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Making Friends With Brownies 101
Date of Scene: 07 November 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Cindy and Megan meet in the rec room at Xavier's School and have a little chat over brownies.
Cast of Characters: Cindy Larsen, Pixie

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    It's Tuesday morning, and Cindy's in the rec room during her free period, sitting on the edge of the pool table. She lazily kicks her legs, and the tip of her tail flicks idly side to side by her feet. She's got a pan of brownies in her lap, and she's just finished scooping one out for another student before he heads off to class. She gives him a wave and then looks around the room to see if there's anybody else interested in a thick, chocolatey, fudgey brownie this morning. It doesn't appeal to everyone, of course, so there's not exactly a line in front of her just yet! As a handful of other people step into the room she smiles at them. "Anyone want a brownie?" she asks, "Made them just this morning!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is up early today again. Before noon. Having had something to eat, she floats out from the kitchen and wanders into the rec room to see what's going on, and kick back a bit.

"Brownies?" she asks with a sniff at the smell of them in the room. "Well those smell very nice."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy's ear twitches when Megan speaks to her, and she turns a bit to face the other girl with a broad smile. "Yep! Made them this morning with Professor O'Neal. Neither of us could sleep so we made brownies instead." She works one out of the pan with the spatula, holding it out to Megan. "You want one? They're really delicious! I've got to give them away or I'm gonna eat the entire pan by myself!" The leopardess grins again, her tail giving a playful swish across the pool table. Good thing no one's trying to play a game, she'd be doing ao good job of ruining it right now!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is not walking, is flying. But it's normal if you're used to seeing her around here. Snickering to herself, she smirks "There's a question I could ask, but my head tells me it could rub you the wrong way." Gladly taking the offered brownie, she sniffs it again and nods. "Thank you very much. So you made more than you could ever eat huh?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy has been living in the school long enough that she's gotten used to things like people floating, or turning transparent, or walking through walls or turning into statues or whatever their neat thing they can do is. Cindy, on the other hand, is just exceptionally fuzzy, though she's lucky enough that at least it looks cute on her. "If you're gonna ask me if I wore a hairnet, the answer is yes. Though I brush myself daily, to take care of any loose fur. Aaaand Ms. O'Neal did most of the work." She sticks her textured feline tongue out at Megan, though it's lighthearted enough in nature. "And no, I made -exactly- as many as I can eat, but I don't want to get fat, or be known around school as that girl who's power is eating an entire pan of brownies in one sitting." The leopardess giggles a little, and sets the pan aside on the table.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs softly. "Sorry, it was the first thought. Hair in food is a cliche, and it just came to mind." She then pauses. "How does... a hairnet work for you anyway?" She pauses to nibble on her brownie, taking her first taste.

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    "It doesn't," comes the simple answer from Cindy, "I mean, I keep myself brushed to minimized the shedding, but the hair on my head is only part of the problem." She leans on her hands a bit, sitting on the edge of the pool table still, and kicks her feet a little. "How is it? They tasted pretty good to me, but y'know, I'm biased." She smiles again, waiting with a curious gaze for Megan's answer. Thankfully, here's no fur in the brownies.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, as she herself decides to sit, planting her hip on the corner of the pool table, but making sure she's not eating over it, but rather over her head. "Oh it's very good, thank you very much." she smiles. "And of course you're biased. Even if you didn't do all the work. Was it your idea?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy rolls her shoulders in a shrug. "Kind of?" she says, a small grin on the leopardine girl's muzzle. Her ears flush a little on the insides, folding back a bit in an attempt to hide the faint blush. "I mean... I came up with the idea to get something chocolate. That, um, naturally led to brownies..." Another shy smile from Cindy finds her lower lip caught briefly in her teeth, a gesture which is made only more adorable by the pronounced fang that peeks over her lip. "I'm glad you like them, though. Oh! Um, my name is Cindy, by the way," she tacks on a little awkwardly, offering a hand to Megan.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is still perched on the corner of the pool table. Her hands are full, one with the brownie, the other catching the crumbs from the brownie, so the hand is met with a helpless shrug as she swallows, and smiles. "Hello Cindy, i'm Megan. I do like them, thank you again. So... you a student?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy gives a bit of an awkward giggle when she realizes her error in extending her hand. "Sorry, um. Yes, I am," she says, "I've... been living here for a couple years now, but... I've kept mostly to myself. You know, um..." Cindy shrugs again, and glances around the rec room at the few other students milling about. "I, uh, I've only just begun to get comfortable around here... You know... It takes some time, right?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, taking a moment to swallow again before grinning. "It's alright. That's pretty common here. People arrive, and have to adjust to a new life here, and then find their own footing. It's natural. And it's good you're proceeding. What class are you in?"

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy smiles, though still a bit shyly. "Oh, ah, I'm working my way through the regular high school curriculum," she admits, "I think I have, uh, history next." She looks up at the clock, chewing her lip a little. "In fact, I should probably be getting my things together for class. The period's almost over and I don't want to be late." Her tail gives another twitch, and the leopardess hops down off the pool table. "Um, help yourself to the brownies," she says with a smile, "I don't want them to go to waste!" She grabs another one for herself, in fact, taking a bite out of it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn finally finishes her brownie, hopping up from her spot on the pool table to find a napkin and brush off her hands over a trash can, and wiping them and her mouth. At that,s he then returns to Cindy. "I'm sure they won't go to waste. Enough students here... You should learn to make them on your own. Activities like that are fun."

Cindy Larsen has posed:
    Cindy nods her head and grins broadly. "Oh, that's the plan! I want to learn some more baking so I can make things like this from scratch myself. Besides, I think it would be nice to do big batches now and then, so I can make sure there's enough for everybody who wants them. This was just a kind of... late night something-to-do." She shrugs her shoulders again, and gives Megan a broad grin. "It was nice meeting you, Megan," she says, "I should get ready for class. I'll see you around!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn lifts her feet off of the ground and takes a seat again against the corner of the pool table, out of the way of anyone in case someone decides to start playing. Inobtrusive. "That sounds excellent. If my uh, mutation was different, I'd probably do something nice and safe myself. Good metting you Cindy, and good luck."