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Latest revision as of 02:15, 11 November 2017

Pizza Girl Eh
Date of Scene: 03 November 2017
Location: Manhattan, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 300, Delivery Girl

Sassa (300) has posed:
    It's almost three AM in the morning, and even though this is Manhattan, most pedestrian traffic is almost non exsistant. There's also the fact that it's winter and the temprature is dropping, rather rapidly as well. Now, this would keep most people in doors, either in bars, clubs, or their own homes, but Sassa Aesdottir is not most people. No, far from it, and as is her normal routine, the armor clad ancient viking warrior woman is out on patrol. Keeping a distcint set of emerald eyes open on the comings and goings of those below as she hovers in the air, roughly a thousand feet up. It makes it easier for her to keep her pressence hidden the higher she is.

    For now, she's content that not much has gone on and there's been no real need for her tonight, thankfully. Though, maybe that's about to change?

Delivery Girl has posed:
There IS an odd sight below. It appears to be a running person crossing rooftops at speed. When one says speed, one is usually talking about the speed of a moving bicycle. In this case, that'd be someone going clearly just short of mach one. Leaping from one rooftop to another without pause, it's a dark streak passing through the city's night.

While this is odd enough to get a flying hero's attention...the fact that whoever it is turns a right angle without slowing down and heads east is actually stranger. Also physically impossible. Though the small light of a celphone is visible in the person's hand, if someone's eyes are good enough to spot it.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Spot it she does, and Sassa is the type to be instantly curious about some random person with cell phone moving at the kind of speed across roof tops. She watches this person for just a moment, gauging where to best intercept her and then, just like Maeve, Sassa is a blur. Accelerating from a dead stand still to nearly mach one, She appears directly infront of the speedster with her arms folded across her chest as she hovers in the air in her direct path, between two buildings.

    Being this close, anyone looking at her would see her clad in some sort of high quality and form fitting scale mail. There's a nice breastplate with pauldrons with an attached cape, a plate belt with an attached waist cape, and a set of knee high plate boots. On her back, a round wooden and metal shield, and at her left hip, a sword at home in it's scabbard.

Delivery Girl has posed:
The young lady that Sassa sees is holding what appears to be two large'ish flat boxes in her right hand as she speeds along. Seeing that there's someone in her path however, the girl's eyes widen. She's moving fast, after all, and without pausing she hits the rooftop on her left side, keeping the boxes held above her so she doesn't damage the contents. And slides, aiming to pass right between the woman's long, shapely legs.

Clearly not an attack but an evasion, the littler one is either not able to stop this fast or isn't planning to, though she's clearly trained in this maneuver as she aims for the gap and goes for it without an instant's thought.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Yeah, Ok, Sassa's gonna stop this one in her tracks, at least she hopes so. As the smaller girl slides between her legs, or aims to, Sassa reaches down and snatches the two, Pizza Boxes? Really? A Pizza Delevery girl?

    Sassa can't help but turn around in med air and just stare at the younger woman, holding the boxes in her hands now. "Hey!" she spurts out, "You want these back, you're going to explain yourself.."

Delivery Girl has posed:
That'll do it. Cutting the remains of her scroll in half with a quick tearing motion, the girl stops moving at anything above human speed and jumps up to her feet, a grumpy look firmly affixed to her features. "Do you mind?" she asks. The small eyeroll she gives is almost conversation on it's own. "You want an explanation, I need to get those to the guy who paid for them."

Under her breath, she mumbles that she's also got like ten minutes to get back to the guy she was trying to be with and now she's going to have to take a bus. Hate busses. All of which is clearly audible, but not meant to be.

"Satonaka Pizza delivery? We get you pizza, you pay us at the door? Who're you then?" She's not afraid of the lady, just annoyed.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    "I do mind actually.." replies Sassa in, Japanese? Yeah, she replies in nearly perfect Japanese and stays in it as she remains floating there in the air, rock solid. "Also, you want to get back to your boyfriend..." pause, "and get your delivery done.." she adds, "You tell me what in the world you're doing at this time of the morning delevering pizza on roof tops." Seems that sassa has really geart hearing as well.

Delivery Girl has posed:
Hands being placed on her hips, the girl glares. It's almost weaponized, she's got that look down so hard. "Do you not know how pizza delivery works or something?" she asks with a tone that's just short of belligerent. Then she glances over Sassa's left shoulder and rolls her eyes. "Hang on, I've got to take this." Then she dives to her right, throwing something from her free hand as she rolls, and two shadows dislodge themselves from the darkness and become ninjas. With weapons in their hands.

"I'm Maeve Satonaka. I deliver pizza," she says to Sassa as she evades an incoming dart with a lean to her left. "They call at three am, we deliver at three am. The speed scrolls save on petrol."

Which is when she breaks one of the guys' arms with a knee, frowning. "Thought I'd left these two behind on Elm. Thanks for slowing me down by the way, totally appreciated."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa returns the glare, a look she's also got down, a look that screams, /Child, I aint got time for you lip/ and speaks to someone very, very old and very much a motherly type. She watches Maeve look behind her and start getting in to a fight with, Ninjas? Really? Sigh..

    Sassa spins around, and watches, "Right, so..." pause, beat, "You're what....a Ninja?" she asks with a bit of a look on her face that just finds it hard to believe this young girl is a shinobi. Though, her disbelief is shattered when the girl actually gets into a fight and seems to do well. "Oh sure, you're quite welcome." Yeah, Sassa can be a passive aggressive bitch to.

