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Latest revision as of 03:25, 11 November 2017

An Autumn Chill in the Air
Date of Scene: 06 November 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Flash, Emma Frost

Batman has posed:
    Wayne Tower dominates the Gotham skyline, standing tall and proud with its illuminated elevators drifting up and down along the sides of the brilliant testament to the power of capitalism. It is a focal point for the city, a place whose elegant 1950s art-deco ballroom is booked for years in advance and is rarely empty from one night to the next. So often is the place filled with Gotham's elite that the security contingent there is one of the most highly trained and talented set of individuals in the corporate world. Rarely do things get out of hand there, despite the impression some might have after the occasional televised bout with the Joker or the Riddler.
    Outside tonight, the line of limousines are long as they slowly crawl forwards disgorging their charges onto the crimson carpet that is lined with a pair of spotlights that shine up towards the heavens, then leads up into the beautifully decorated lobby. It's from there that the people who are tonight enjoying the charity ball are ushered towards that ballroom.
    Once within those party-goers will be witness to the transformation of the ball room. To see the 1800s style of decoration and garb that the people have adopted for this one night alone. Not a costume party, but instead a period dance akin to something out of the great Court of the Sun King in Versailles. People enter, most wearing white wigs of some kind, buckled shoes, elaborate gowns... and they are announced by a herald when they arrive. Some forego this indulgence. Bruce Wayne, however, is one of those that has their name announced rather loudly.
    And once done so he walks in, garbed period appropriately, and smiling to all of those who advance to greet him. Who are many.

Flash has posed:
As Barry walks into the place he is stopped by a man in a suit.. "Sir you can not come in here like that!" Barry wearing jeans, and a T-Shirt with a sports jacket over it looks like he just got out of work. Yes he works, and is proud of his job though he did forget to put his CCPD ID away as it it still hangs around his neck. Barry just smiles, "Hey listen I was invited.. something about reaching out to the forensic department crime lab" and shakes his head going to move further in before he is stopped again. "Sir... There is a required garb." stopping him by putting a hand on his shoulder. This turns Barry around though he is still smiling not seeming upset about it, or him at all taking it all in good spirits. "Listen G'eevs.. I am lucky I don't have my stained shirt on, and I don't look good in a wig.. Don't worry bout me I know rich people are like everyone else they may think they are special because of money, or influence.. But deep down they are just people who like to ignore what scares them, and focus on things they like.. It is all good I do that too.. at times." and chuckles. He slips him a single ten dollar bill, big money to Barry.. "Comon.. how bout you just let me pass."

This doesn't work as well as he had hopped as ten dollars here is nothing. There are a couple of large men heading his direction as he continues to 'discuss' this whole thing with the man who stopped him, as he is handed his money back like it is dirty or something. The whole time Barry just smiles, and deals with the man with jokes, and a patience even if he is insulted about his position, or income he still just shakes it off, and treats the man like he is an old friend that should just let him go into the party. He does't get upset, or rude only joking around at times with G'eevs as a pet-name for the man as he is surrounded by much larger individuals that don't look as happy as Barry himself.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma Frost received the invitation a few weeks ago and at first she planned on also blowing it off, but then then dealing with the Xavier folk and their ever changing attitude towards her has pushed her out of the Westchester abode. The White Queen finished all her paperwork early today and has spent most of the afternoon getting ready for the ball and going all out with the masquerade ball outfit and make up. She has the large white wig with the deepest curls but with twisted curls hanging low in front of her ears and down to her lace covered shoulders and chest. She wears a tight white corset with glittering golden accents flashing out from her hand stitched dress.

    Emma's limo pulls out of the older Wayne building and she is ushered out with a welcoming white gloved man harrolding her onto the red carpet. The mutant steps out, her hidden glass shoe protecting her feet as she steps out onto the carpet and does the normal thing of posing for pictures and kissing a few cheeks until she enters the actual ballroom and has to lift a hand to her chest to ease her caught breath.

    "Wayne, you certainly do go all out when you want." She whispers to no one as she begins to enter the hall alone and tall, her posture perfect and her dress, large.

