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Latest revision as of 02:44, 11 November 2017

Log 3056
Date of Scene: 04 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beverly Lynn, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Pixie

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn kept her hands pressed against a stain of dried-up gunk, gooey form fizzling slightly as she tried to eat away at the stain with acid. "Come on, just...nngh, come OFF!" She appeared sunken up to her hips into the ground, with a large puddle of goop around her. Various bits of trash and litter were stuck inside her, and she looked noticeably chubbier than her usual self...if anyone had happened to see her before, that is. Metahumans always managed to appear in newspapers and TV, regardless of how quiet they tried to be.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Nice day, and Kae finds her self in this area, the woman casually walking across the bridge and all. She's wearing her normal outfit, her handy steam-punk leathers and such, her backpack, pocket watch, and of course for some reason she's carrying rather than riding a broom... Kae pauses at the edge of the bridge, the woman glancing out over it and looking the place over. Meanwhile a tiny metalic/crystaline looking brass dragon is sitting on Kae's shoulder like some kind of parrot, chirruping. The creature looks quite lifelike, well except for the eyes they're translucent smooth amethysts with internal faults and the like, just like any other highly polished smooth gem. Though they do appear a little 'wet' and all... Also the little purple gems at the points of the critters wings might also be a give away that the little cat-sized dragon is probably more than just a simple biologic...

Kae tilts her head and sighs "Yer getting real brave kiddo.. she pats the little dragon on the head, then rubs between its horns before looking out and over the bridge again, before blinking at a girl stuck in the ground? Well a blue goo girl thing? She watches curiously for now, not wanting to interrupt.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is out flying today. Dressed casually. Instead of going to Manhattan, she decides to visit Metropolis today, and ended up flying over to the park by the bridge. So, she ends up going by the bridge itself, and notices someone at work.

Dropping down to fly near Berly, she looks. "Hello. Is something wrong?" she'll just go ahead and ask, between the 'come off!' remarks and the well, sunken appearance.

Beverly Lynn has posed:
"Huh?" Bev looked up at the woman flying around on her broom. "-Yes-, something's wrong, this bridge is -filthy-!" she shouts, gesturing with an arm to the grimy underside of the bridge, before pressing both hands back onto the stain. She shifts her body weight onto her hands, hips seemingly lifting up through the floor, though the movement in the puddle around her suggests otherwise. Her hands squish into the stain at the force, but it slowly starts to dissolve.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and peers. She then umms "Yah it's a bridge?" She says and rubs at the back of her neck.. She glances around curiously and rubs at the back of her neck... "Most are filthy after being outside and stuff all this time." She adds before looking to Megan and tilting her head. "Soo how's it going? fancy seeing you out here?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn folds her arms across herself, and gestures with a fingertip. "But un, you're... sinking into the bridge?" she asks, uncertain about this whole thing. "Things outside do get dirty. If you relaly want to clean it, wouldnt' some sort of high pressure hose be better?" As for Kaelyn, she looks over and gives a tiny wave. "Hello. I'm just going out again today, but someplace different from usual. You?"

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn kept her hands pressed against the stain, and a few seconds later, it disappeared entirely. She exhaled sharply (does she even need to breathe?), before looking up to the newcomer. "It doesn't need to be -this- dirty! Look!" She reached a gooey hand into her gooey middle and pulled out a goo-filled tin can. "See? Why don't people just throw this stuff away?!" She tossed it back inside herself.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at Beverly and rubs at the back of her neck "Soo yer wanting to clean up litter?" She asks and tilts her head to the left. The woman glances around curiously again and hops up on her broom, kind of like one might a surf board, and now the broom hovers with the woman standing on it. She had just been walking normally. The broom then lowers her self where she can look around and she tilts her head curiously and hmmms... "Mayhapse can help.." she mutters... And she reaches into tha tsmall backpack of hers, clear up to her shoulder. There's really no way a backpack should be able to do this, least not a normal one.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hums a little. Still hovering off of the ground. Smiling, she nods "This seems like a very American point of view. Your whole country is so... new... that when things age, and gain character, you try to clean it off. It amazes me you haven't polished the Statue of Liberty yet."

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn rolled her eyes at Gwynn, but quickly turned to Kae as she offered to help. "Nononono!" She reforms her legs, lifting her up to her full height, and holds her hands out toward Kae. "No, this is my -job-, I get -paid- for this! And I have to wait to dissolve all this stuff--" She dips a finger into her chest, pointing at a banana peel. "--until I'm back at work, so my boss can see it and...y'know, make sure I'm doing my job." She paused, then, "If you, uh, find something, go ahead and just...toss it into me, alright? I won't be offended." She snickered. "Bev, by the way. Beverly Lynn."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers curiously "Noo aged copper is the way to go.." She says, stating about the statue of liberty.... She soon pulls out a handful of what appears to be some little spheres? Kae smiles and liberally tosses them on the ground, where they lift slightly, glow and suddenly a number of what look like mechanical, or clockwork ants appear. Kae smiles and says "Go gather trash..." She says cheerfully, "PUt htem in a pile umm oh.... there." She points, the ants look and set about picking up various well odds and ends and trash. These ants only being about 10 times larger than a regular ant, some maybe 1.5-2 inches long are seemingly able to pick up well lots of weight, one can even be seen returning with a toilet bowl, which is carried and then put into a pile...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn raises a brow at what Kaelyn is up to. "So, let me get this straight. We're gathering trash, to bring it here, so Beverly here can dissolve it... with chemicals?" Head tilting. "This doesn't seem like a particularly safe or wise thing to do at all. I'm Megan by the way."