Delivery Girl has posed:
Maeve's response to the question is to snort. "Ninjas don't exist," she says, as she gives her response to an incoming ninja sai-stab by catching it on her wrist bracer. "You watch too much tv, lady." A quick stomp takes out someone's knee and sends him falling off the side of the roof, as she squares off against the remaining one.

She glances back at Sassa over her shoulder and winks, then grins a little and adds, "You going to help or just sit there and admire the view?" Since she's doing so well, she's clearly got time to screw around a little. And the app on her phone says she's got nine whole minutes left on the delivery after all.

Which is when Sassa hears quiet footsteps coming up behind her. Apparently there's a reason she's being asked for help after all.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa sighs dejectedly and moves to the building to set the Pizzas down, gently. She rolls her eyes and retorts with an, "Uh huh.." keanu reeves style. She thumbs to the man that just went off the roof, "That one was just a cosplayer right? Which means I should arrest you for murder?" she knows BS when she smells it.

    To the second comment, another bit of snark, "I'd wager you're entirely fine. Seeing as you're in the middle of the fight and still being a smartass, I think you're ok, but if you insist..." and she sets down on the building and spins about to see Ninja number two. She smiles at him and waves, "Hey! Question..." pause, "Have you ever been to space?" which no doubt gets a rather confused response from the shinobi.

    "Oh? No? Allow me to show you what it looks like..." she adds as she blurs from her standing position to right infront of the man. She grabs him up and lifts him in to the air slightly, and with that, turns to face Maeve, "You. Stay. I've got questions.." and before Maeve can respond, Sassa litreally accelerates from a dead standstill and shoots skyward, with the man in two, no doubt screaming his little ninja head off.

Delivery Girl has posed:
The sigh that comes from Maeve is completely out of place in the current situation. "I've got to do my delivery," she whines as she puts her right hand on the rooftop and hooks an incoming arm behind her knee. Using the momentum of her body to add to the guy's own, she sends him off the side of the roof himself after caroming his head off the side of an air conditioning machine. Apparently her 'fighting style' is comfortable with using the environment as obstacles. Or blunt objects.

She rolls to her feet as she deals with that guy, looking for another, and lacking same she jogs directly toward her property. "Yoink," she says as she picks up the pizzas, not planning to hang about. Even if the lady is hawt. I mean, tips don't come if you're late after all.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sass's not gone for long, and is soon not only back, but she reaches out and grabs Maeve by the back and takes her airborne, with her. Yeah, she just got picked up by someone who can fly and who happens to have super strength, something to text friends about.

    "Yoink..." sassa throws in, with a huge smirk and a smartass grin. "So, I told you to stay put..." she adds pausing a moment, "You don't listen do you? Also, I wouldn't squirm if I were you, falls like this tend to hurt normal humans a lot. So, you tell me where to take you and we'll call the night square? Baring my questions...deal?"

Delivery Girl has posed:
The flight...that's new. Maeve is actually made to shut the hell up for five seconds by that one. I mean, she does start talking again and it sounds almost the same, but her eyes are wider and she's talking a bit faster than before.

"Oh sure, I mean, I've only got five minutes left to get it to here," she says as she shows Sassa the location on her app. It's even got a good GPS on it, showing them in the city as a dot. Moving quite quickly, apparently. She gulps a little, looking way down, and nods.

"I mean, sure, if you don't mind helping out a little like that, I think that's more than fair. So what's your name?" Yeah, totally nonchalant. She bought it.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa can't help but giggle as she holds on to the young woman with both arms. "Five minutes eh? You might want to hold on..." she says as she begins to accelerate to something around a hundred and fifty miles an hour, not to fast, but not slow as either.

    "Nope, don't mind at all.." she replies as she zooms them both that direction. "Sassa..." she replies plainly as they rather rapidly approach the destination. She eyes it, noting this was where the GPS said to go and decends to street level, landing with a light metal thud from her boots. "Here ya go..."

Delivery Girl has posed:
"Damn," Maeve says under her breath as she's set down. "Um, thanks? One sec." she adds, as she knocks on the destination's door. The guy opens the door, not wearing pants, and pays for the pizza. Small tip, and the money he gives is crap too.

When the door closes, Maeve turns back to Sassa and says, without preamble, "Yeah, that caps a lovely night. Barf. Look, what did you want to know? Keep in mind that my official stance is that ninjas aren't real and I'm just a delivery girl. Anything you see that disagrees with that statement was clearly just teenage angst in full funtime."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa also can't help but look a little, taken aback by the dude without pants that pays like crap. "Yeesh..." she blurts out, also a bit curious why he ignored the tall viking lady in armor, but, this is manhattan. She sighs again and folds her arms up, canting one hip to the side. "Uh huh..." is her next reply to Maeve, yet again in the immortal words of Neo. "Right, well, ya know what...I'm bored. Want to take a trip with me?" she asks as she looks straight up at the stars a moment and then back down to Maeve. Seems she's decided to just let the whole thing go, for now.

Delivery Girl has posed:
"Uuuummmmmm.....gonna have to pass," Maeve says, looking up. Not really sure if the guy that Sassa took up has landed yet. Or where he went. Or who this person actually is in the first place. "If you got a number I can text you sometime, but I'm not really high-profile enough to be hanging with anyone in armor. Draws too much attention, dig?" She blushes a bit at the offer, kind of impressed that she'd even be given the opportunity. And surprised that she's turning it down. "I should go. Thanks for the interesting night, Sassa."

But for once, she doesn't vanish into the darkness like a ninja. That's trademarked to that Bat team anyway. She has a bus pass for this kind of thing, personally.