Batman has posed:
    Even as those large men are encroaching on harshing poor Mr. Allen's groove, they do not seem inclined to make too much of a scene. Politeness is the watchword for the day and it is given to the young speedster in spades. It might almost seem like they're about to throw him out with a slightly less than polite method when the smooth smiling voice of Bruce Wayne is heard. "Barry, hey there. Of all the nights you accept my invitation you choose the night when we actually have a dress code. Come on,"
    As he says this he looks to the tall men who had come so close to being so terribly rude. Each one looks at the other, then back to Bruce Wayne, "Sorry, Mr. Wayne. We didn't know he was a friend of yours."
    "It's not a problem fellas," Bruce says as he lifts a hand to pat one on the arm, "I'll take it from here."
    hen he starts to move another direction with Barry in tow, smiling sidelong at the other man. "Everything alright or did you need something?" He asks as he walks along, smiling to people as they pass, pausing for a moment to press the flesh as he does make a rather dashing looking fellow in that long white coat and the white wig with the golden accessories.
    He stops outside a door that leads to a storage room, "Feel free to wander inside and get something to help you blend in if you want. Think the staff have some uniforms you can mish mash together."
    That said he smiles at the other man and steps back, "Come grab me when you get bored of the buffet. I need to go be a good host." And with that said he'll step back and away, walking across the room with an easy step. He'll pause long enough to liberate a glass of champagne from a passing waitress and steps back into the ebb and flow of the people there.
    It's while he is there, mingling, sharing a few smiles and a touch of laughter that he'll espy the herald from far off when Emma finally does make her entrance to the ballroom. If Bruce Wayne is presiding as the Sun King, then with Emma's arrival it seems almost s if she were the reigning Queen.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma ahems at the herrald, asking who's had the loudest announcement thus far before crossing her long gloved arms beneath her chest and tapping her unseet foot. Then she demands to be reannounced and done so even louder, "I'm here for more than just to be announced. I demand to be declaired." The woman responds after the announcement and she smiles. "Better."

    Emma steps fully into the main hall, her dress not really moving or wafting in any particular way due to the emmaculate scaffolding beneath keeping it as shapely as possibly though she does get a giggle that she keeps stifled at the idea of her rear being that huge. Those ice blue eyes of Frost's scan the room, looking for anyone to really mingle with, but she's finding it a mish mash room of more Gothamights that already dislike her for making her own name in Metropolis. Even the wealthy tend to think she's too snobby for her own good.

Flash has posed:
Barry turns, and wasn't going to create a scene even if he did get polietly shown where the door was he was really glad when Bruce spoke up. He chuckles a bit at the comment, "Hey I heard it was all you could eat, and I heard you might be interested in how the CCPD crime lab was working with High School science labs I couldn't pass it by." No such thing was said really, but it alowed Bruce an out, and it was a real thing that would make Bruce look all good guy like he figured it would work. He patted the big guys on the backs, "Hey no hard feelings right, I get you were just trying to do your job.. You were surprisingly poilte, and efficent." changing the subject he smiles at the large men trying to let them know there were no hard feelings.

He follows Bruce with a whistle looking around at the place and the people though when he talks it is low so not to be over heard, "Listen Bruce there is nothing wrong, my bowling... League wasn't doing justice.." and grined with a sighwards glance hopping he got the hint, but continued "May think some people are growing distant with their individual duties.. So I figured drop by and see if an old friend could use my help.. I don't mean to be a bother, but my friend is grumpy at night, and I figured this might be a better time." then he chuckles, and is lead to the storage room. Before the door is closed he chuckles again looking at all the stuff in here as his closet wasn't a quater of the size so no-where near as many clothes. "If I am a bother let me know.. I don't mean to get in your way just to check in, and maybe get some free food." and nods to him as Bruce heads back out.

The others might look at him as Broody or stand-offish, but Barry refused to let him get to him in suit or not he would treat Bruce like a friend as to him he did the work of ten of them, he had the right to be a little upset at times. This was before he turned and looked around the place he chuckled to himself.. "Oh I can work with this.."

Now no-one was looking, and after he checked for cameras which he didn't see he moved fast, very fast as clothes flew around in a whirl. That is before Barry stepped back out once again. He was in a suit, it was shinny, and purple so it took him a moment to find hidden deep in there. The pants he wore were dress-pants that seemed to fan out at the bottom. Over the shirt, he wore a dress jacket with the edges tilted back that seemed to have some kind of fur pattern on them. The wig he chose was black, and curley though he put it under a larged brim hat. Finally to finish the ensemble he had a cain, and a pair of black boots that made him stand a bit taller. While he fit into the looks of the others it was just bearly as he sauntered back out of the closet.. This was Barry fitting in as he looked like someone much more refined then he was, but he knew what it really looked like though he doubted many of them would. He chuckled to himself as he moved towards the buffet to fill-up on food glancing up at Emma as she entered.. He bearly fought back the urge to give out a whistle instead chewing down on some food like a starving man. His plate was almost spilling over with food, but he didn't seem to mind despite what the servers may think as he just munched down even though he was prob the skinniest person in here.

Batman has posed:
    New money never sits well with old money. There is always that resentment, that quiet judgement made on whomever has the gall to entertain the entrepreneurial spirit and be successful at it. A large number of the Gotham socialites will eye her askance as she passes into the crowd, moving with that casual grace that so many women and some men strive to capture. Some of those eyes are appreciative, appraising. But others are disapproving, for really isn't she just a jumped up lady from Massachusetts of all places? Or was it New Hampshire. Just as bad either way.