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn shook her head again, then held up her hands. "Acid! I break it down and either absorb it, or spit it out and dispose of it properly." She paused, then, "Not, like, -actually- spitting, but--" She spotted the bug carrying the toilet bowl and frowned. "Who just tosses a toilet bowl off a bridge?!" Another pause. "No, no, who walks -down- to the beach, under the bridge, and gently -sets- a toilet bowl down without breaking it?!"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs slowly... "Mebbe it was washed up or something with a strong tide? I dunno...." She says and rubs at the back of her neck... And now two or three ants are teaming up to dig up well, half of an old rusted out car... Kae frowns and pouts "That woulda so been a nice car if it wasn't so completely gone..." Kae mutters and soon enough those ants are hauling the mostly pile of rust up to the pile... Meanwhile Kae grins at Megan "Well she wanted it cleaned up.. My clockworks are doing their job..."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and nods. "Oh I see, so we're not talking about dumping acid. We're talking about using acid someone already has..." She purses her lips and hums. "I'd fly over some stuff to you but um, I'm already going to be late... good luck with that." With a wave, she'll then fly off.

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn waved to Gwynn, then looked over to the car. "Oh, jeez. I...can't carry that. I'm gonna have to dissolve that and...uhm..." She sighed. "Great...Hey, can you get your bug things to start taking the car apart? The smaller the pieces, the better." She slid over to the toilet bowl and simply pooled around it, blue goo dripping down the porcelain and filling the bowl. She folded her arms with everything beneath them an amorphous mass) and simply waited.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks to Beverly curiously and tilts her head "Ya know I can just dispose of the bigger stuff, like that car frame there.. I might actually be able to use some magic to restore it.." Kae offers and grins a bit... "Less I miss my guess that's an old 1930's woodie frame there." she adds with a cheerful smile... "Anyhow, I can also give you an item that will allow you to break trash and stuff down oto their basic parts and such, basically turn it to dust, or ingot and the like..."

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn huffed. "No, no, it's fine. Boss wants to actually -see- the big parts. Take the frame, if you want, but leave the, uh, inner parts. The engine and...uh, horsepowers, or whatever." The toilet was rapidly dissolving, with more and more goo slowly piling around her.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers "but that's part of restoring a car? As I said, I can fix up this old thing with some magic." she says cheerfully. She then waves at the car and the thing vanishes.. A short while later a girl in a witch-like outfit appears nearby and pokes at Kae... Kae blinks and looks over "Yes Wendy?" Wendy crosses her arms and points out "Found another car?" Kae then nods.... "1931 Woodie..." she says matter of factly... Wendy stares a moment and sighs "Ok, more restorativge magic it is..>" She says and then dissapears.

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn eyed the exchange for a few long moments, then simply chuckled. "Magic, right..." A few seconds later, the toilet was mostly gone, with just a few large chunks of half-dissolved floating within her. Bev reformed her body, though she looked much chubbier than before, with a rounder belly and fuller figure. She set her hand on her stomach and let out a huff. "Porcelain never agreed with me...Urf."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at Beverly and shrugs slowly "Well aint wierer'n some of the things I've seen going on 'round here... I think the Darkseid invasion kind of was pretty crazy and I helped fight that off.." Kae adds and rubs the back of her neck, she then tugs a small rod or wand from her pocket... "Want this to help ya out?"

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn chewed(?) on her lower lip and glaced away. "Rrrright, I just kinda...hid out for a while, waited for things to die down." She slid over toward Kae and eyed the wand. "Huh? What's that do?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and shrugs as half an old dishwasher is brought out by one of the ants. Kae walks over and taps the trashed out junk once with the wand. Suddenly it basically crumbles into a few bits of steel ingots, aluminom ingots and copper ingots as well as a pile of plastic sand... Kae motions to the Ingots "Ya can sell those off as scrap or just reuse em.." Kae says with a grin.

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn 's eyes widen. "Woah. Okay, yeah." She slid over to the magically separated dishwasher and quickly gathers them up into her form. Again, it seems adding more mass to her body makes her plump up, and she's looking less and less chubby, and more -fat-. She looked down at herself and poked her stomach. "This is already, like...a full day's work for me, and it's been only a few -hours-..."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head curiously "You like dont have to dissolve it, if you break it down into its material components you can recycle the material and use it for something good..." she says and rubs at the back of her neck... "Anyhow yer welcome to the wand, and ya won't be able to dissolve it... magical stuff is rediculously resiliant...

Beverly Lynn has posed:
"I mean, I can sell it, sure. I'm just not good at -making- anything with...uh, junk." She eyed the wand for a moment and tilted her head. "I can just -have- it? You're sure? For free? A-Anything I should, uh, be worried about? Does it run out of magic, or something?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods "Yup, unless you can provide it and recharge it with some, has about 100 charges... 99 now, so save it for big stuff little stuff dont' worry about it." kae says with a big smile... "Keep in mind it's pretty limited to trash items and stuff... Oh and mass, the more mass the more charges it will use.... soo, if it's being used, like say this bridge? It won't work, but if you run across like an old microwae and the like, it'll work fine..." she then turns it over... "See the crystal here?" she says motioning to the blue crystal in the butt... "That'll get duller and turn more grey as you run out of charges."

Beverly Lynn has posed:
Beverly Lynn looks at the crystal. "Huh...Well, alright. Should we...continue, or...?" She brings a hand to her belly again. "I mean, I can hold in a lot of stuff, but, like, this is usually a full day's haul. Should I...uh, get more, or...?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "dunno, why not use the wand to break up the big stuff, then take it to the recycling?" she says cheerfully. "or let the ants pile everything up and then use the wand to break down the pile and take all of it to recycling?" she adds and grns a bit.. "Anyhow I must be off, I got things to take care of and all... You have a good day..."