. Blood is a tough ingredient to cook with."

    "Now what were you saying?" Angel pauses, and adds, "Take a deep breath, and tell me about this assassin? Is it taken care of or do we need to get involved?" Angel's expression reflects the eagerness that was expressed in his voice. He was ready to take on anything! Action was good, protecting the weak.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Yeah! There's a thought that the reason why there are phenomena of multiple people remembering the wrong thing and that it might have to do with a parallel universe where that is true and it's possibly bleeding over. It's really fascinating! And it dovetails a little with my own thoughts on string theory." To Fred, this is fun reading that she does to relax.

"But you do! You do that thing with your eyebrow when I ask you to take the car and so I'm glad that you did. I made sure to clean it, too. No blood on the interior! You know, that first time it was the first time I'd driven since before Pylea, can you believe that? And no scratches." Angel, it seems, has the right idea in waiting out the storm of Fred's rambles. "Which is why I wanted to do something nice for you! My first thought was tacos, but I know you don't eat those."

As she's told to take a deep breath and tell him everything, she blinks a few times. Slowing her rapid-fire explanation down a touch, she continues, "Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about that. There's a guy with a metal arm that's been roaming about. He keeps attacking people and I think he killed a diplomat. He attacked Sam, uh, Winchester, the guy I had to go rescue with you car." She blushes a bit at that statement, but continues. "And then he disappears. The metal arm guy, not Sam. He's still out there somewhere and, well, we're a detective agency!"

Angel has posed:
Angel blinks. Listening to everything she has to say, Angel notes several things, but doesn't interrupt Fred. When she gets on a roll, it was better to let her go so that she got the whole thought out. Angel crosses his arms across his chest, listening, and absorbing about a tenth of what she was saying. The important parts at least. Nodding at all the appropriate spots, Angel waits until she finished, and nods. "Well. Interesting." Angel hrrrms. "I appreciate you taking care of my care Fred. I wouldn't have leant it to just anyone. I knew I could trust you, and it appears I was right."

    "No, no Tacos." Angel's rare smile appears again for the third time. "Winchester...did you say Winchester?" Angel blinks. Shaking his head, he comes back to what Fred was saying. "Well, absolutely we'll help find this metal arm guy as you put it so well." Concern appears etched on his face. "Winchester..."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Understanding a tenth of what Fred says is generally on the higher absorbency scale for most people. A lot of her statements only make sense to her. At the trust he put in her to take care of his car, Fred beams, hugging the book ever tighter. "Thanks Angel," she tells him sincerely, smile lighting up her face. "I really appreciate that. I'll always take good care of your car. Promise."

As Angel blinks a few times and seems concerned about Sam, she tilts her head. "You don't have to worry about Sam, if that's why you made that face again. He promised he wouldn't stake you. He's a good guy."

Angel has posed:
    "You are welcome." Angel nods magnanimously and says, Sarcastically. "That is good to know. No stakes allowed." A pause. "Interesting. Yeah, I have heard of them. A family of Hunters. Hard to do what we do and not hear things. I also heard they were good people if a little...eccentric." Angel was being polite. "If they were involved, or even one of them, it must have been serious." Angel frowns. "Well, I have to run out but we should continue this talk as soon as possible. If you need my help...if THEY need my help, than by all means, let them know. I am sure they would appreciate the help of a Vampire..." Was that humour? Dark humour maybe. "If you need me, call!"